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The impact of physical geography on early Sumerian States

There was a big impact when the Zagros foothills because of the bad climate lots of rocks and mostly dry land.

Because of all of these difficulties they had to move to the place near the. Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, even though they had a lot of floods. They created a way to solve it. Keep on reading to find out!

Irrigation Systems
After the sumerians moved to the rivers they were having trouble controlling the floods.

They invented the new system called irrigation system it helped them by carrying water to the places needed like where the crops where.

Daily life
What ancient sumerians basically do every day was work. But the main question is work in what?

They worked in harvesting food, making clothes, trading, raising animals, building, and doing art. Almost everything people do on their jobs in life now, just that it was an older version.

Modern writing system

The sumerians first developed a writing system called pictographs, that was drawing what they meant.

But then realized that they needed a modern writing system to communicate better and they came up with cuneiform. A source to write and learn.

Ancient Sumer Religions

Sumerians believed the world was controlled by gods, demons, and monsters. Like Egypt people, Sumerians thought the gods were responsible for things like, the rivers and trees, pottery and bread etc. So there was hundreds of gods. Also, every city was guarded by a god. They would live in temples and people went to make offerings, like a sacrificed animal, food, and things. Demons were things with human bodies and animal heads created by the gods. They could be either evil or good. The good one convinces people to do good, and the bad one convises people to be bad.

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