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The Lost Symbols by Dan Brown

Freemason(also Mason). Mellifluous(of music or voice)(sweet and simple). Frivolous(1. (of people or
their behaviour) silly or amusing). Obeisance. Esoteric. Nomenclature. Duress(threats or force).
Sparing(careful to use or give only a little of sth). Apotheosis(3. A formal statement that sb has become
a god). The Apotheosis of Washington? Eleusinian Mysteries? 112 codes? Plummet(to fall suddenly
and quickly from a high level or position, syn: plunge). Extradite. Bludgeon(1. To hit sb several times
with a heavy object). Sanctuary(2. Safety and protection, especially for people who are being chased or
attacked). Connoisseur(an expert on matters involving the judgement of beauty, quality or skill in art,
food or music)(Robert Langdon, the art connoisseur). Eunuch monks of Katharoi? Ouranos? Attis?
Sporus? Castrati magicians of Arthurian legend? Osiris? Tummuz? Shiva? Fontennele(also fontanel).
Eidetic? 192 books. Pyramid of Chichn Itz? Doric, Ionic, Corinthian(pics?). Stargate/scannate
scandal? Gargoyle. Franklin Square?
"That which is impenetrable to us really exists. Behind the secrets of nature remains sth subtle,
intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my
religion. " "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and
avoid dogma and theology". (Albert Einstein).
213 names. Amon? Hubris(the fact of sb being too proud). Hypoxia. Metempsycosis.
Minuscule(extremely small). Lucid(1. Clearly express; easy to understand). Cantickle(a religious song).
Verbum significatium, Verbum Omnificum? Total Liquid Ventilation (TLV)? Recuperate(syn: recover).
Macabre(unpleasant and strange because connected with death and frightening things, syn: ghoulish,
grisly). Arcane(secret and mysterious and therefore difficult to understand). Kriptox by James Sanborn?
William Webster? William Whiston? Laus Deo? Zoroaster? Heliocentric(with the sun as the centre).

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