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Take-Home Study Guide

Read: Ephesians 4:17-24 Read: Colossians 2:6 Meditate & Memorize: assuming that you have heard about him [Jesus] and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus,put on the new self,

Rule Book Jesus. You are a walking list of dos and donts. It is how you measure yourself and everyone else. You rigorously keep the rules but stay just as proud, impatient, and unattractive as ever. You bounce from one victim to the next and one church to the next. There is no heart change. All of these are trying to be like a Jesus, but not the Jesus that Paul is talking about. What about that Jesus? It is no mistake that Paul uses the words taught, learned, and heard in reference to how we know Christ. We know the real Jesus through the Bible, Gods revelation of Himself. Jesus is revealed perfectly in the Bible and it is our standard for who Jesus is. So then, if you want to change, to be more like Christ, then read the Bible and read about the Bible. Regularly listen to it being preached and taught at church. We know Jesus by knowing how He reveals Himself. But from this knowledge of Jesus there should always be heart change into Christlikeness.

Paul makes it clear to the church that the status quo of the old selves is not acceptable. The distinction is clear. If they have heard of Jesus, been taught by Him, receive His truth, and are renewed by Him then something must be different. Neither reverse nor neutral is an option for the follower of Jesus. This new self images only God, His righteousness and holiness. To image anything else is to return to the old self of idol worship.

Does the Jesus you try to be like match the Jesus revealed in the Bible? How would you know? Is the Jesus you try and pattern yourself after defined more by your past, your church tradition, your politics, your culture, or the Bible? Is reading and hearing the Bible a part of you and your familys life? If not, then how can you know who the real Jesus is? Dont just read and listen for knowledge, read and listen to know who Jesus is so that you may put on the new self and look like Him as He truly is.

You want to change? Great. But the greater question is what do you change into? The obvious Sunday School answer here is of course: Jesus. Paul tells us that we are to look like Jesus when we put on our new self. But whose Jesus do we pattern ourselves after? Here are a few examples: Church Calendar Jesus. The church doors are open and you are there. You live and die by the church calendar. However no matter how much you do for the church, it seems you never really love her. There is no heart change. One Semester of Psychology Jesus. You are always talking about the hurting people in the church and how the church just is not doing enough. You are always seeking therapeutic healing by any means. You see Jesus as therapist more than savior. There is no heart change.

Use this sermon-based study guide as you lead your family in worship, do your morning devotions, talk in your community groups, or in any other way that might help you know Christ more fully.. ~ Pastor Brandon



Take-Home Study Guide


Rule Book Jesus. You are a walking list of dos and donts. It is how you measure yourself and everyone else. You rigorously keep the rules but stay just as proud, impatient, and unattractive as ever. You bounce from one victim to the next and one church to the next. There is no heart change. All of these are trying to be like a Jesus, but not the Jesus that Paul is talking about. What about that Jesus? It is no mistake that Paul uses the words taught, learned, and heard in reference to how we know Christ. We know the real Jesus through the Bible, Gods revelation of Himself. Jesus is revealed perfectly in the Bible and it is our standard for who Jesus is. So then, if you want to change, to be more like Christ, then read the Bible and read about the Bible. Regularly listen to it being preached and taught at church. We know Jesus by knowing how He reveals Himself. But from this knowledge of Jesus there should always be heart change into Christlikeness.

Read: Ephesians 4:17-24 Read: Colossians 2:6 Meditate & Memorize: assuming that you have heard about him [Jesus] and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus,put on the new self,

Paul makes it clear to the church that the status quo of the old selves is not acceptable. The distinction is clear. If they have heard of Jesus, been taught by Him, receive His truth, and are renewed by Him then something must be different. Neither reverse nor neutral is an option for the follower of Jesus. This new self images only God, His righteousness and holiness. To image anything else is to return to the old self of idol worship.

Does the Jesus you try to be like match the Jesus revealed in the Bible? How would you know? Is the Jesus you try and pattern yourself after defined more by your past, your church tradition, your politics, your culture, or the Bible? Is reading and hearing the Bible a part of you and your familys life? If not, then how can you know who the real Jesus is? Dont just read and listen for knowledge, read and listen to know who Jesus is so that you may put on the new self and look like Him as He truly is.

You want to change? Great. But the greater question is what do you change into? The obvious Sunday School answer here is of course: Jesus. Paul tells us that we are to look like Jesus when we put on our new self. But whose Jesus do we pattern ourselves after? Here are a few examples: Church Calendar Jesus. The church doors are open and you are there. You live and die by the church calendar. However no matter how much you do for the church, it seems you never really love her. There is no heart change. One Semester of Psychology Jesus. You are always talking about the hurting people in the church and how the church just is not doing enough. You are always seeking therapeutic healing by any means. You see Jesus as therapist more than savior. There is no heart change.

Use this sermon-based study guide as you lead your family in worship, do your morning devotions, talk in your community groups, or in any other way that might help you know Christ more fully.. ~ Pastor Brandon

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