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The Great Gatsby

Feign. Levity(behaviour that shows a lake of respect for sth serious)(e.g., hostile levity).
Revelation(syn: disclosure). Mar(to damage or spoil sth good, syn: blight, ruin). Snob. Snobbish. PHR:
Parcel sth - out(to divide sth into parts or between several people). Excursions(1. a short journey for
pleasure, 2. A short period of trying new or different activity). Riotous. Scorn((n.) a strong feeling that
sb/sth is stupid or not good enough)(v. ...). Intricate(intricate machine). Abortive(not successful, failed).
Elation(a feeling of great happiness and excitement). Clan(a group of families or 2. a large family).
Teutonic (showing qualities considered typical of German people)(e.g., teutonic migration).
Commuting town. Epigram. Due(adv.)(~north/south/east/west)(exactly; in a straight line)(e.g., to sail
due east). Contour(pic?). Oval(shaped like an egg). Sinister(seeming evil or dangerous)(e.g., there is
another, more sinister, possibility). Colossal(extremely large). Ivy(a climbing plant, pic?). Mansion(1.
A large impressive house). Eyesore(a building, an object etc., that is unpleasant to look at). Overlook.
Savour. Wistful(a wistful smile). Sundial. Sturdy, straw hair. Supercilious(behaving towards other
people as if you think you're better than they are, syn: superior)(hard mouth and supercilious manner).
Effeminate('femnt)((of a man or a boy) looking, behaving or sounding like a woman or a girl).
Effeminacy. Pungent(having a strong taste or smell). Snub((v.) 1. to insult, especially by ignoring sb,
(n.) syn: insult, (adj.)(of a nose)short, flat and turned up at the end, - snob-nosed). Ajar((of a door)
slightly open). Anchor. Balloon(v.). Divan(1. Pic bed). Deft(1. ( of a person's movements) skilful and
quick, 2. Skilful). Retort(( n.) syn: Rejoinder, (v.) to reply quickly to a comment, in an angry, offended
or humorous way). Accentuate(k'cen-)(to emphasise sth or make it more noticeable). Cadet(k'det).
Wan(looking pale and weak). Wanly. Brute. Unobtrusive(not attracting unnecessary attention).
Obtrusive(noticeable in an unpleasant way). Banter((n.) friendly remarks and jokes, (v.)(~ with sb)to
joke with sb). Bantering(adj.)((a way of talking) amusing and friendly). Claret(a wine).
Infinitesimal(extremely small, syn: tiny). Extemporize(to speak or perform without preparing or
practising). Gayety. Nightingale(a small brown bird...). Scepticism. Vigil(a period of time when people
stay awake, especially at night, in order to watch a sick person, say prayer, protest etc). Settee(syn:
sofa, couch)(pic?). Wicker(thin sticks of wood twisted together to make baskets, furniture etc)(pic?).
Rotogravure? Anon(soon)(e.g., see you anon). Peremptory((especially of sb's manner or
behaviour)expecting to be obeyed immediately or without question or refusal)(Daisy peremptorily
called 'wait!'). Corroborate. Banns(bnz)(a public statement in church that two people intend to marry
each other). Nibble. Bellows. Seaward(towards the sea). Desolate((of a place)empty, without people, 2.
very lonely and unhappy, syn:forlorn)(v.)to make sb feel sad and without hope). Grotesque(unpleasant,
offensive or ugly, (n.) a person who is...). Ghastly(syn: horrible, terrible). Swarm(a large group of
insects, especially bees, moving together in same direction, 2. A large group of people......)(v.)(...).
Leaden(1. Dull grey in colour). Spades. Bleak. Wag((n.) 1. a joker, (v.)...). Borough(b^r)(a town or a
part of a city that has its own local government, e.g., the Bronx is one of the five boroughs of New
York). Brood. Drawbridge. Barge. Saunter(syn: stroll). Tanked up(very drunk). Contiguous((~ with/to
sth) touching or next to sth)(the countries are contiguous). Sumptuous(very expensive and looking very
impressive). Anaemic(2. Feeble). Sensuous. Crpe-de-chine? Smoulder(1. To burn without a flame, 2.
To be filled with strong emotion that you do not fully express)(as if the nerves of her body were
continually smouldering). Mingle(1. To combine or to make things combine, 2. To move among people
and talk to them, especially at a I social event). The Vicinity(the area around a particular place).
Scrawny((of people or animal) very thin in an unattractive way). Scraggy((of people or animal)very
thin in an unhealthy way). Torpedo. Defer(to delay sth until a later time, syn: put off)(PHR: defer to
sb/sth: to agree to accept what sb has decided or thought). Upholstery. Cower(to bend low and/or move
backwards because you're frightened). Determinate(exact and definite). Indeterminate(that cannot be
identified easily or exactly). Airedale(a large dog). Fondle(syn: caress). Pastoral(2. Showing country
life or the countryside, especially in romantic way). Tapestry(a picture or pattern made by weaving

coloured wool onto heavy cloth). Bureau(1. a desk with drawers). Rakish(wear hat at rakish angle...).
Ectoplasm(pic?). Pivot(1. The central point, pin, or column on which sth turns or balances).
Mincing(adj.)((of a way of talking or speaking)very delicate, and not natural, e.g., high mincing shout,
short mincing steps). Appendicitis. Flounce((v.) to move somewhere in a way that draws attention to
yourself, for example because you're angry or upset, (n.)1. A strip of cloth sewn around the edge of a
cloth, 2. ...). Monte Carlo? Gyp. Strident(1. Having a loud, rough and unpleasant sound, 2. Aggressive
and determined). Chandelier. Page 42. Slit((to make) a long narrow cut or opening). Aquaplane(or
hydroplane)(2. To stand on a board that is pulled along on water behind a speedboat in the sport of
aquaplaning). Cataract(1. An eye disease, 2. (literary) a large steep waterfall). Toil(1. To work very hard
and/or for a long time, usually doing hard physical work). Ravage(to damage sth badly, syn: devastate).
Ravages(the ~ of sth)(the destruction caused by sth). Fruiterer. Greengrocer. Pulp. Corps(3. Group of
people). Caterer. Corps of caterer. Harlequin(an amusing character). Salads of harlequin design
(brightly designed). Oboe(a musical instrument of the woodwind group). Trombone. Saxaphone. Viols.
Cornet. Piccolos. Shear(2. ( formal)to cut off sb's hair). Permeate((of a liquid, gas etc)to spread to every
part of an object or place). Innuendo(an indirect remark about sb/sth usually bad or rude). Canvas
platform. Flannel(a cloth). Eddy((a) to move(ment) of air, dust or water in a circle, syn: swirl).
Cordial(pleasant and friendly). Escort. Rambling(1. Spreading in various direction, syn: sprawling).
Staid(not amusing or interested, boring and old-fashioned). Spectroscope? Ascertain(s-)(to find out
true or correct information about sth). Banjo. Traps? Vacuous(vk-)(showing no sign of intelligence or
sensitive feelings). Florid((of a person's face) red, 2. Having too much decoration or detail).
Corpulent((of a person) fat. e.g., people say 'corpulent' to avoid saying 'fat'.). Echolalia?(above the
echolalia of the garden?). Convivial(cheerful and friendly in atmosphere or character, syn: sociable).
Swoon(1. ~ (over sb) to feel very excited, emotional, etc, 2. To become unconscious, syn: faint).
Jauntiness. Obstetrical conversation? Inept(acting or done with no skill). Ineptly. Rivulet(a very small
river; a small stream of water or other liquid). Vino(vi:n-)(e.g., vinous sleep). Asunder(into pieces;
apart). Dissention(disagreement between people or within group). Resort((v.)(~ to sth)to make use of
sth, especially sth bad...). Flanker(an attacking player in rugby). Flank. Wayward(difficult to control,
syn: headstrong). Deplorable(very bad and unacceptable, often in a way that shocks people, syn:
appalling). Indignant. Indignant wives. Sheepish(looking or feeling embarrassed because you have
done sth silly or wrong). Sheepishly. Tantalize(to make a person or an animal want sth that they cannot
have or do). Tumultuous. Ditch. Coup(a car with two doors, pic?). PHR V: be shorn of sth(to have sth
important taken away from you). Discardant? Din(a loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time).
Bystander(syn: onlooker). Apparition(p-)(a ghost or an image of a person who is dead).
Amputate(half a dozen fingers pointed at an amputated wheel). Caterwauling?(~ horns?).
Crescendo(kr'-)(opp: diminuendo). Chasm. Mellow. Loiter(to stand or wait somewhere especially
with no obvious reason, syn: hang around). Poignant(having a strong effect on your feelings, especially
in a way that makes you feel sad)(clerks wasting the most poignant feeling of night and life). Throb.
Affectation. Caddie((in golf) a person who helps a player by carrying clubs and equipments).
Subterfuge(a secret, usually dishonest, way of behaving). Fender? Bootlegger. Nickerbocker. Bum.
Penitentiary. Sporadic(happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular, syn:
intermittent). Punctilious(very careful to behave correctly or to perform your duties exactly as you
should)(e.g., a punctilious host). Labyrinth(a complicated series of paths...). Labyrinthine(e.g.,
labyrinthine corridors, labyrinthine legislation). Disconcert(and then came that disconcerting ride).
Threadbare((of cloth, clothing etc)old and thin because it has been used a lot, 2. (of an argument,
excuse etc) that doesn't have much effect...). Infantry(soldiers who fight on foot). Insignia(the symbol,
badge or sign that shows sb's rank or the membership of....). Gnawing(making you feel worried over a
period of time). Cobbles. Cobbled. Olfactory(connected with the sense of smell). Non-olfactory
money? Hearse. Sombre. Modish(fashionable). 3 modish negroes, two bucks and a girl).
Somnambulist(=sleepwalker). Somnambulatory abstraction. Presbyterians. Nymph. Business

gonnegtion. Juxtapose(~ A and/with B)(to put people or things together, especially to show a contrast
or new relation between them). Juxvtaposition. Succulent(1. syn: juicy). Hash(1. a hot dish mix of meat
and potatoes). Underhand(secret and dishonest). Ivory(pic?). Molar. Canine. Incisor. IDM:
Outstay/overstay your welcome(to stay somewhere as a guest longer than you are wanted).
Benediction(a christian prayer of blessing). Coolly(1. In a way that is not friendly or enthusiastic, 2. In
a calm way). Roadster(a car with no roof and two seats). Kerb(pavement or sidewalk). Engross(they
were so engrossed in each other). Beaux. Effectual?(syn: effective)( she was effectually prevented).
Flat-footed(1. Without arches). Armistice(a formal agreement during war to stop fighting and discuss
making peace, syn: ceasefire). Pomp(the impressive clothes, decorations, music, etc., of an occasion or
ceremony). IDM: pomp and circumstance(formal and impressive ceremony). Sauterne? Amour(a love
affair, especially a secret one). Aspire((~(to sth)) to have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth).
Dispense. Disembodied. Elongate(to become or make sth longer, syn:lengthen). Glint(chamak).
Sardine(a small young sea fish). Fumble((v.)1.(~(at/with/in sth)(for sth) | ~ (around) to use your hand in
an awkward way when you're doing sth or looking for sth, 2. To have difficulty speaking clearly or
finding the right words to say, (n.)...). Receptacle(a container for putting sth in).
Innumerable(counless). Delicatessen(also deli). Bleared windows. Harrowing(very shocking and
frightening and making you feel upset). Defunct(no longer existing, operating or being used)(e.g.,
defunct mantlepiece). Distraught(extremely upset and anxious so that you cannot think clearly)(his
distraught eyes stared down at daisy). Muster((~ sth (up)) to find as much support, courage etc., as you
can, 2. To come together or bring together, syn: gather). Demonic. Serf. Obstinate(1. Syn: stubborn).
Vestige(a small part of sth that still exists)(and every vestige of embarrassment was gone).
Smear(daisy's face was smeared with tears). Confound(1. To confuse and surprise sb, syn: baffle).
Exultation(great pride or happiness especially because of sth exciting that has happened). Postern?
Swathe(also swath(for noun))((v.)( ~ sb/sth (in sth) to wrap or cover sb/sth in sth). Dishevelled(( of sb's
appearance) very untidy, syn: unkempt). Chartreuse(a liqueur). Strips and scrolls and plaids.
Corrugated(shaped into a series of regular folds that look like waves). Ring off. Billow(there was a
pink and golden billow of foamy clouds above the sea). Tumble(1. to fall downwards, ...). Transpire(to
happen to be true)(?). Insidious(spreading gradually or without being noticed, but causing serious
harm). Loaf((v.)(~ (about/around)) to spend your time not doing anything). Tuolomee?
Meretricious(seeming attractive, but in fact having no real value). Salmon(a fish). Reverie(syn:
daydream). Despise(to dislike and have no respect for sb/sth). Ramification(one of the complicated and
unexpected results). Turgid(1. (of language, writing etc) boring, complicated and difficult to
understand). Hospitable((of a person) pleased to welcome guests, syn: welcoming). Yacht.
Intact(complete and not damaged, syn: undamaged). Countour(the outer edges of sth). Senile(behaving
in a strange and confused way, and unable to remember things, because you're old). As though(as
though they cared!). That so. Gruff(ly). Highball(a strong alcoholic drink). Perturb(to make sb worry or
anxious, syn: alarm). Pervade(to spread through and be noticeable in every part of sth, syn: permeate)(i
felt unpleasantness in the air, a pervading harshness that hadn't been there before). Roam(1. Syn:
wander, 2. (~ (over)sth/sb)(of the eyes and hands) to move slowly over every part of sb/sth)(his gaze
roamed over her). Ceremonious(behaving or performed in an extremely formal way)(opp:
unceremonious). Slump. Lethargic. Unprecedented(that has never happened, been done or been known
before). Vigour(energy, force or enthusiasm, syn: vitality). Chafe(2. ~ ( at/under sth) to feel annoyed
and impatient about sth...). Euphemism(an indirect word). Herd(to move or make sb/sth move).
Volley(v.). Rouge(a red powder used bywomen for their cheeks). Pebble. Menagerie(a collection of
wild animals). Haze(air that is difficult to see through ......). Dilatory(~ in doing sth)(not acting quickly
enough, causing delay). Obliterate(to remove all signs of sth)('i never loved you'. After she had
obliterated three years with that sentence they could decide upon the more practical measures to be
taken). Rind(the thick outer skin of some fruits(lemon rind---compare peel, skin, zest). Pap. Romp.
Trimalchio? Villainous. Caravanserai(also caravansary). Broil. Simmer((n.)the state of almost boiling,

(v.)...). Combustion(-b^st-)(the process of burning). Affront((n.)(~(to sb/sth))a remark or action that

insults or offends sb/sth, (v. )to insult or offend sb). And as for your bothering me..). Clog((v.)(~ (up)
(with sth) | ~ (sth (up)(with sth) to block sth or become blocked, (n.) pic - shoe). Scallop((v.)(to
decorate the edge of sth with small curves). Abound(to exist in great numbers). Boisterous. Abyss(a
very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom). Precipitate((v.)1. to make sth happen,
especially sth bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should, syn: bring on, spark off). Sensuous.

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