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Market Report

Winter Wheat, 12 Pro...........$7.87

Any Pro WW......................$7.07
Spring Wheat, 14 Pro ...........$7.87
Milo .......................................$6.59
Sunflower Seeds................$22.00
Pioneer review
Pioneer review
Includes Tax
A Publication of Ravellette Publications, Inc., Philip, South Dakota 57567. The Official Newspaper of Haakon County, South Dakota. Copyright 1981.
Number 23
Volume 107
January 31, 2013
Boys and
by Nancy Haigh
The life of James Scotty Philip
will soon hit the big screens in
Philip and Pierre, thanks to Justin
Private screenings for all area
residents and those involved with
the James Scotty Philip Memo-
rial Ride will be held in Pierre Sat-
urday, February 9 and in Philip at
the Gem Theatre Sunday, Febru-
ary 10 at 6:00 p.m.
Justin, a graduate of Midland
High School, Class of 1998, said he
had never heard of Scotty Philip
until Vince Bruce, of northeast
Haakon County contacted him.
Vince stated that the Verendrye
Museum in Ft. Pierre was wanting
someone to document the Scotty
Philip memorial ride between
Philip and Ft. Pierre.
Justin said it was clear he
needed to tackle this project after
some research and visiting with
John Duffy, vice president of the
Scottys story, however, was al-
most too good to be true, said
Justin. I felt like if I had pitched
this to a big-time producer, they
would have scoffed at the events
surrounding his life. I was simply
amazed that no one had told his
story on screen. I felt like I had
struck gold!
Researching and uncovering
archival photographs was one of
Justins favorite parts of the proj-
ect. He admitted that it was a time
consuming task, especially since he
had over 500 photos to edit. Being
a photographer, I understand the
power of a photograph and I placed
extra attention on selecting the im-
ages for the film. He whittled it
down to 131 photographs that ap-
pear in the film.
Justin said he and his editor,
Aaron Pendergast, spent a haunt-
ing amount of hours on the film.
The rough cut was over 90 min-
utes long, said Justin. They were
able to finally get it down to a run
time of 60 minutes. Trying to tell
a compelling story that would cap-
ture someones attention for 60
minutes was a challenge in itself,
he said. I take a lot of pride in sto-
rytelling, and I hope people enjoy
that aspect of the film.
Justin noted that his favorite
part of the film is when Scotty
brings all of his deceased children,
who had been buried in various
places, to his recently established
family plot north of Ft. Pierre. It
is the first section of the film where
we inserted music, and I will never
forget the emotion I felt when we
watched it for the first time. That
was the moment I began to believe
we had something to be proud of.
Justin said he believes he met
his high expectations for The Buf-
falo King. I have to give credit
though, to all those who donated
their time and talents to this proj-
ect. Without them it would have
been extremely hard to meet those
high expectations. William Ecker
composed the movie score, sound
mix was done by Broooke Saelens,
film narrator is Denielle Fisher
Johnson, the voice of William Tem-
ple Hornaday is Sonny Hutchison
and James Cuthill gives voice to
Sadly, I knew nothing of Scotty
Philip. I was never made aware of
his contributions to the buffalo,
that he was the name behind the
town of Philip, or any other of his
lifetime accomplishments, said
Justin. He hopes that he will be
able to get the opportunity to tell
more stories of South Dakota on
the big screen. South Dakota has
an abundance of stories that carry
both historical and educational
value. I want to lead the way in
telling these stories.
Justin is not new to the world of
film making. He was featured in
the Pioneer Review in 2005 for
10:15 Salem Park a film he and
a friend produced shortly after
graduating from college. He has
been working in Denver with tele-
vision production since 2008, prin-
cipally with High Noon Enter- tain-
ment and Great Divide Pictures.
Some of his work with Great Divide
Pictures include films for the U.S.
National Parks Service, which in-
clude numerous battlefield parks
and monuments and Petroglyph
National Monument.
The Buffalo King has been en-
tered in the Black Hills Film Festi-
val, scheduled for May 1-5 and the
South Dakota Film Festival, Sep-
tember 26-29. We want to submit
to film festivals all over the United
States and abroad, said Justin.
But there is no guarantee the
movie will be selected. A fee is
charged for many of the festivals
and Justin hopes to be able to raise
some funds to help cover those
I hope people walk away with a
sense of pride and wonderment,
said Justin of his film. Scotty is a
local hero, South Dakota hero, and
hopefully, a soon-to-be national
Koehler finishes The Buffalo King
Justin Koehler
by Del Bartels
The Philip Area chapter of AARP
and the Retired Teacher Associa-
tion joined with the Haakon
County Public Library, Monday,
January 28, to hold a community
discussion on country schools.
The AARP/RTA agenda was
quickly gone through to make time
for the anticipated discussion. Up-
keep of the Old Schoolhouse Park
is an ongoing project for the organ-
ization. Another project is in the
works for an upgrading of a shelter
at the Philip Masonic Cemetery to
house grave site information. Free
tax aid will be provided for all com-
munity members by Robert Mc-
Daniel every Tuesday, starting
February 5. This annual service,
after undergoing annual IRS train-
ing for him, includes e-filing for
The country school discussion
idea, which had originally started
out as a local book club project, has
grown from there, according to
Haakon County Public Library di-
rector Annie Brunskill. A humor-
ous excerpt of the book was read
aloud by discussion coordinator
Dorothy Liegle, a humanities
scholar from Pierre. A show of
hands told that almost the entire
audience had attended country
schools. About half a dozen had
taught in country schools. Some
memorabilia on display included a
teaching contract from 1951, for
$1,540 total for 10 months.
Vonda Hamill, current Haakon
School District school board mem-
ber, said that her first year of
teaching was for 11 students who
ranged from kindergarten through
eighth grade. She said that the
kids told her, Its okay, well help
you. She also said, I wouldnt have
made it without mentor teachers.
One of the handouts was a sam-
ple test, an eighth grade final
exam, from 1895. One question
was, Find the interest of $512.60
for eight months and 18 days at
seven percent. One essay ques-
tion, which expected correct use of
grammar, was, Name and de-
scribe the following: Monrovia,
Odessa, Denver, Manitoba, Hecla,
Yukon, St. Helena, Juan Fernan-
dez, Aspinwall and Orinoco.
Attendees related their memo-
ries of how their school day would
begin, what arts they studied,
their textbooks, their favorite sub-
ject of recess and how discipline
was handled. Discussion included
the training and requirements for
country school teachers. The Young
Citizens League was important in
teaching students how to run a
meeting, parliamentary procedure
and oratory contests. Sometimes
districts, and even entire counties,
would get together for activities
such as spelling bees.
Individuals told stories from
their school days. On display were
old photos of Haakon County
school houses with students posed
in front. Many are in need of some-
one naming at least some of the
students in the photos. Community
members are encouraged to bring
to the library their old photos, to be
scanned, reprinted and used for fu-
ture discussions.
There will be a follow up meeting
to further discuss and reminisce
Haakon County country schools. It
will immediately follow the next
AARP/RTA soup supper meeting,
Monday, February 25, at the Bad
River Senior Citizens Center,
Philip. All community members
are invited to both meetings.
AARP, library recall country schools
Above, attendees marked the exact location of where their
country school was. Shown are, from left, Herb Sieler, Betty
LaBeau and Barbara Kroetch. At right, Gloria French and
Thelma Heltzel check their memories of the country school
locations on a smaller table map of Haakon County, before
they went to the larger wall map. Photos by Del Bartels
by Del Bartels
A second meeting of Philip area
citizens and representatives from
the National Park Service gathered
Thursday, January 24, to further
plans toward eventual construction
of an initial trail project near or in
The Rivers, Trails and Conserva-
tion Assistance department is a di-
vision of the NPS. The RTCA will
assist in finding funds and experts
to blueprint and construct a trail
system for the Philip area. Any ini-
tial route can be expanded in the
future, even if the expansion is of a
different style or purpose.
This is your property, said out-
door recreation planner Karen An-
derson. Any public and private
land, or leases and right of way,
that might be used for a trail proj-
ect will remain in the control of the
community, not the NPS or any
other agency.
Kenny Points, RTCA intern will
be with the Philip project to its end.
Other experts, such as Anderson,
will offer their assistance as
needed. Points believes an initial
trail is a key start. Phase one; get
it in there, improve on it as time
goes, he said. People will start
using it, and it will get quite the
Photos of different Philip sites,
markers and locations were pro-
jected as attendees discussed dif-
ferent trail uses, materials and pri-
orities. Breaking into smaller
groups, individuals put forth their
dream trails and why they
wanted different aspects of these
no-holds-barred possibilities. The
small groups then tried to consoli-
date the reasons for the ultimate
trails, and limiting those aspira-
tions to a more workable phase
Many agreed that a trail to Lake
Waggoner would be great, but
Points summed it up in that it
would probably be a later phase
trail, mainly because of the dis-
tance from town to the lake. The
first phase will attempt to accom-
modate walkers, joggers and bicy-
clists on a no-steps route that can
initially be used by people of all
ages. It would be for fresh air, so-
cializing and exercise. It would get
trail users off of public roads and
away from traffic. It might have a
trail head as a point of reference.
More citizens are encouraged to
join in the planning stages of a trail
system in and around Philip. Rep-
resentatives of different clubs, or-
ganizations and businesses can re-
port on their groups wishes, and
can report back to that group. The
local contact for the trail project is
Trisha Larson at 685-9318.
Points will consolidate the dis-
cussion results of the smaller
groups and of the entire audience.
He said that this meeting was a
kind of feeler. Hopefully sometime
in March, he, other representatives
of the RTCA and Philip area people
can meet again. In the meantime,
locals can begin formalizing into a
steering committee, and, since
some funding can be applied for
only by the city, a city representa-
tive should be on that committee.
When a suggested phase one plan
is ready, then acquiring land, ease-
ments and funding can begin.
Philip trails project continues
Kenny Points, left, and Karen Anderson assisted in discussions of small groups
to record and incorporate the local residents main points concerning a phase
one trail in or around Philip. They work for the National Park Services Rivers,
Trails and Conservation Assistance branch, which will offer expertise in planning
a trail system and finding funding for it. Photo by Del Bartels
Nearly three people die each day
in the United States due to residen-
tial electrical related fires and ac-
cidental electrocutions. Too many
of these victims are children. In ad-
dition, workers younger than 25
have the highest rate of death from
electrical shock.
The South Dakota Rural Electri-
cal Association gave two electrical
safety demonstrations in conjunc-
tion with the Black Hills Stock
Show and Rodeo. The demonstra-
tions were Monday, January 28, in
the main arena of the Rushmore
Plaza Civic Center. These live pre-
sentations featured audience par-
ticipation and take-home materials
for students. They were presented
at no cost to participants or schools.
Students learned about electricity,
how to play it safe, and what hap-
pens when people come into contact
with high voltage lines. They ex-
plored electricity as an indispensa-
ble power source that is often taken
for granted and what dangers can
arise from weather, other emergen-
one person is saved because of
these efforts, the demonstrations
are worth it.
West Central Electric Co-op helps in
giving public safety demonstrations
cies, construc-
tion activities
and tampering
with electrical
devices. Safety
tips were given
on fallen wires,
working near
power lines,
fuses and cir-
cuit breakers,
and electrical
Joe Connot,
director of
member serv-
ices for West
Central Elec-
tric, said that
they do this
every year. No
matter if only
Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on any news
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The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
Opinion / Community
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 2
Pioneer review
Philip, SD U.S.P.S. 433-780
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of
Haakon County, the towns of Philip and Mid-
land, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Pioneer Review office is located at 221 E. Oak
Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516;
FAX: (605) 859-2410;
Copyrighted 1981: Ravellette Publications,
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DEADLINES: Display & Classified
Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
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Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Thursday: Mostly cloudy.
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WNW at 5 to 15 mph.
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
Trust can be a fragile commod-
ity. Take the cooking island in our
kitchen, for example. It looks nice
and solid just like the other
kitchen cupboards, but it has one
major difference in that its on
wheels. In other words, if you lean
against it too hard, its apt to move.
This can be unsettling. It might
mean you have to make some quick
adjustments to avoid falling on the
floor. Nasty. One eventually learns
not to trust the thing but probably
not until after youve had a few
tense moments.
Sometimes in this life, it is tricky
to decide what or who you can
trust. Do you, for instance, trust
your current car or pickup to al-
ways get you where you want to
go? Our vehicles, right now, appear
to be fairly trustworthy since they
arent terribly old and havent been
driven excessive miles. As you
know, any vehicle can turn obnox-
ious in the blink of an eye, but you
can often depend on those that
arent too ancient and have been
properly maintained.
I think of one vehicle I had,
though, that I shouldnt have
trusted as much as I did. One
evening I drove it at the speed
limit on the freeway for over a hun-
dred miles only to have the front
wheel fall off as I neared home.
When it dropped, I was barely
moving since I had slowed for a
sharp corner on our country roads.
It still gave me quite a jolt, espe-
cially when I considered what
might have happened had that
wheel gone when I was speeding
down those steep river hills on the
freeway. It didnt bear thinking
about. I was pleased to still be
moving and breathing.
Sometimes, too, Ive put faith in
certain people that didnt deserve
it. There was that one time some
years ago when I took in cattle for
a fellow who turned out to be very
difficult to deal with. Not only did
he hate to pay his bills, but he also
failed to move his cattle out at the
time we had previously agreed on.
It was with some relief when that
association was at last over. Since
then Ive been blessed with other
cattle deals that have worked out
well for all concerned, but such has
not always been the case. Maybe
Ive learned who to deal with and
who to leave strictly alone.
My good Samaritan complex has
also landed me in trouble a time or
three. One fellow I tried to help
many years ago ended up ripping
me off for several thousand dollars.
He took all my belongings of any
worth and pawned them. He also
depleted my bank account, which
wasnt very large at the time, by
forging my signature. After hed
run off with my assets and been
gone a while, he called one day and
wanted me to help him some more.
He was out of luck by then. Hed
given me a harsh lesson, but Id
learned through it, or at least I had
in his particular case. I dont mind
helping people but not when they
flat out steal from me.
Fortunately, my immediate fam-
ily has always been composed of
good people. Everyone makes mis-
takes, but that can be overlooked if
the intensions are honorable. I
wouldnt do any business with
some of my slightly more distant
relatives, but those closest to me
are fine. With those who have lived
or worked on the ranch, some have
been more competent and useful
than others, but weve had lots of
good guys helping us. None that I
know of have set out purposely to
defraud or harm us, and some have
been or are truly excellent fellows
to have around.
Heres a quote you might like.
Raisin cookies that look like
chocolate-chip cookies are the main
reason I have trust issues. Not
everything is what it seems. Its
not that I dont like raisin cookies,
its just that I like chocolate chip-
pers more and am disappointed
when finding Ive taken a raisin
thinking it was a chipper. The
same principle can have wider ap-
What else can we trust in? One
probably shouldnt put much hope
in winning the lottery as a means
of support. The odds are greatly
stacked against us there. How
about the government? Iffy, dont
you think? Some doctors and
lawyers are dependable. Others
not so much. I suppose well have
to just go along trying to put faith
in those people and things that de-
serve it as far as we can tell and
avoiding those that dont. We can
also trust God to help us know the
difference. After all, he is com-
pletely trustworthy, has our best
interests in mind, and has the
wherewithal and strength to see us
through. Its a very great blessing
to have him on our side.
LADIES PRAYER BREAKFAST will be held Monday, Febru-
ary 4, at 7:00 a.m. in the Senechal Apts. lobby, Philip. All ladies
day, February 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room at the hospi-
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
Silly geography ... by Del Bartels
South Dakota has a geographic names authority, the United States
has a board on geographic names, and more than 50 nations have
some type of national names authority.
Still, there are over 30 communities in the world called Alexandria.
Though there is a Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, Ohio and South
Dakota, its nothing to fight over. And if you run out of imagination,
just rename something old as being new, such as New England, New
Mexico or New Orleans. I should probably live in Bald Head, Maine,
or Hell, Mich., or Lizard Lick, N.C., or maybe Boring, Ore. A some-
what redundant place would be Townsville, S.C.
Some place names are just wrong, such as North in South Carolina,
or Flushing in New York. There is an Oddville in Kentucky and an
Odd in West Virginia. If you are drunk, dont try to tell the patrolman
that you are driving to Walla Walla, Wash. Did you know that Cali-
fornia is a town in Maryland?
Have Faith, Im picking on South Dakota towns, too, from Ab-
erdeen to Zell. If you like a little humor, you should live in Minnehaha
County. For a quick laugh, though, go to Rapid City. For visual slap-
stick, go to Sioux Falls. To be very Blunt, if the S.D. Geographic
Names Authority was doing its job in making sure no person or group
could take offense, why is there a Gayville, Fruitdale and Pollock?
Some places just have good taste, such as tea. For the nature lover,
visit Bison, Buffalo, Badger, Antelope, Little Eagle and White Horse.
You should be overjoyed that we have an Eureka! But, shouldnt Sum-
mit be in the Black Hills rather than on the plains? Isnt Toronto sup-
posed to be in Canada? Of course it is Goodwin, and a loss is bad.
Well, well, there is a town named Artesian. You shouldnt find Inte-
rior, Centerville or Midland near the states border. Some towns were
named just to sound good, such as Eden, Garden City, Goodwill and
Rich Land. At least two places were named so we could hear tourists
mispronounce them; Lead and Pierre. You should be able to stay
awake in Java.
The geographic names authority must not worry about theft, since
so many place names were stolen from other spots, such as Madison,
Harrisburg, Hartford, Salem, Arlington, Scotland, New Underwood,
Mount Vernon, Keystone, Hudson, Trent, Carthage, Sinai, Dallas,
Lebanon, Vienna and Naples.
South Dakota is very personal, as seen in all its first name places,
such as Philip, Brandon, Webster, Gregory, Leola, Florence, Ethan,
Madison, Marion, Irene, Henry, Gary, Bruce, Frederick, Spencer, Is-
abel, Harrold, Ashton, Hazel, Sherman, Lane, Raymond, Erwin, Mar-
vin, Virgil, Lily, Kyle, Allen, Marty and, of course, Lesterville.
Some places are obvious; such as Mound City and Twin Brooks.
And, yes, with my weird sense of humor, I should live in Kidder.
Since 1996, West Central Elec-
tric Cooperative, Inc., has joined
the South Dakota Rural Electric
Association in offering free tours of
Washington, D.C., to high school
West Central is again offering to
sponsor two high school juniors on
an all expense paid Rural Electric
Youth Tour to the nations capital.
West Central serves members in
the counties of Haakon, Jackson,
Jones, Lyman and Stanley.
Over the years, West Central has
sponsored 48 juniors. Some years
have included just one student,
while one year it sponsored seven.
Previous Philip High School young
adults who have taken advantage
of the Youth Tour include Kianna
Knutson 2011, Caleb Clements
2009, Grace Schnabel 2008,
Jamie Nickelson 2005, and
Chancie Smith 2003.
Eligibility for the trip is open to
all area high school juniors whose
parents or guardians are members
of West Central Electric. Interested
students will be chosen based on
submitted 500-word essays. This
years essay subject is What mo-
ment in American history do you
wish you had been a part of, and
what would you have contributed?
The essay deadline is February 13.
The tour itself will be from June
14 to June 20. There will be an ori-
entation meeting June 13 in Sioux
In the past, some students have
chosen to not apply, using the rea-
son that they did not want to miss
a week of their summer jobs. Joe
Connot, member services for West
Central Electric Cooperative Inc.,
argues that this is an opportunity
for a free trip to Washington, D.C.,
and, after high school graduation,
the students will probably work the
rest of their lives.
Nation wide and over the entire
year, over 1,500 high school juniors
and seniors experience the Rural
Electric Youth Tour. Though not
all South Dakota electric coopera-
tives participate, the S.D. Rural
Electric Association sends approx-
imately 30 juniors each year to
Washington. Some of the sites that
will be visited are the Lincoln Me-
morial, National Cathedral, Fords
Theater, Kennedy Center, the
Metro, Arlington National Ceme-
tery, Mount Vernon, Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier, the Smithson-
ian, Iwo Jima Statue, National
Archives, United States Supreme
Court and the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial. Students will partici-
pate in a breakfast briefing with
the South Dakota congressional
West Central funds the tour.
Participants are provided trans-
portation, room and board, enter-
tainment and sightseeing events.
Students are required to provide
their own personal spending
money, most likely for snacks and
Free West Central Electric tour
of Washington, D.C., for juniors
South Dakota legislators met
with district and state FFA officers
at the 2013 South Dakota FFA leg-
islative breakfast and district offi-
cer training hosted by the South
Dakota FFA Association, Wednes-
day and Thursday, January 23-24,
in Pierre.
The purpose of the event was to
promote the FFAs mission of pre-
mier leadership, personal growth
and career success by bringing to-
gether South Dakotas governmen-
tal leaders with leaders of the
South Dakota FFA.
The event was hosted by the
2012-2013 State FFA Officer
Team, including Taylor Leonhardt,
Groton, Andrew Rausch, Hoven,
Ashley Tonak, Willow Lake, Tyler
Swan, Newell, Kelli Garry, Lake
Preston, and Savanna Sperle,
Reva. S.D. FFA Ambassadors
Darin Stoecker, Hoven, and Liz
Dahl, Beresford, also assisted. The
state FFA officers conducted a
breakfast program focusing on the
three-part model of agriculture,
food and natural resources educa-
tion which includes classroom in-
struction, supervised agricultural
experience projects and FFA. Dis-
trict FFA officers and advisors vis-
ited one-on-one with legislators,
sharing how local agriculture edu-
cation programs and FFA provide
hands-on, career relevant experi-
ence for students.
The State FFA Officer Team held
leadership training workshops for
the district officers, which focused
on communication, personal devel-
opment, team growth, service, ca-
reer and technical education, and
agricultural advocacy. District offi-
cers also discovered what their role
is in the upcoming State FFA Con-
vention scheduled for April 14-16,
in Brookings.
The South Dakota FFA Legisla-
tive Breakfast and District Officer
Training has many sponsors, in-
cluding CHS Foundation and Farm
Credit Services of America.
South Dakota FFA Association hosts
legislative breakfast and training
From left: Tyler Swan, Newell state FFA treasurer, Nick Hamill, Philip District
5 FFA vice president, Senator Jim Bradford from legislative District 27, and Ryan
Van Tassel, Philip District 5 FFA sentinel. Courtesy photo
by David Bordewyk
S.D. Newspaper Association
High school football games under
Friday night lights and basketball
gyms jam-packed with fans are as
much a part of South Dakota as
coffee-shop talk about the weather
and crops. High school sports and
other interscholastic activities such
as drama and music events fuel in-
tense civic pride in our communi-
ties and schools.
The feats and accomplishments
of students on the field of competi-
tion or the performance stage are
celebrated by an entire community
of family, friends and school fans.
The hometown newspaper is
there as well, chronicling the
games and school activities. Cover-
ing local school sports and school
activities such as plays and con-
certs are a big part of what goes
into the local newspaper. The com-
munity expects it and a good news-
paper meets that expectation.
Technology today has allowed
newspapers to expand the tools
they use to cover high school sports
and events. Newspapers are going
beyond the traditional stories and
photos printed in the paper to inno-
vations such as broadcasting foot-
ball or basketball games over the
internet and updating readers
through social media tools. Readers
have come to expect that type of ex-
panded coverage and newspapers
of all sizes in South Dakota are de-
livering on those expectations.
All good, right? Yes, except that
some schools are now putting re-
strictions and limitations on how
the local news media can cover
their school sporting events and ac-
In Pierre, an exclusive contract
between the school and a local
radio station prohibits a competing
local radio station or the local
newspaper from broadcasting
Pierre school athletic events. How-
ever, the restrictions dont apply to
any out-of-town news media out-
In Sioux Falls, the public school
district sought to specifically pro-
hibit the local newspaper from
broadcasting high school football
and basketball games on the Inter-
Elsewhere, newspaper photogra-
phers are being unreasonably re-
stricted on how they can cover high
school competitions. Reporters are
limited on how they can use social
media such as Twitter and Face-
book to report live from a high
school game.
Schools offer a variety of reasons
for these restrictions. Mostly, it
boils down to money. Schools are
looking to make additional revenue
from the performances of students
on the field by placing restrictions
on how the local news media may
cover these events.
Incredible as it may sound, there
is a real trend toward more mone-
tization of high school sports.
That is why we are working for
passage of a bill in this legislative
session that would prohibit schools
from unreasonably restricting the
ability of local news media to do
their job. Senate Bill 119 would not
prohibit schools from generating
revenue through certain contracts
with media, so long as those con-
tracts do not restrict other media
from being able to do their job.
SB119 is not about creating any
special or new privilege for news
media in South Dakota. It only
tries to ensure the news media in
South Dakota can do what they
have always done when it comes to
reporting about high school sports
and activities.
Fans and supporters of high
school sports and activities expect
the local news media to be there,
creating a chronology and scrap-
book of memories and achieve-
ments through their stories, photos
and other media.
Urge your legislators to support
Senate Bill 119. Lets make sure
the hometown news media can con-
tinue to do their job and live up to
the expectations of their readers
and viewers. Nothing more, noth-
ing less.
Legislative bill bolsters news medias
ability to cover high school sports
by Dist. 27 Sen. Jim Bradford
Education continues to be the
dominant issue of our session. The
number of opt-outs now in effect is
alarming and proves that the state
continues to push the obligation to
fund our public schools to local tax-
payers. This school year 66 of our
151 public schools are currently in
an opt-out with many more dis-
tricts likely to try to pass one if the
state continues to underfund
The governors proposed budget
for kindergarten-12, brought forth
by the Department of Education to
Joint Appropriations this week, is
a request for a three percent in-
crease and would raise the funding
formula from $4,491 to $4,625 for
an increase of $134 per student.
(Inflation was actually 3.2 percent,
but the law says three percent or
the rate of inflation, whichever is
less). To put the amount in per-
spective, the 2008-09 per student
allocation was $4,642 so the FY14
amount is $17 less per student
than five years ago! We can and
must do better for our students.
Contact Bradford at 605-685-
4241 or
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 3
Rural Livin
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Why Not to Apply
Fungicides to Wheat
Over the past several years, fo-
liar fungicide application on dry
land wheat has gone from a rela-
tively rare practice to one that
many producers consider auto-
There have been positive yield
responses from many of these ap-
plications, and with wheat com-
manding competitive market
prices, often positive economic re-
turns. The fear of missing out on
these potential yield responses and
economic returns has undoubtedly
fueled much of the increase in fun-
gicide use. The question is, do fo-
liar fungicide applications on dry
land wheat always pay, and do
routine fungicide applications
cause any harm?
The answer to the first question
is relatively obvious, no; foliar fun-
gicide applications do not always
produce sufficient yield increases
to pay for the application. In fact
they can produce yield decreases.
There are three wheat growth
stages where foliar fungicides are
applied, tiller (typically with a
post-emerge herbicide applica-
tion), flag leaf emergence, and
Applications at the tillering
stage are only recommended if
wheat is planted into wheat
residue, and only if a post-emerge
herbicide application is planned. If
the crop is not planted into wheat
residue, the main pathogens of
concern, septoria leaf blotch and
tanspot, are not present in the
field at a level to likely pose a
major threat. Adding the fungicide
to the tank when making an herbi-
cide application makes the cost
minimal, increasing the likelihood
of an economic return. Research
trials have produced no yield re-
sponse or negative yield responses
as well as positive yield responses.
Yield response is highly dependent
on weather conditions following
the application, and typically
amounts to only a few Bu/A when
they occur.
Factors favoring a flag leaf ap-
plication are: disease is appearing
on flag-1 and/or flag-2, the variety
is susceptible to fungal diseases,
the crop has good yield potential,
wet weather is forecast, the mar-
ket price of wheat is high, and the
cost of the fungicide application is
low. Flowering time applications
are mainly justified if scab risk is
high, and do offer protection from
late-season rusts if they move up
from the south. Flag leaf and flow-
ering time fungicide applications
either involve aerial application, or
damaging a small percentage of
the crop if application is made by
ground equipment, both of which
amount to considerably more input
cost than a tillering application.
To be effective, tillering, flag
leaf and flowering time fungicide
applications all need to be made
before the infestation of disease
becomes severe. In order to make
good decisions, fields must be
scouted and the factors favoring a
yield response considered. If yield
potential is limited due to hail,
winterkill, bacterial or viral dis-
ease, drought or other reasons, the
potential return to a fungicide ap-
plication is reduced.
The question, can routine fungi-
cide applications cause harm is not
as obvious. There are beneficial
fungi present in any crop field as
well as harmful species. These
fungi can be helpful in feeding on
bacteria, aphids, and possibly
other harmful pests, and fungi-
cides will control them as well as
the harmful fungi. Each chemical
application that is made to a crop
weakens the protective layer of the
leaves, making the plant more sus-
ceptible to moisture stress and to
bacterial disease. Microbial activ-
ity in the soil is desirable, and
fungicides are known to reduce it.
Fungicide application decisions
should not be taken lightly.
1/31: PAT, 1:00 pm MST, Pen-
nington County Extension Center,
Rapid City
2/20: PAT, 1:00 pm MST, Wall
Community Center
Extension News
by Bob Fanning
Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
First National
Bank in Philip
859-2525 Philip, SD
Since 1906 Member FDIC
If youre READY for VACATION,
be sure to take your DEBIT CARD.
to carry than cash.
Yearling Hereford Bulls
Horned & Dehorned
Buy them now & I will keep them til May 15th.
Phone: (605) 837-2531
Buster Peterson Kadoka, SD
The senior division Hughes/Stanley County 4-H livestockology team took first
place team honors at the recent contest at the Black Hills Stock Show

Day. Back row are Mariah Kessler, Ft. Pierre, who placed first individually and
Chauncey Trapp, Midland. Front row are Jonalyn Beastrom, Pierre, and Haley Ket-
tler, Pierre, second place individual. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The senior division Haakon/Jackson County 4-H livestockology team took second
place team honors at the recent contest at the Black Hills Stock Show

Day. From left are Elle Moon, Creighton, Shaina Solon, Kadoka, Mackenzie Stilwell,
Kadoka, and Seth Haigh, Philip. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The junior division Hughes/Stanley County 4-H livestockology team took first place
team honors at the recent contest at the Black Hills Stock Show

Youth Day. From

left are Jacob Beastrom, Pierre, who was also first place individual, Emily Trapp,
Midland, and Will Kessler, Ft. Pierre, second place individual.
Photo by Nancy Haigh
Area youth excel at BHSS
livestockology contest
Two specialists from South Dakota State University Extension visited Philip to hold a food processing authority session, Fri-
day, January 25. Nine women participated in the hands-on lessons concerning canning jams using regular pectin and
liquid pectin, and using no sugar/low sugar. Jean Hegerfeld-Baker and Sharon Guthmiller, both food safety specialists, dis-
cussed PH testing of foods for acidity, heat preservation (the science of home food processing), and legislative requirements
for selling food at farmers markets. The four-hour session was held in the Family and Consumer Science room of the Philip
High School. Participants were Suzanne England, Beth Flom and Carolyn Manke, all of Midland, Peggy Martin, Philip, Donna
Adrian and Jeannine Woodward, both of White River, Misty Welter, Presho, Jewell Bork, Okaton, and Jeri Olson, Belle Fourche.
Shown in the left hand phota are Hegerfeld-Baker, left, and Martin. Shown in the right hand photo are, from left, Manke,
Flom and Guthmiller. Photos by Del Bartels
Preserving jams hands-on session
The city of Faith, area producers
and South Dakota State University
Extension invite you to attend the
36th annual Rancher's Forum and
second annual Pen of Three Bull
Showcase at the Faith sale barn,
Thursday, February 7, from 10:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The theme for the day is Health,
Nutrition and the Economics that
tie them together.
Adele Harty, SDSU Extension
cow/calf field specialist, will begin
the morning with a presentation on
alternative feed sources and the
considerations that need to be
made when including them in a
feeding program.
Gary Sides, nutritionist with
Pfizer Animal Health, will then
give a presentation on the relation-
ship between nutrition and im-
munology. He will focus on the fact
that it's not as simple as giving
calves a vaccination so they will be
able to fend off diseases. There are
many other factors, specifically nu-
trition, that play a role in the suc-
cess or failure of a vaccination pro-
To round out the program, Jack
Davis, SDSU Extension economics
field specialist, will tie it all to-
gether by talking about how the de-
cisions producers make affect their
bottom line. Strategic planning for
family farms and ranches as well
as financial analysis are major
areas of interest for Davis.
The other main event during the
day is the Pen of Three Bull Show-
case. This will be in the sale ring
from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. with
participants previewing bulls from
area producers. This is a non-com-
petitive show, just a chance for pro-
ducers and current or potential
customers to get together before
bull sale season hits full swing. If
you are interested in showing your
bulls in the Pen of Three Bull
Showcase, contact Ty Dieters at
There will be a trade show set up
as well as door prize drawings
throughout the day. The registra-
tion fee for the event is $10 per per-
son and preregistration by Febru-
ary 4 is strongly encouraged. To
preregister, call the city of Faith of-
fice at 605-967-2261. The meal is
sponsored by Pfizer Animal
Ranchers Forum and Pen of 3 Bull Showcase
The 61st annual South Dakota
Picnic will be held indoors on Sun-
day, February 24, at the Wood-
brook Estates Mobile Home Park
Recreation Center, 1510 Ariana
Street, Lakeland, Fla.
Please bring a large covered
casserole or hot dish, salad or
dessert to share, also plates and sil-
verware for your own family. Cof-
fee, iced tea and sodas will be fur-
nished. Lunch will be at 1:00 p.m.,
but feel free to come anytime after
11:30 to visit with fellow South
If you have any questions, please
call or email June Clark, president,
at 863-646-1131 or jjclark01@msn
.com, or Sue Kelly, secretary, at
941-792-8235 or suehkelly@veri- If you can attend, please
RSVP to Clark or Kelly.
Annual S.D. picnic in Florida
Cell: 605-441-2859 Res: 605-859-2875 Fax: 605-859-3278
520 E. Hwy. 14 PO Box 38
Philip, SD 57567
I can find
looking for!
David Burnett,
2001 Ford Taurus
V6 Auto Low Miles
Good Car
Jim Moriarty was recently cho-
sen as New Underwood Good
Samaritan Centers Resident of the
Week. Jim was born in New Under-
wood the day before World War II
His family story is quite interest-
ing. His father was born in Ireland
and came to the United States
around the age of 20. His father
lived in Chicago until he heard of a
train taking people to jobs in Cali-
fornia. Jims father then took that
train and got off in Philip. He
stayed there and got married and
had two boys.
Jim never married nor did he
have any children; however, he
loves his brothers family, including
all seven of his nieces and
Jim worked as a ranch hand, on
missile sites, at the Philip sale
barn and for all of his neighbors.
He has traveled all over the United
States. He has never flown in a
large airplane, but he used to ride
in a small two seated plane piloted
by a cousin.
The staff at the Good Samaritan
Center testify that Jim has a great
sense of humor and a positive out-
look. He always has a smile on his
face and never has a bad day. He is
full of drive and determination and
never gives up.
Moriarty is Good Sams
resident of the week
Hit & Miss
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 4
by Vivian Hansen
Elderly Meals
Thursday, Jan. 31: Chicken
Pasta, Pomodoro, Malibu Veggies,
Garlic Bread, Fruit.
Friday, Feb. 1: Baked Potato
Soup, Beef Noodle Soup, Cheddar
Garlic Biscuit, Fruit.
Monday, Feb. 4: Roast Beef,
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Corn,
Roll, Pineapple Tidbits.
Tuesday, Feb. 5: Steak Fingers,
Potato Wedges, Creamy Coleslaw,
Wednesday, Feb. 6: French
Dip, Minestrone Soup, Water-
Thursday, January 17, at Somer-
set Court, the bingo winners were
Irene Cox, twice, Marge Self, twice,
Addie Rorvig, Floy Olson, Marcella,
Jim Holton, and Marilyn Oyler.
For snack and chat, there were
strawberry cream cheese muffins.
Those flowers I mentioned on
Somerset Court third floor are
snapdragons, not sweet peas.
Friday, January 18, the Somer-
set Court bus took residents to the
visitation for Mary Klaucks hus-
January 17, 2013, Pioneer Re-
view arrived Thursday and as
usual I enjoyed the Grindstone
News, Betwixt Places, Midland
News, Milesville News and the
Moenville News. We now know
who was at whose house for Christ-
mas and how much snow fell
where. The Haakon County com-
missioners reorganized for 2013
with Steve Clements as chairman
and Tom Radway as vice chairman.
The Haakon County District 27-
1 Board of Education has be recog-
nized by the Associated School
Boards of South Dakota for dedi-
cated leadership in public educa-
tion and for improving the achieve-
ment of public school students.
Recently the Philip school board
received information about a three-
day course to help school personnel
recognize children who are at risk
for the effects of drugs and alcohol
and for several other problems
such as depression and academic
problems. Those who attend can
carry back their learnings to addi-
tional staff members.
My son, David K. Hansen, Ft.
Pierre, wrote a letter to the editor
of the Pioneer Review, in which he
renewed his subscription to the
newspaper, and commented that
the people of Ravellette Publica-
tions should take a bow. Their
newspapers are appreciated and
awaited not only West River, but
Friday, January 18, 2013, at
Somerset Court we had good fun
with hat day and liberal Somerset
bucks for those who wore hats.
Irene McKnight has a big Russian
fur hat, which she wore. She has a
little story she likes to tell about
that hat. It had been stored in a
hat box on a high shelf back at the
ranch, and she wanted it for Som-
erset Courts 1912 hat day. She
sent her grandson to get the hat,
and when he reached into the box,
he thought it was a live animal.
We had Wii bowling with scores
as follows: Jim Holmes, 156, Addie
Rorvig, 179, Eileen, 149, Irene
McKnight, 157, Fred Smith, 146,
Marge Self, 139, Irene Cox, 158,
and Mary Lou Peters, 76.
We had a fire drill, no problem,
many people were out and many of
us were in the activity garden and
we only needed to go to the dining
room for a while.
Agnes and Vivian had a game of
scrabble with our scores close to a
tie. Thank you for the chocolates,
Agnes. There was a table of rummi-
cube and a table of an unidentified
Several residents watched the
rerun of the movie, The Strange
Life of Timothy Green. I think the
lesson was that we need to accept
people, warts and all.
Marge Self and Marilyn Butts
got in a practice game of pool. Good
work, girls.
Thursday, there was good partic-
ipation on the Somerset Court bus
trip to the Open Bible lunch and
entertainment. The bus was full, so
Sandy sat on the steps.
Ken Monette had visitors Friday,
his granddaughter and her hus-
band, Amy and Jason Linton,
Austin, Texas. They were to spend
a few days with Ken.
Saturday, January 19, 2013, a
group of Somerset Court residents
attended the funeral for Mary
Klaucks husband, Bill. Some of
Marys family brought a card for
Somerset Court, and a beautiful
arrangement of flowers. I was first
acquainted with Mary about three
years ago when I first moved here.
We would get rides to Fairmont
Grand Manor where her husband
was and I had friends, Frances and
Saturday we had exercises with
bonus bucks for attendance. Thank
you for this activity, Susan. Then
we played a little quiddler until
lunch. Those playing were Addie
Rorvig, Marcella Kraft, Irene Cox,
Susan, Lucille Huether, and Vivian
Hansen. In the afternoon, Susan
gave us the activity of figurine
painting. Those participating were
Fred Smith, Marilyn Butts, Marge
Self, Eileen Tenold, Floy Olson and
Irene Cox. Maxine and Margaret
came to look on.
The Rapid City Journal on Fri-
day, January 19, had a big color
photo of my granddaughter, Sheri-
dan Hansen, at a church breakfast.
The church is at Hermosa, where
they have fresh baked cinnamon
rolls along with their morning serv-
My son, Wayne, and wife Gwynn
Hansen, Rancho Palos Verdes,
Calif., sent a pretty card from he
eastern Caribbean Sea. It has pho-
tos of several tropical flowers and
trees. I recognize the hibiscus and
the bird-of-paradise. They said it is
warm and beautiful there. Well it
is warm and beautiful in here at
Somerset Court, too! You wont
need your winter woolen sweaters.
The Philip, S.D., Pioneer Review,
January 17, 2012, had a thoughtful
article by Kindra Gordon, about
the value of tree lots. Trees are
windbreaks for cattle and can save
much feed because the animals
dont have to use as much feed for
body warmth.
Sunday, January 20, at Somer-
set Court, we had church with
Terry Pulse, and Ardyce, Steve and
Jack. Thank you all for being there.
Jacks prelude was God of Abra-
ham Praise. Steve offered a prayer
for Charlie Hathaway, who is usu-
ally at church, as Charlie is in the
hospital. We were to be thinking of
others at this time who could use a
prayer. There was some talk of fa-
vorite Bible verses, and Bill Lutz
recited John 3:16. and Terry came
up with, Jesus wept. Maybe
sometime, each one present can re-
cite a favorite verse. Mine would be
Solomon 23:6
After church, Shawn and Sandy
came in on their day off and gave
us a cheese and wine tasting party.
Thank you to our activity directors.
We had two kinds of non-alcoholic
wines and an assortment of crack-
ers and delicious cheeses. We also
had grapes and strawberries, hot
coffee and miniature butterfinger
candy bars. Father Dahms brought
around several amusing cartoons
about wine-tasting, and Shawns
boys, Jamie and Jeremy Hostutler,
entertained us with building
houses of cards.
Monday, January 21, 2013, at
Somerset Court, we had the activ-
ity of crafts with Amy. Thank you
to our volunteer, Amy. Sandy was
there to help too. We constructed
colorful figures in a St. Valentine
motif. Attending were Fred Smith,
Mildred Young and helper Kay,
Eileen Tenold, Mary Lou Peters,
Addie Rorvig, Marge Self, and Vi-
vian Hansen. Diane of the house-
keeping staff brought her six-year-
old, Neveah, to join the group. She
made a St. Valentine bear. Jeri and
Becky and Marcella looked on.
Amy has put out new word
searches. Find them in a rack on
the wall just north of the bulletin
board. Amy will check them and
award generous Somerset Court
bucks. After crafts, Mary Lou,
Sandy, Addie and Vivian played a
game of up-words. This game has
some of the aspects of scrabble.
However, the letters each have the
value of one. Points are accumu-
lated by changing words, by plac-
ing letters on top of one another.
They can go five high. As in scrab-
ble, words must spell both ways.
(Qu=one tile.) At the end of the
game, unused letters set the owner
back five points each.
Somerset Court now has a stair
chair, a piece of equipment to aid in
emergency evacuations. One adult
can operate the chair. It is very re-
assuring to us to have this latest
addition to our safety features. We
will be practicing stair climbing
January 30. We are hoping to facil-
itate the required practice evacua-
tions and accomplish them in a bet-
ter time frame.
My granddaughter, Crystal
Denke Jackson, Huntington Beach,
Calif., had written another of her
planting accounts. She has been re-
potting her amaryllis bulbs, two 14
inch pots full. (They bloom pink
and white stripes.) When she
turned the root ball out, she had to
pry them apart with a crowbar. She
now has two 18 inch pots with
eight bulbs each and two 14 inch
pots with eight bulbs each. The rest
had to go to the backyard. She has
three red cyclamens in pots and
some orange nasturtiums in bloom.
January 22, the Rapid City Jour-
nal had an article about using the
blue wood from pine trees damaged
by pine beetles. At the Custer
courthouse, local wood artist and
builder, Karl Svensson, has
thought of uses for the wood which
turns blue due to a fungus (fungus
harmless to humans). He made a
prototype of a pretty medallion to
be used as a fundraiser. Swensson
has made a line of the blue wood
picture frames for sale. And he is a
building an elaborate home near
Edgemont. The article by Frank
Carroll tells us that we will want
the items made of this beautiful
blue wood. A way to capitalize on
an otherwise severe disater.
My Somerset Court tablemate,
Irene McKnights, daughter, Gloria
Crumet, now lives in Sturgis. She
phoned Irene recently.
Somerset Court resident, Irene
Cox, had company at lunch Tues-
day, January 22, her sister, Mar
Larson, and friend Alice Richter,
both from New Underwood.
Myrna Pokorney had company at
lunch Tuesday, her daughter, Con-
nie Weiss, Black Hawk.
Tuesday bingo winners were
Alma Gruenig, Marge Self, Addie
Rorvig, twice, Irene Arbach, Mil-
dred Young, Marilyn Oyler, Mari-
lyn Butts. For snack and chat we
had fresh mozzarella cheese sticks
with hot coffee and ice water. We
had smores for dessert at supper.
We are completely spoiled.
January 23, 2013, at Somerset
Court, our activity directors
counted up our $20 Somerset bucks
and gave us the same value in
$100s and $1,000. Thank you. We
also had a pleasant activity called
show and tell and several residents
brought keepsakes and antiques.
Sara Lee Stark had several of her
beautifully embroidered items.
Anne Brink brought two eloquent
statuaries. One was a shoemaker,
reminiscent of her own father who
was a shoemaker. Agnes Tastad
brought a beautiful preserved big
butterfly from Madagascar, and an
inlaid teakwood tray. Marilyn
Oyler brought Lemuels U.S. Army
flag in its triangular box, along
with some of his Army photos.
Mary Lou Peters brought a gold
and silver jewelry pendant from
Norway which she had had for 50
years. Edna Wulff brought tin
types of her great-grandfather.
(Tin types are actually on thin
sheets of iron, not tin. Jim and
Eleanor Holmes brought framed
pictures of Cape Elizabeth, Maine,
lighthouse and one of Jim with a
son. Margaret (Lymam) Jacobs
brought some very good grade
school report cards. Vivian showed
her 1928 valentine and her music
box that plays, Mocking Bird Hill.
Wednesday we had good fun
with kazoos.
Wayne Hansen of California
phoned. He said that Marie
Hansen of Philip had passed away.
My sympathy to relatives and
Delores (ODea) Herscher died
recently. My sympathy to relatives
and friends. Her folks wer neigh-
bors of my folks. Also, Delores is
the sister of Mary (Mrs. Kenneth
Hansen). She was a cousin of my
brother-in-law, Walter Meyer. I
still owe Delores eight dollars for a
steak she bought for me when we
were down in Nebraska for Eric
Hansens wedding. A little memory
that goes with that trip is a lonely
little hemp plant in a churchyard
that we walked by.
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Cuds nu Ic nucd to.
P.O. Hox ?9U
PI, SD 5?5b?
Gem Theare
SS9-2000 - PbIIIp
February 1-2-3-4:
Parental Guidance
Sunday, Feb. 3, movie
will show at Noon
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 12:00 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
by Norris W. Preston
past national vice-commander
the American Legion
February 3, will make the his-
toric 70th anniversary of the sink-
ing of the United States Army
Transport Dorchester and the leg-
endary acts of selflessness of four
Army chaplains who were aboard.
Four Chaplains Day, as Con-
gress has declared the date, honors
the four chaplains who went down
with their ship, as they gave their
life jackets to other passengers.
Legion posts nationwide are en-
couraged to commemorate the an-
niversary each February. This
year, memorial services will be
held on February 3. Posts inter-
ested in conducting their own serv-
ices on the date should email the
Legions Americanism and Chil-
dren and Youth Division at acy@le- for information on arrang-
ing a memorial service.
The Four Chaplains, sometimes
called the Immortal Chaplains,
were men from four different reli-
gions who sacrificed their lives for
men of all faiths. In the 70 years
since the incident, Methodist min-
ister George L. Fox, Reformed
Church in America minister Clark
V. Poling, Roman Catholic priest
John P. Washington, and Rabbi
Alexander B. Goode have been im-
mortalized with commemorative
postage stamps, a Congressionally
recognized anniversary and nu-
merous re-telling of their heroics.
Three years ago, the American
Legion Magazine published a de-
tailed account of the events of Feb-
ruary 3, 1943, the date that the
USAT Dorchester was scuttled by
a German U-boat.
Of Interest
to Veterans
In honor of
Erica Williams
35th Birthday
on January 30th,
please join
us in a
Card Shower!
Cards may be sent to Erica at:
PO Box 74, Philip, SD 57567
Ainsley Marie
Daughter of Darin & Leah Ries, Pierre
Born: August 27, 2012
8 lbs., 6 oz. 19 long
Big Brother: Deacon
Proud Grandparents
Maternal Grandparents:
Glen & Jackie Radway, Milesville
Maternal Great-Grandmother:
Mildred Radway, Philip
Paternal Grandparents:
Dennis & Lois Ries, Pierre
Paternal Great-Grandparents:
Donald & Armella Ries, Watertown
Church & Community Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 5
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m. (Feb., April, June, Aug.,
Oct., Dec.)
Sun day Mass: 11:00 a.m. (Jan., Mar., May, July,
Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting
monthly. One meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other
meets on the second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at
the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru
Feb.); 6:30 p.m. (Mar. - Oct.)
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services:
1:00 p.m.
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30
Womens Ministries: 2nd
Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-
Sunday Worship: 10:00
a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m.
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 7:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Pastor Kathy Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
Do you sense God is displeased with your actions? Do
you Ieel you`ve sinned too much to be oI any good to
Him? Go in a diIIerent direction. Seek a new path. He
loves you, and He will Iorgive you.
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us. Psalm 103.12 (KJJ)
This space for rent! Call
859-2516 to have your
message placed here!
for obituaries, wedding or
engagement write-ups!
Send to:
James Dennis Jim Hewitt, Sr._____________________
James Dennis Jim Hewitt, Sr.,
age 74, of Philip, S.D., died Thurs-
day, January 24, 2013, at the Hans
P. Peterson Memorial Hospital in
James Dennis Jim Hewitt, Sr.
was born on March 18, 1938 in
Valentine, Neb., to Hazel Ellen
(Thomas) and L.H. Hewitt. Jim
went to country school north of
Valentine, his first seven years. He
attended eighth grade in Phoenix,
Ariz., after which he returned
home and attended Valentine
High School, graduating in 1956.
After graduation, he attended one
year of college at the University of
Nebraska in Lincoln and then re-
turned home to help his mother
run the two ranches after the
death of his father.
He married his high school
sweetheart, Jan Vanderheiden, in
1958 and moved to the Philip
ranch. To this union were born
three children, Tamera, James
Dennis, Jr. J.D. and Scott.
Jim was a rancher all his life
and gained a great deal of knowl-
edge from older mentors in the
Philip area. He developed a keen
knowledge of cattle that was
passed on to his sons and grand-
During his adult years, he was a
member of the First Presbyterian
Church in Philip, the South
Dakota Stockgrowers, also serving
on the S.D. Brand Board, Past
Master of Philip Lodge #153 AF &
AM, Royal Arch Masons & Yank-
ton Consistory, Past Patron of the
Order of the Eastern Star #100 in
Philip, Philip Jaycees, and the
Elks Club in Pierre. Jim served as
a Haakon County School Board
member and a state committee-
man of Haakon County Republi-
Grateful for having shared his
life are his wife, Jan, of 54 years;
three children, Tamera (Steve)
Stickler, Omaha, Neb., J.D. (Julie)
Hewitt, Piedmont, and Scott (Ann)
Hewitt, Long Beach, Calif.; nine
grandchildren, Stephanie, Bran-
dea, Kara and Jennifer Stickler,
Omaha, Neb., Tyson (Shiloh) He-
witt, Opal, Tanner (Lacey) Hewitt,
Sheridan, Wyo., Audra Hewitt,
Belle Fourche, Caleb Hewitt,
Omaha, Neb., and Nathan Hewitt,
Long Beach, Calif.; four great-
granddaughters, Adessa Jade,
Jalee Teal, Samera Jo and Allie
Grace Hewitt, Opal; two sisters,
Betty (Jack) Carr of White River
and Margie Cunningham of Den-
ver, Colo.; one brother-in-law, Jim
(Cheryl) Vanderheiden of
Rochester, Minn.; several nieces
and nephews; and a host of other
relatives and friends.
Jim was preceded in death by
his parents, L.H. and Hazel He-
witt; his father and mother-in-law,
S.T. and Hermina Vanderheiden;
a sister, Marie Lovejoy; three
brothers-in-law, Irish Lovejoy and
Don and Tom Vanderheiden; and
a sister-in-law, Donna Vanderhei-
Services were held Monday,
January 28, at the United Church
in Philip with Pastor Kathy Ches-
ney officiating. Graveside services
were held Monday at Mt. Hope
Cemetery in Valentine, Neb.
Music was provided by Barb
Bowen, pianist, and Tim Vander-
heiden, vocalist.
Ushers were Martie Ryno, Jay
Lovejoy and Jack Hansen.
Pallbearers were J.D., Scott,
Tyson, Tanner, Caleb and Nathan
Hewitt, Steve Stickler, Alan
Aanerud and Alex Morton.
Honorary pallbearers were
Stephanie, Brandea, Kara and
Jennifer Stickler and Audra He-
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
His online guestbook is available
Marie Hansen__________________________________
Marie Hansen, age 95, of Philip,
S.D., died Wednesday, January 23,
2013, at the Philip Nursing Home.
Marie Gladys Plasschaert was
born May 22, 1917, at Lucerne, the
daughter of Richard and Pauline
(Lee) Plasschaert. She grew up in
the area and received her educa-
tion at the Lucerne Rural School.
She then attended Philip High
Marie was united in marriage to
Wallace E. Bud Hansen on April
10, 1934, in Kadoka. They made
their home on his parents home-
stead 26 miles northeast of Philip.
They continued to operate the
ranch until retiring in 1967 and
leasing the ranch out. They re-
mained at the ranch during the
summer months and operated an
antique business and the winter
months were spent traveling
throughout the United States and
Bud became ill in July 1985, and
they decided to build their home
and move into Philip. Bud pre-
ceded her in death on October 21,
1985. Marie continued to reside at
her home in Philip until moving
into the Philip Nursing Home after
suffering a stroke in August 2009.
During her lifetime, Marie played
for numerous dances, starting at
the age of 10. She enjoyed playing
in the Philip 5 Band for many
Survivors include three sons,
Jack Hansen of Philip, Darryl
Hansen and his wife, Kaye, of
Stockton, Calif., and Bob Hansen
and his wife, LaVonne, of Howes;
three daughters, Shirley Raue of
Pierre, Paula Poss and her hus-
band, Bill, of Perris, Calif., and
Charlene Chuckie Reed and her
husband, Sonny, of Pierre; 27
grandchildren; numerous great-
grandchildren and great-great-
grandchildren; one sister, Rosie
Lejeune, of Philip; a daughter-in-
law, Sandy Hansen, of Winner; a
son-in-law, Bob Neville, of Philip;
and host of other relatives and
In addition to her husband, Bud,
Marie was preceded in death by
two sons, Richard Zip Hansen
and Gene Hansen; one daughter,
Arlys Neville; one granddaughter,
Marilyn Neville; one grandson,
Billy Joe Poss; two grandchildren
in infancy; and a great-grandchild
in infancy; her brother, Richard
Plasschaert; a son-in-law, Fred
Raue; a daughter-in-law, Donna
Hansen; and her parents.
Services were held Tuesday,
January 29, at the American Le-
gion Hall in Philip, with Pastor
Kathy Chesney officiating.
Music was provided by Memory
Neville, pianist. Eulogy was given
by Dylan Peck. Ushers were Jim
Humphrey and Eric Hansen.
Pallbearers were Jesse, Marty,
Todd, Doug and Dennis Hansen,
Kenny, Bobby Gene and Randy
Neville, Cam and Stan Reed,
Mike, David and Scott Raue, and
Tim and Doug Poss.
Interment was at the Masonic
Cemetery in Philip.
A memorial has been estab-
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at www.rushfuneralhome.
John McInnis__________________________________
John McInnis, age 67, of Pierre,
S.D., died Tuesday, January 22,
2013, at the Ft. Meade VA Hospi-
John Marshall McInnis was
born February 25, 1945, in Med-
ford, Minn., the youngest of nine
children born to Alpine and Orma
(Hanson) McInnis. At a young age,
his family moved to Pierre, where
he grew up and received his educa-
tion. John graduated from Pierre
High School in 1965, and immedi-
ately joined the U.S. Navy.
John proudly served 25 years in
the Navy before retiring in 1990.
After his honorable discharge,
John returned to Pierre where he
has since resided.
While in Pierre, John worked at
Sooper Dooper and Dakota Mart,
as well as EconoFoods. He was a
member of the VFW, 40 and 8,
American Legion, and the Dis-
abled American Veterans, where
he served as commander.
Survivors include two brothers,
Robert McInnis and his wife, Beth,
of Mesa, Ariz., and Patrick McIn-
nis of Pierre; two sisters, Marie
Lamm of Philip and Darlene Treib
and her husband, Sam, of Orofino,
Idaho; numerous nieces and
nephews; and a host of other rela-
tives and friends.
John was preceded in death by
his mother, Orma McInnis; his fa-
ther, Alpine McInnis; two sisters,
LaVonne McInnis as a child and
Lillian Reimer; and two brothers,
Albert and Dale McInnis.
Mass of Christian burial was
celebrated Saturday, January 26,
at the Maryhouse in Pierre, with
Father Mark McCormick as cele-
Music was provided by Mari-
anne Frein, pianist, and Joe and
Kathy Gittings, vocalists. Lector
was Lloyd Frein. Pallbearers were
Jay and John Gittings, Gary
Stahlecker, John Burrows, Greg
Hall and Gary D. Jensen.
Interment with military honors
followed at the Riverside Cemetery
of Pierre.
A memorial has been estab-
lished to the Countryside Hospice
of Pierre.
Arrangements were with the
Rush Funeral Home of Philip.
His online guestbook is available
Mary E. Perryman______________________________
Mary Elaine Perryman, age 79,
of Sioux Falls, S.D., passed away
Sunday, January 27, 2013.
Mary Elaine Hand, daughter of
Percy and Celeste (Boysen) Hand,
was born September 6, 1933, in
Midland. She grew up in that area,
graduating from high school in
1951. She married Ben Ahrendt
and the couple settled near Murdo.
Mary later moved to Onida where
she was the clerk of courts in Sully
County. While in Onida, Mary was
active in the American Legion
Auxiliary. In 1975, she moved to
Sioux Falls and began working for
Automotive Supply.
On January 17, 1976, she was
united in marriage to Rex Perry-
man in Sioux Falls. Mary later
worked as a bookkeeper for
Reynolds Construction for 15
years, retiring in 2003.
Rex preceded her in death on
August 12, 2003. Mary enjoyed an-
tiquing and oil painting. Always a
farm girl at heart, she also loved to
Grateful for having shared her
life are her children, Randy (Anita)
Ahrendt, Sandi (Dave) Beckman,
all of Sioux Falls, Percy (Diane)
Ahrendt, Spearfish, and Ben
(Roberta) Ahrendt, Sioux Falls; a
son-in-law, Scott Tillema; step-
daughters, Kristen (Paul) Albers
and Karen (Dan) Peterson, all of
Sioux Falls; two brothers, Tom
(Lani) Hand and Dave (Laura)
Hand, all of Midland; and a sister,
Kathi Hand, Kennewick, Wash.;
12 grandchildren and three great-
She was preceded in death by
her parents; her husband, Rex, a
granddaughter, Kelly; and a great-
granddaughter, Jaycee.
Services were held Wednesday,
January 30, at Miller West Fu-
neral Chapel in Sioux Falls with
the Reverend Bob Rudebush offici-
Interment was at the Hurley
City Cemetery.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 6
Contact Sonia Nemec 843-2564
Midland News
Notify us before your move: 859-2516
The Pioneer Review Philip, SD
continued on page 12
While sitting at my computer
this Monday morning, snow is
softly coming down. If it continues
like this throughout the night we
will have some measurable snow
by morning. Being a wet snow it is
covering the trees and the earth
with a blanket of snow. Have you
noticed how a snow such as this
seems to put a hush over the earth?
Its a good day for book reading,
dont you think? The ladies at the
book store in Pierre are just plain
helpful, as they broaden my hori-
zons to books, by authors, I have
not heard of before. I am presently
reading, The Amethyst Heart by
Penelope J. Stokes. Oh, what a
good book! One of those books that
is hard to put down, as it takes you
on life changing journeys of folks,
who take hold of your heart.
In reading the Blast from the
Past column in last weeks Pioneer
Review, I found a part in the 75
years ago section, an interesting
read. It told of Harry C. Schofield
being the winner in the statewide
rattlesnake killing contest. His
winning total was 324 rattles; the
rattles were given to the state
game and fish department in
Pierre. Now, I didnt know Harry
Schofield personally, but I do know
many of his family members. Just
between you and me, I would not
care to hunt rattlesnakes, the fur-
ther I am from them the better.
Emily Rose Gertie, just received
a very outstanding award from her
school. Emily is the daughter of Tr-
isha (Anderson) and Cary Gertie,
and the granddaughter of Tina
(Fosheim) Haug of Colorado and
George Anderson, Midland, and re-
cently received an award at her
school. She attends Singing Hills
Elementary School which has 450
students enrolled near Parker,
Emily was the first person in
her school to get 100 pawsitives
which are: 1) Positive Attitude 2)
Acting Responsible 3) Willing to
Learn and 4) Safe Choices. To ac-
knowledge this, the school has
placed her name up in lights on a
marquee in front of the school for a
week. Congratulations, Emily!
Emily has a whole lot of relatives
in this area and her mom, Trisha,
went to the Midland school for a
time. Thank you to grandma Tina,
who graduated from Midland High
School, for sending me this infor-
Karel Reiman headed for Man-
dan, N.D. a week ago Friday to the
home of her son, Steve Reiman,
having a chance to visit with Steve
and his two kids, 11-year-old
Patrick and eight-year-old Becca.
Friday, Steve, Becca and grandma
Karel went to watch the Boy Scouts
derby race car event of which
Patrick was a part of. The Boy
Scouts were previously given a kit
which they were to use in the mak-
ing of a small wooden race car
derby. The kids had a great time
and parents and grandparents en-
joyed it as well. Saturday, Becca
took part in a girls basketball
game of which Steve, Patrick and
grandma Karel were there to cheer
her on. At home, Karel and her
grandkids enjoyed doing some sci-
ence experiments from a kit the
kids had gotten at Christmas. Sun-
day it was church and Sunday
school, some more time of visiting,
and then Monday morning, Karel
headed for home after an enjoyable
time spent with family.
Debbie Trapp, Chauncey and
Emily, headed for Rapid City Fri-
day evening as the kids were tak-
ing part in a 4-H livestock judging
event early Saturday morning.
Chauncey and Emily are members
of a 4-H club in Pierre. The 4-H
group is to judge the quality and
etc. of livestock and take a written
test, as well. Chaunceys group and
Emilys group received first in the
judging contest. Congratulations,
Arline Petoske has been moved
from the Silverleaf Assisted Living
in Philip to the Philip Nursing
Home. So, if you have a chance,
stop in for a visit. She misses her
friends at the Silverleaf.
Lifes journey has changes and
adjustments that is a fact.
Sunday, Cass Finn, son of Shad
and Jenna Finn, celebrated his
eighth birthday with a party at the
home of his folks with dinner, cake
and ice cream and the fun of open-
ing birthday presents. Those there
to enjoy the party with Cass were
his parents, Shad and Jenna, and
brother Cole, grandpa and
grandma, Gene and Theresa
Deuchar, grandpa and grandma,
Danny and Deanna Finn, aunts
and uncles, Keith and Cheryl
Harry and Shane and Melissa
Finn, Kahler and Abby. Happy
birthday, Cass!
Midland students, combined
with students from Long Valley,
had a fifth and sixth grade basket-
ball game Friday night at Midland,
in which they played kids from
Murdo. Some of the Midland kids
taking part were Kash and Kaelan
Block and Branden McLaughlin.
Kids have so much fun at that age
and are fun to watch as they work
to get that ball down the floor and
go up for a basket.
I was sorry to hear my aunt, Ida
Hunt, is not doing well. Keith
Hunt, Christine Niedan and Teresa
Palmer visited their mom Satur-
day. Roy and Carol Hunt went to
see her Sunday. Jan Tolton and
Michelle Meinzer work at the nurs-
ing home, so see their mom often.
Memories of Ida go back a long
ways. And just between you and
me, Ida is the reason I am now
writing the Midland News. She
talked me into it. Some days I
thank her for the opportunity and
other days I am thinking, Okay
Ida, what have you gotten me
into? Praying for Gods comfort for
Ida, as her lifes journey, for now, is
not easy!
Our daughter-in-law, Stephanie
Nemec, got word that her
grandma, her dads mom, had
passed away. Stephanie shared
having good memories of her
grandma. Was sorry she never got
to meet little Laura. But, thanks to
modern technology, her grandma
got to see videos Stephanie had
taken of Laura, sending them over
the Internet. The most recent was
of Laura crawling and jabbering
away. Her grandma had com-
mented on how happy she was to
see that video. Stephanie said her
grandma was 87 and was able to
live her life in her own home. That
is a wonderful thing and as
Stephanie said, her grandma is
now in a better place. Stephanies
mom, and her other grandma, are
coming from Germany to spend
time with Stephanie, Christopher
and Laura the later part of April
and early May.
Family got word that Mary
(Hand) Prerryman of Sioux Falls
passed away January 27, 2013.
Ivan Schanzenbach and I were vis-
iting about Mary by phone last
night. Mary, and Ivans sister,
Joan, were friends, were class-
mates, both graduating from Mid-
land High School in 1951. I remem-
ber Marys parents, Percy and Ce-
leste Hand. Percy had this ready
laugh and Celeste was a 4-H leader
for many of us country kids. I re-
member of my uncle John
Schanzenbach, Percy and Pete Fos-
heim driving to the mailbox in the
country where they each got their
mail. It was there at Kellers Cor-
ner, as people called it, near the
baseball field. The three of them
would go early having a chance to
visit before the mailman came. Our
sympathies to Marys family and
her siblings, Dave and Laura
Hand, Tom and Lani Hand, and
Kathleen Hand, Kennewick, Wash.
Woke up this Tuesday morning
to a beautiful wonderland of snow!
Though there wasnt much snow,
what there was, covered the land
with an awesome beauty. One of
those nice things about living in
rural America U.S.A! Looking out
the kitchen window early Tuesday
morning it wasnt fully daylight.
The ground was covered in white
and there was snow on the
branches of the trees and bushes.
It was a peaceful scene! And then,
the sun shone brightly over the
land. It was absolutely beautiful. I
call it one of Gods blessings for the
day. It was a picture perfect mo-
ment. Just love those moments,
dont you?
As I close my column for this
week, I ask that you take time for
those unexpected blessings that
come your way. Take time to smell
the roses! For in the business of
life, we sometimes forget to take
time for those unexpected blessings
that come our way. Those moments
that in a heart beat vanishes. As I
close my column for this week, I
leave you with a saying from my
Amish calendar this 29th day of
January. If you cant have the best
of everything, make the best of
everything you have. Have a good
day, and a good week!






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ire Closing T Rubber Metering,
acuum VVacuum old, Flex F Space,
" 0 8 , r a t u a l P 8 C C w o R 4

Special of the Month
Special of the Month
ge for acka P
a l g u i 8
t oot o m 8
a l g u i 8
4 . h t d i w
SN#9062 & 9063
a z i l i t r a f k s d a l g u i s , r o t i u o m 0 0 2 , a t a r
o u 0 , x o o l a h s u B O . 1 u o s u o i s u a t x a
piston pump, leaners, w c inger ro F
acumn , V , Vacumn Fertilzer Fertilzer, V
with RN 12

Special of the Month
w-Between Cart o TTo ge for
r i A t oot o h 8
l a a h w a g u a g h t
t oot o h 8
" 5 . / . g u i c a p 8 ' 2 4
SN#9062 & 9063
wbar Wide Swing Dra
eights W ront Mounted 26 F
rue Ground Speed Radar Sense T
a z i 8 k c a r T " O 8
2,110 Engine Hours
9 / 9 1 2 # k t 8
OT 2005 9520

9 0 3 3 - 3 4 ) 3 0 0 8 : ( e e l Fr l o T
E N , e n y Wa
7 5 2 6 - 5 6 ) 3 0 0 8 : ( e e l Fr l o T
NE , el r u a L
6 2 8 7 - 4 2 ) 6 0 0 8 ( : e e l Fr l o TTo
3636 hrs (P)
60ft booms, 765,
S# 10334
1994 Wilmar

3636 hrs (P)
60ft booms,
S# 10334
1994 Wilmar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTO,2,288 hrs
2006 New Holland TV145
ractors T

$93,500 $10,000
3 Pt Hitch,
} P ( O O 9 9 # 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Pt Hitch,
Singles, Cab, 2006 New Holland TV145
Holland 9682
1997 New
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
} P ( 2 5 1 0 1 # 8 s r h 0 8 5 , O
3pt, Duals, Collarshift, Cab,
6 J 0 0 2

Deere 1770NT
2011 John
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 0 / 9 8 # 8
9, 9 $ } l ( / 8 5 2 8 # 8 R 2 8 0 9 7 D 1

$17,000 cash
Call for details.
n Select O educed R Prices
Deere 1770NT
4 / 4 9 2 # 8 t r o p s u a r t w o r r a h , s r a u a p o
0 0 5 9,

ant to Move! W e WWe Nice Looking Unit
wbar Wide Swing Dra
9770 STS
JD 9770 &
Call for details.
odels! M n Select

000 , 4 5 1 $
2 2 2 2 # 8 , s r h / / O 1 , d a l l a p o r P f l a 8 0 2 9 D 4 6 J 0 0 2
8 5 / 9 # 8 . . . l a 0 g 0 5 , 1 s m o o B 0 9 L X 7 6 l i o C - i x Fle
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 //4 4 9 8 # 8 , s r h 0 0 O 2 , s m o o B 0 9 s 930 4 D J
3636 hrs (P)
As Low As
Air Drills
tow betweens
(6) JD 1890,

} h - w ( . . . . . . . . 2 2
000 , 3 1 $ } P (
000 , 9 0 2 $ . . .
3636 hrs (P)
As Low As
tow betweens
(6) JD 1890,
ractors TTractors
N 0 1 4 e 7 e 74 r e e n D h o 7 J 9 9 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } aa} w (
0 0 2 e 7 r e e n D h o 2 J 1 0 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } a w ( / 8 1 / 2 # 8
R M 0 1 2 e 6 r e e n D h o 2 J 1 0 2

Row Crop
Row Crop
MFWD $75,000
: ractors
0 ,5 8 4 $ D W 2
9 8 7 6 2 # 0 S 0 1 e 8 r e e n D h o J
000 , 9 6 $ 8 2 0 10 # S
. . . . . . . 0 1 1 e 8 r e e n D h o 0 J 0 0 2
4 5 / O 2 # 8 s r h 0 4 //4 0 J 0 w F N
000 , 5 5 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 0 9 O 2 # 8 , s r h 0 O / , 0 w F N R
000 , 0 5 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
c a r t oot t u , A s r h 0 5 , 4 D W F R M
D 7 ) J 33) J (
0 0 D 7 J
5 K 0 0 2
3 K 0 0 2
e 2 z n i K
D 1 ) J 99) J (
7 J 9 9 1
9 J 0 0 2
6 J 0 0 2

, 2 2 s $ w A o s L A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 D 7
, 3 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3836 # S 0 0
, 4 8 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 0 8 3 # S 0 0 8 e 3 z n i 5 K
, 4 $5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 964 3 # S 0 0 6 e 3 z n i 3 K
, 2 2 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / 1 8 O 2 # 8 0 0 1 e 2
3 s 3 w A o s L A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 7 D 1
9 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 06 40 # S 0 5 7 D 1
8 0 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } l ( 4 9 9 9 8 # 8 0 9 7 D 1
9, 9 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } l ( / 8 5 2 8 # 8 R 2 8 0 9 7 D 1

AS (4) John Deere 9760
AS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2WD Hydrosta (6) 2010 JD 9670 Corn/Bean
(3) John Deere 9760
0 0 0 ,
000 ,
0 0 5 ,
000 ,
000 ,
0 0 5 , 3
000 , 9
0 0 5 , 8
0 0 5 9,

$100,000 LOW AS AS
$154,500 LOW AS AS
. . . . . . . . . . . tic 2WD Hydrosta
(3) John Deere 9760

As Low As
Articulated 4WD : ractors TTractors
Deere 9430
2011 John
. . . . . . . . . . .
# 8 , s r h 9 5 8
wershift, o P Cab,

As Low As
Articulated 4WD
Deere 9430
2011 John
} w ( 8 1 1 0 1 #
Duals, wershift,
S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ls a u D
R 5 3 3 e 8 r e e n D h o 2 J 1 0 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s r u o H / 5 0 , 1
R 0 2 3 e 8 r e e n D h o 0 J 1 0 2
. . . . . . . . . . 5 8 X 2 H M I 5 C 0 0 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } w (
1 4 , 0 w F N 0 2 8 D 7 4 J 0 0 2
D, W F M 0 0 8 e 7 r e e n D h o J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s r 2 h 2 8 8
0 4 8 e 4 r e e n D h o 2 J 8 9 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, s V C 8 4 , 0 w F N 0 3 1 D 8 J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } aa} w (
N 0 1 4 e 7 e 74 r e e n D h o 7 J 9 9 1

000 , 3 7 2 $$2 s w a o s l 4 a 4 9 9 3 # S
, t f i h S - n P o i s n e p s u , w/ s D W F M R
000 , 1 2 2 $ 2 5 / 8 8 # 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
s l a u t D P , 3 O T D P W F M R
000 , 5 1 1 $ 8 3 9 9 # S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 5 , 9 12 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 5 3 10 # S r a d a o l O 4 //4 0 J , s r H 0 / 1
000 , 0 $5 1 858 # S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D,
000 , 5 2 $ } w ( 0 O 0 8 8 # 8 . . . . . . . . . . .
, O T 0 P 0 0 , 1 s V C , 3 S t f i h S - , P d w 2
0 0 5 7, 1 1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
} F B ( 0 4 5 9 2 # 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s r h 0 0 / 5
0 0 5 9, 4 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 5 / O 2 # 8 , s r h 0 4 //4 0 J , 0 w F N
. . . . . . . .
JD 2700,
H 5 e I s a C

........ pe
$19,750 F B ( 0 5 2 8 8
C-Spring Blade Mt,
C-Spring Blade Mt,
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nice Sha C-Spring Blade Mt,
JD 2700,
As Low As
(4) JD 637 Disks
, $5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904 9 3 # S l l i r 0 D 0 2 H 5

AS .............. (4) John Deere 9760
....... . . . . . . . . .
(4) JD 637 Disks
. . . . . . . m r o f t a l P g n i t Cut e n our b l e h S ) 5 (
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m r o f t a l P g n i t Cut 0 3 D 9 ) J 8 ((8
. . . . . . . . . . . . . m r o f t a l P g n i t Cut 5 3 D 6 ) J 0 1 (
. m r o f t a l P g n i t Cut F 0 3 0 & 6 3 D 6 ) J 99) J (
2 2 # 8 m r o f t a l P g u i t t u C F 5 2 D 6 4 J 0 0 2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . p o r w C o n & R r o C 3 9 D 8 ) J 7 (
8 8 # 8 p o r C w o R & u r o C 3 9 D 6 6 J 9 9 1
p o r w C o n & R r o C C 2 1 2 & 6 1 D 6 ) J 8 (
. p o r w C o n & R r o C C 8 0 D 6 9 J 0 0 ) 2 2 (
. . . . . . . p o r w C o n & R r o C 3 9 2 D 1 ) J 3 (
eaders H Combine
00 8 ,

$100,000 LOW AS AS
0 0 0 , 6 1 s $ w A o s L A . . .
0 0 0 , 4 s $ w A o s L A . . . . .
0 0 0 , 9 1 s $ w A w As $ o s L AAs L . . .
0 0 5 , 6 1 s $ w A o s L A . . .
0 0 5 , 15 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . } H ( 5 / 4 2
0 0 5 , 4 1 s $ w A w As $ o s L A . . .
0 0 9 , 14 $ . . . . . . . . . } a w ( 0 8 O 8
0 0 5 , 2 5 s $ w A o s L A . .
0 0 5 , 8 4 s $ w A o s L A . .
000 , 0 $3 e c i o h C . . . . . .
The family of
Arline Petoske
is requesting a
Card Shower
in honor
of her
90th Birthday
on February 10, 2013
Cards may be sent to Arline at:
PO Box 790, Philip, SD 57567-0790
Greetings from sunny, snow-cov-
ered, a little bit slippery northeast
Haakon County. We received some
much needed moisture yesterday
in the form of intermittent snow
and rain showers, which translated
into slippery conditions this morn-
ing. The trees and shrubs are still
covered with yesterday's snow,
which is gorgeous to look at. And
since the snow is still on the
branches, you can tell that we
haven't had any of the wind that
we are famous for in these parts.
Thank goodness for small bless-
The Black Hills Stock Show is in
full swing in Rapid City, so several
folks from the community have
made their way west to take in the
event. One of our neighbors, T.J.
Gabriel, was surprised Sunday
evening when he was awarded the
2013 Honored Breeder of the Year
Award from the Black Hills Angus
Association. Congratulations to
T.J. and Jeanine all the hard
work is paying off! Keep up the
good work!
My sympathy to the family and
friends of Ruby (Briggs) Morgan.
Ruby passed away last Thursday
in Oregon at the age of 99, and her
funeral will be held Wednesday in
Silverton, Ore. Ruby was born and
raised here on Robbs Flat, and her
surviving siblings are Ruth
Neuhauser, Earl Briggs, and Fred
Briggs, as well as sister-in-law
Marge Briggs. Ruth said Ruby was
sort of a second mother to her and
her younger brothers.
Condolences also to the family of
Mary (Hand) Perryman who
passed away last Sunday in Sioux
Falls at the age of 79. She was the
sister of Tom Hand, David Hand,
and Kathi Hand. Her funeral will
be held Wednesday in Sioux Falls.
One good thing about living in
the country is all the wildlife, but
recently the abundance of coyotes
and other varmints in the area
have been keeping our dog pretty
agitated. Randy said he thinks it is
coyote pups running circles around
the dog, but there are skunks still
making their presence known also.
The poor dog is probably feeling
pretty overwhelmed! I know there
have been big cats and even a wolf
spotted in our community in the
past few months. I hope they stay
away once the baby calves start
hitting the ground.
Ruth Neuhauser had a nice visit
from Don Sandal last Thursday.
Don was in Highmore to attend a
basketball game. Ruth also said
that her daughter, Connie, and
Connie's husband, Bunky, are
preparing to begin their travels
again with their educational agri-
culture exhibit. Their route this
year begins in Florida. Through the
years, Connie and Bunky have ed-
ucated a lot of people about where
their food comes from and various
other aspects of animal agriculture.
They are to be commended for their
Lee and Mary Briggs had a visit
from their granddaughter, Cattib-
rie Riggle, Saturday. Cattibrie
helped with some projects at the
ranch and tried on a dress that
Grandma Mary is making for an
upcoming formal in Pierre. Cattib-
rie then headed to Whitewood to
visit her Aunt Keva and take in
some of the stock show activities. I
visited at Briggs' Saturday after-
noon to see their new bathroom re-
model projects they look wonder-
Mary Briggs said that Lil Briggs
went to the emergency room early
last week because of a nose bleed
that wouldn't seem to quit. Then
later in the week, she had a prob-
lem with some medication. But
now Lil is doing well at her home
near Pierre.
Billy and Arlyne Markwed at-
tended funeral services for Maxine
Norman in Pierre last week. Sun-
day, they attended church at Deep
Creek, then they headed to Rapid
City to be on hand to watch their
grandson, T.J., receive his award at
the stock show. The family knew
about the award, but T.J. was sur-
prised. Arlyne said it was perhaps
the only time she has ever seen T.J.
at a loss for words! Other family
members on hand for the award
ceremony were Cindy and Bruce
Bresee, Larry and Callie Gabriel,
and Jim and Mary Harmon.
Lola Roseth went to Rapid City
Friday. She visited her mother, Joy
Klima, and Joy and Lola did some
shopping. Saturday and Sunday,
Lola attended EMT training at
Rapid City Regional Hospital. She
returned home Sunday evening.
Things have been quieter at Nels
and Dorothy Paulson's place. They
were in town last Tuesday to get
some repairs, and Dorothy at-
tended church Sunday. When I
talked to Dorothy Monday, Nels
was in the process of gathering up
cats to get them all fed at the barn.
It sounds like they have quite a
number of cats, but Dorothy said
there are no mice to be seen, so it
sounds like the cats are doing their
Frank and Shirley Halligan at-
tended a basketball game in Faith
Friday. Sunday, they were in town
to attend Irene Caldwell's 100th
birthday party. Several friends and
neighbors gathered for a card party
in honor of Irene's special day, with
Irene keeping her place at the head
table the whole time! Ken Halligan
also attended the festivities.
Happy birthday to Irene!
Max and Joyce Jones attended
funeral services for friend and
neighbor Maxine Norman last
week. Joyce also provided hot
lunch to the students at Cheyenne
School one day. Evidently every
few weeks, one of the parents pro-
vides hot lunch for the students.
And although Joyce is a grand-
mother rather than a mother of the
students, she offered to take her
turn at providing lunch also. I'm
sure the students enjoyed the
homemade buns and barbecues
that Joyce provided, and Darcy
Jones brought a birthday cake in
honor of son Luke's birthday. Luke
also told the students and teachers
that his Grandma Joyce makes
wonderful caramel rolls, so she will
be bringing another treat to the
school! Lucky them!
Raymond and Nancy Neuhauser
attended the prayer service for
Maxine Norman last week. Mon-
day, Nancy learned that one of her
cousins who lived in Florida had
passed away unexpectedly.
Bill and Polly Bruce attended
Maxine Norman's funeral last
Wednesday. Thursday, their son,
Vince, went to Union Center for
supplies. Also on Thursday, Bill
and Vince delivered some feed to
Donnie Kirkpatrick's and stayed
for a visit. Saturday, Bill and Polly
were in Pierre to attend the funeral
of Scotty Robinson. Scotty was a
high school classmate of Bill's, and
they joined the Army at the same
time. Following the funeral, Bill
and Polly attended church in
Pierre and had supper before re-
turning to the ranch. They spent
Sunday at home, and their son,
Vince, had play practice at Hayes.
This is a good time to remind
people to mark the dates of March
8, 9, and 10 on your calendars.
Those are the dates for the upcom-
ing Hayes play, a comedy entitled
"Bay at the Moon." The group al-
ways does a great job!
Kevin Neuhauser was in Pierre
Friday tearing out some cabinets at
their home there in preparation for
their kitchen remodeling project. I
can't wait to see the finished prod-
uct! Kevin spent the night in Pierre
Friday, then helped with breakfast
at the local Masonic Lodge Satur-
day. Later in the day Saturday,
Kevin and Mary watched their
nieces and nephews in some sport-
ing events. Kevin and Mary re-
turned to the ranch Saturday
It was another busy week for
Clint and Laura Alleman. Monday,
Laura and Alivya went to Hayes to
help out a little. Wednesday, Clint
went to town for parts. Later, Clint
and Laura met Levi Neuharth and
Randy and Joy Yost at Hayes to
work on the stage for the upcoming
play, followed by place practice.
Moenville News
by Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 7
Oct.19 Clear but atmosphere so
hazy you couldnt see 2 mile. Regu-
lar Indian summer. Went to Mari-
etta for mail. Bert covered his barn
and I did odd jobs around. Killed a
duck with target rifle.
Sun. Oct. 20 Viola and I
roamed down in the Council Bear
breaks all afternoon. Grand place.
Clear and nice but cool. Joe New-
bars claim is a fairly good one. Has
about 100 acres of pretty good
ground on it. In the evening the
girls arrived from Philip. Came out
with George Bellamy.
Oct. 21 Shucked several wheel
barrow loads of corn. Done some
work at Dibbles. Weather very dry.
Good soaking rain needed badly.
Made preparations for trip tomor-
row to take the girls back to Philip.
Oct. 22 Got up at 3:30 a.m. and
we started for Philip at exactly 5
a.m. Went by the new road via
Wellsburg and Smith P.O. Stopped
at Northwestern Hotel in Philip at
11:30 a.m. in plenty time for the
girls to catch a train for Pierre at
12:15 p.m. Myself and a bunch of
fellows had our pictures taken in
Gus Stormers stage with 4 horses
going at full speed.
Oct. 23 Left Philip at 7:25 a.m.
and reached Dibbles Ranch at 5:30
p.m. Took my time on return and
let the horses walk all the way.
Came back by Robertsons and
Fairchilds. Smith P.O. road is the
shortest and best. Met Ellingston
taking a big load of corn to Philip
where he had it sold at one cent a
pound. Extremely hot day. Coyotes
in streets in Philip.
Oct. 24 Day opened clear and
nice. Shucked corn in a.m. and
then went to the store. Nash said
our date for proving up was set for
Tuesday Dec. 3, 1907. In the p.m.
worked building a little corn crib.
Someone stole wire off our south
gate. Sun dogs around sun today.
Oct. 25 Our proofing notice in
the Eagle for the first time today.
Shucked some corn in a.m. and
built a corn crib at Dibbles in after-
noon. Very chilly, cloudy and
threatening rain or snow at
Oct. 26 Clear and warm - 40 at
noon. Went to Council Bear breaks
in forenoon and got a good load of
ash and elm logs. In p.m. sawed it
up with cross cut saw. Very dry
everywhere. No rain for over a
month. Danger of prairie fire is
Sun. Oct. 27 Clear and very
cold. 18 at 7 a.m. Shucked corn and
laid around and read the papers.
High s.e. wind and very raw
Oct. 28 Nice clear day - very
warm, in fact a regular summer
day. Shucked corn and worked on a
corn crib at Dibbles. Went into Ma-
rietta at 7 p.m. and got our mail.
Cloudy and threatening. Darkest
night on record. Bosler came to his
claim. Met Mr. Gustafson who is
with Leggett at Philip.
Oct. 29 Shucked corn all day.
Light drizzle for a couple hours. In-
dications point to quite a heavy
frost tonight.
Oct. 30 Heavy fog hung over
the country this a.m. making
everything wet. Cleared up and got
very warm - 62 at noon. A regular
summer day. Husked corn mostly
all day.
Oct. 31 Nice and warm all day.
Went to Marietta for the mail and
in the afternoon husked corn. Nu-
merous land seekers here looking
for land. Several proved up today
at Marietta - Anderson and
(to be continued )
Tax Preparation Service
Reasonable Rates
W-2 & 1099 Prep
Business & Ranch
Partnerships &
High School
Students: $20
Students: $30
Prices include
tax & are for 1-2
W-2s &
Vickie Petersen
IRS Registered Tax
Return Preparer
155 S. Center Ave., Philip
Call to schedule
an appointment:
Members of the Martin Modern
Woodmen of America chapter re-
cently helped raise money for the
Midland Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment by raffling off a quarter of
The event, held Saturday, Janu-
ary 19, raised $3,515. This included
$1,500 matched by Modern Wood-
mens home office through the or-
ganizations matching fund pro-
gram. The money will be used for
new equipment and to help build a
new fire truck.
The matching fund program of-
fers Modern Woodmen members
nationwide the chance to show
their support for a community
cause, organization or individual in
need by holding fundraisers. Mod-
ern Woodmen matches money
raised up to $2,500. These fund-
raising projects contribute more
than $6.5 million to community
needs nationwide each year.
Coordinated by local Modern
Woodmen members, chapters pro-
vide opportunities to connect
through social activities and volun-
teer projects.
For more information about the
local chapter and how you can get
involved, contact Don Haynes at
859-2778 or
As a tax-exempt fraternal benefit
society, Modern Woodmen sells life
insurance, annuity and investment
products, not to benefit stockhold-
ers but to improve the quality of
life of its stakeholders members,
their families and their communi-
ties. This is accomplished through
social, charitable and volunteer ac-
tivities. Annually, Modern Wood-
men and its members provide more
than $23 million and nearly one
million volunteer hours for commu-
nity projects nationwide.
Midland Volunteer Fire
Department raises over $3,000
Safety for kids: Philip Police Officer David Butler, left, and Haakon County Deputy
Sheriff Seth Marbry visited the Philip third grade classroom the afternoon of
Thursday, January 24. They spoke with students in kindergarten through third
grade about what a police officer does, and about what kids should do to stay
safe. Safety advice included safety belts, being home alone and strangers.
Courtesy photo
Officers in school to
promote safety for kids
Greetings from Rochester, Minn.
Bill and I have been here since
Wednesday evening, settled in for
the celebration of being married 52
years. It seems the older we get
and the longer we are married, we
pick a hospital to celebrate in. Last
year it was the UCLA Ronald Rea-
gan Medical Center in Los Angeles,
Calif. This year it will be a miracle
if we get home before February 6,
which marks the day.
January 21, Monday, a light
snow covered the ground during
the light and was eight degrees in
the morning, with flurries during
the day. Bill made some deliveries
for me when he went to Philip in
the afternoon, while I took care of
things needed to be done before we
kept appointments in Rochester.
Tony Harty had a tough week
fighting back a cold. Dont know
who won yet since hes still doing
battle. He has been keeping in tele-
phone contact with his friends,
L.D. and Shirley Hair as well as
with his sister, Thresea Hocken-
bary, Valentine, Neb., and us.
Don and Vi Moody were shop-
ping in Kadoka Tuesday afternoon
and had a fun visit with Veryl and
Charlie Prokop at a local store.
They stopped by Marsha and Bill
Sumpters later in the afternoon to
wish them well on their trip to
Rochester, Minn. Bill was playing
cards so missed out on hot choco-
late served with marshmellows by
Marsha. Secret recipe! (Want to
clarify this comment, its amazing
how different fresh marshmellows
taste than those that are a couple
of years old.)
I made a quick trip to the dump,
bank, post office and other business
around town Tuesday. Phyllis
Word stopped by for a visit and
many called to see if they could
help during the time we would be
gone. We are so blessed to have
such great folks in our lives.
Kinsey Gittings took George Git-
tings to Pierre Tuesday for a doc-
tor's appointment.
Wednesday morning, Bill and I
were on the road to Rochester. It
was nice we could have lunch with
grandson Eric Seager and grand-
daughter Amanda Claflin in Sioux
Falls, a great halfway break, then
settled in at a motel in Rochester.
It was minus four degrees when we
arrived. Snow pants, moon boots
and all winter clothes are tucked in
the car as cold insurance.
Sandee Gittings was in Kadoka
Wednesday afternoon on Farmers
Union business.
Don and Vi Moody made a trip to
Rapid City Thursday for a few days
and looked for a pet door with an
electronic opener. Who likes to go
out just to let the pets out when it's
single digits in South Dakota.
Bill and I were busy with ap-
pointments most all day Thursday
in preparation for surgery Friday.
The goal of the surgery was to find
what was causing continued infec-
tion and remove if possible and re-
verse the colostomy and possibly
repair a very larger surgical her-
nia. We almost got sidelined when
it appeared Bills heart was acting
up, but at the last minute, it was
determined the hiccup on the EKG
wasnt detrimental. We did run
into a few folks from Philip and
hear of others that were at the
Mayo Clinic for treatment.
Sandee Gittings took a cat to the
vet in Kadoka Thursday afternoon
that had an infected tooth. The
tooth had come out but the cat had
to have a shot and is doing great
Sincere sympathy in the passing
of Jim Hewitt as well as Marie
Hansen, both longtime friends in
the Philip area.
Friday was a long day. The re-
port-in time was 8:00 a.m, and
from there time went slow. Bill was
taken to surgery about 10:00 a.m.
and brought to his room about 9:00
p.m. While I was waiting for the
long day to end on the fifth floor,
along with one couple waited for
their daughter, her childhood girl-
friend, and the wife and daughter
of another surgical patient, we vis-
ited and enjoyed distractions from
the events of the day. As our loved
ones arrived, we all went our differ-
ent directions and settled them in,
then each of us kept a close vigil in
the rooms, venturing out for the
walks and comfort ice and things
for the patients. Saturday, Bill was
up and walking and doing very
well. My waiting room friends were
pleased with the progress each of
their patients were making too.
However, a change of medication
sent Bill and me to the ICU unit
about 9:00 p.m and it wasnt until
Sunday I ran into my waiting
room groupies. Chris had gone to
all the floors in an effort to find us.
They had been frantic to find out
what had happened and nobody
could tell them. We happened to
meet in the cafeteria and it was
hugs all around and they were so
glad we were fine. Names and ad-
dresses were exchanged and now
we have friends from Georgia,
Texas and Nebraska. An invite to
Kadoka was extended and all is
good. With freezing rain, snow, etc.
forecast and actually arriving, I
stayed in the room with Bill for the
night Sunday.
Sandee Gittings went to Rapid
City Saturday for the gathering for
her cousin, Elma Reynolds, who
had passed away and wanted no
Cathy Fiedler reported that
weatherwise in the Sturgis area,
mornings have been cold but the
days have been nice. Temperatures
in the 50s a couple of days and
melted the snow and ice that was
around. Saturday, Eric and Sherry
Hanson and kids went to the Black
Hills Stock Show. On their way
back, they stopped and joined
Ralph and Cathy Fiedler and Gene
and Sonja Nonnast from White-
wood for supper. After supper, the
Hanson family headed for home.
The others joined a group of gals
from the nursing home to say good
bye to a nurse who was leaving for
another job. A good time was en-
joyed by all.
Sandee Gittings and Jessica Git-
tings were on the road to Iowa
Sunday, hoping they missed the
nasty weather predicted. More on
that next week.
Sunday, Sherry, Elsie and
Loman Hanson, and Don, Lynette,
Hanna and Tessa Klumb and her
friend, Brayden, joined Ralph and
Cathy Fiedler for dinner to cele-
brate Ralphs birthday. Eric Han-
son was at Sherdan Lake at a fish-
ing derby for the day and Caitlin
Klumb was at work, so they missed
the festiities. After lunch, Lynette,
Sherry and Cathy did some plan-
ning for their family gathering in
June. They all then enjoyed a ice
cream cake that the Klumbs
brought, and sang happy birthday
to grandpa. Then everyone headed
for home to get ready for the weeks
Life is full of surprises and
serendipity. Being open to unex-
pected turns in the road is an im-
portant part of success. If you try to
plan every step, you may miss those
wonderful twists and turns. Just
find your next adventure do it
well, enjoy it and then, not now,
think about what comes next. Con-
doleeza Rice
Betwixt Places News
by Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
Legal NoticesDeadline: Fridays at Noon
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 8
Notice is given that application has been
made to the Comptroller of the Currency,
1225 17th Street Suite 300, Denver, CO
80202 for consent to merge Farmers
State Bank, Faith, South Dakota, into
First National Bank in Philip, Philip, South
Dakota. It is contemplated that the main
and branch offices of the above named
banks will continue to operate. It is con-
templated that the main office (127 Main
Street, Faith, South Dakota 57626) of
Farmers State Bank will become a branch
office of First National Bank in Philip.
This notice is published pursuant to 12
USC 1828(c) and 12 CFR 5. Anyone may
submit written comments on this applica-
tion by February 11, 2013, to: Director for
District Licensing, 1225 17th Street, Suite
300, Denver, CO 80202 or WE.Licens-
The public file is available for inspection
in the district office during regular busi-
ness hours. Written requests for a copy of
the public file on the application should be
sent to the Director of District Licensing.
January 10, 2013
Faith, South Dakota
Philip, South Dakota
[Published January 10, 17 & 31, 2013, at
the total approximate cost of $39.42]
Notice to Creditors
Pro No.
a/k/a/ A.K. GUTHRIE, )
Deceased. )
Notice is given that on November 8, 2012,
Renae Ferguson, whose address is 5 In-
dian Ridge, Big Spring, Texas 79720, was
appointed as personal representative of
the estate of Allen Kimball Guthrie, a/k/a
A.K. Guthrie.
Creditors of decedent must file their
claims within four months after the date
of the first publication of this notice or
their claims may be barred.
Claims may be filed with the personal rep-
resentative or may be filed with the clerk,
and a copy of the claim mailed to the per-
sonal representative.
Dated: January 23, 2013.
/s/Renae Ferguson
Renae Ferguson
5 Indian Ridge
Big Spring, TX 79720
Janet Magelky
Haakon County Clerk of Courts
PO Box 70
Philip, SD 57567
(605) 859-2627
Jerry L. Wattier
Riter, Roger, Wattier & Northrup, LLP
PO Box 280
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-5825
[Published January 31, February 7 & 14,
2013, at the total approximate cost of
Notice of Audit
Notice is hereby given that the records
and books of account of Haakon County,
South Dakota, have been audited by the
Department of Legislative Audit for the
two years ended December 31, 2011, and
that a detailed report thereon is filed with
the county auditor of Haakon County and
the Department of Legislative Audit in
Pierre, South Dakota, for inspection.
This notice is published in compliance
with the provisions of SDCL 4-11-12.
[Published January 31 & February 7,
2013, at the total approximate cost of
rison's Pit Stop - Bus/Maintenance Fuel
- 936.02, Moses Building Center - Jani-
torial Supplies - 30.00, Nelson, Mark -
BOE Mileage - 39.96, Personalized
Stamp Program - Stamped Envelopes -
1,119.70, Peterson, Anita - BOE Mileage
- 128.76, Petty Cash Reimbursement -
Postage - 43.68, Philip Standard -
Bus/Maintenance Fuel - 343.00, Philip
Trust and Agency - Imprest Reimburse-
ment - 1,803.65, Pioneer Review -
Vouchers - 62.50, Quill - Ink - 244.76,
Radway, Mark - BOE Mileage - 38.48,
Rapid City Journal - Subscription - 26
weeks - 83.36, Rapid Fire Protection -
Annual Inspection - 318.00, SDHSAA -
Coach Fine - Baer - 50.00, SDHSAA -
Coach Fine - Bouman - 50.00, Seager,
Mike - Scoreboard/PA System Supplies -
85.00, South Dakota One Call - Locate
Tickets - 4.20, Super 8 - Mitchell - Lodg-
ing - Wrestling - 294.00, Super 8 - Valen-
tine - Lodging - Wrestling - 410.34, Thor-
son, Doug - BOE Mileage - 37.74,
Walker Refuse - Garbage Service -
800.16, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Health Insurance Premiums -
10,529.74, West Central Electric - Elec-
tricity - 4,346.07, WRLJ Rural Water -
Milesville/Cheyenne Dec 12 Water -
65.00, Zeeb Pharmacy - FACS Supplies
- 2.39. TOTAL: 31,729.61. Capital Out-
lay Claims Payable January 14, 2013:
Century Business Leasing - Copier
Lease - 410.34. TOTAL: 410.34. SPED
Claims Payable January 14, 2013:
AFLAC - Insurance Premiums - 128.18,
Avesis - Vision Insurance Premiums -
56.12, Baer, Erin - SPED Mileage -
83.98, Carley, Ruth - Isolation Mileage -
103.60, Children's Care Hospital - OT/PT
Services - 1,025.00, Delta Dental - Den-
tal Insurance Premiums - 465.70, Nel-
son, Karen - Isolation Mileage - 222.74,
Three Rivers Cooperative - Speech
Services - 13,236.04, Wellmark Blue
Cross Blue Shield - Health Insurance
Premiums - 412.22. TOTAL: 15,733.58.
Food Service Claims Payable January
14, 2013: AFLAC - Insurance Premiums
- 80.34, Bernard Food Industries - Pur-
chased Foods - 140.25, Child & Adult
Nutrition - Commodity Purchases -
366.31, Coyle's SuperValu - Purchased
Foods - 21.89, Dean Foods - Milk Pur-
chases - 893.38, Earthgrains - Pur-
chased Foods - 83.00, Reinhart Food
Service - Purchased Foods - 819.47,
Servall - Linen Care - 42.14, US Foods -
Purchased Foods - 3,981.78. TOTAL:
6,428.56. Hourly wages for Month of
December 2012: 24,582.26. Gross
Salaries/Fringe for December 2012:
FUND 10: Instructional - 94,485.01, Ad-
ministration - 17,334.94, Support Serv-
ices - 6,040.51, Extra Curricular -
3,545.47; FUND 22: SPED Gross
Salaries/Fringe - 7,868.20.
13-76 Motion by Radway, second by
Thorson to approve the following person-
nel contract: Dana Kerns, Junior High
Basketball Coach - $1,740.00.
13-77 Motion by Hamill, second by Rad-
way to approve the combined election
agreement with the City of Philip. Elec-
tion Day will be April 9, 2013.
13-77.1 Motion by Thorson, second by
Peterson to approve the following sec-
ond semester School To Work sites: Shar
& Amys Childcare - Shar Moses,
Hansens Hide & Fur - Marty Hansen,
First National Bank - Hallie Albrecht,
Philip Elementary 3rd Grade - Mrs. Jes-
sica Wheeler, and Cabin Fever Floral -
Kerry Hostutler.
13-78 Received notification of the follow-
ing Public School Exemption: HSA51-13
(1st Grade).
13-79 Anita Peterson gave the BHSSC
13-80 Executive Session: None
13-81 Superintendent Keven Morehart
reported on the following items on behalf
of Secondary Principal Mike Baer: (A)
8th Grade Computers - students take the
course and have to pass the exam to re-
ceive High School credit. This credit is
not needed for state requirements, only
Philips. Students transferring in still need
to pick up the credit. A proposal is being
written to drop the requirement but keep
the class for 8th graders. This just means
that if they fail the exam, they dont have
to retake the course if they pass the class
traditionally. It also means transfer stu-
dents would not need to make up the
credit. (B) Another student has tested out
of Guided Study Hall for a total of 9 out
of 22 testing out. (C) Six students at-
tended the JH/MS Academic Olympics.
They gained some great experience
there. (D) Sixteen students performed
with the One Act Play on Sunday, Janu-
ary 13th. They will go to Region compe-
tition on January 16th. (E) High School
classrooms have been locking doors.
13-82 Superintendent Keven Morehart
reported on the following items: (A)
Handed out the Superintendents evalu-
ation for completion by the next meeting.
(B) The Deep Creek School Christmas
program was tremendous. There were
about 50 people in attendance. (C) 6th,
7th and 8th graders attended an Aca-
demic Olympics. (D) We had some
server issues which disabled printing
through the network. Some local and
state assistance has been here helping
to get things restored. (E) The PHS
Wrestling tournament was cancelled due
to weather, but a big thank you to those
who had helped in preparing for it! (F)
Dakota Smiles Mobile Dental will be here
at a date to be determined.
Adjournment at 5:52 PM. Will meet in
regular session on February 18, 2013, at
6:00 PM.
cott Brech, President
ritni Ross, Business Manager
[Published January 31, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $119.43]
Proceedings of Haakon
SchoolDistrict 27-1
Board of Education
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2013

The Board of Education of the Haakon
School District 27-1 met in regular ses-
sion for its regular meeting on January
14, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. at the Philip Ar-
mory, Room A-1. President Scott Brech
called the meeting to order with the fol-
lowing members present: Jake Fitzger-
ald, Scott Brech, Vonda Hamill, Mark
Nelson, Mark Radway, Anita Peterson
and Doug Thorson. Also present:
Supt/Elementary Prin. Keven Morehart,
Business Manager Britni Ross, Lisa
Schofield, George Bauder, Jack Welker
and Del Bartels.
All action taken in the following minutes
was by unanimous vote unless otherwise
13-73 Communications from the audi-
ence: George Bauder, Coordinator for
the South Dakota Masonic Model Stu-
dent Assistance Program, gave a brief
presentation on the MMSAP program
which teaches school teams to recognize
children at risk. MMSAP is offered at al-
most no cost to schools and their em-
ployees as a gift from the Masons of
South Dakota.
13-74 Motion by Hamill, second by Thor-
son to approve the agenda with the fol-
lowing changes: Add 13-77.1: Approve
Second Semester School to Work Sites.
13-75 Motion by Fitzgerald, second by
Peterson to approve the following items
of consent calendar.
Approved the minutes of the Decem-
ber 17, 2012, meeting.
Approved the unaudited financial re-
port of December 31, 2012 as follows:
General Fund Claims Payable January
14, 2013: AFLAC - Insurance Premium -
662.71, A&B Welding - VoAg Supplies -
43.00, Avesis - Vision Insurance Premi-
ums - 301.55, Brant's Electric - Ballasts -
164.73, Brech, Scott - BOE Mileage -
44.40, Cambium Learning - Ticket To
Read Licenses - 1,875.00, Cenex - Bus
Fuel/Rural Propane - 1,739.10, Century
Business Products - Copier Maintenance
- 350.00, City of Philip - Water/Sewer -
436.05, Coyle's SuperValu - FACS Sup-
plies - 116.76, D&T Auto Parts - Mainte-
nance Supplies - 10.08, Delta Dental -
Dental Insurance Premiums - 1,617.96,
Dept of Revenue - Water Testing - 70.00,
Deuchar, Theresa - Isolation Mileage -
133.20, Elshere, Lana - Isolation Mileage
- 48.84, Ernie's Building Center -
Shop/Maintenance Supplies - 143.96,
First National Bank - Box Rent thru
1/5/2014 - 12.00, Haggerty's - Instrument
Repair - 89.70, Hillyard - Floor Scrubber
Repairs - 120.00, Ingram Hardware -
Janitorial/Maintenance Supplies -
147.00, Kennedy Implement - Tractor
Repairs - 12.06, Mid-West 3D Solutions
- Consortium Equipment - 1,725.00, Mor-
Does the time ever fly when you
are busy. I sometimes wonder why
people get bored because there is
nothing to do. All I can say, is just
look around you and you can al-
ways find something to do.
Bake some cookies or a loaf of
sweet bread for a shut in, go get the
mail for someone who is laid up for
awhile, or just pay a visit to them.
You dont have to stay long and
they will be happy that you
thought of them and you helped to
pass their day.
If you are shut in yourself, you
can always make a phone call or
send a card to someone else. I know
a lady in Philip who goes and helps
others serve lunch at a funeral
even though she does not belong to
their church.
You can always do a little some-
thing. If everyone does a little, the
job gets done. You will find you
dont get bored and you also may
make a new friend her and there,
on your adventure of helping out
when you can.
Weatherwise, it has been up and
down, but nothing we can fuss
about. We have had pretty decent
weather so far, but if we are going
to get that much needed moisture,
we will have to take a little winter
to get it. It sounds like they will
need a lot more to get some runoff
from the hills we all depend on.
I remember Kenneth saying he
had a hard time in the 49 blizzard
getting into the barn to get to the
cattle because of such high drifts.
He said that he finally scooped the
haymow door open and went down
to them that way. He had some hay
in the haymow and would throw it
down on their backs, so they did get
some feed.
I understood that after that bliz-
zard, the winter was not too bad. I
lived in the Black Hills then and it
was not too bad up there. My
brother, Lee, came down, and along
with others, skinned cattle in the
Philip area for quite a while. Axel
Olson had just finished putting up
a new barn for Kenneth and they
did not get the tin on the roof or get
it painted, but it was a lifesaver for
the cattle that year.
He said he had kept back two
twin steer calves and they were
two-years-old in 49. They were in
with the cows and when he finally
did get shoveled into the barn, he
made a narrow path and those
steers broke a path out to where he
had some cane shocks showing due
to the snow drifting off. The cattle
finally got fed.
Since I have lived here we have
had some good three-day blizzards.
We would string a wire from the
yard post to the shop and then on
over to the barn. Kenneth would al-
ways make me keep a light on in
the window that faced the barn. He
also would leave the yard light on
if there was a blizzard, just in case
someone needed to find his way to
shelter from being stranded on the
road near our place.
If our 32 volt light plant kept
working we did have electricity,
but there were times when we
would have to use flashlights and
would turn on a tractor light in the
barn. We would do this very spar-
ingly so we didnt run the tractor
battery down. Many of those times,
we would be calving and would
have to haul a baby calf to the
house to keep him alive.
Those were the good old days, as
people say. Well, I like the more
modern things that came along
years later and they are getting
Grindstone News
by Mary Eide 859-2188
better as time goes by. Marvins
have little tubs they call warmers
that plug into electricity. They get
a calf warm and dry in no time. We
have two of them that sit inside the
shop and they sure do a keep the
calves from chilling down. Marvin
will no doubt be using them again
soon as he starts calving about
March 3. Well that is enough about
the weather, so better get to the
rest of the news.
Herb and Hazel Sieler went to
Yuma, Ariz., to visit Herbs sister,
Sandra Blake. They had a really
wonderful time catching up on all
that had happened since they last
saw each other. They said it was
very cold there and it froze a lot of
their fruit and vegetables. They did
get out and get some of the fruit
picked as they had some warning
prior to the freeze.
Herb and Hazel took the south-
ern route back home due to bad
road conditions elsewhere. They en-
joyed traveling through the sand
dunes in California. Their trip was
saddened by the new of two deaths
in the family of Hazels brother-in-
law, and Herbs cousin, Marvin Mc-
Saturday, January 26, Herb and
Hazel went to Rapid City and
toured the exhibits at the Black
Hills Stock Show and then went to
hear Christy Nomes forum on the
farm bill. They said it was very in-
teresting and a lot of questions
were asked and that she did a nice
job of answering them.
Herb and Hazel attended the
agriculture appreciation steak din-
ner in Wall. They reported that the
steaks were really good. After din-
ner they stayed and listened to the
Twin Rivers band who were play-
ing. There were many young chil-
dren dancing and it was fun watch-
ing them.
Bob Thorson, along with about 30
other from the Philip and Wall
area, went to the annual mens golf
Bob, Jodi and her folks, Ed and
Cleon, went to the nursing home
January 22 to dance. They said that
it was nice to see Max Hauk and his
wife back playing again. Others
there was Chuck and Ruth
Carstensen and their grandson and
others from the local community.
Saturday was Jodis dad, Eds,
79th birthday, so they all went to
Rapid City for dinner and then they
shopped for carpet and linoleum for
the house. Jodi will have all her re-
modeling and spring cleaning done
early this year. Thursday evening,
they went to bingo in Wall, so it has
been a very busy and entertaining
week at their place.
Beth Smith, along with the rest
of the staff where she works, left
Wednesday to the Rocky Mountain
Dental Convention in Denver, Colo.
She returned late Friday night.
Their grandkids, Sawyer and Cade,
spent Saturday with Mel and Beth.
They all went out to Brock and
Brittany Smiths to spend some
time visiting with Brittanys
mother, Bonnie Fitzgerald, who is
spending some time here visiting
family. Bonnie came back espe-
cially to enjoy the birthday of
granddaughter, Aja, daughter of
Lee Anna and Scott Fitzgerald.
Lee Schoniger, Gloria French and
Darlene Baye enjoyed dancing in
Rapid City Saturday night. Then on
Sunday, Lee enjoyed dinner at Mel
and Beths.
Trevor Fitch, Brayden, Keagan,
Colby, and Marvin Eide enjoyed
snowmobiling in the Black Hills
Saturday. Burgess and Theo went
up from Philip and joined them for
the fun. They were up around the
Buckhorn area and enjoyed lunch
in that area. Much fun was had by
everyone. Vicki rode to Rapid City
with Christa to meet up with the
guys and have supper. Brayden,
Marvin and Vicki returned home
and brought the trailer and sleds
with them. Trevor, Christa and
boys stayed there and took the boys
to Belle Fourche Sunday for
wrestling. They reported that Colby
got first and Jensen third. Keagan
was sick on Sunday morning so was
unable to participate.
Discover and enjoy the happen-
ings around you. Enjoy the people
around you, and all the places yet to
see. The essence of this country
without having to leave home makes
life a great gift all year long. No
matter where you are or where you
go, there is something to be learned.
Just keep your eyes open and look
around you and something new will
be seen for the first time. It does not
matter how old you get there will al-
ways be some new to see or learn
without ever leaving home. So have
a good day and enjoy life each day
and be sure to take time to enjoy and
be thankful for what we do have.
Just some of my thoughts. Mary
by Elizabeth Sam Grosz
Community News Service
The comprehensive overhaul of
the way the state justice system
deals with offenders recently
passed the South Dakota Senate
with only two dissenting votes.
The bill is backed by a host of
law enforcement professionals as a
means of improving public safety,
holding offenders accountable and
controlling spending.
The program is expected to save
$160 million in the next 10 years in
prison costs, according to Senator
Russell Olson, R-Wentworth, one of
the senators who served on a task
force study group that created the
bill. Olson spoke to the bill, Janu-
ary 24 in the Senate, along with
Sens. Reid Holien, R-Watertown;
Craig Tieszen, R-Rapid City; Larry
Lucas, D-Mission; and James
Bradford, D-Pine Ridge, who all
worked on the task force.
Bradford said it was a highly
emotional issue for him, maybe
because Im directly affected, see-
ing a family member make a mis-
take, make restitution and come
back home. This is the first time
that I go home, said Bradford, that
people will say, hey, you know
what? South Dakota really does
care about us, about our problems.
The program is not soft on crime,
said Olson, but rather is a smarter
approach than was taken 10 years
ago. It increases penalties for drug
dealers, for example, but works
outside of prison with drug offend-
ers to turn their lives around.
There are dangerous people in our
prisons and they need to stay
there, said Olson.
Tieszen said the program is the
biggest policy that I have seen or
been part of since Ive been in the
Legislature. He added that 20-25
years ago, such a bill would never
have gotten out of committee, but
times have changed. What we
thought was right then, Tieszen
said, was not getting the desired
The program will enhance and
expand Driving Under the Influ-
ence and Drug Courts, expand the
24/7 program with swift and cer-
tain sanctions for those who devi-
ate from it, and provide training
and monitoring for offenders.
The South Dakota Public Safety
Improvement Act, SB70, now trav-
els to the House for consideration.
Public safety bill clears senate
by Elizabeth Sam Grosz
Community News Service
An attempt to set up misde-
meanor charges for adults who pro-
vide parties for under age drinkers
failed to pass out of the Senate
State Affairs Committee, January
23, at the South Dakota Legisla-
ture in Pierre.
The measure failed by one vote,
following sometimes emotional de-
bate, but backers vowed to keep
working on the bill to make it ac-
ceptable to lawmakers.
Senator Larry Lucas, D-Mission,
said there currently is no definition
for the term social host, but it is
generally agreed that it refers to
someone who provides the location
but not necessarily the alcohol for
a party.
It is not a defense, said Lucas, for
the adult to say that he was not
present at the party.
Joyce Glynn, West River rancher
with her husband, Roger, related
the story of how their son, Michael,
lost his life following his 2006 high
school graduation and attending
the subsequent party where under-
age teens were drinking. He died
as the result of a one-vehicle
rollover where he was ejected from
the car. That spring, Glynn said, 13
other teenagers died under similar
President Obama, noted Glynn,
has said that the first task of soci-
ety is to keep our children safe.
She questioned whether we are
doing everything possible to do
that. She discussed the three com-
ponents to keep children safe as ed-
ucation, legislation and enforce-
ment. It is clear, she said, that it is
illegal for anyone under the age of
21 to drink alcohol, and called this
bill another tool to be used.
With 5,894 minors charged with
possession and 416 misdemeanor
charges against adults, and 200 of
those dismissed, Glynn said we
are sending a bad message to kids.
Glynn said the Attorney Gen-
erals office has voiced its support
for the bill, as well as the South
Dakota States Attorneys Associa-
tion. Supporting testimony came
from the Concerned Women of
South Dakota.
However, the bills current lan-
guage was criticized by the State
Farm Insurance Company lobbyist
Dick Tieszen, and Roger
Tellinghuisen, lobbyist for South
Dakota Trial Lawyers Association,
as well as several members of the
Sen. Corey Brown, R-Gettys-
burg, questioned whether that one
additional law would have changed
anything that happened the night
that Glynns son died. Sen. Larry
Rhoden, R-Union Center, also
questioned whether the law would
be effective.
The bill died five to four and was
moved to the 41st day.
After the meeting, Glynn said I
really thought with the States At-
torney Association and the Attor-
ney Generals Association, the peo-
ple who have to enforce these laws
and know the laws inside and out
that are on the books, and whether
they are enforceable or not and
whether they are enough or not, I
really thought their backing to the
legislators would say you folks are
the expert in this field and so we
are going to rely on your recom-
That didnt happen, she said.
However, Glynn said We will
never know if this would keep
someone from having a party at
their house. She said she will con-
tinue to fight for a law such as this.
Social host bill defeated
in S.D. Senate committee
Local & State News & Sports.
Legal Advertising.
Were your our hometown
newspaper Pioneer Review!
Classifieds 859-2516
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 9
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 37th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
CRETE: ALL types of concrete
work. Rich, Colleen and Haven
Hildebrand. Toll-free: 1-877-
867-4185; Office: 837-2621;
Rich, cell: 431-2226; Haven,
cell: 490-2926; Jerry, cell: 488-
0291. K36-tfn
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
FOR SALE: 2005 Case 580,
price $9,400; 4014 hours, 80
hp., backhoe and loader, 4x4.
Email or call prater77@msn.
com / 299-1788. P8-3tp
pasture for 100-250 cow/calf
pairs, preferably in the Jack-
son/Haakon/Jones County
area, but would consider other
areas. With full maintenance.
Call 843-2869. P8-tfn
FOR SALE: 2006 Featherlite all
enclosed 4-horse gooseneck
trailer. 7x22x7 aluminum/
white smooth skin. Has nice en-
closed tack up front with (5) sad-
dle racks and (8) bridle holders.
Great condition! $14,200 OBO.
Call for pictures and more de-
tails: 454-6914, Murdo.
FOR SALE: 2000 Doonan step
deck, 48, $15,000. 1984 Wilson
grain trailer, 42, $8,000. Call
C.K. Dale, 685-3091. P7-3tc
for 40 to 200 pairs within 80
miles of Philip or can lease whole
ranch. 685-9313 (cell) or 859-
2059 (home). P7-tfn
2013 for 50-60 pair. Call Jerry
Willert, 837-2459. K6-tfn
12-ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
is planning on filling 3 tempo-
rary Fire, (2) temporary Range
Technician, (2) temporary Bio-
logical Science Technician sum-
mer positions on the Wall
Ranger District and (3) tempo-
rary summer positions in the
National Grasslands Visitor
Center (NGVC) for the 2013 sea-
son. For information concerning
any of the current vacancies
please contact personnel at the
NGVC located at 708 Main
Street in Wall or by calling 279-
2125. PW8-2tc
WANTED: Hostess to set tables
for the prime rib dinner and
auction on April 20, 2013.
Please contact Nikki, Heidi or
Ruby, 837-2270, Kadoka.
WANTED at Ingram Hardware in
Philip. 859-2521. Some com-
puter skills required. P8-2tc
position is a part-time book-
keeping/teller position (approxi-
mately 2 days a week). During
summer vacations, more hours
are possible. Duties include
making up statements, answer-
ing telephone inquiries & using
a computer, operating a Pitney-
Bowes mailing machine and
other misc. duties are required.
Physical requirements would in-
clude lifting boxes of paper
weighing up to 40 lbs. 859-
2525, Pam or Rick. P7-2tc
Pennington Conservation Dis-
trict in Wall, SD, is seeking to fill
a permanent, part-time manage-
ment position. It is an adminis-
trative position with occasional
light outside work. Please con-
tact the office at 279-2519 or
stop by at 24 Creighton Road for
an appication and/or more in-
formation. EOE.
HELP WANTED: Maintenance
Dept. at Cedar Pass Lodge is
looking for a hard working, de-
pendable maintenance worker.
Must have carpentry, plumb-
ing and flooring experience.
Please contact Sharon at 433-
5562 and/or complete an appli-
cation online at cedarpass P5-4tc
FOR SALE: Solid oak hand-
crafted china cabinet, excellent
shape, $300. Call 859-2654 or
685-3152, leave message.
FOR SALE: 5x8 enclosed cargo
trailer, like new. Also: Power-
mate 5000 watt generator with
about 40 hours. Call or text 660-
3053, Interior. P8-2tp
FOR SALE: (40) 27 TV sets with
remotes, $20 each. These are
NOT flatscreens. Best Western
Plains, Wall, 279-2145 or 685-
3915. PW8-2tc
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
WANTED: Once fired 45 ACP
brass. Call 279-2195 or 441-
7049. WP7-tfn
FOR SALE: 307 Myrtle Ave.,
Philip. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths,
partially finished basement,
large back yard, new roof and
windows, stainless steel fridge
and stove, washer and dryer in-
cluded. Close to schools. Call
859-2470. Can email pictures.
FOR RENT: Two bedroom trailer
house for rent in Philip. 685-
3801 or 859-2204. P3-tfn
RENT IN WALL: Call Stan, 381-
2861 or 279-2861. WP5-tfn
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first in-
correct insertion only. Ravel-
lette Publications, Inc. requests
all classifieds and cards of
thanks be paid for when or-
dered. A $2.00 billing charge will
be added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an
area code of 605, unless other-
wise indicated.
The PHS director, cast and
crew of the one-act play "Dis-
covering Rogue" would like to
thank our audience members
for supporting us in our recent
performances. We are blessed
to be in a wonderfully support-
ive community and we look for-
ward to once again entertaining
you with our spring play to be
performed in April.
~ PHS Drama Club
We would like to thank every-
one who had a part in making
our play and soup suppers here
in Milesville a success. Our
thanks to the Hardingrove
church for the use of their base-
ment, the First National Bank
for the cups and napkins, to
those who helped with the ris-
ers and the clean-up both be-
fore and after the play, to the
Philip News and KGFX for pro-
moting our activities, and to
everyone who helped in any
way we appreciate you.
To the play cast, directors
and helpers you did a SUPER
JOB!!! And to everyone who
came to the suppers and plays
in Milesville, your enjoyment
makes it all worthwhile. Thank
you for your support.
Milesville Fire Department
Milesville Hall Board
I want to thank Dr. Klopper
and all the hospital staff for
their kindness and excellent
care while I was in the hospital.
Floyd Bendickson
$3997.00. Make & save money
with your own bandmill. Cut
lumber any dimension. In stock
ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1-
800-578-1363 Ext.300N.
statewide for only $150.00. Put
the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper, 605-859-2516,
or 800-658-3697 for details.
to run 14 central states. 2 years
over the road experience re-
quired. Excellent benefit pack-
age. Call 701-221-2465 or 877-
472-9534. www.pbtransporta-
hiring Truck Mechanic. West
Fargo, ND, Needs: 3 years shop
experience Certified Diesel Me-
chanics preferred!! Great bene-
fits package! Apply at: www.wyli-
hiring a Parts Coordinator. West
Fargo, ND Needs: 1 year experi-
ence & HS Diploma/ GED.
Great benefits package! Apply
at: www.wylietrucking. com.
discounts for spring delivery.
50x80, 62x100, 68x120,
68x200, 100x200. Take advan-
tage of tax deductions. Limited
Offer. Call Jim 1-888-782-7040.
* * * * * * * * *
FOR SALE: 2004 Pontiac Grand
Prix GT, gray with gray interior,
107,300 miles, looks and runs
great. $7,000 is the asking price,
but I will consider reasonable of-
fers. Call Keith at 454-3426 or
859-2039 for information or any
questions. PR22-tfn
FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Expedi-
tion XLT 4x4, cloth seats, power
windows, locks & seats, good
tires. Call 685-8155. PR10-tfn
FITCH FENCINg: Line your
summer projects up now! For all
your corral, windbreak and pas-
ture fencing needs, call Truett at
859-2334. PR23-tfn
Contact Eileen Stolley, Register
Tax Return Preparer, after 5:00
p.m., 837-2320. K8-3tc
rior/exterior painting, staining,
minor repair work. Openings
still available for winter/sum-
mer. Free estimates. Licensed.
References. Call 488-0008. Ku-
sicks Painting & More.
The Pioneer Review
Business & Professional Directory
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
Quality Air-Entrained Concrete
Call toll-free 1-888-839-2621
Richard Hildebrand
837-2621 Kadoka, SD
Rent This Space
3 month min.
ANGUS Yearling Bull Private
Treaty Sale with equal opportu-
nity to bid on each bull. Begin-
ning Sat. Feb. 16. For more in-
formation and a catalog, call Bill
Wilkinson, 605-203-0379 or
Mark Wilkinson, 605-203-0380
De Smet, S.D.
TUNITY in Platte, SD: Ground
floor entry in firmly established
food service business, tailor
made for enterprising single per-
son or couple. New equipment
just added for continued expan-
sion into the future. Present
owner seeking retirement but
not at new buyers expense
(priced exceptionally reason-
able). Seller willing to stay on to
train during transition period.
Contact Travis Agency for details
605 337-3764.
City accepting applications.
Closing 02/15/13. Contact: City
of Salem, PO Box 249, Salem,
SD 57058, 425-2301; EOE.
TRICT, Faith, SD seeking candi-
dates for the position of superin-
tendent of schools with Special
Education Directors duties to be
determined. Application materi-
als available at or contact
Dr. Julie Ertz at 605.391.4719
Custer Clinic and Custer Re-
gional Senior Care in beautiful
Custer, SD, have full time and
PRN (as-needed) RN, LPN and Li-
censed Medical Assistant posi-
tions available. We offer compet-
itive pay and excellent benefits.
New Graduates welcome! Please
contact Human Resources at
(605) 673-2229 ext. 110 for
more information or log onto to
dian for the Edgemont School
District. 12-month, full-time po-
sitions with benefits: health/
dental insurance, state retire-
ment, sick leave, paid holidays,
vacation. Open until filled. Con-
tact Dave Cortney (605) 662-
7254 or Dave.Cortney@
cial Education Teacher or Full-
Time Special Education Admin-
istrator/Teacher at the Edge-
mont School District for the
2013-2014 school year. 4 day
school week. Contact Dave Cort-
ney at (605) 662-7254 or email us.
at the Edgemont School District
for the 2013-2014 school year.
Salary/benefits to be negotiated.
Contact Dave Cortney at 605-
662-7254 or email Dave.Cort-
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
imum for first 20 words; 10 per
word thereafter; included in the
Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The
Pennington Co. Courant, as well
as on our website:
Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum
for first 20 words; 10 per word
thereafter. Each name and initial
must be counted separately. In-
cluded in the Pioneer Review and
the Profit.
minimum for first 20 words; 10
per word thereafter. Each name
and initial must be counted sep-
arately. Printed only in the Pio-
neer Review.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for
bookkeeping and billing on all
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per
column inch, included in the Pi-
oneer Review and the Profit.
$5.55 per column inch for the Pi-
oneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate ad-
vertised in this newspaper is subject to the
Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which
makes it illegal to advertise any preference,
or discrimination on race, color, religion,
sex, or national origin, or any intention to
make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept
any advertising for real estate which is a vi-
olation of the law. Our readers are informed
that all dwellings advertised in this newspa-
per are available on an equal opportunity
2 Bedrooms Available
2 Bedrooms Available
(washer/dryer hook-ups)
Apartments carpeted throughout,
appliances furnished,
laundry facilities available.
For application
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605-347-3077 or
For all your
Philip, SD
ALL types!
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Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 10
Sports & School Events
Staff SpotligHt
JiM KnigHt
Employed 4 Years
CHS MidweSt CooperativeS
859-2501 * philip, Sd
Be sure to watch every other week
for a new staff spotlight!
Madison Hand junior
Diligent. Always tries her best. Work
is meticulous. Wonderful job of ex-
plaining solutions and showing cal-
culations. Kind and considerate of
Philip High School
January 2013 Students of the Month
Blake Puhlman sophomore
Willing to try, and to ask questions.
Comes in on his own time to get
caught up. Stays on task in class.
Uses class time wisely.
Dawson Reedy
Uses class time to
complete home-
work. Partici-
pates in class dis-
cussions. Consci-
entious about his
Elise Wheeler
Utilizes class time
to complete
homework and
stays busy. Very
about her work.
Helpful to others.
Coy Kramer
Asks questions if
he is not under-
standing. Uses
class time to com-
plete homework.
Is attentive dur-
ing discussions.
Jaisa Snyder
Always uses her
time wisely. Very
polite and asks
good questions.
Willing to help
other students.
Philip Junior High School
January 2013 Students of the Month
Student council for Childrens Miracle Network
Members of Philip High School's Student Council are hosting a three-point shoot at halftime of home sporting events to
raise money for the Children's Miracle Network. Pay one dollar to shoot from the three-point line. Win a two liter bottle of
pop if you make the basket. The money raised for CMN will be presented to the organization at the state student council
meeting in March. Pictured, back row, from left: Nelson Holman, Paul Guptill, Gavin Brucklacher, Garrett Snook, Tristen
Rush, Tate DeJong, Nick Hamill and Keegan Burnett. Front: Madison Hand, Ellie Coyle, Holly Iwan, Katlin Knutson and
Peyton DeJong. Courtesy photo
The Philip Scotties boys basket-
ball team not only forced a tied reg-
ular game, but won the match in
overtime over the previously
higher-ranked Oelrichs Tigers,
Saturday, January 26.
The first quarter was a high-ac-
tion stand off, with both teams
holding each other to 16 points. At
halftime, though, the Scotties were
behind by three points. While the
Tigers continued their 16-points-
per-quarter action, Philip played
catch up by narrowing the score
difference to just one point. As the
people in the grandstands heard
the final buzzer, the score board
saw a tied score. The score at the
end of overtime play reflected
Philips inching forward in quarter
scores since the first quarter. Now
Philip had tipped the scales to be
ahead when the overtime clock ran
Notable in Scottie play this game
was, while three-pointers were still
being thrown away, the players
tried to make up the difference
with a 100 percent free throw per-
1 2 3 4 OT
Philip 16 29 51 64 74
Oelrichs 16 32 52 64 73
Field goals: Philip 20/58 45%, Oel-
richs completed 19.
Free throws: Philip 13/13 100%, Oel-
richs 17/30 57%.
Three-point goals: Philip 3/14 21%,
Oelrichs sank 6.
Philip scorers: Nelson Holman and
Thomas Doolittle 16 each, Tristen Rush
and Tate DeJong 11 each, Blake Martinez
8, Gunner Hook and Paul Guptill 6 each.
Oelrichs scorers: Eriq Swiftwater and
BJ Brings Him Back 21 each, Ray Rouil-
lard 12, Rob Rouillard 8, Brendon Fast
Horse 7, Jon Garnier 4.
Rebounds: Philip 43. Leaders: De-
Jong 10, Rush and Hook 8 each, Mar-
tinez 7, Holman, Doolittle and Guptill 3
each, Quade Slovek 1.
Assists: Philip 13. Leaders: Holman 6,
Martinez 3, DeJong 2, Brody Jones and
Doolittle 1 each.
Steals: Philip 13. Leaders: Rush 4,
Doolittle and Guptill 3 each, Martinez 2,
DeJong 1.
Blocks: Philip 1. Leader: Hook 1.
Turnovers: Philip 29.
Fouls: Philip 21, Oelrichs 15. Fouled
out: Hook and DeJong.
The Philip junior varsity enjoyed
a walk-away victory over their op-
ponents. The Scotties held the
Tigers to just two points during the
first quarter, while shooting far
ahead with 24 points. By halftime
the Tigers were allowed a total of
14 points, but Philip still almost
tripled their opponents score. The
third and fourth quarters were
simply continuations of Philip
pulling further ahead to cement
the win. The Philip junior varsity
had shot close to a 50 percent on
field goals.
1 2 3 4
Philip 24 41 53 71
Oelrichs 2 14 27 38
Field goals: Philip 33/68 49%, Oel-
richs completed 7.
Free throws: Philip 5/15 33%, Oel-
richs 3/3 100%.
Three-point goals: Philip 0/3 0%,
Oelrichs sank 7.
Philip scorers: Martinez and Guptill
10 each, Ben Stangle 9, Wyatt Schaack 8,
Garrett Snook 7, Jones, Jace Giannonatti,
Todd Antonsen and Jacob Kammerer 4
each, Ryan Van Tassel 3, Brucklacher,
Bierle, Sam Stangle and Keegan Burnett 2
Oelrichs scorers: Patrick Brings Him
Back 14, Darrell Eagle 11, Leonard Red
Hair 6, Tyger Cortier 4, Michael Walk-
ing 3.
Rebounds: Philip 33. Leaders: Bierle
6, Giannonatti 4, Guptill, Schaack and Van
Tassel 3 each, Brucklacher, B. Stangle, An-
tonsen, Kammerer and Snook 2 each, Mar-
tinez, Jones, Chase Wright and Burnett 1
Assists: Philip 8. Leaders: Jones and
Wright 2 each, Brucklacher, Guptill, Gian-
nonatti and Kammerer 1 each.
Steals: Philip 23. Leaders: Martinez 7,
B. Stangle and Snook 3 each, Jones, Bierle
and Schaack 2 each, Brucklacher, Guptill,
Antonsen and Kammerer 1 each.
Blocks: Philip 3. Leaders: Martinez,
Guptill and Schaack 1 each.
Turnovers: Philip 9.
Fouls: Philip 6, Oelrichs 20.
The Philip Scotties will next play
on Friday, February 1, versus the
New Underwood Tigers, in the
Philip gymnasium, with the C
game starting at 5:30 p.m.
Scotties bite Oelrichs in overtime
Thomas Doolittle. Courtesy photos
Tate DeJong
It was a tough Saturday on Jan-
uary 26 for the Philip Area grap-
plers as they placed seventh at the
Wagner Invitational Wrestling
Coach Matt Donnelly noted the
trouble came from wrestlers sitting
out due to injury and illness and
from some wrestlers not wrestling
to their top ability. Philip Area
wasnot represented in five weight
Team placings were Parkston
(257), Tri-Valley (168), Wagner
(164.5), Beresford (159), Bon
Homme (156), Garretson (137.5),
Philip Area (134.5), Flandreau
(127), Faulkton Area (102), Elk
Point/Jeffferson (84), Stanley
County (54), Kimball/White Lake-
Platte-Geddes ( (51), Parkston Un-
attached (28), Andes Central (18),
Stanley County Unattached (13),
Alcester-Hudson and Marion/Free-
man (8). Other schools had unat-
tached wrestlers who earned point
standings below eight.
106 lbs: Jed Brown 2nd, 20-9 record
Pinned Matt Ambrose (EPJ) 2:43
Pinned Parker Ramstad (TV) :29
Decisioned Kyler Holzbauer (PKST) 3-2
Decisioned byDuncan Stoebner (BH) 2-4 OT
126 lbs: Nick Donnelly, 4th, 25-8 record
Pinned Dalton Kotlolinik M/F 2:26
Decisioned by Thomas Howe (GAR) 4-6
Pinned John Kanter (WAG-Un) 4:22
Decisioned Lukas Chase (SC) 6-0
Decisioned Sage Zephier (WAG) 6-4
Lost by default to Howe
132 lbs: Grady Carley, 19-14 record
Decisioned Dylan Manas (BH) 7-1
Pinned by Austin Oyen (TV) 1:30
Pinned Cash Hemmingson (AH) :45
Pinned by Colby Pierret (GAR) 1:56
152 lbs: Lane Blasius, 3rd, 24-3 record
Pinned Tony Weiland (PKST) 1:44
Decisioned Nick Weis (EPJ) 4-1
Decisioned by Zach Schuman (TV) 2-5
Pinned Brady Soulek (WAG) 2:57
Decisioned Kent Hall (FAU) 6-1
160 lbs: Chandlier Sudbeck, 3rd,
23-7 record
Pinned Eli Orr (BER-Un) 1:00
Pinned Sean McPadden (GAR) 4:30
Decisioned by Blase Vanecek (BH) 5-10
Major dec. Brandon Potter (FAU) 10-2
Pinned McPadden 1:57
170 lbs: Clint Stout, 5th, 25-7 record
Pinned Matt Holsing (FAU-Un) 1:02
Decisioned by Turner Blasius (KWLPG) 6-
Pinned Austin Thomas (FAU) 2:23
Pinned Chandler Baumgart (PKST-Un)
Decisioned by Josh Casperson (BER) 7-12
Tech. fall over Miles Semmler (PKST) 19-4
182 lbs: Chance Knutson, 2nd,
19-8 record
Pinned Chris Andrews (BER) 1:00
Decisioned Dakota Zephier (WAG) 4-1
Decisioned by Dakota Petersen (FLA) 2-3
195 lbs: Logan Ammons, 3rd,
18-6 record
Pinned Ray Edgar (FAU) 1:58
Decisioned by C.J. Geary (EPJ) 2-8
Pinned Jacob Kvigne (WAG) 1:25
Decisioned Ezra Bartlett (BH) 7-2
The team will head to Hill City
February 2 for the Black Hills In-
vitational Tournament. Donnelly
said with region action almost
upon them the wrestlers need to
place well at this tournament, to
help them in the regions seed plac-
ings. District action has been elim-
Grapplers fall at Wagner tournament
Chandlier Sudbeck pinned this Garretson wrestler in 4:30 during the Wagoner
tournament January 26. Photo by Dayle Knutson
Jed Brown tries to take this wrestler off his feet during a match at the Wagoner
tournament last weekend. Photo by Dayle Knutson
As in previous years, free tax
preparation will be offered at the
Bad River Senior Citizens Center,
Philip, for the upcoming tax sea-
The service is provided in cooper-
ation with the Internal Revenue
Service and AARP to help low- and
middle-income taxpayers in filing
their personal income tax returns.
Volunteers are trained and certi-
fied by the IRS to prepare and e-file
most returns. There is no limit on
ages or income, and people do not
have to be an AARP member to
take advantage of this service.
The hours of operation in Philip
will be Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m., February 5 through
April 9, at the senior center on
Center Avenue. Appointments are
preferred, but walk-ins will be ac-
Call Bob McDaniel at 859-2227
for an appointment or information.
Free annual tax aid in Philip
Philip Motor, Inc.
Philip, SD
(800) 859-5557
2002 Buick LeSabre
Limited 3.8L V6
Give Ryan a call today!
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 11
Your great deal is waiting.
Come get it today!
859-2744 or 685-3068
SLT Laramie,
loaded, leather,
18,000 miles
11 Dodge
Ram 1500
Reuben Sandwich with French Fries
859-2430 Philip
with Texas Toast,
Salad bar & Dessert
Philip League Bowling
Lucky Strike
Sunday-Friday, 12 to 6 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. to closing
The kitchen is open we have orders to go!!
859-2430 Philip
Monday Night Mixed
Dakota Bar..................................11-5
Handrahan Const .......................10-6
Shads Towing...............................7-9
Badlands Auto..............................6-6
Neal Petersen..............279 clean/606
Harvey Byrd ..........2-9 split; 177/470
Ronnie Coyle .........................209/574
Trina Brown.................................185
Jason Petersen......................201/575
Vickie Petersen .....................180/481
Kim Petersen ...............................476
Wendell Buxcel...................3-10 split
Tuesday Mens Early
Philip Motor..................................8-0
Peoples Market .............................5-3
Philip Health Service ...................4-4
G&A Trenching.............................4-4
Kennedy Impl ...............................4-4
Georges Welding ..........................3-5
Bear Auto......................................3-5
Kadoka Tree Service.....................1-7
Fred Foland.......6-7-10 & 3-10 split;
.....................230 clean, 202, 201/633
Bryan Buxcel .......3-10 split; 213/595
Randy Boyd .........5-10 split; 201/583
Alvin Pearson........................213/568
Matt Schofield.............200 clean/548
Tony Gould .................3-10 split; 542
Cory Boyd .....................5-7 split; 511
Jim Larson ...................................511
Earl Park......................................503
Terry Wentz................3-10 split; 502
Todd Radway......................3-10 split
Wendell Buxcel...................3-10 split
Ed Morrison.......................3-5-7 split
Wednesday Morning Coffee
Cutting Edge Salon ....................14-6
State Farm..................................12-8
Bowling Belles ..........................10-10
Jolly Ranchers ............................8-12
Christy Park........................2-7 split;
...............................201, 200, 168/569
Shirley OConnor ..........161, 150/448
Judy Papousek ....3-10 split; 162/442
Audrey Jones.........................167/429
Vonda Hamill ........................157/413
Kay Kroetch.......................7-2-8 split
Deanna Fees.........................4-5 split
Sandra OConnor..................4-5 split
Joy Neville.............5-6 & 5-6-10 split
Wednesday Night Early
Dakota Bar....................................9-3
Just Tammys................................9-3
Morrisons Haying ........................8-4
Dorothys Catering .......................6-6
First National Bank .....................5-7
Hildebrand Concrete ....................4-8
Wall Food Center..........................4-8
Chiefies Chicks ............................3-9
Rachel Kjerstad..........3-10 split; 213
Linda Stangle ......3-10 split; 189/506
Lindsey Hildebrand..............199/541
Brenda Grenz .............3-10 split; 178
Marlis Petersen.....................173/490
Amy Morrison .......................175/476
Val Schulz ....................................174
Tena Slovek..................................173
Annette Hand .........5-10 & 7-9 splits
Christy Park...................5-7 split x 2
Brittney Drury .....................6-7 split
MaryLynn Crary ..................4-6 split
Debbie Gartner...................3-10 split
Karen Iwan.........................3-10 split
Thursday Men
The Steakhouse ..........................12-0
Coyles SuperValu.......................10-2
OConnell Const ............................7-5
A&M Laundry...............................4-8
WEE BADD...................................4-8
Dakota Bar....................................3-9
McDonnell Farms......................NA-6
West River Pioneer Tanks........NA-6
Mike Moses..................234 clean/590
Jason Petersen......................214/569
Rick Coyle....................213 clean/562
Bryan Buxcel.................3-10 x 2; 213
Cory Boyd ....................213 clean/559
Wendell Buxcel...............3-7-10, 3-10
.........................................& 5-6 splits
Doug Hauk ...................................541
Jack Heinz....................................202
Alvin Pearson.....................193 clean
Matt Schofield ........5-7 & 3-10 splits
Friday Nite Mixed
Randys Spray Service................15-1
Lee & the Ladies.........................11-4
Cristis Crew.................................8-8
King Pins.....................................6-10
Roys Repair ................................6-10
The Ghost Team...........................0-0
Theresa Miller..............................179
Duane Hand ................5-6 split; 201,
.....................................197 clean/589
Aaron Richardsen .................209/556
Alvin Pearson...............................205
John Heltzel .......................3-10 split
Ed Morrison........................3-10 split
The District 14B Philip Lady
Scotties hosted the District 16B
Newell Irrigators, Saturday, Janu-
ary 26.
The first quarter in the varsity
game indicated a possible close
game, with Philip and Newell end-
ing only three points apart. That
spread, though, grew to the Irriga-
tors advantage by halftime. The
second half continued in the same
fashion until the final buzzer and a
win by Newell.
1 2 3 15
Philip 10 15 21 29
Newell 13 24 35 50
Free throws: Philip 7/18 39%,
Newell 13/27 48%.
Philip scorers: Madison Hand, Bailey
Radway and Justina Cvach 5 each, Krista
Wells and Sam Johnson, 4 each, Katie Hos-
tutler, Ashton Reedy and Jordyn Dekker 2
Newell scorers: Taylor Trohkimoinen
22, Ashley Hills 10, Kellsie Collins 9.
Rebounds: Philip 47. Leaders: Dekker
12, Johnson 9, Cvach 8, Holly Iwan, Hand
and Radway 4 each, Wells 3, Hostutler,
Hanna Hostutler and Reedy 1 each..
Assists: Philip 6. Leaders: Hand and
Dekker 2 each, K. Hostutler and Radway
1 each.
Steals: Philip 9. Leaders: Wells 3,
Iwan 2, Radway, H. Hostutler, Reedy and
Dekker 1 each.
Blocks: Philip 7. Leaders: Dekker 5,
Radway 2.
Turnovers: Philip 21.
Fouls: Philip N/A. Fouled out Dekker
and Hand.
The Philip junior varsity re-
versed the roles on their opponents.
The Lady Scotties had the lead at
the end of the first quarter, and
worked at increasing that lead the
rest of the game for the eventual
1 2 3 15
Philip 4 15 30 38
Newell 2 6 14 20
Field goals: Philip 12/46 26%.
Free throws: Philip 14/23 61%,
Newell 0/3 0%.
Three-point goals: Philip 0/9 0%.
Philip scorers: Cvach 11, K. Hostutler
and H. Hostutler 6 each, Brett Carley 4,
Kaci Olivier, Katlin Knutson and Peyton De-
Jong 3 each, Ellie Coyle 2.
Newell scorers: Mandee Williamson 6,
Kamira Miller 4.
Rebounds: Philip 32. Newell 25.
Philip leaders: Olivier 6, Carley, Cvach and
Reedy 4 each, K. Hostutler, Coyle and H.
Hostutler 3 each, Knutson and TaTe For-
tune 2 each, Megan Williams 1.
Assists: Philip 7. Leaders: Carley and
DeJong 2 each, Olivier, Coyle and Knut-
son 1 each.
Steals: Philip 10. Leaders: Olivier and
Coyle 3 each, Williams, Carley, H. Hostut-
ler and Knutson 1 each.
Blocks: Philip 6. Leaders: H. Hostut-
ler 3, K. Hostutler, Knutson and Reedy 1
Turnovers: Philip 8, Newell 20.
The Philip Lady Scotties was
host the Oelrichs Tigers, Thursday,
February 1, starting at 5:30 p.m.
Philip Lady Scotties trail Irrigators
Katie Hostutler prepares to let the ball fly before her two Newell opponents inter-
fere with the shot. Photo by Nancy Haigh
Justina Cvach ignores her opponent as she concentrates on making a long shot
during the Lady Scotties game Saturday evening. Photo by Nancy Haigh
The South Dakota FFA has been
a major part of the spirit of South
Dakotas youth and agriculture for
more than 80 years.
The Star Partner Program joins
the efforts of South Dakota busi-
nesses and organizations with
FFAs mission of developing pre-
mier leadership, personal growth
and career success for youth in-
volved in agriculture education.
The need to build partnerships
in support of local and state agri-
cultural education programs con-
tinues to grow as budgets are in-
creasingly tight, said Gerri Ann
South Dakota FFAs Star Partner Program
Pictured during the South Dakota State Fair in early September with other FFA officers is Philips Gavin Snook at far left
in the back row. He was the 2012 FFA District V sentinel. The FFA was honoring their Star Partner Program sponsors.
Courtesy photo
The District 14B Philip Lady
Scotties traveled to Lemmon, Fri-
day, January 25, to challenge the
District 16B Cowgirls as part of a
girls and boys basketball double-
Philip started out slow, and
could not get any steam against
Lemmon. The Scotties mustered
only three points in the first quar-
ter and seven in the second quar-
ter. The third quarter saw a dou-
bling of the Philip score, but no
closing of the gap made by Lem-
mon. The Lady Scotties almost
again doubled their score before
the final buzzer, but the Cowgirls
still had a relatively easy win.
1 2 3 4
Philip 3 7 14 26
Lemmon 20 46 59 70
Field goals: Philip 11/47 23%.
Free throws: Philip 4/10 40%, Lem-
mon 10/14 71%.
Three-point goals: Philip 0/3 0%.
Philip scorers: Madison Hand 8, Bailey
Radway and Sam Johnson 5 each, Jordyn
Dekker 4, Katie Hostutler and Krista
Wells 2 each.
Lemmon scorers: Morgan Ham 18,
Katie Sackmann 16, Haley Froelich 10.
Rebounds: Philip 23, Lemmon 29.
Philip leaders: Radway and Johnson 5 each,
Dekker 4, Hand 3, Hostutler, Wells and
Justina Cvach 2 each.
Assists: Philip 5. Leaders: Johnson 2,
Wells, Hanna Hostutler and Dekker 1 each.
Steals: Philip 6. Leaders: Radway 2,
Hand, Wells, Johnson and Dekker 1 each.
Blocks: Philip 4. Leaders: Hand, Wells,
Johnson and Dekker 1 each.
Turnovers: Philip 34, Lemmon 16.
Fouls: Philip 16, Lemmon 12.
The Philip junior varsity had a
similar match up with their oppo-
nents. From the first quarter and
through the rest of the game, the
Lady Scotties could not keep up
their offense or do much in the way
of a defense. The game ended with
a 23-point difference.
1 2 3 4
Philip 5 11 18 20
Lemmon 10 23 31 43
Field goals: Philip 17/41 17%.
Free throws: Philip 3/11 27%, Lem-
mon 9/12 75%.
Three-point goals: Philip 1/7 14%.
Philip scorers: Cvach 9, Katlin Knut-
son 5, Kaci Olivier 4, Ashton Reedy 2.
Lemmon scorers: Kelli Evans 16, Bai-
ley Oliver 10, Hallie Kocer 7.
Rebounds: Philip 26, Lemmon 28.
Philip leaders: H. Hostutler and Cvach 5
each, K. Hostutler and Ellie Coyle 4 each,
Brett Carley and Reedy 3 each, Olivier 2.
Assists: Philip 2. Leaders: K. Hostutler
and Carley 1 each.
Steals: Philip 15. Leaders: Coyle 5,
Knutson 3, H. Hostutler, Cvach and
Tyanna Gottsleben 2 each, K. Hostutler
Blocks: Philip 12. Leaders: Cvach 4,
H. Hostutler 3, Carley 2, K. Hostutler,
Coyle and Knutson 1 each.
Turnovers: Philip 28, Lemmon 25.
Fouls: Philip 14, Lemmon 11.
Lady Scotties soured by Cowgirls 26-70
The Philip Scotties traveled to
Lemmon, Friday, January 25, to
challenge the Lemmon Cowboys as
part of a boys and girls basketball
The Philip varsity boys began
their game with a decisiveness that
more than doubled their first quar-
ter and second quarter scores over
their opponents scores. The second
half was almost as much of a one-
sided play, with the Scotties stay-
ing far ahead of the Cowboys to the
final buzzer.
1 2 3 4
Philip 15 26 43 55
Lemmon 7 13 24 28
Field goals: Philip 19/49 39%, Lem-
mon completed 8.
Free throws: Philip 14/26 54%, Lem-
mon 2/5 40%.
Three-point goals: Philip 1/10 10%,
Lemmon sank 3.
Philip scorers: Tate DeJong 12, Tristen
Rush 10, Gunner Hook 8, Thomas Doolit-
tle 5, Kruse Bierle, Paul Guptill and Quade
Slovek 4 each, Nelson Holman 3, Wyatt
Schaack 2, Blake Martinez 1.
Lemmon scorers: Jaden Shockley 10,
Cash Heltzel 8, Jacob Shockley 7, Tyler
Heil 10.
Rebounds: Philip 42. Leaders: Hook
10, Rush and DeJong 6, Martinez, Cassidy
Schnabel, Guptill and Schaack 3 each,
Brody Jones, Doolittle, Bierle and Slovek 2
Assists: Philip 10. Leaders: Holman and
Rush 2 each, Martinez, Jones, Doolittle, De-
Jong, Hook and Schaack.
Steals: Philip 20. Leaders: Martinez 7,
Rush 5, Holman 3, Schaack 2, Doolittle,
DeJong and Slovek 1 each.
Blocks: Philip 1. Leader: DeJong 1.
Turnovers: Philip 20.
Fouls: Philip 14, Lemmon 22.
The Philip junior varsity fought
a back-and-forth match that kept
the audience in suspence up to the
final buzzer. When the first quar-
ter ended, the Cowboys had a
three-point lead. That was a short-
lived situation, because by halftime
the Scotties boasted a four point
advantage. The third quarter saw
another turn around, with Lem-
mon catching and passing Philip to
hold a five point lead. The final
quarter was yet another flip-flop
for the lead. Philip first closed the
gap, then, with the clock having
ticked down, held on to a one-point
lead for the win.
1 2 3 4
Philip 13 21 29 47
Lemmon 16 17 34 46
Field goals: Philip 16/57 28%, Lem-
mon completed 16.
Free throws: Philip 9/21 43%, Lem-
mon 9/21 43%.
Three-point goals: Philip 2/7 29%,
Lemmon sank 2.
Philip scorers: Ben Stangle 13, Bierle
11, Guptill 7, Gavin Brucklacher 6,
Schaack 4, Jones and Jace Giannonatti 3
Lemmon scorers: Cole Shockley 12,
Darin Maier 11, Heil 9, Josh Sackman
7, Tim Morgan 5, Nathan Boeckel 2.
Rebounds: Philip 31. Leaders: Bierle
and Schaack 8 each, Brucklacher and Gup-
till 4 each, Jones and Stangle 2 each, Gi-
annonattia, Todd Antonsen and Jacob Kam-
merer 1 each.
Assists: Philip 8. Leaders: Jones 3,
Guptill 2, Brucklacher, Stangle and Kam-
merer 1 each.
Steals: Philip 14. Leaders: Bierle 4,
Brucklacher 3, Jones, Schaack and Garrett
Snook 2 each, Guptill 1..
Blocks: Philip 2. Leaders: Bierle and
Stangle 1 each.
Turnovers: Philip 29.
Fouls: Philip 20, Lemmon 18. Fouled
out: Philip Guptill, Lemmon Morgan.
Philip Scotties get sweet 55-28
victory over Lemmon Cowboys
The annual Knights of Columbus
free throw contest was held
Wednesday, January 23, in the
Philip elementary gymnasium.
The contest was open to boys and
girls ages 10-14, as of January 1.
There were a total of 55 partici-
pants this year for the Philip com-
petition. This is 15 more than last
year. The local winners received t-
The contest requires each partic-
ipant to shoot 15 free throws in a
row. The 10-11 age group shot from
12 feet from the basket, rather
than the standard free throw dis-
tance of 15 feet. All other ages shot
from the 15-foot free throw line.
The winners of each group then
shot an additional 25 free throws.
Once all districts have sent in their
information, the scores are com-
pared and the district winners are
notified. Those winners will go on
to compete at the regional level.
Winners of the local free throw
contest were:
Boys: age 10 Keldon Fitzgerald
(8/15, 17/25), age 11 Wade
Kroetch (7/15, 17/25), age 12
Brice Hanson (11/15, 17/25), age
13 Trew DeJong (10/15, 17/25),
age 14 Nathan Kreft (7/15,
Girls: age 10 Dilyn Terkildsen
(8/15, 6/25), age 11 Josie Rush
(11/15, 19/25), age 12 Morgan
Cantrell (10/15, 17/25), age 13
Peyton Kuchenbecker (9/15, 14/25),
age 14 Tia Guptill (11/15, 13/25).
Knights free throw contest
The elementary gymnasium was full of young athletes, parents and Knights of
Columbus volunteers for the annual free throw contest. Photo by Del Bartels
Eide, executive director of the
South Dakota FFA Foundation.
"These partners will provide qual-
ity leadership training for our FFA
members, ensuring we have
trained employees for the future of
the production and business sides
of S.D. agriculture. Our star part-
ners make a huge difference for
every local chapter.
The South Dakota FFA Founda-
tions Star Partner Program wel-
comes a growing list of supporters
that see the value of South Dakota
FFA and agricultural education.
Star partners with more local ties
include CHS Foundation and Farm
Credit Services of America.
Star Partner Program support
provides resources for the South
Dakota FFA Association, South
Dakota FFA alumni, South Dakota
Association of Agricultural Educa-
tors, South Dakota FFA Founda-
tion, post secondary agricultural
events, and agricultural education
at South Dakota State University.
Its a win-win partnership as
our agriculture education pro-
grams receive valuable support to
prepare future employees for agri-
cultural careers and develop skills
to provide leadership for their local
communities, while at the same
time businesses and organizations
receive year-long recognition for
their partnership. said Eide.
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10:00 A.M. BRED CATTLE: 12:00 P.M. (MT)
DFED. DLK; CLV. 2-25
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PLA |s now qua||f|ed to hand|e th|rd party ver|f|ed
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Upoom1ng Horse So1es
We od o b1g run o] oo111e ]or our S1ooK
Sou Speo1o1 Feeder Co111e So1e. B1g
oroud o] peop1e ond o good s1rong mor-
Ke1. We1g-ups 1ger. B1g Speo1o1 S1ooK
Cou & Bred He1]er So1e er ne1 Tues-
87............................FED STFS 713= ..........$164.00
18..................FED & DLK STFS 632= ..........$164.00
85............................DLK STFS 654= ..........$170.00
54............................DLK STFS 560= ..........$174.00
6..............................DLK STFS 475= ..........$186.00
90............................DLK HFFS 551= ..........$157.50
12............................DLK HFFS 458= ..........$172.00
79............................DLK STFS 606= ..........$175.00
80............................DLK STFS 628= ..........$171.00
288........................CHAF STFS 821= ..........$147.35
95..........................CHAF STFS 738= ..........$153.50
297........................CHAF HFFS 774= ..........$140.10
82..........................CHAF HFFS 687= ..........$143.25
55............................DLK STFS 547= ..........$177.00
20............................DLK STFS 476= ..........$185.00
42............................DLK HFFS 496= ..........$162.75
28............................DLK STFS 543= ..........$177.50
24............................DLK STFS 463= ..........$191.00
28............................DLK HFFS 494= ..........$161.75
15............................DLK HFFS 448= ..........$172.00
22............................DLK HFFS 547= ..........$157.00
59 .................DLK & DWF STFS 660= ..........$166.25
48 ..........................HEFF STFS 595= ..........$165.75
15.................FWF & DWF STFS 583= ..........$166.00
63 ................FWF & DWF HFFS 634= ..........$149.50
26 ................FWF & DWF HFFS 537= ..........$156.50
19..........................HEFF HFFS 496= ..........$158.50
82 .................DLK & DWF STFS 760= ..........$152.50
53 .................DLK & DWF STFS 697= ..........$154.25
76...........................DWF HFFS 707= ..........$141.50
44.................DLK & DWF HFFS 614= ..........$143.00
88............................DLK STFS 674= ..........$160.00
49............................DLK HFFS 641= ..........$143.75
75............................DLK STFS 703= ..........$157.75
48 .................DLK & DWF STFS 601= ..........$167.00
18............................DLK STFS 559= ..........$177.25
15.................DLK & DWF HFFS 620= ..........$155.00
29............................DLK HFFS 730= ..........$146.00
15 ................CHAF & DLK STFS 601= ..........$169.50
7..................CHAF & DLK STFS 463= ..........$178.00
31.................DLK & DWF HFFS 556= ..........$157.00
11.................DLK & DWF HFFS 480= ..........$158.50
42..................FED & DLK STFS 724= ..........$157.00
55 .................DLK & DWF STFS 630= ..........$166.00
10 .................DLK & DWF STFS 536= ..........$173.00
51.................DLK & DWF HFFS 597= ..........$146.75
80............................DLK STFS 754= ..........$151.00
138 ..........................DLK STFS 865= ..........$141.50
80............................DLK STFS 791= ..........$146.00
54 .................DLK & DWF STFS 910= ..........$138.85
159........................CHAF HFFS 780= ..........$138.60
94..........................CHAF HFFS 705= ..........$139.50
73..........................CHAF HFFS 894= ..........$133.10
75..........................CHAF HFFS 822= ..........$134.10
63..........................CHAF STFS 878= ..........$139.50
75..........................CHAF STFS 784= ..........$143.50
73..................FED & DLK STFS 856= ..........$142.35
80..................FED & DLK STFS 769= ..........$147.10
75..........................CHAF HFFS 801= ..........$134.00
85........DLK, FED & CHAF HFFS 720= ..........$139.50
60 ........DLK, FED & CHAF STFS 774= ..........$147.25
18..........................HEFF HFFS 613= ..........$145.00
38............................DLK HFFS 651= ..........$141.00
21............................DLK HFFS 569= ..........$150.50
25..................FED & DLK STFS 674= ..........$157.00
24 .................FED & DLK HFFS 612= ..........$142.00
41 .................DLK & DWF STFS 840= ..........$139.75
43.................DLK & DWF HFFS 780= ..........$133.10
18............................DLK STFS 662= ..........$159.00
14 ........DLK, FED & CHAF STFS 639= ..........$156.00
11 ...............CHAF & FED HFFS 569= ..........$150.00
7..............................DLK STFS 667= ..........$160.00
5..............................DLK HFFS 592= ..........$146.50
10................CHAF & DLK HFFS 554= ..........$152.00
35 .................FED & DLK HFFS 563= ..........$152.50
14 .................FED & DLK HFFS 501= ..........$151.00
31............................DLK HFFS 582= ..........$142.00
8 ..........DLK, FED & CHAF STFS 592= ..........$161.50
5....................FED & DLK STFS 614= ..........$160.00
11 .................FED & DLK HFFS 534= ..........$144.00
7..............................DLK STFS 560= ..........$170.00
12.................DLK & DWF HFFS 477= ..........$160.75
3 ............................FED COWS 1398= ..........$90.25
1..............................FED COW 1575= ..........$89.00
5 ............................FED COWS 1530= ..........$85.25
1........................FED COWETTE 1025= ..........$96.00
1..............................DLK DULL 1850= ........$103.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1345= ..........$86.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1360= ..........$85.00
1..............................FED COW 1300= ..........$83.00
4 ..................FED & DLK COWS 1095= ..........$82.50
2 ............................FED COWS 1218= ..........$80.00
1..............................DLK DULL 1845= ........$100.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1265= ..........$85.50
1 ..............................DLK COW 1140= ..........$85.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1475= ..........$84.50
1 ..............................DLK COW 1385= ..........$84.50
12...........................DLK COWS 1287= ..........$84.25
14..........................DLK HFFTS 961= ..........$106.00
3..............................DLK HFFS 983= ..........$121.50
1 ..............................DLK COW 1200= ..........$82.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1415= ..........$81.50
1 ..............................DLK COW 1260= ..........$81.00
1 ..............................DLK COW 1500= ..........$80.50
1 ..............................DLK COW 1240= ..........$81.00
1........................DLK COWETTE 1070= ..........$85.50
2 .................DLK & DWF HFFTS 1008= ........$112.00
1 .............................DLK HFFT 1170= ..........$93.00
2............................DLK HFFTS 898= ..........$104.00
1 .............................DLK HFFT 995= ............$91.00
Thursday, January 31, 2013 The Pioneer Review Page 12
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~ Monday, Feb. 4 ~
1/2 lb. Cheeseburger
~ Tuesday, Jan. 29 ~
Petite Ribeye
~ Wednesday, Jan. 30 ~
Indian Taco or
Taco Salad
~ Thursday, Jan. 31 ~
~ Friday Buffet, Feb. 1 ~
Roast Beef
Shrimp Chicken
Try our new charbroiled steaks & burgers! All steaks come with a choice of potato and includes salad bar!
Milesville Community Club will
meet at Karen Carley's February 7
at 7:00 p.m. Visitors are always wel-
come, as well as prospective new
members. The club is active in all
community projects such as setting
dates for mowing at the cemetery
and in Milesville during the sum-
mer months (We hope they will need
mowing a lot this summer!), updat-
ing the Milesville and Billsburg di-
rectional signs, and various hall
projects. Then there are the fun out-
ings we take, secret sisters, and par-
ties. It isn't all work! Come and join
Nearly all of the cast members of
"The Royal Bachelor" and their fam-
ilies gathered Thursday evening for
a potluck supper at the Milesville
Hall. Later, the hall was cleaned
and all the reminders of the recent
play were put away. Good memo-
Lunch guests Friday at Trevor
and Christa Fitch's were Cheryl
Fitch and Tiana, Shay and Luca
Friday, Trevor, Brayden, Keagan
and Colby Fitch, Marvin Eide, Bur-
jes and Theo Fitch were in the Black
Hills for a fun day of riding snowmo-
biles. Christa, Jensen, Rayler and
Aven Fitch and Vicki Eide met them
in Spearfish for supper that night.
Brayden, Marvin and Vicki re-
turned home while the rest stayed
overnight. The boys entered the
AAU wrestling tournament Sunday
in Belle Fourche where Jensen
placed third and Colby got first.
Congratulations, boys!
Bill and Connie Parsons went to
Rapid City Friday to the home of
Gerald and Gladys Morgan. Their
mother, Laura Morgan, and Keith
and Norleen Morgan, Billings,
Mont., were there visiting. I'm sure
they had a great time. Laura is liv-
ing with Keith and Norleen there in
A few days last week, Donnie
and Bobette Schofield, along with
Bobette's brother, Jim Murphy,
were in Sioux Falls for doctor ap-
pointments for Jim. He, along with
so many others are struggling to get
over the flu/cold.
Donnie and Bobette Schofield
met their daughter and family, the
Bruce Dunkers, Wall, for dinner in
Rapid City Sunday. They also spent
some time at the stock show.
Hugh and Ann Harty were in Her-
mosa for the weekend with Ann re-
maining a bit longer. Hugh stopped
at the stock show also. Paul and
Moneik Stephens and family were
there in Hermosa finishing up the
bathroom project.
Cory, Ryan and J.J. Elshere all
came to Jim and Lana Elshere's Sat-
urday to help lay a new kitchen
floor. While the men worked, Lana
and some of the grandkids, Trey,
Jenna, Talon, Thayne and Rylan,
had lots of fun playing outdoors.
Several days last week, Tim
Quinn, Josh and Kelton, were in
Denver for the stock show. Tim and
Kelton visited Pat and Carla Quinn
while there and also helped their
cousin, Eli Berry, show animals at
the stock show. Sunday morning,
Josh joined other senior FFA mem-
bers from Philip High School to
Denver for the stock show.
Sunday afternoon, the drama
kids from Philip High School trav-
eled to Wall where they presented
their one act play, "Discovering
Rogue." Wall High School also pre-
sented their play, "Orphan Trains."
After performing in Wall, both
schools brought their talent to
Philip where they each presented
their play. Several local families at-
tended. Both schools earned the
right to go on to the state one act
festival in Brandon beginning
Kelton Quinn spent Thursday
and Friday nights at the Mike
Piroutek home helping his friend,
John Piroutek, celebrate his birth-
Last Wednesday, Paul Staben
visited his brother-in-law, Bob
Helms, north of Wall. Sunday, the
Stabens' attended the stock show.
Gayla Piroutek, Nina Pekron
and Theresa Deuchar, along with
close to 1,000 other folks, gathered
at the Rapid City cathedral to hear
Matthew Kelly speak about how to
live with passion and purpose, how
to hear God, how to become the best
version of yourself so that you can
follow the path God has laid out for
you. This dynamic speaker had a
strong message for Catholics and
other christians. He has had books
on the Times Best Seller List. He
spoke for over four hours.
Deb Neville spent the weekend
in Rapid City caring for her grand-
children while their parents, Lukasz
and Amanda, were busy.
Mark and Judith Radway were
busy over the weekend going to Bai-
ley's basketball games in Lemmon
and Philip. Sunday, they were in
Rapid City for the stock show. On
their way home, they stopped in
Quinn for the surprise 50th birth-
day celebration for Mary Lou Gup-
Sharon Olivier hosted a home
party at Janice Parsons' Saturday
with approximately 12 ladies at-
tending. Cassidy (Smith) Ayotte was
the demonstrator.
Our weather has again turned
kind of wintry. Monday, light snow
fell, covering the ground with a
blanket of white. It sounds like a
couple of cold days, then it will
warm up again.
by Janice Parsons
(Laura is the director for the Hayes
play.) Friday, Laura, Clint and
Alivya hosted at gathering of
friends at a restaurant in Pierre.
Those attending were Adam and
Jodi Roseth and family, Crystal
and Levi Neuharth and boys, Jea-
nine Gabriel and kids, Vince and
Katie Bruce, and Chase and Kelly
Briggs and family. There were 11
adults and 12 children, and they all
had a great time and took a group
picture. T.J. Gabriel wasn't able to
attend because of calving activity
at the ranch. Clint, Laura and
Alivya spent the night in town, and
then hurried home for chores the
next morning. Saturday afternoon,
they were in Hayes visiting with
the whole Yost family, and Laura's
sister, Amy, and friend cooked an
amazing meal for the group. Sun-
day, Hayes play cast members sur-
prised Laura by finishing the last
part of the stage that was needing
done. Laura said this week she is
thankful for good friends!
Marge Briggs said she hasn't
been anywhere to make any news,
but her time has been taken up
going through the many catalogues
she receives, doing lots of "dream-
ing," she said. Her son, Lynn, was
a business caller in Pierre Monday.
A week or so ago, Ed Briggs at-
tended the Jones County basket-
ball tournament Saturday evening
and Sunday had dinner with the
Jack Carr family in White River.
This past weekend, Ed and his
friend, Beth, went to Dupree Sat-
urday for the basketball game be-
tween Dupree and Jones County. It
was a really close game, with
Dupree winning the game. Sunday
after chores, Ed had planned to
head to Brookings and Watertown
to visit his sons. After getting to
Brookings to visit Shane, bad road
and visibility conditions convinced
Ed to return home rather than con-
tinue on to Watertown to visit
Casey. Ed said it was misty and
sprinkling rain in Brookings, with
a temperature of 32 degrees and
fog rolling in. It sounds like he
made a good decision!
Chase and Kelly Briggs and fam-
ily enjoyed their evening out with
friends in Pierre last Friday. It was
wonderful to visit with everyone,
and it was a good chance for the
kids to run and play!
Helen Beckwith has spent the
past couple of weekends working at
the hospital in Pierre. She was also
able to attend a hockey tourna-
ment. Her grandson, Reaf Briggs,
is quite the little hockey player,
and he was awarded a Tyler Wilcox
sportsmanship award congratu-
lations to Raef! Helen had the mis-
fortune of catching a cold, so she
has been home trying to recover.
Our week here has been more of
the same feeding cattle and tak-
ing care of livestock. Chauncey Jor-
gensen, our faithful helper here at
the ranch, kept a doctor's appoint-
ment in Rapid City last Wednes-
day, and Sunday he kept watch on
the livestock at T.J. Gabriel's ranch
while T.J. was at the stock show.
Sunday evening, our daughter,
Jen, and her husband, Ross Tschet-
ter, Salem, arrived to spend sev-
eral days. Ross will be attending
meetings in Pierre this week as
part of his South Dakota ag and
rural leadership group, and Jen
will be doing her work from the
ranch isn't technology wonderful?
Randy and Jennifer took some cat-
tle to the sale in Philip Tuesday.
This week, I am grateful for the
computer. I have kind of a
love/hate relationship with the ma-
chine I love it when it is working
correctly, and it hate it when it is
being temperamental but by and
large, it is truly a blessing. Because
of the computer, we have a world of
information at our fingertips, it
makes compiling tax information
much easier, (Thank you!) and we
are able to see exactly what the
weather and road conditions are.
Various applications allow us to
keep up with friends near and far,
play scrabble across the miles, and
do so many other things. Now, if I
could teach it how to iron western
shirts and mend blue jeans, it
would be even more wonderful!
I hope all of you will enjoy your
week. Enjoy the nice days and bun-
dle up during the cold spells. Think
about doing a favor for someone,
bake cookies for your neighbor,
shovel some one's walk good
deeds brighten your life as much as
they do the recipient's life! Have a
great week!
Moenville News
(continued from page 6)

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