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Egypt (contributions from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique up until Astronomy



 Great River Nile in Northeastern Africa wherein it provided the much-needed water for
 They changed from hunters and gatherers to farmers around 6000 BC
o Concentrate more on the agricultural aspect and the establishment of long-term
goals such as communities, complex societies and other occupations exercised
by profession.
o And as time goes by – complexity in cultured started to emerge and finally
contributed to the invention of writing in the 3200 BC papyrus and Cyperus

South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique

 Indigenous hunters…
o The bow (also known as vurha or uta) is made out of big raisin trees.
 Hunting…
o Humans most frequently hunt wild or feral animals for food, recreation, to
eliminate the risk they pose to humans or domestic animals, or for commerce.
 The earliest civilization on earth is thought to have originated in Africa, which is
renowned for its natural resources. The first societal and intellectual revolution is
believed to have occurred in Africa. The early information that humanity employed has
significantly been influenced by African development.


 First to apply chemistry (ancient Egyptian)

 Found the means to make synthetic colors through crushed mineral salt


 The Dogon people of Mali were familiar with the specifics of the Sirius star system.
o Egyptians, used lunar-stellar calendars. Meaning they interpreted days and
months in relation to different moon and star formations.
and 10 inventions 8 - 10)


Half of the cobalt reserves in the world, which are used to produce rechargeable batteries for
mobile phones, are found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Since 1859, rechargeable battery technology has been around. Modern consumer gadgets,
electric vehicles, and renewable energy storage depend increasingly on them.

The Calendar

Ancient Egyptians invented the earliest calendar system over 5,000 years ago. And the way that
we divide our days into hours and then minutes? That is also because of Egyptians.

Ash that was found in a South African cave has led archaeologists to conclude that Africans
were cooking with fire one million years ago.

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