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Review of website

My web site was all about digital footprint this means: A digital footprint is a trail left by interactions in a digital environment; including the usage of TV, mobile phone, internet and world wide web, mobile web and other devices and sensors. Digital footprints provide data on what has been performed in the digital environment; and are used in behavioural targeting, personalisation, targeted marketing, digital reputation, and other social media or social graphing services. In social media, a digital footprint is the size of a person's "online presence" measured by the number of individuals with whom they interact. In my web site y added lot of my understanding of digital footprint to start I aid how to get security in internet, just like in social networking (Facebook, twitter, etc.) so to get security the website you are visiting can not be manipulated by any one because this will not give fame to a website. This was all said in the first page of the website then once I did that we went to the second page were I explain why digital footprint was bad and some of its dangers it could do. To start this page I gave a image that was an example of bad digital footprint. Then I explain what makes a bad footprint; some examples were the bad security, cyber bulling, etc. to finish the last page tell us the opposite how to ge a better digital footprint. In this page I put that there were some important things to do so we had a good digital footprint oe of them was security and not giving to much personal info. For me my website had some success and also some failure.

Have some good points Some good images that help understand One of the image that I put in my website did not have nothing to do with the context More writing would be helpful.


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