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3. How should we manage the transport for this? please provide the step-by-step procedure starting from SPAU/SPDD.

U should consult your basis, u can create only one big transport or a transport for every object or group of objects. Anyway u should consider these transports have to be used to correct the quality e production system after implementing the patches there. patch your DEV system, then, run SPAU and SPDD and put all changed in 1 transpor t. release this transport. after, patch your QAS system and import the SPAU/SPDD transport. after, patch your PRD system and import the SPAU/SPDD transport. take note that you should only include this transport ONLY if you apply all supp ort packs using one queue. if you must use multiple queues, DO NOT include this transport in your support pack queue(s).

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