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Toward: In direction of (hacia, a)

Work out: do exercise, solve (hacer ejercicio)

Illness: sickness (enfermedad)

Throughout: during all of (durante)

Bloody mind: Mental health, but disrespecting (maldita cabeza)

Vast: extremely big, immense. (enorme)

Aware: Have knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. (consciente)

Toll: 1.A small account of money that you pay to use a road, cross, a bridge, etc. 2.Suffering, deaths or
damage. (1.Peaje 2.Daño, sufrimiento)

Instead: As an alternative or substitute. (En cambio)

Extent: 1.The area covered by something 2.The degree to which something has spread; the size or scale
of something. (1.Tamaño 2.Nivel)

String (v): Put new strings on a musical instrument. (ensartar, encordar, desfibrar)

Due to: Because of (Debido a)

Lead: To control a group of people, country or a situation (dirigir)

Snap out of it: To stop experiencing something unpleasant or stop behaving in a negative way

Yeast: A single-cell organism (levadura)

Belittle: make seem unimportant (menospreciar)

Matters: a topic (asuntos)

Weakling: A person or an animal that is physically weak and frail (cobarde).

Breeders: a person who breeds (criadoras)

Thorny: Cause distress, difficulty or trouble (controversial)

Fruitful: producing good or helpful results (fructífero)

Owing to: Because of (debido a)

Bold: Showing an ability to take risks, confident (valiente, audaz)

Therefore: Consequently

Ellipsis: a sequences of three points (puntos suspensivos)

Welfare: Happiness, financial support given to people in need.

Enhance: Increase or further improve the quality, value or extend of. (mejorar, aumentar)

Heritage: property that is or may be inherited. (herencia, legado)

Picturesque: Visually attractive / unusual and vivid (pintoresco)

Heighten: v. Make or become more intense (elevar, instensificar)

Spelunking: The exploration of caves (espología)

Neglected: Suffering a lack of proper care. (descuidado, desatendido).

Rather: used to indicate one´s preference in a particular matter. (bastante)

Rather than: in preference to or in contrast to (1. En vez de / 2. más que)

Strengthen: Make or become stronger

Poaching: caza ilegal.

Insofar as: To the degree that.

Inasmuch as: used to introduce a phrase that explains why or how much something described in another
part of the sentence is true.

Fire up: To fill (something) with energy or enthusiasm.

Thought of: To take into consideration

Obey (v): To act according to what you have been ordered to do by authority.

Wary (adj): Not completely trusting or certain about something or someone. (cauteloso)

Vanquish (v): To defeat an enemy or opponent, especially in a war

Waver (v): To lose strength temporarily / cannot decide between two possibilities.

Fool (v): Trick someone (engañar)

Outrun (v): To move faster or further than someone or something

Foresee (v): To know about something before it happens

Mercilessly (adv.): In a way that has or shows no mercy

Aftermath (n.): The period that follows an unpleasant event or accident.

Crawl (v): To move or progress slowly or with difficulty

Cocky (adj): Very confident

Awkward (adj): Difficult to use, to do or to deal with.

Hassle (n.): Trouble

Listen up (v): Pay attention.

Sightseeing (n.): The activity of visiting interesting places, especially on holidays.

Anew (adv): Again or one more time, especially in a different way.

Framework (n): A system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something.

Sin (n): The breaking of a religious or moral law

Fixed (adj): Decided already and not be able to be changed.

Peer (n): A person of the same age, the same social position as other people in a group (compañero).

Weary (adj): Very tired.

On and on (adv): Continuing for a long time (incesantemente)

Foresight (n.): The ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions
based on this knowledge.

Whine (v.): To make a long, high, sad sound.

Outmuscle (v): To defeat or gain an advantage over someone using your physical strength.
Discourage (v): To make someone feel less confident.

Ought (modal verb [+ to infinitive]). Used to say that it is necessary or desirable to perform the action
expressed in the verb.

Hint (n.): A piece of advice that helps you to do something. (pista)

Widespread (adj): existing or happening in many places and/or among many people. (generalizado).

Prowl (v): To move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard.

Rape (v): To force someone to have sex.

Tarnish (v): To make or become less bright

Disavow (v): To say that you know about something, or that you have not responsibility for or connection
with something

Strife (n): Violent or angry disagreement

Taught: Past tense and Past participle of Teach

Strung: Past simple and past participle of String

Led: Past simple and past participle of Lead

Toured: Past simple of Tour

Brought: Past tense and past participle of bring

Outran: Past simple of outrun

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