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UNIT 2 Agreeable (adj)-Acceptable Amazed (adj)- Very surprised Anxiously(adv)- Nervously Appalling(adj)- Very unpleasant and shocking.

Terrible Astonished(adj)- Very surprised about something. Amazed Burst(n)- A short sudden effort or increase in activity Cherish(v)- To love someone or something very much Contentment (n)- The state of being happy and satisfied Dread(v)- To feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen Filthy(adj)- Very dirty Frustrated(adj)- Feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something Furious(adj)- Very angry Goal(n)- Something that you hope to achieve in the future. Aim Hasty(adj)- Done in a hurry Ordinarily(adv)- Usually. In a normal way Overflow(n)- The amount of something or the number of people that cannot be contained in a place because it is already full. Overwhelmed(adj)- if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly Possess(v)- To have a particular quality or ability: Reveal(v)- To make known something that was previously secret or unknown Striking(adj)- Unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed Unending(adj)- something, especially something bad, that is unending seems as if it will continue for ever Value(v)- To think that someone or something is important.

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