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The Fall by Albert Camus

Ruminate. Rumination(pondering). Attrition(1. A process of making sb/sth, especially your enemy,

weaker by repeatedly attacking them or creating problems for them). Fraternize(~ (with sb) to
behave in a friendly manner, especially towards sb that you are not supposed to be friendly with).
Punitive(1. Intended as punishment, 2. Very severe that people find difficult to pay). Lyricism.
Funereal(suitable for a funeral; sad). People(v.)(usually passive). Deprive. Avid(very enthusiastic
about sth, syn: keen, e.g., an avid reader). Solicitude(anxious care for sb's comfort, health or
happiness). Exult(~ (at/in sth) to feel and show that you are very excited and happy because of sth
that has happened). Sterile. Sterility. Effusion.mesa(a hill with a flat top...). Work on lathe or as a
roofer. Speleologist. Grotto(a small (artificial) cave). Unobtrusive(not attracting unnecessary
attention). Felicitous((especially of words) chosen well; very suitable; giving a good result, syn: apt,
happy). Perchance((old use) perhaps). Rancour(syn: bitterness). Apritif(a drink (alcohol)). IDM:
rest assured. Languish(1. To be forced to stay somewhere or suffer sth unpleasant for a long time).
Convoy. Discretion(1. The freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular
situation). Interlocutor(1. A person taking part in a conversation with you). Irascible(becoming
angry very easily, syn: irritable). Drubbing((in a sport) a situation where one team easily beats
another). Congenital. Infirmity(weakness or illness over a long period). Rendezvous(n.)(~ (with sb)
an arrangement to meet sb at a particular time and place). Subterfuge(a secret, usually dishonest,
way of behaving). Digress(to start to talk about sth that is not connected with the main point of what
you are saying). Digression(e.g., after several digressions, he finally got to the point).
Quaint(attractive in an unusual or old-fashioned way). Contrite(very sorry for sth bad that you have
done). Plebeian(1. Connected with ordinary people or people of the lower social class). Extol(to
praise sb/sth very much). Hostility(1. Unfriendly and aggressive feelings or behaviour). Absolve.
Provisional(syn: temporary). Acquittal(syn: conviction). Reprieve(to officially cancel or delay a
punishment). Confide(to tell sb your secret). Flounder(v.)(1. To struggle to know what to say or do
or how to continue with sb). Solidarity(support by one person or group of people for another
because they share feelings, opinions, aims etc). Paltry(1. too small to be considered as important or
useful, syn: meagre). Derision(a strong feeling of scorn). Ode(a poem that speaks to a person or
thing or celebrates a special event). Forlorn((of a person) appearing lonely and unhappy).
Dawdle(to take a long time to do sth or go somewhere). Orient. Stilted((a way of speaking or
writing) not natural or relaxed; too formal). Salacious. Revile(to criticize sb/sth). Dissipation.
Cauterize(to burn a wound). Sclerosis. Fulminate(to criticize sb/sth angrily). Proscribe(to say
officially that sth is banned). Pontifical(connected with a pop). Cavort(v. To jump or move around
in a noisy, excited and often sexual way). Diatribe(a long and angry speech or piece of writing
attacking and criticizing sb/sth). Stint(v.)(to provide or use only a small amount of sth).
- Your success and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them. But to
be happy it is essential not to be too concerned with others. Consequently, there is no escape. Happy
and judged, or absolved and wretched. As for me the injustice was even greater: I was condemned
for past successes.
- At the end of all freedom is a court sentence; that's why freedom is too heavy to bear, especially
when you are down with a fever, or distressed, or love nobody.
Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is
dreadful. Hence one must choose a master, God being out of style. Besides, that word has lost its
meaning; it's not worth the risk of shocking anyone.
- O young woman, throw yourself into the water again so that I may a second time have the chance
of saving both of us.

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