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The most dangerous and fatal effect of the rape activity is sexual transmitted disease (STD). This disease is transmitted during the raping process

ape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear. Rape cases are common nowadays. This issue is something that we should worry as it may happen to us, our family, relative, friends and community. What is actually the factor and effects of the rape in the aspect of health toward the perpetrator? That is one million questions that must be answered. First and foremost, one of the factors is psychological factor. The psychological factor can be related when the perpetrator under influence of drug and alcohol. This means that the perpetrator does not realize what that they actually doing. This is because they cant think properly at that time. Rape activity will bring negative effect toward the perpetrator and the victim. One of the effects is mental disorder toward the victim. The mental disorder caused by a sexual assault can be severe and long-lasting. The victim may be affected in many different ways.

as the rappers may already suffer the disease. He transmits the disease towards the victim. The examples of STD are HIV, Syphilis and Gonorrhoea. This disease will make perpetrator and the victim suffer for the rest of their life and the worst it will lead to death. In conclusion, the rape activity is highly related to the health issue. In order to produce a human capital that a free from rape culture, all parties must cooperate to overcome this serious problem.

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