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Cambridge IELTS 4 (Reading page 12-13)

1. Adults (n) : grown up: dewasa: a fully grown person who is legally responsible for their
2. Frequently (adv) : often: sering : many times at short intervals
3. Confront (v) : face up to:menghadapi:(of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need
to be dealt with by somebody
4. Alarming (adj) : worrying: menghawatirkan: causing worry and fear
5. Rate (n) : grade;rank: tingkat, nilai: a measurement of the number of times something
happens or something does something during a particular period
6. Loss (n) : deprivation, disadvantage : kerugian, kehilangan: the disadvantage that is
caused when somebody leaves, or when a useful or valuable object is taken away; a person who
causes a disadvantage by leaving
7. Taken away : diambil
8. Might (modal V) : mungkin: used when showing that something is or was possible
9. Readily (adv) : freely: segera: quickly and without difficulty
10. Equivalent (adj) : tantamount: setara: a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equal in value, meaning
or purpose to something else
11. In the face of : dalam menghadapi: despite problems, difficulties, etc.
12. Vivid(adj) : graphic: jelas: producing very clear pictures in your mind
13. Coverage (n) : reportage, reporting: liputan, cakupan:the news as presented by reports for
newspaper or radio or television (cover: meliput)
14. Endanger(v) : harm: membahayakan:  to put somebody/something in a situation in which they could
be harmed or damaged
15. Endangered(adj) ; Terancam punah/ terancam bahaya
16. In which : dimana
17. Tuition (n) : uang kuliah/sekolah, sekolah/kuliah: the act of teaching something, especially to
one person or to people in small groups/ the money that you pay to be taught, especially in a college or
18. Harbour (n) : harbor, shield, haven, seaport: pelabuhan: an area of water on the coast,
protected from the open sea by strong walls, where ships can shelter (bernaung)
19. Shelter (n) : tempat bernaung/berlindung
20. Pure(adj) : murni: arrant: not mixed with anything else; with nothing added/ clean and not
containing any harmful substances
21. Remain (v) : tetap, bersisa: rest, stay, persist: linking verb to continue to be something; to be
still in the same state or condition
22. Persistence (n) : kegigihan;tenacity
23. Isolate (v) : memisahkan,mengisolasi: insulate: keep apart: to separate (memissahkan) a
part of a situation, problem, idea, etc. so that you can see what it is and deal (sepakat) with it
separately/ to separate somebody/something physically or socially from other people or things
24. Keep it apart : memisahkannya
25. Deal (n) : kesepakatan
26. Apart (adv) : terpisah
27. Incorporate (v) :menggabungkan, memasukkan: integrate: to include something so that it forms
a part of something
28. Multifaceted (adj) : many-sided, multifarious: beragam: having many different aspects to be
29. Erroneous (adj) : keliru, salah: fallacious, incorrect: not correct; based on wrong information:
30. Refine (v) : rarify, menyaring, memfilter:  to make a substance pure by taking other
substances out of it
31. Peer (n) : rekan:teman sejawat: a person who is the same age or who has the same social status
as you
32. Despite (prep) : walaupun: in spite of: sed to show that something happened or is true although
something else might have happened to prevent it
33. Prevent (v) : mencegah
34. Ratify (v) : mengesahkan
35. Extensive (adj) : luas: far reaching: covering a large area; great in amount/ including or dealing
with a wide range of information:
36. Peer (v) : mengintai; to look carefully or with difficulty
37. Such+as (det) : seperti,hal-hal: used to emphasize the great degree of something/ of the type
already mentioned
38. Upon (prep) : on: pada: Although the word upon has the same meaning as on, it is usually
used in more formal contexts or in phrases such as once upon a time and row upon row of seats .
39. Displace (verb) : replace: menggantikan: to take the place of somebody/something
40. Self evident(n) : bukti diri: obvious and needing no further proof or explanation
41. Obvious (adj) : jelas
42. Term (n) : istilah, kondisi: condition: a word or phrase used as the name of something,
especially one connected with a particular type of language. one
of the periods into which
a year is divided at school, college, or university; the fixed period of time that
something lasts for
43. Rainforest (n) : hutan hujan: a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain
44. Damp (adj) : lembab: moistness: slightly(agak) wet, often in a way that is unpleasant
45. Unpleasant (adj) : tidak menyenangkan
46. Concern(v) : mengacu/berkaitan/menghawatirkan:  to take an interest in something
47. Even(adv)/(v) : bahkan/meratakan: used to emphasize something unexpected or surprising
48. Indigenous(adj) : native: pribumi: penduduk asli: (of people and their culture) coming from a
particular place and having lived there for a long time before other people came there; relating to,
belonging (termasuk) to or developed by these people
49. Belonging (n) : termasuk/memiliki
50. Belong to/ belonging to : milik
51. Belong(v) with me : milikku
52. Sympathetic(adj) : benevolent: simpatik: showing that you approve of somebody/something
or that you share their views and are willing to support them
53. Willing(adj) : bersedia
54. Seem(link verb) : appear: tampaknya/nampak, terlihat
55. Encouragingly(adv) : memberi semangat: in a way that gives somebody support, courage or hope
56. Refer(v) : denote, concern: mengacu, merujuk: make reference to
57. Logging(n) : penebangan, pembalakan: the work or business of cutting down trees for their
58. Damage(v)/(n) : merusak/kerusakan:spoil/harm/harmful (bahaya) effects on
59. Embrace(v) : merangkul: hug, bosom: an act of putting your arms around somebody as a sign
of love or friendship
60. Incompatible(adj) : tidak cocok, tidak serasi, berlawanan: two actions, ideas, etc. that
are incompatible are not acceptable or possible together because of basic differences/ two people
who are incompatible are very different from each other and so are not able to live or work happily
61. Conservation(n) : conservancy, preservation: pelestarian/penghematan energy yg terbatas: the
protection of the natural environment/ the official protection of buildings and objects that have historical
or artistic importance
62. Predominate(v) :  menonjol, menguasai, mendominasi: prominent,dominate, prevail: to be greater
in amount or number than something/somebody else in a place, group, etc
63. Pupils (n) : student: murid: a person who is being taught, especially a child in a school
64. Volunteer(n) : unpaid worker: sukarelawan: a person who does a job without being paid for it
65. Appreciate (v) : menghargai/memahami: to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something
66. Recognize (v) : mengakui/mengenali
67. Complexity(n) : kerumitan:  complexness: the state of being formed of many parts; the state of being
difficult to understand/  the features of a problem or situation that are difficult to understand
68. In the other words: dengan kata lain: a single unit of language that means something and can be
spoken or written
69. Either (adv) :baik, entah: one or the other of two; it does not matter which. ‘’I don't eat meat and my
husband doesn't either.’’
70. Range (n) : rentan, jangkauan, kisaran: scope: the limits between which something varies
71. Drive (v) : mengendarai/nyupir: to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular direction;
to force someone or something to go somewhere or do something
72. Encouragement (n) : boost: dorongan: the act of giving hope or support to someone; words
or behaviour that give someone confidence to do something
73. Suggest (v) :propose, advise: menyarankan, memberi tau: to tell somebody about a suitable
person, thing, method, etc. for a particular job or purpose; to mention an idea, possible plan,
or action for other people to consider
74. Acquire (v) : memperoleh: get, obtain:  to obtain something by buying or being given it
75. Conflicting (adj) : contradictory: bertentangan: (of two ideas, stories, feelings, etc.) unable to exist
together or both be true

Word Synonym English meaning Indonesian
1. Whale a very large animal that lives in the sea and paus
looks like a very large fish. There are several
types of whale, some of which are hunted
2. Catacean a whale, dolphin, or other sea creature that catacea
belongs to the same group
3. Porpoises Smaller a sea animal that looks like a large fish with a Lumba lumba
dolphin pointed (lancip) mouth. Porpoises are similar
to dolphins but smaller
4. Terrestrial (of animals and plants) living on the land or on Yang hidup
the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in ditanah
the air
5. Granted given used to show that you accept that something Dikabulkan,
is true, often before you make another diberikan
statement about it
6. Whether used to express a doubt or choice between Apakah, entah
two possibilities/ used to show that something
is true in either of (di salah satu dari) two
7. Blowhole a hole in the top of a whale's head through Lubang sembur
which it breathes
8. Evolved Develop, to develop gradually(bertahap), especially Berkembang,
germinate from a simple to a more complicated form; to berevolusi
develop something in this way
9. Neural Nervous connected with a nerve or the nervous system syaraf
10. Pathways path a track that serves as a path/ a plan of action Jalur
or way of achieving something
11. Sacrifice Forfeit, to give up something that is important or pengorbanan
forfeiture valuable to you in order to get or do
something that seems more important for
yourself or for another person/ to kill an animal
or a person and offer it or them to a god, in
order to please the god
12. Bud a small closed part that grows on a plant and tunas
from which a flower, leaf or stem develops; a
flower or leaf that is not fully open
13. Nerve any of the long fibres that carry messages syaraf
between the brain and parts of the body,
enabling(mampu) you to move, feel pain, etc.
14. Degenerated deteriorate to become worse, for example by becoming Merosot,
lower in quality or weaker memburuk
15. Rudimentary basic dealing with only (hanya berurusan Belum sempurna,
dengan) the most basic matters or ideas/  not dasar
highly or fully developed
16. Sense sensory sense (of something) an understanding Rasa, pengindra
about something; an ability to judge
something/ [uncountable] good understanding
and judgement; knowledge of what is sensible
or practical behaviour
17. Captive kept as a prisoner or in a space that you Tawanan,
cannot get out of; unable to escape/ at free to tahanan
leave a particular place or to choose what you
want to do
18. Remark Comment, something that you say or write which Ucapan,
note expresses an opinion, a thought, etc. about komentar
somebody/something/ (old-fashioned or
formal) the quality of being important or
interesting enough to be noticed
19. Responsiveness reactivity the ability to react quickly and in a positive Tanggap,
way to something responsif
20. Rub Hitch, snag  to move your hand, a cloth, etc., backwards Menggosok,
and forwards over a surface while pressing it
21. Range Reach, scope to vary between two particular amounts, sizes, Rentang, kisaran
etc., including others between them/ to include
a variety of different things in addition to those
22. Calves= calf Calfskin the back part of the leg between the ankle and Betis, anak lembu
the knee
23. Stroke shot to move your hand gently (lembut) and slowly pukulan,
over an animal’s fur or hair/ to move your mengelus,
hand gently over a surface, somebody’s hair, membelai
24. Courtship Courting, suit, the time when two people have a romantic Kasmaran,
wooing relationship before they get married; the pacaran
process of developing this relationship
25. Captivity Imprisonment, the state of being kept as a prisoner or in a Tahanan,
immurement space that you cannot escape from tawanan
26. Humpback Hunchback,  a large whale (= a very large sea animal) with Punggung
kyphosis a back that is like a hump in shape bungkuk
27. Apparently Evidently, according to what you have heard or read; Tampaknya,
seemingly, according to the way something appears kelihatannya
28. Moderately Reasonably, to an average extent; fairly but not very Sedang, cukupan
29. Restricts Limit, confine, to limit the size, amount or range of Membatasi,
curtail, something/ to stop somebody/something from melarang
delimit, moving or acting freely
30. Stereoscopic Three-D able to see how long, wide and deep objects stereoskopis
are, as humans do/ (of a picture, photograph,
etc.) that is made so that you see how long,
wide and deep the objects in it are when you
use a special machine
31. Vision Sight, the ability to see; the area that you can see penglihatan
perception from a particular position
32. Forward Continue towards a place or position that is in front Maju,
33. Downward Down, moving or pointing towards a lower level kebawah
34. UpsideXdownside the more positive aspect of a situation that is terbalik
generally bad
35. Upward Up, upwardly pointing towards or facing a higher place/ keatas
increasing in amount or price
36. Extremely Very, highly, to a very high degree sangat
really, greatly,
37. Keen eager wanting to do something or wanting Ingin sekali,
something to happen very much tertaarik, tajam
38. Judge Judging, to form an opinion about Menilai,
judgement somebody/something, based on the menghakimi
information you have
39. Airborne Flying, sky- [not before noun] (of a plane or passengers) in mengudara
bone the air
40. Fairly Almost, nearly to some extent but not very Cukup, hampir,
secara jujur
41. Interface (between A and B) the point where two Antar muka,
subjects, systems, etc. meet and affect each penghubung
other/ interface A and B to be connected with
something using an interface; to connect
something in this way
42. Preliminary initial happening before a more important action or Pendahuluan,
event/ awal
43. Leap Jump, hop, [intransitive, transitive] to jump high or a long melompat
skip, bound, way/ to move or do something suddenly and
hurdle quickly
44. Anecdotal Anecdotic, (of an account or evidence) possibly not true Anekdot (cerita
anecdotical or accurate because it is based on personal lucu biasanya
accounts rather than facts or research menggambarkan
kejadian atau
45. Inhabit Dwell, live, To live in a particular place Mendiami,
populate menghuni
46. Turbid muddy full of mud (lumpur) , dirt, etc. so that you Keruh, berlumpur
cannot see through it
47. Flooded overwhelmed covered by a large amount of water kebanjiran
48. Plains a large area of flat land Dataran, polos,
49. Slits Gap, crack, a long, narrow (sempit) cut or opening Celah, gap
slot, crevice,
50. Deteriorated Decline, to become worse Memburuk,
degenerate, merosot
devolve, drop,
51. Compensate Make up for (for something) to provide something good mengimbangi
to balance or reduce the bad effects of
damage, loss, etc. / (for something) to act in
order to balance or correct something wrong
or not normal
52. Vary [intransitive] (of a group of similar things) to be Bervariasi,
different from each other in size, shape, etc./ berbeda
to change or be different according to the
53. Forage Rummage, (for something) (of a person or an animal) to Mencari
eatage, search widely for food/ (for something) (of a makanan,
pasturage person) to search for something, especially makanan ternak
using the hands
54. Echolocation the use of reflected sound waves for finding ekolokasi
things, especially by creatures such
as dolphins and bats
55. Repertoire  all the plays, songs, pieces of music, etc. that repertoar
a performer knows and can perform/ ll the
things that a person is able to do
56. Notable Striking, Deserving (pantas) to be noticed or to receive Penting
important, attention; important
57. Choruses Refrain, choir part of a song that is sung after each verse/ Paduan suara
piece of music, usually part of a larger work,
that is written for a choir (= a group of singers)
58. Haunting beautiful, sad or frightening (ketakutan) in a Menghantui,
way that cannot be forgotten membayangi
59. Utterances utter the act of expressing something in words/ ucapan
something that you say
60. Employ Engage, to give somebody a job to do for payment/ to Mempekerjakan,
attach use something such as a skill, method, etc. for menggunakan
a particular purpose
61. Spectrum a band (kumpulan) of coloured lights in order Spektrum
of their wavelengths, as seen in a rainbow and
into which light may be separated/ a range of
sound waves or several other types of wave
62. Though although  despite the fact that Meskipun,
63. Sperm Semen,  cell that is produced by the sex organs of a Sperma, mani
spermatozoan male and that can combine with a female egg
to produce young
64. Monotonous Dull, never changing and therefore(karena itu) Membosankan,
repetitious boring monoton
65. Series serial [countable, usually singular] several events or Seri, deret,
things of a similar kind that happen one after rangkaian
the other
66. Clicks  to choose a particular function or item on a Klik, sesuai tepat
computer screen, etc., by pressing one of the
buttons on a mouse or touchpad/  to make or
cause something to make a short sharp
sound/ to suddenly become clear or
understood/  to work well together

Word Synonym English meaning Indonesian
1. Appreciate realize to understand that something is true Memahami,
2. perspective viewpoint a particular attitude towards something; a way of Pandangan, sudut
thinking about something pandang
3. space room an area or a place that is empty Ruang (kosong),
ruang angkasa
4. literal exact [usually before noun] being the most basic Harfiah (arti
meaning of a word or phrase, rather than an secara dasar)
extended or poetic (puitis)  meaning
5. wheel Rudder one of the round objects under a car, bicycle, bus, kemudi, setir
etc. that turns when it moves/ [countable, usually
singular] the round object used for controlling the
direction in which a car, etc. or ship moves
6. spinning the art or the process of twisting (memutar) wool, Pemintalan,
etc. to make thread (benang) berputar
7. trace Track down to find or discover somebody/something by (mencari) Jejak,
looking carefully for them/it/ to find the origin or berkas
cause of something
8. curve a line or surface that bends gradually (bertahap); a Melengkung,
smooth bend (membengkokkan) kurva
9. aback kembali
10. indeed used after very and an adjective or adverb to memang
emphasize a statement, description, etc./ used to
emphasize a positive statement or answer
11. rendition the performance of something, especially a song Penampilan
or piece of music; the particular way in which it is
12. metaphorical connected with or containing metaphors/ a word or Metafora (kiasan)
phrase used to describe somebody/something
else, in a way that is different from its normal use,
in order to show that the two things have the same
qualities and to make the description more
powerful, for example She has a heart of stone;
the use of such words and phrases
13. device an object or a piece of equipment that has been Perangkat, alat,
designed to do a particular job/ a piece of piranti
computer equipment, especially a small one such
as a smartphone
14. somehow in a way that is not known or certain/ for a reason Entah bagaimana
that you do not know or understand
15. matter affair [singular] used (to ask) if somebody is upset Peduli,masalah
(gundah/mengganggu), unhappy, etc. or if there is
a problem/ a subject or situation that you must
consider or deal with
16. apt suitable or appropriate in the circumstances tepat
(keadaan/situasi)/ likely or tending naturally to do
17. merely Only, simply used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a Hanya, semata-
fact or something that you are saying mata
18. idiosyncratic unusual and particular to a person or thing Aneh, istimewa
19. mark to write or draw a symbol, line, etc. on something menandai
in order to give information about it
20. line of motion Garis yang
21. depict Picture, to show an image of somebody/something in a menggambarkan
describe, picture/ to describe something in words, or give an
draw impression of something in words or with a picture
22. Supreme Kebaikan tertinggi
23. bent not straight/ not able to stand up straight, usually bengkok
as a result of being old or ill
24. wave Moving ridge to move your hand or arm from side to side in the Melambaikan
air in order to attract attention, say hello, etc./ to tangan,
be slightly curly gelombang
25. dash garis, berlari
26. dashed Putus Asa
27. extended Drawn out, long or longer than usual or expected Luas,
lengthy diperpanjang
28. beyond on or to the further side of something/ more than melampaui,
something melebihi
29. perimeter Border, the outside edge (tepi/pinggir) of an area of land/ Lingkar, garis
margin the total length of the outside edge of an area or a keliling
30. assign Delegate, to give somebody something that they can use, or Menugaskan,
depute some work or responsibility/ to provide a person menetapkan
for a particular task or position
31. wobble  to move from side to side in an unsteady way; to Bergoyang-
make something do this/ [intransitive] + goyang
adv./prep. to go in a particular direction while
moving from side to side in an unsteady way
32. steadily steady gradually and in an even and regular way/ without Terus-menerus
changing or being interrupted (disela) stabil
33. jerk to move or to make something move with a Menghentakan,
sudden short sharp movement/ berengsek
34. distinctive characteristic having a quality or characteristic that makes Khas, khusus,
something different and easily noticed berkarakter,
35. brake a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle rem
36. favoured preferred by most people disukai
37. instance exemple a particular example or case of something Misalnya, contoh
38. consensus an opinion that all members of a group agree with konsensus,
39. barely in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty Nyaris, hampir
40. involve entail somebody/something, they take part in it or are melibatkan
affected by it/ to make somebody take part in
41. evidently obviously clearly; that can be seen or understood easily Jelas, terbukti
42. figure out understand to think about somebody/something until you Mengetahui,
understand them/it memahami
43. term condition  [countable] a word or phrase used as the name of Istilah, kondisi
something, especially one connected with a
particular type of language
44. deem to have a particular opinion about menganggap
45. instead Alih alih, malah
46. instead of daripada
47. reveal Disclose, to make something known to somebody mengungkapkan
bring out,
48. respectively severally in the same order as the people or things already Masing-masing
mentioned. ex. Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 berurutan
49. shallow shoal not having much distance between the top or dangkal
surface and the bottom
50. resemble  to look like or be similar to another person or Menyerupai,mirip
51. differ [intransitive] to be different from berbeda
52. evil enjoying harming others; morally bad and cruel; kejahatan
deed (perbuatan) cruel (kejam)
53. odd strange or unusual Aneh, ganjil
54. therefore Karena itu
55. even used to emphasize something unexpected or Bahkan
ex. He never even opened the letter (= so he
certainly didn't read it).

Word Synonym English meaning Indonesian
1. sprawls (v) to sit, lie or fall with your arms and legs spread out Terkapar,
in a relaxed or careless way tergeletak
ex. He was sprawling in an armchair in front of the
2. south west (adv) Ex.The house faces south-west Barat daya
3. remain (v) inking verb to continue to be something; to be still in Tetap, tinggal,
the same state or condition bersisa
 to remain calm/confident
 He is confident that demand will remain
4. Vanish (v) disappear  to disappear suddenly and/or in a way that you Hilang, lenyap
cannot explain/ to stop existing
 He turned around and vanished into the
 the vanishing woodlands of Europe
5. diversity(n)  variety a range of many people or things that are very Keanekaragaman
different from each other/ the quality or fact of , perbedaan
including a range of many people or things
 the biological diversity of the rainforests
 There is a need for greater diversity and
choice in education.
6. Shrink/shrunk (v) shrink (something) to become smaller, especially Menyusut,
when washed in water that is too hot; to make mengerut,
clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way/ to become or menciut
to make something smaller in size or amount
 The market for their products is shrinking.
 The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea.
7. Heading (n) Menuju, arah,
8. Evolutionary (adj) connected with evolution; connected with slow Perkembangan,
steady development and change/ evolusioner
 evolutionary theory
 evolutionary change
9. mass extinction Kepunahan
10. mass (n)  a large amount of a substance that does not have Massa, rakyat,
a definite shape or form masal, besar-
 The hill appeared as a black mass in the besaran
mass of something a large amount or quantity of
 Both titles give readers a mass of
11. extinction (n) a situation in which a plant, an animal, a way of life, kepunahan
etc. stops existing
 The island's way of life is doomed (dikutuk)
to extinction.
 The mountain gorilla is on the verge
(ambang/tepi/pinggir) of extinction.

12. Whether (conj) used to express a doubt or choice between two Apakah, atau
 I'm going whether you like it or not.
 Whether or not we're successful, we can
be sure that we did our best.
13. Rebound(v) backfire rebound (from/off something) to bounce Memantul,
(melambung) back after hitting something serangan balik
 The ball rebounded from the goalpost and
Podolski headed it in.
rebound (on somebody) (formal) if something that
you do rebounds on you, it has an unpleasant
effect on you, especially when the effect was
intended for somebody else
14. Breeds (v) (of animals) to have sex and produce young/  to Berkembang
keep animals or plants in order to produce young biak, keturunan
ones for a particular purpose
 Many animals breed only at certain times of
the year.

15. Pepper (v)  to put pepper on food meladai

 peppered steak
16. necessarily (adv) used to say that something cannot be avoided Perlu,
 The number of places available is seharusnya,
necessarily limited. semestinya
 Servants necessarily had close contact with
their employers.
17. Endanger(v) endanger somebody/something to put membahayakan
somebody/something in a situation in which they
could be harmed or damaged/
 The health of our children is being
endangered by exhaust(knalpot,
pembuangan uap) fumes.
18. Despite (prep) in spite  used to show that something happened or is true meskipun
of although something else might have happened to
prevent it
 Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts
to control it.
 She was good at physics despite the fact
that she found it boring.
19. Critically(adv) in a way that says what you think is bad about Kritik, kritis
 She spoke critically of her father.
in a way that is extremely important because a
future situation will be affected by it
 a critically important decision
in a way that is serious, uncertain and possibly
 He is critically ill in intensive care.
in a way that involves making fair, careful
judgements about the good and bad qualities of
 I looked at myself critically in the mirror.
in a way that is connected with the judgement of
critics of art, music, literature, etc.
 a critically acclaimed artist

20. alongside(adv) next to or at the side of somebody/something Disamping, disisi,

 Nick caught up with me and rode alongside. sepanjang
21. Wealthy rich having a lot of money, possessions, etc. kaya
/Wealthier(adj)  a wealthy businessman/individual/family
 a wealthy country/nation
 The deal is about to make him a very
wealthy man.
22. Induced(v)   Mendorong,
induce somebody to do something (formal) to memaksa,
persuade or influence somebody to do something membujuk,
 Nothing would induce me to take the job. menyebabkan
 to cause something
 drugs that induce sleep
23. voluntary(adj) done willingly(bersedia/rela), not because you are Sukarela,
forced sengaja, fakultatif
 Attendance on the course is purely
[usually before noun] (of work) done by people who
choose to do it without being paid
 I do some voluntary work at the local
 She works there on a voluntary basis.
doing a job without wanting to be paid for it
 The homeless hostel is staffed by voluntary

24. discouraging dishearten making you feel less confident or enthusiastic about mengecewakan
ing doing something
 a discouraging
25. reservation(n) misgiving an arrangement for a seat on a plane or train, a Pemesanan,
room in a hotel, etc. to be kept for you syarat, keberatan
 I'll call the restaurant and make a
 We have a reservation in the name of
a feeling of doubt about a plan or an idea

 I have serious reservations about his
ability to do the job.
26. Effectively(adv) in a way that produces the intended result or a Efektif, dengan
successful result haasil yang baik,
 Managers must be able to work dengan berhasil
effectively in a cooperative setting.
 Most job interviews focus on the candidate's
ability to communicate effectively.
used when you are saying what the facts of a
situation are
 The government has now effectively ruled
out tax cuts.
27. The chairs(n)  the position of being in charge of a meeting or Memimpin
committee; the person who holds this position
 in the chair Who is in the chair today?
 All remarks should be addressed to the
 She takes the chair in all our meetings.
the position of being in charge of a department in a
university; a special position as a university
 He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford.
 the department chair
 She was awarded a personal chair in
black history at Bath Spa University (= she
was made a professor without being head of
a department).
28. Deadly/deadliest lethal causing or likely to cause death Mematikan,
(adj)  a deadly weapon/disease membosankan,
 He was charged with possession of a sangat
deadly weapon.
 deadly poison
 The cobra is one of the world's deadliest
 The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly
game with the civilian population.
  (figurative) The loss of skills training was
deadly for the economy.
extreme; complete
 I'm in deadly earnest.
 We sat in deadly silence.
 They are deadly enemies (= are full of
hatred for each other).
(informal) very boring
 The lecture was absolutely deadly.
29. Weapon(n) an object such as a knife, gun, bomb, etc. that is senjata
used for fighting or attacking somebody
 Modern nuclear weapons are much more
destructive than either biological or
chemical weapons.
 a lethal/deadly weapon
something such as knowledge, words, actions, etc.
that can be used to attack or fight against
 Education is the only weapon to fight the
spread of the disease.
 Guilt is the secret weapon for the control
of children.
30. Policy(n)  a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political Aturan, kebijakan,
party, a business, etc. politik
  policy on something the present
government’s policy on education
 The company has adopted
a firm policy on shoplifting.
 The new managers are expected
to implement new policies.
a principle that you believe in that influences how
you behave; a way in which you usually behave
 She is following her usual policy of ignoring
all offers of help.
  (saying) Honesty is the best policy.
31. pride a feeling of being pleased or satisfied that you get Kebanggaan,
when you or people who are connected with you kesombongan
have done something well or own something that
other people admire
 The sight of her son graduating filled her
with pride.
 He felt a glow of pride as people stopped to
admire his garden
the feeling of respect that you have for yourself
 Pride would not allow him to accept the
 Her pride was hurt.
 the feeling that you are better or more important
than other people
 She was full of pride and arrogance and
despised ordinary people.
 His masculine pride would not let him admit
that a girl had defeated him.
32. Worth(adj) worth something having a value in money, etc. Bernilai, berharga
 Our house is worth about £100 000.
 How much is this painting worth?
 to be worth a bomb/packet/fortune (= a lot
of money)
 It isn't worth much.
used to recommend the action mentioned because
you think it may be useful, pleasant, etc.
  worth something The museum is
certainly worth a visit.
  worth doing something This idea is well
worth considering.
33. Rely/relies(v) to need or depend on somebody/something Mengandalkan,
Rely on  The charity relies solely on donations from bergantung
the public.
 They had to rely entirely on volunteer
 The charity relies heavily on public support
and donations.
to trust or have faith in somebody/something
 You should rely on your own judgement.
 He's a great athlete who must learn to rely
more on his natural instincts.
 We have to rely on the only available
34. Intimately(adv) in a very close and friendly way Sangat
 The characters in the film become intimately intim
involved in each other's lives.
in a private and personal, and often a sexual, way
 She was talking intimately with a young
 They touched each other intimately.
35. bound (n) bound to do/be something certain or likely to Terikat, wajib
happen, or to do or be something
 There are bound to be changes when the
new system is introduced.
 It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.
 You've done so much work—you're bound
to pass the exam.
forced to do something by law, duty or a particular
  bound by something We are not bound
by the decision.
 You are bound by the contract to pay before
the end of the month.
  bound (by something) to do
something (formal) I am bound to say I
disagree with you on this point.
 They are legally bound to appear in court.
36. preserve preserve something to keep a particular quality, Melestarikan,
feature, etc.; to make sure that something is kept menjaga,
 He was anxious to preserve his reputation. mengawetkan
 Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
 She managed to preserve her sense of
humour under very trying circumstances.
 He was insistent on preserving the integrity
of the brand.
[often passive] to keep something in its original
state in good condition
  preserve something/somebody a
perfectly preserved 14th century house
  (humorous) Is he really 60? He's
remarkably well preserved.
 We need knowledgeable gallery curators
to preserve great masterpieces for
to prevent something, especially food,
from decaying (= being destroyed by natural
processes) by treating it in a particular way
  preserve something Wax polish
preserves wood and leather.
 preserved lemons
 preserve something in something olives
preserved in brine
  preserve something from something an
attempt to preserve the corpse from
37. Shifts (n) a period of time worked by a group of workers who Menggeser,
start work as another group finishes beralih, merubah
 to work a shift
 I've just finished an eight-hour shift.
  in shifts working in shifts
  on a shift to be on the day/night shift at
the factory
 the workers who work a particular shift
 The night shift has/have just come off
a change in opinion, mood, policy, etc.
 The minister's recent announcement
represents a major policy shift.
 a sudden shift to the right in British politics
  shift in something Does the government's
condemnation of the regime signal a shift
in policy?
 a dramatic shift in public opinion
38. moreover(adv)  in used to introduce some new information that adds Lebih-lebih lagi,
addition  to or supports what you have said previously selain itu
39. deprive (v) deprive somebody/something of something Mencabut,
to prevent somebody from having or doing menghilangkan
something, especially something important
o They were imprisoned and deprived
of their basic rights.
o Why should you deprive
yourself of such simple pleasures?
40. Mounting(adj) growing increasing, often in a manner that causes or meningkatnya
expresses worry
 mounting excitement/concern/tension
 There is mounting evidence of serious
effects on people's health.
 In the face of mounting pressure, the
president decided to act.
41. Perceptions(n) insight the ability to understand the true nature of Cara pandang
 She showed great perception in her
assessment of the family situation.
 They have little perception of how ordinary
people live their lives.
the way you notice things, especially with the
 Everyone's perception of reality is slightly
 visual perception
 an idea, a belief or an image you have as a result
of how you see or understand something
 a campaign to change public perception of
the police
  perception that… There is a general
public perception that standards in schools
are falling.
42. Despite(prep) in spite used to show that something happened or is true meskipun
of although something else might have happened to
prevent it
 Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts
to control it.
 Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is
still out of work.
 She was good at physics despite the fact
that she found it boring.
43. Dire/direr/direst very serious Mengerikan,
(adj)  They were living in dire poverty. buruk sekali,
 dire warnings/threats sungguh-sungguh
 Such action may have dire consequences.
 We're in dire need of your help.
 The firm is in dire straits (= in a very
difficult situation) and may go bankrupt.
very bad
 The acting was dire.
 The weather was absolutely dire.
44. fostering encourag  foster something to encourage something to Membina,
e, promot develop mendorong
e  The club's aim is to foster better relations
within the community.
foster (somebody) (especially British English) to
take another person’s child into your home for a
period of time, without becoming his or her legal
 They have fostered over 60 children during
the past ten years.
 We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to
45. Ancestral(adj) onnected with or that belonged to people in your leluhur
family who lived a long time ago
 her ancestral home
46. rekindle(v)  reawake to make a feeling or relationship become active Menghidupkan(ke
n again mbali)
 to rekindle feelings/hopes
 The sight of her after so many years
rekindled his passion.
47. Apprentice(n) a young person who works for an employer for a Anak magang,
fixed period of time in order to learn the particular murid
skills needed in their job
 an apprentice electrician/chef
48. pair up to come together or to bring two people together to berpasangan
work, play a game, etc.
 Julie paired up with Rob for the quiz.
49. Exclusively(adv) for only one particular person, group or use Khusus, semata-
 The resort caters almost exclusively for a mata
high-society public.
 Some products are labelled exclusively for
indoor or outdoor use.
completely; without including anybody or anything
 a charity that relies almost exclusively on
voluntary contributions
50. sufficiently(adv) enough for a particular purpose; as much as you cukup
 The following day she felt sufficiently well to
go to work.
 By 1995, bald eagles had recovered
sufficiently to be removed from the
endangered list.
51. Transmit(v) transfer [transitive, intransitive] transmit (something) Mengirimkan,
conduct (from…) (to…) to send an electronic signal, radio menyebarkan
or television broadcast, etc.
 signals transmitted from a satellite
 The ceremony was transmitted live by
satellite to over fifty countries.
 a short-wave radio that can transmit as well
as receive
 to pass something from one person to another
  transmit something sexually transmitted
  transmit something to
somebody Parents can unwittingly(tanpa
sengaja) transmit their own fears to their
 transmit something (specialist) to allow
heat, light, sound, etc. to pass through
o Steam only transmits heat when it
o This chapter explains how sounds
are transmitted through the air.
52. Revive(v)  to become, or to make somebody/something Membangkitkan,
become, conscious or healthy and strong again menghidupkan
 The flowers soon revived in water. kembali
 The economy is beginning to revive.
  revive somebody/something The
paramedics couldn't revive her.
 This movie is intended to revive her flagging
 Attempts to revive him failed.
revive something to make something start being
used or done again
 This quaint custom should be revived.
 She has been trying to revive the debate
over equal pay.
 The poor trade figures have revived fears of
higher interest rates.
53. Ensure(v) to make sure that something happens or is definite Memastikan,
  ensure something We are working menjamin
to ensure the safety of people in the city.
 The book ensured his success.
 We must take steps now to ensure the
survival of these animals.
  ensure somebody something Victory
ensured them a place in the final.
 The system ensures all children equal
access to education.
54. Secure(v) to obtain or achieve something, especially when Aman, terjamin,
this means using a lot of effort terkunci
  secure something to secure a
 The team managed to secure a place in
the finals.
 The team were unable to secure a victory.
 She secured 2 000 votes.
 The delegation has secured the promise of
a ceasefire.
 A production company secured the film
rights to the biography.
 They are contract workers unable to secure
a full-time position.
 Retailers will need to pay a higher price in
order to secure supplies.
to attach or fasten something so that it does not
  secure something to something She
secured the rope firmly to the back of the
  secure something He secured the boat
with a rope.
 The tables on board were secured firmly to
the floor.
to protect something so that it is safe and difficult to
attack or damage
  secure something against something to
secure a property against intruders
  secure something from something Have
you properly secured your computer from
viral attack?
 (figurative) a savings plan that
will secure your child’s future
  secure something We must all do
everything we can to secure our borders.
 The windows were secured with locks and

Word Synonym English meaning Indonesian
1. Struggle(V) to try very hard to do something when it is difficult berjuang
or when there are a lot of problems
 life as a struggling artist (= one who is very
  struggle for
something Shona struggled for breath.
 a country struggling for independence
  struggle to do something The firm
is struggling to cope with the demand for
its products.
 Local workers were still struggling to
find employment.
to move somewhere or do something with difficulty
 I struggled up the hill with the heavy bags.
 Paul struggled out of his wheelchair.
 She had to struggle into the tight dress.
to fight against somebody/something in order to
prevent a bad situation or result
 Chloe continued to struggle, but her eyes
began to close.
  struggle against
somebody/something He struggled
against cancer for two years.
 We should all struggle against injustice.
to fight somebody or try to get away from them
 I struggled and screamed for help.
  struggle with somebody James was hit
in the mouth as he struggled with the
  + adj. How did she manage to struggle

2. Conservative opposed to great or sudden social change; Kolot,tradisional,

(adj) showing that you prefer traditional styles and konservatif
 the conservative views of his parents
 music which is accessible to an audience
with extremely conservative tastes
 The southern state's inhabitants tend to
be socially conservative.
 Her style of dress was never conservative.
  conservative in something They
were deeply conservative in their outlook.

3. Have(v) have something(not used in the progressive memiliki/

tenses)to own, hold or possess something Memegang
(memiliki)  He had a
 He had a new car and a boat. new car
 Have you got a job yet? and a boat.
 I don't have that much money on me.  She'd got
 She's got a BA in English. him by the
to be in a position of needing to do something collar.
  have something I've got a lot of  He had his
homework tonight. head in his
  have something to do I must go—I have hands.
a bus to catch. terdiri dari
to suffer from an illness or a disease  In 2018 the
 I've got a headache.
party had
to hold somebody/something in the way mentioned 10 000
 She'd got him by the collar.
 He had his head in his hands.
to place or keep something in a particular position
 Surely she
 Mary had her back to me.
 I soon had the fish in a net.
didn't have
o experience something the nerve to
 I went to a few parties and had a good time.
say that to
 I was having difficulty in staying awake.
 She'll have an accident one day.
to organize or hold an event  He's got
 Let's have a party. three
 to eat, drink or smoke something children.
 to have breakfast/lunch/dinner  Do you
 I'll have the salmon (= for example, in a have a
restaurant). client
 I had a coffee while I was waiting. named
to perform a particular action Sesuatu yang
 I had a swim to cool down. tersedia
  (British English) to have a  Have you
wash/shower/bath got time to
 We had a very interesting discussion about call him?
climate change  We have no
to receive something from somebody choice in
 I had a letter from my brother this morning. the matter.
 Can I have a Coke, please? Saharusnya/harus
 to be given something; to have something done to  We have a
you duty to care
 I'm having treatment for my back problem. for the
 How many driving lessons have you had so refugees.
far? Perasaan/pikiran
to experience the effects of somebody’s actions  He had the
 We have orders coming in from all over the strong
world. impression
to suffer the effects of what somebody else does to that
you someone
 She had her bag stolen. was
have something done(used with a past watching
participle)to cause something to be done for you by him.
somebody else  We've got a
 You've had your hair cut! few ideas
 We're having our car repaired. for the title.
o cause somebody/something to be in a particular Sakit
state; to make somebody react in a particular way  I've got a
  have somebody/something + adj. I want headache.
to have everything ready in good time. Meletakkan/
  have somebody/something doing menjaga tetap
something He had his audience listening
didalam sebuah
have somebody with you(not used in the posisi
progressive tenses)to be with somebody  Mary had
 She had some friends with her. her back to
 have somebody/something to take care of me.
somebody/something in your home, especially for a  I soon had
limited period the fish in a
 We're having the kids for the weekend. net.
have somebody + adv./prep. to entertain Pengalaman
somebody in your home  I went to a
 We had some friends to dinner last night. few parties
and had a
good time.
 I was
difficulty in
 Let's have a
 to have
 I'll have the
salmon (=
example, in
 I had a
coffee while
I was
Melakukan sesuatu
 I had a
swim to
cool down.
  (British
English) to 
have a
 We had a
 She's going
to have a
 Our cat has
just had five
 His
had a
on me as a
 The colour
green has a
 I had a
letter from
my brother
 Can I
have a
Memilik seuatu yg
telah selesai
to suffer the effects
of what somebody
else does to you
 She had
her bag
 You've had
your hair
 We're
having our
 She had
friends with
  have
I'm sick of
I won't have
it any
  have
We can't
arriving late
all the time.

4. Fairly(adv) pretty to some extent(memperpanjang) but not very Cukup

 This is a fairly common problem. Hampir
 It's fairly obvious what's going on here. Secara jujur
 It's fairly clear that there is still room for
 That's a fairly typical reaction.
in a fair and reasonable way; honestly
 He has always treated me very fairly.
 Her attitude could fairly be described as

5. Pretty(adj) fairly  to some extent; fairly Cantik

 The game was pretty good. Cukup
 I'm pretty sure I'll be going. Agak
 It's pretty hard to explain.
 I'm going to have to find a new apartment
pretty soon.
 That performance was pretty impressive.
 Things are looking pretty good!
 The idea sounds pretty cool.
 We were pretty disappointed with the
quality of the food.
almost; almost completely
 One dog looks pretty much like another to
 He goes out pretty well every night.
 The first stage is pretty near finished.

6. Loath(adj) not willing to do something Segan

 He was loath to admit his mistake. Tak sudi
 They were obviously loath to let her leave.

7. Pretenders(n  a person who claims they have a right to a Orang yg berpura-

) particular title even though other people disagree pura
with them
 the pretender to the French throne

8. orthodox(adj)  traditional generally accepted or approved of; following Biasa

generally accepted beliefs Berpendirian kukuh
 orthodox medicine
 He is very orthodox in his views.

9. hand in working closely with somebody, especially in a Bergandengan

glove(idiom) secret and/or illegal way tangan
10. prescribe stipulate to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or Menentukan/
have a particular treatment; to write menetapkan
a prescription for a particular medicine, etc. Meberi resep
  prescribe something Valium is usually
prescribed to treat anxiety.
  prescribe (somebody) something (for
something) He may be able to prescribe
you something for that cough.
to say what should be done or how something
should be done
  prescribe something The prescribed
form must be completed and returned to
this office.
  prescribe that… Police regulations
prescribe that an officer's number must be
clearly visible.
  prescribe which, what, etc… The
syllabus prescribes precisely which books
should be studied.

11. Remedy(n) Solution a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or Perbaikan

Redress difficult situation pemulihan
 When the reservoir becomes blocked, the penyembuhan
only remedy lies in cleaning the entire
  remedy for something There is no simple
remedy for unemployment.
  remedy to something There are a
number of possible remedies to this
a treatment or medicine to cure a disease or
reduce pain that is not very serious
 He took a herbal remedy for his hay fever.
  remedy for something an excellent home
remedy for sore throats
a way of dealing with a problem, using the
processes of the law
 Holding copyright provides the only legal
remedy against unauthorized copying.
 What’s my remedy in law in this case?

12. Account(n) a written or spoken description of something that Akun

has happened Rekening
 an eyewitness account (= a description
given by somebody who saw what catatan
 a first-hand/personal/first-person account
  account of something Can
you give us an account of what
 The diaries contained a detailed
account of the writer's experiences in

13. turn over(v) to change position so that the other side is facing menyerahkan
towards the outside or the top
 If you turn over you might find it easier to
get to sleep.
 The car skidded and turned over.
  (figurative) The smell made my stomach
turn over (= made me feel sick).

14. Pharmaceuti a medical drug farmasi

cals(n)  the development of new pharmaceuticals
 the pharmaceuticals industry

15. disenchant- disillusionm the state of no longer feeling enthusiasm for kekecewaan
ment(n) ent somebody/something; a lack of belief that
something is good or worth doing
 a growing sense/feeling of
disenchantment with his job

16. steadily(adj) Gradually(bertahap) and in an even and regular Stabil

way terus-menerus
 The company's exports have been
increasing steadily.
 The situation got steadily worse.
without changing or being interrupted
 He looked at her steadily.
 The rain fell steadily.

17. Chiropractor( a person whose job involves treating some Ahli tulang
n) diseases and physical problems by pressing and
moving the bones in a person’s spine or joints

18. naturopath(n) a person who treats illnesses using natural foods tabib
and herbs and various other techniques, rather
than artificial drugs
19. osteopath(n) a person whose job involves treating some Ahli osteopati
diseases and physical problems by pressing and
moving the bones and muscles
20. prior(adj) happening or existing before something else or sebelumnya
before a particular time
 Although not essential, some prior
knowledge of statistics is desirable.
 This information must not be disclosed
without prior written consent.
 Visits are by prior arrangement.
 Please give us prior notice if you need an
evening meal.
 She will be unable to attend because of
a prior engagement.
already existing and therefore more important
 They have a prior claim to the property.

21. disillusioned disenchante disillusioned (by/with kecewa

d somebody/something) disappointed because the
person you admired or the idea you believed to be
good and true now seems without value
 I soon became disillusioned with the job.
 I feel utterly disillusioned by his refusal to
take any action.
 Her book is the testimony of a disillusioned
 Later in life he grew rather disillusioned with
 They felt bitter and disillusioned by the

22. Sceptical having doubts that a claim or statement is true or Ragu-ragu

(adj) that something will happen curiga
 She looked highly sceptical.
  sceptical about something I am
sceptical about his chances of winning.
  sceptical of something The public
remain sceptical of these claims.

23. Empirically in a way that is based on experiments or Secara empiris

(adv) experience rather than ideas or theories
 Such claims need to be tested empirically.
OPPOSITE theoretically
24. Erode(v) wear away  to gradually destroy the surface of something mengikis
through the action of wind, rain, etc.; to be
gradually destroyed in this way
  be eroded (away) The cliff face has been
steadily eroded by the sea.
  erode (away) The rocks have eroded
away over time.

25. rather than daripada

26. resist(v) oppose to refuse to accept something and try to stop it Menolak
from happening melawan
  resist something They are determined
to resist pressure to change the law.
 People naturally resist change.
  resist doing something The bank
strongly resisted cutting interest rates.
 Residents who oppose the plans are
threatening to resist.
 resist something to not be harmed or damaged
by something
 A healthy diet should help your body resist
 The castle was built to resist attack.

27. Incentive(n)  something that encourages you to do something dorongan

 There is no incentive for people to save
 There is an added incentive for you to buy
from our catalogue—a free gift with every
OPPOSITE disincentive
a payment or concession (= a reduction in the
amount of money that has to be paid) that
encourages somebody to do something
 tax incentives to encourage savings

28. the bottom the most important thing that you have to consider Yang digaris
line or accept; the essential point in a discussion, etc. bawahi
 The bottom line is that we have to make a
decision today.

29. Practitioners( a person who works in a profession, especially Praktisi/pelaksana

n) medicine or law
 dental practitioners
 a qualified practitioner
a person who regularly does a particular activity,
especially one that requires skill
 one of the greatest practitioners of science

30. clientele(n) all the customers or clients of a shop, restaurant, pelanggan

organization, etc.
 The facilities appeal to an international
 an important media event that is bound to
attract a new clientele

31. might(v) used when showing that something is or was Mungkin

possible seharusnya
 He might get there in time, but I can't be bolehkah
 It might not be too late to save the building.
 I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I
mightn't find it too bad.
 The pills might have helped him, if only he'd
taken them regularly
used to make a polite suggestion
 You might try calling the help desk.
 I thought we might go to the zoo on
used to ask permission politely
 Might I use your phone?
 If I might just say something…
32. Relief(n) Aid (bantuan) the feeling of happiness that you have when Lega
something unpleasant stops or does not happen Menghilangkan
 I felt a huge sense of relief when I heard bantuan
they were all OK.
 We all breathed a sigh of relief when he
 Much to my relief the car was not
 News of their safety came as
a great relief.
 She sighed with relief.
the act of removing or reducing pain, worry, etc.
 modern methods of pain relief
  relief of something the relief of
  relief from something The drugs
only provided temporary relief from the
 All the tables in the shade were occupied
by people seeking relief from the heat.
 Massage can bring some relief from
food, money, medicine, etc. that is given to help
people in places where there has been a war or
natural disaster
 disaster relief
 relief efforts/operations
 relief organizations/supplies/work
 We raised £5 000 for famine relief.
 One relief agency worker described the
situation as ‘catastrophic’.

33. Holistic(adj) considering a whole thing or being to be more than menyeluruh

a collection of parts
 a holistic approach to life
treating the whole person rather than just the
symptoms (gejala) of a disease
 holistic medicine

34. manner(n) behaviour that is considered to be polite in a Tata karma

particular society or culture cara
 to have good/bad manners
 It is bad manners to talk with your mouth
 the way that something is done or happens
  in a… manner She answered in a
businesslike manner.
 All claims must be settled in a professional
and timely manner.
 The manner in which the decision was
announced was extremely regrettable.

35. Feature(n) something important, interesting or typical of a Fitur

place or thing Salah satu bagian
(fitur) muka
 An interesting feature of the city is the old
 geographical features
a part of somebody’s face such as their nose,
mouth and eyes
 facial features
 his strong handsome features
 Her eyes are her most striking feature.
 (in the media) a special article or programme
about somebody/something
 In today's programme we have a special
feature on education.
 There are in-depth feature articles in
every issue.
 She is a feature writer for the ‘Evening

36. Exodus(n) a situation in which many people leave a place at Keluaran

the same time Kepergian banyak
 the mass exodus from Paris to the country orang
in the summer
 The play was so awful that there was a
general exodus from the theatre at the

37. Inadequacy the state of not being enough or good enough Kekurangan
(n)  the inadequacy of our resources ketidakcakapan
OPPOSITE adequacy(kecukupan)
 a weakness; a lack of something
 gross inadequacies in the data
 He had to face up to his own inadequacies
as a father.

38. Concur(v) to agree Setuju

  concur (with somebody) (in Bertepatan(bersam
something) Historians have concurred aan)
with each other in this view.
  concur with something The coroner
concurred with this assessment.
  concur that… Scientists generally concur
that climate change is a reality.

39. Suffer(v) to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sad Menderita

feelings, a lack of something, etc.
 I hate to see animals suffering.
 The country has suffered greatly at the
hands of its corrupt government.
  suffer from something to suffer from a
disorder/a disease/an illness/a condition
 patients suffering from depression/cancer
 Increasing numbers of children
are suffering from mental
health problems.
 He suffers from asthma.
to experience something unpleasant, such as
injury, defeat or loss
 to suffer a stroke/heart attack
 Victims suffered severe injuries in the
 The company suffered huge losses in the
last financial year.
 Crops suffered serious damage as a
result of the floods.

40. musculo- Kerangka otot

41. digestive(adj) connected with the digestion (pencernaan) of food; pencernaan
helping the process of digestion
 the digestive tract
 digestive problems
 Peppermint is often gentler than other
digestive herbs.

42. Respiratory(a connected with breathing pernapasan

dj)  the respiratory system
 respiratory diseases
 the respiratory rate

43. candida(n) the fungus that can cause an infection of thrush Jamur yang

infeksi sariawan
44. respectively in the same order as the people or things already Masing-masing
mentioned berurutan
 Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19

45. Complement two people or things that are complementary are Saling melengkapi

ary(adj) different but together form a useful or attractive mengimbangi
combination of skills, qualities or physical features
 The school's approach must be
complementary to that of the parents.
 We provide a service that is essentially
complementary to that of the banks.

46. Adjunct(n) an adverb or a phrase that adds meaning to the Tambahan

verb in a sentence or part of a sentence keterangan
 In ‘She went home yesterday’ and ‘He ran
away in a panic’, ‘yesterday’ and ‘in a panic’
are adjuncts.

47. Seek(v) to look for something/somebody Mencari

  seek something/somebody Drivers are meminta
advised to seek alternative routes.
 Police are not seeking anyone else in
connection with the deaths.
  seek for something/somebody (British
English) They sought in vain for
somewhere to shelter.
 to ask somebody for something; to try to
obtain(memperoleh) or achieve(mencapai)
  seek something I think it's time
we sought legal advice.
 They sought refuge in the mountain
 She fled the country and is now seeking
asylum in Sweden.
 The pilot sought permission to land.

48. Disenchant-  disillusion the state of no longer feeling enthusiasm for kekecewaan
ment(n) ment somebody/something; a lack of belief that
something is good or worth doing
 a growing sense/feeling of
disenchantment with his job

49. ought  used to say what is the right thing to do seharusnya

to(modal  They ought to apologize.
verb)  They ought to have apologized (= but they
 Such things ought not to be allowed.
 He oughtn't to have been driving so fast.
  (formal) ‘Ought I to write to say thank
you?’ ‘Yes, I think you ought (to).’
 used to say what you expect or would like to
 Children ought to be able to read by the
age of 7.
 Nurses ought to earn more.

50. Duty(n) something that you feel you have to do because it Kewajiban
is your moral or legal responsibility Tugas
  duty to do something It is my duty to pajak
report it to the police.
 Local councillors have a duty to serve the
  under a duty to do something You are
under a legal duty to keep accurate
 to do your duty for your country
  duty to somebody/something He has
failed in his duty to his client.
  duty as somebody your duties as a
  duty of something The company owes
a duty of care to its employees.
  duty of doing something Local councils
were charged with the duty of allocating
land for building.
 a statutory/fiduciary duty
 a civic/patriotic/moral duty
 I don't want you to visit me simply out of a
sense of duty.
 I’ll have to go, I’m afraid—duty calls (=
there is a duty I need to go and do).
 a breach/dereliction of duty
tasks that are part of your job
 I spend a lot of time on administrative
 The princess has taken on her
mother's official duties.
 to perform/fulfil/discharge your duties
 Your duties will include greeting visitors and
answering the phone.

51. rather (adv) used to mean ‘fairly’ (cukup) or ‘to some degree’, Lebih tepatnya
often when you are disappointed, surprised or Lebih suka
expressing slight criticism
 rather odd/strange/unusual
 a rather large sum of money
 A rather small number of people turned
 They took a rather different approach.
 I thought it was a rather good idea.
used to (biasanya) correct something you have
said, or to give more accurate information
 She worked as a secretary, or rather, a
personal assistant.
 In the end he had to walk—or rather run—
to the office.
 used to introduce an idea that is different or
opposite to the idea that you have stated
 The walls were not white, but rather a sort
of dirty grey.
 The problem is not in the whole system, but
rather in one small part.
(usually reduced to ’d rather)would prefer to
 She'd rather die than give a speech.
 ‘Do you want to come with us?’ ‘No, I'd
rather not.’
 Would you rather walk or take the bus?
 ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’ ‘Well, I'd rather
you didn't.’
 Personally, I'd rather see the money and
resources going into education.
 I'd rather have a simple product that
actually works than something fancy that's
just not reliable.

52. concession something that you allow or do, or allow somebody Kelonggaran
to have, in order to end an argument or to make a izin
situation less difficult
 The firm will be forced to make
concessions if it wants to avoid a strike.
 to win a concession from somebody
 a major/an important concession
 She made no concession to his age; she
expected him to work as hard as she did.
 the act of giving something or allowing something;
the act of conceding
 the concession of university status to some
 Clinton’s concession speech (= when she
admitted that she had lost the election)
 Military support was offered in return for the
concession of territory.

53. Digest (v)  when you digest food, or it digests, it is mencerna

changed into substances that your body can use
 Humans cannot digest plants such as
 You should allow a little time after a meal
for the food to digest.

Word Synonym English meaning Indonesian meaning
1. Business(n) something that a particular person or organization Bisnis
is responsible for Urusan
 It is the business of the police to protect Kewajiban
the community. tugas
 I shall make it my business to find out
who is responsible.
 My private life is none of your
business (= not something that you need
to know about).
 It's no business of hers who I invite to the
 Keep your nose out of my business!
important matters that need to be dealt with or
 He has some unfinished business to
deal with.
 the main business of the meeting
  business of doing something They
should leave the business of making
policy to the experts.

2. Engrossed(a so interested or involved in something that you asyik

dj) give it all your attention
 She was engrossed in conversation.
 Dawn was engrossed in stuffing clothes
into a bag.
 Thankfully, they were all too engrossed to
notice her.

3. Fox(n) rubah
4. tease(v)  to laugh at somebody and make jokes about Menggoda
them, either in a friendly way or in order to annoy Mengusik
them or make them embarrassed mengejek
 Don't get upset—I was only teasing.
  tease somebody I used to get teased
about my name.
  tease (somebody) + speech ‘You're not
scared, are you?’ she teased him.

5. Carefree(adj) having no worries or responsibilities riang

 He looked happy and carefree.
 a carefree attitude/life

6. exuberant(ad full of energy, excitement (kegembiraan) and riang

j) happiness
 She gave an exuberant performance.
 an exuberant personality/imagination
 a picture painted in exuberant reds and
 A noisy bunch of exuberant youngsters
were gathered outside.
 He was exuberant as a child.

7. Fur(n) the soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body bulu
of some animals
 The cat carefully licked its fur.
 She stroked the soft fur on the dog's back.
the skin of an animal with the fur still on it, used
especially for making clothes
 a fur coat
 the fur trade
 a fur farm (= where animals are bred and
killed for their fur)
 fur-lined gloves
 The animal is hunted for its fur.
 Many models refuse to wear fur on the

8. Seal(v)  to close an envelope, etc. by sticking the segel

edges(tepi) of the opening together
 Make sure you've signed the cheque
before sealing the envelope.
 a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a
sealed envelope and therefore remains
secret until all other bids have been
seal something to make something definite, so
that it cannot be changed or argued about
 to seal a contract
 They shook hands to seal the deal.
 The discovery of new evidence sealed
his fate (= nothing could prevent what
was going to happen to him).
 She sealed victory with a birdie at the final

9. Pup(n) Anak anjing

(also puppy)
 a young dog
10. Spot(n) a small round area that has a different colour or Titik
feels different from the surface it is on Bintik
 Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? Tempat
 The male bird has a red spot on its beak. noda
  (British English) She was wearing a black
skirt with white spots.
a small mark or lump on a person’s skin,
sometimes with a yellow head to it
 The baby's whole body was covered in
small red spots.
 He had a large spot on his nose.
  The aim of acne treatments is to shorten
the length of time someone has spots.
  (British English) teenagers worried about
their spots
 The children all had measles, and had
broken out in spots.
 enlarged pores and spots on the skin
a particular area or place
 a quiet/secluded/lonely spot
 This is a favourite spot for walkers and
 I won't drive around for 20 minutes looking
for a parking spot.
 He was exhausted and just wanted to find
a spot to sleep.
 The bay has become a popular spot for
young international travellers.
 He showed me the exact spot where he
had asked her to marry him.
 a tourist spot
 She placed the ball on the penalty spot
and waited for the whistle.

11. Extremely(n) (with adjectives and adverbs)to a very high sangat

 It is extremely important to follow the
directions exactly.
 extremely useful/valuable
 extremely dangerous/serious/complex
 extremely popular/successful
 She found it extremely difficult to get a
 It's still an extremely rare occurrence.
 The risks involved are extremely high.
 extremely low temperatures
 I would be extremely grateful if you could
have a word with her.
 Their new tablet is selling extremely well.
 He works extremely hard.

12. Cavort(v)  to jump or move around in a noisy, excited and Meliuk-liuk
often sexual way bermesraan
 The photos showed her cavorting on the
beach with her new lover.

13. Figure(n) arithmeti a number representing a particular amount, Angka(jumlah)

c especially one given in official information sosok
 the latest sales/crime/unemployment
 Official figures indicate that crime is
 Figures for April show a slight
improvement on previous months.
 By 2017, this figure had risen to 14
 Viewing figures for the series
have dropped dramatically.
a symbol rather than a word representing one of
the numbers between 0 and 9
 Write the figure ‘7’ on the board.
 paths built in the shape of a figure 8
 a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds
or dollars)
a person of the type mentioned
 a leading figure in the music industry
 a senior figure in the organization
 a key/prominent/central figure

14. hiccup cegukan

15. evolve(v)  to develop gradually(bertahap), especially from a berkembang
simple to a more complicated form; to develop
something in this way
  evolve (from something) (into
something) The idea evolved from a
drawing I discovered in the attic.
 The company has evolved into a major
chemical manufacturer.
 to develop over time, often many generations,
into forms that are better adapted to survive
changes in their environment
  evolve (from something) The three
species evolved from a single ancestor.
  evolve something The dolphin has
evolved a highly developed jaw.

16. Playfulness(n the quality of being full of fun and wanting to play Main-main
)  childlike playfulness
the fact of a remark or an action being made or
done in fun and not intended to be serious
 There was a sense of playfulness in her

17. Indulge(v) to allow yourself to have or do something that you Memuaskan diri
like, especially something that is considered bad Memanjakan diri
for you
  indulge in something They went into
town to indulge in some serious shopping.
 She has never been one to indulge in
 She was free to indulge in a little romantic
  indulge yourself (with something) I
indulged myself with a long hot bath.
 For a special treat, indulge yourself with
one of these luxury desserts.

18. Wag(n) if a dog wags its tail, or its tail wags, its tail mengibaskan

moves from side to side several times
 The dog raced ahead, its tail wagging
furiously(dengan marah).

19. Superficially( in a way that appears to be true, real or important Kelihatannya(tp beda)
adv) until you look at it more carefully
 The fruit superficially resembles a
 Their paintings are superficially similar.

20. Resemble(v) resemble somebody/something to look like or Mirip

be similar to another person or thing menyerupai
 She closely resembles her sister.
 So many hotels resemble each other.
 The plant resembles grass in appearance.

21. Earnest(adj) very serious and sincere Sungguh-sungguh

 an earnest young man Tekad
 Despite her earnest efforts, she could not tekun
find a job.
 When I looked over, he was in earnest
conversation with his father.
 She was nice enough, but perhaps a little
too earnest.

22. get in shape in good physical condition Membentuk

 You don't have to spend a fortune on gym Sehat/bugar
membership to get in shape.
 I like to stay in shape.

23. Endurance(n the ability to continue doing something painful or Ketahanan

) difficult for a long period of time without giving up Daya tahan
 He showed remarkable endurance Kesabaran/ketabahan
throughout his illness.
 This event tests both physical and mental
 The task was a test of their powers of
  beyond endurance They were
humiliated beyond endurance.
 The party turned out to be more of
an endurance test than a pleasure.

24. point out (v) to stretch your finger out towards Menunjukkan
somebody/something in order to show somebody menunjuk
which person or thing you are referring to
 I'll point him out to you next time he
comes in.
 The guide pointed out various historic
25. Across(prep) througho from one side to the other side of something Seberang
ut(selama  He walked across the field. seluruh
)  I drew a line across the page.
 A grin spread across her face.
 Where's the nearest bridge across the
on the other side of something
 There's a bank right across the street.
in every part of a place, group of people,
etc.SYNONYM throughout
 Her family is scattered across the country.
 This view is common across all sections of
the community.
knowing a lot about something; covering or in
control of something
 We need somebody who is across all the
 Radio 8 will be across events as they
on or over a part of the body
 He hit him across the face.
 It's too tight across the back.

26. Peak(n) height(tin  the point when somebody/something is best, Puncak

ggi) most successful, strongest, ujung
etc.SYNONYM height
 Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9
in the morning.
 the peaks and troughs of married life
  at the peak of something She's at the
peak of her career.
 Membership of the club has fallen from a
peak of 600 people in 2006.
the pointed top of a mountain; a mountain with a
pointed top
 a mountain peak
 snow-capped/jagged peaks
 The climbers made camp halfway up the
 We looked up at the rocky peaks towering
above us.

27. Halfway(adj) at an equal distance between two points; in the Setengah

middle of a period of time jalan(tahap)
 I got the ball on the halfway line.
part of the way towards doing or achieving
 the halfway point/stage

28. through(prep from one end or side of something/somebody to Melalui

) the other Lewat
 The burglar got in through the window. Sampai
 The bullet went straight through(sampai) Sepanjang
him. Selama
 Her knees had gone through (= made karena
holes in) her jeans.
 The sand ran through (= between) my
 The path led through the trees to the river.
 The doctor pushed his way through the
 The Charles River flows through Boston.
 The flood was too deep to drive through.
see, hear, etc. through something to see, hear,
etc. something from the other side of an object or
a substance
 I couldn't hear their conversation
through(melalui) the wall.
 He could just make out three people
through the mist.
from the beginning to the end of an activity, a
situation or a period of time
 The children are too young to sit
through(selama) a concert.
 He will not live through the night.
 I'm halfway through (= reading) her
second novel.
 past a barrier, stage or test
 Go through(melewati) this gate, and you'll
see the house on your left.
 He drove through a red light (= passed it
when he should have stopped).
 First I have to get through the exams.
by means of; because of
 You can only achieve success through
hard work.
 It was through him (= as a result of his
help) that I got the job.
 The accident happened through no fault of

29. Suckling(n) a baby or young animal that is still drinking milk Menyusu
from its mother Orang blm
(idiom) berpengalaman
out of the mouths of babes (and sucklings)
1. (saying) used when a small child has just
said something that seems very wise or

30. Decline(v) refuse to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc. Menolak

 Support for the party continues to decline. Menurun
  decline by something Sales of whole merosot
milk declined by 4 per cent.
  decline in something The city declined
in importance in the nineteenth century.
 to decline in popularity/value/number
 Jobs in manufacturing have steadily
 to decline sharply/significantly/dramatically
 to decline rapidly/markedly/substantially
 Her health began to decline.
 to refuse politely to accept or to do
somethingSYNONYM refuse1
 I offered to give them a lift but they
  decline something to decline an
 We politely declined her invitation.

31. Glance(v) scan  to look quickly at something/somebody Melihat Sekilas

 She glanced at her watch. melirik
 He glanced around the room. Melihat cepat
 I glanced up quickly to see who had come
glance at/down/over/through something to
read something quickly and not carefully or
completelySYNONYM scan
 I only had time to glance at my emails.
 He glanced briefly down the list of names.
 She glanced through the report.

32. Manoeuvres( a movement performed with care and skill Maneuver

n)  a complicated/skillful maneuver gerakan
 You will be asked to perform some
standard maneuvers during your driving
a clever plan, action or movement that is used to
give somebody an advantage
 diplomatic maneuvers
 a complex maneuver in a game of chess
 The amendment was somehow introduced
by political maneuver.
freedom of/room for maneuver
1. the chance to change the way that
something happens and influence
decisions that are made
o Small farmers have limited room
for maneuver.

33. Inspection(n) examinati an official visit to a school, factory, etc. in order to Pemeriksaan
on check that rules are being obeyed and that tinjauan
standards are acceptable
 Regular inspections are carried out at
the prison.
 The head went on a tour of
inspection of all the classrooms.
the act of looking closely at something/somebody,
especially to check that everything is as it should
beSYNONYM examination
 The documents are available for
 Engineers carried out
a thorough inspection of the track.
 Following an 8 a.m. pitch inspection by
the referee, today's game has been called
off due to a waterlogged pitch.
34. Reveal(v) disclose  to make something known to somebody Mengungkapkan
display SYNONYM disclose menunjukkan
  reveal something to reveal a secret
 Her expression revealed nothing.
 A series of flashbacks reveal the
details of the tragedy.
 The identity of the buyer has not been
 The survey reveals some worrying
 to show something that previously could not be
seenSYNONYM display
  reveal something He laughed, revealing
a line of white teeth.
 The door opened to reveal a cosy little
 X-rays revealed a fracture.
 Excavations at these sites have revealed
impressive stone structures.
  reveal yourself She crouched in the
dark, too frightened to reveal herself.

35. Interpretation the particular way in which something is penafsiran

(n) understood or explained
 Her evidence suggests a different
interpretation of the events.
 It is not possible for everyone to put their
own interpretation on the law.
 Dreams are open to interpretation (=
they can be explained in different ways).
the particular way in which somebody chooses to
perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc.
 a modern interpretation of ‘King Lear’

36. simplistic(adj making a problem, situation, etc. seem less sederhana

) difficult or complicated than it really is
 a simplistic approach/view/solution
 His interpretation of the figures is far too
 a highly simplistic generalization

37. predatory(adj Buas

) Predator: pemangsa
38. prowess(n) great skill at doing something Kecakapan
 academic/sporting prowess
 He was complimented on his prowess as
an oarsman.

39. Converse(v) to have a conversation with somebody Becakap-cakap

 She conversed with the Romanians in ngobrol
 The two men were conversing on music
and opera.

40. Require(v) to need something; to depend on Membutuhkan

somebody/something memerlukan
  require something These pets require a
lot of care and attention.
 Deciphering the code requires an expert.
 This condition requires urgent treatment.
 Do you require anything else? (= in a
shop/store, for example)
 These plants absolutely require shade.
to make somebody do or have something,
especially because it is necessary according to a
particular law or set of rules
  require something I just require a
signature on the form.
  be required (by something) The
wearing of seat belts is required by law.
 ‘Hamlet’ is required reading (= must be
read) for this course.
 Several students failed to reach the
required standard.

41. Mould/ a container that you pour a liquid or soft cetakan

mold(n) substance into, which then becomes solid in the
same shape as the container, for example when it
is cooled or cooked
 A clay (tanah liat)mould is used for casting
bronze statues.
 Pour the chocolate into a heart-shaped

42. provide supply  to give something to somebody or make it Menyediakan

available for them to useSYNONYM supply menyajikan
  provide something Please provide the
following information.
 The exhibition provides an
opportunity for local artists to show their
 She did not provide any evidence to
substantiate the claims.
 The hospital has a commitment to provide
the best possible medical care.
 Please answer questions in the space
 Refreshments will be provided.

43. Plot(n/v) conspira the series of events that form the story of a novel, Merencanakan
cy play, film, etc. bersekongkol
 It's hard to follow the plot of the film.
  plot about something a conventional
plot about love and marriage
 The book is well organized in terms of
a secret plan made by a group of people to do
something wrong or illegalSYNONYM conspiracy
 He had been the victim of an elaborate
murder plot.
  plot to do something The rebels
hatched a plot to overthrow the
  plot against somebody Police
uncovered a plot against the president.
 They had taken part in a Jacobite plot
against William III.

44. Devote to(v) devote something to something Mengabdikan

to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to mencurahkan
o I could only devote two hours a
day to the work.
o The amount of time devoted to
leisure is dropping.

45. Stage(n) phase a period or state that something/somebody Panggung

passes through while developing or making tahap
  at… stage I can't make a decision at
this stage.
 At one stage it looked as though they
would win.
 The product is at the design stage.
 a separate part that a process, etc. is divided into
 We did the first stage of the trip by train.
  in stages The pay increase will be
introduced in stages (= not all at once).
 All the recipes are broken down into easy
 We can take the argument one stage

46. Course(n) a series of lessons or lectures on a particular Kursus

subject Perjalan
 a French/chemistry course Kuliah
  course in something He took a Mata kuliah
course in Russian language and
 I want to do a course in art and design.
 The department offers short courses in
drama, fiction, and poetry.
  course on something She teaches a
course on internet crime.
  on a course My boss has been on a
course this week.
a period of study at a college or university that
leads to an exam or a qualification
 What degree course did you choose?
 a two-year postgraduate course leading to
a master’s degree
 He was able to design his own course of

47. Discover(v)  to be the first person to become aware that a Menemukan
particular place or thing exists
 Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.
 Scientists around the world are working to
discover a cure for AIDS.
 a newly discovered snake species
 They first discovered this protein about
five years ago.

48. Pattern(n) sample the regular way in which something happens or is Pola
done Contoh
 changing patterns of urban life desain
 We have no way of predicting next
year's weather patterns.
 behaviour/sleep/growth patterns
 stress/intonation/speech patterns
a regular arrangement of lines, shapes, colours,
etc. for example as a design on material, carpets,
 a pattern of diamonds and squares
 a shirt with a floral pattern
 complex geometric patterns

49. brief(adj)  lasting only a short time; short Singkat

 a brief visit/meeting/conversation ringkas
 Mozart's life was brief.
  He said nothing during the brief court
 a brief pause/silence
using few words
 a brief description/summary/overview
 Please be brief (= say what you want to
say quickly).
 I will keep my comments brief.
 Section 1 of the book gives a brief history
of Mexico.
 I made a brief introductory statement and
our meeting began.

50. Relative(adj) considered and judged by being compared with Relative

something else Bertalian(hub
 You must consider the relative merits of keluarga)
the two plans.
 We need to assess the relative
importance of each of these factors.
 We need to assess the relative strengths
and weaknesses of each system.
that exists or that has a particular quality only
when compared with something else
SYNONYM comparative
 They now live in relative comfort (=
compared with how they lived before).
 We won the game with relative ease.
 Given the failure of the previous plan, this
turned out to be a relative success.
 It's all relative though, isn't it? We never
had any money when I was a kid and
$500 was a fortune to us.

51. infants a baby or very young child Bayi

 a nursery for infants under two Anak-anak
 their infant son
 She was seriously ill as an infant.
a child at school between the ages of four and
 an infant school
 The majority of infant teachers are
 I've known her since we were in the
infants (= at infant school).

52. Rats(exclam used to show that you are annoyed about (seruan)
ation) something tikus
 Rats! I forgot my glasses.

53. Coyote(n) a North American wild animal of the dog family Anjing hutan
54. Such(determi used to emphasize the great degree of something Seperti(itu)
ner, pro)  This issue was of such importance that we sedemikian
could not afford to ignore it.
  such a/an… Why are you in such a
 It's such a beautiful day!
of the type already mentioned
 They had been invited to a Hindu wedding
and were not sure what happened on
such occasions.
 He said he didn't have time or
made some such excuse.
 She longed to find somebody who
understood her problems, and in him she
thought she had found such a person.
 We were second-class citizens and they
treated us as such.
of the type that you are just going to mention
 There is no such thing as a free lunch.
 Such advice as he was given (= it was not
very much) has proved almost worthless.
 The knot was fastened in such a
way that it was impossible to undo.
 The damage was such that it would cost
thousands to repair.

55. Liken to(v) liken something/somebody to menyamakan

(formal) to compare one thing or person to
another and say they are similar
o Life is often likened to a journey.

56. Kaleidoscope a toy consisting of a tube that you look through Kaledoskop
(n) with loose pieces of coloured glass and mirrors at alat optik yang bentuk
the end. When the tube is turned, the pieces of luarnya seperti keker,
glass move and form different patterns dilengkapi dengan
dua kaca persegi
panjang yang
dipasang pada
lapisan dalam pada
salah satu ujungnya
sehingga dapat
pelbagai gambaran
yang indah dan
simetris dari kepingan
barang berwarna
yang diletakkan di
antaranya apabila
dilihat dari ujung yang
lain; 2 aneka
peristiwa yang telah
terjadi yang disajikan
secara singkat
57. Predation(n) the act of an animal killing and eating other Predasi (pemangsa)
animals dimangsa
 Goldfish are particularly prone to
predation by cats and birds such as

58. Aggression(n  feelings of anger and hate that may result Serangan
) in threatening or violent behaviour penyerangan
 The research shows that computer games
may cause aggression.
 Nowadays our aggression is channelled
into sports.
a violent attack or threats by one person against
another person or by one country against another
 unprovoked military aggression

59. getting mendapatkan

60. sort(n) kind a group or type of people or things that are similar Menyortir
in a particular way Menjeniskan
SYNONYM kind tipe
  sort of somebody/something ‘What
sort of music do you like?’ ‘Oh, all sorts.’
 This sort of problem is quite
common./These sorts of problems are
quite common.
 He's the sort of person who only cares
about money.
 The sort/sorts of people who are having
large families in the US and Ireland are
very similar.
 For dessert there's a fruit pie of some
sort (= you are not sure what kind).
 a particular type of person
 My brother is not the sort to lie about
something like that.

61. getting all mendapatkan segala

sorts of macam rangsangan
62. involve(v) if a situation, an event or an Melibatkan
activity involves something, that thing is an Meliputi
important or necessary part or result of menyangkut
itSYNONYM entail
  involve something Any investment
involves an element of risk.
  involve doing something The process
involves using steam to sterilize the
 The test will involve answering questions
about a photograph.
  involve somebody/something doing
something The job involves me travelling
all over the country.
 involve somebody/something if a situation, an
event or an
activity involves somebody/something, they take
part in it or are affected by it
 There was a serious incident involving a
group of youths.
 cases involving the care of young children
to make somebody take part in something
  involve somebody (in something/in
doing something) We want to involve as
many people as possible in the
  involve yourself (in
something) Parents should involve
themselves in their child's education.

63. Playmates(n) a friend with whom a child plays Teman bermain

 my three-year-old son and his new

64. reciprocity(n) a situation in which two people, countries, etc. Timbal balik
provide the same help or advantages to each pembalasan
65. specialized(a designed or developed for a particular purpose or terspesialisasi
dj) area of knowledge
 specialized equipment
 a job calling for highly specialized skills
 Our industry is quite specialized.

66. Rules(n) a statement of what you are advised to do in a Peraturan

particular situation aturan
 The first rule is to make eye contact with
your interviewer.
 Follow these few simple rules and you
won't go far wrong.
  rule for doing something There are
no hard and fast rules for planning
healthy meals.
the government of a country or control of a group
of people by a particular person, group or system
 military/civilian/democratic rule
 The 1972 Act imposed direct rule from
  under… rule The country was still
under colonial rule.
 majority rule (= government by the
political party that most people have voted

67. greater Lebih besar

68. potential(n)  possible that can develop into something or be developed Potensi
in the future Kekuatan
SYNONYM possible kemungkinan
 potential
 We have compiled a list of 10 potential
 the potential benefits of European
 potential risks
 a potential threat

69. improve to become better than before; to make Memperbaiki

something/somebody better than before mempertajam
 Overall the situation has
improved dramatically.
 Things are improving every day.
 You should see your score improve
 Working conditions have greatly
 His quality of life has improved
dramatically since the operation.

70. back up(v) to support somebody/something; to say that what Melindungi

somebody says, etc. is true Mensuport
 I'll back you up if they don't believe you. cadangan
 The writer doesn't back up his opinions
with examples.
to provide support for somebody/something
 two doctors backed up by a team of
 The rebels backed up their demands with
to prepare a second copy of a file, program, etc.
that can be used if the main one fails or needs
extra support
 It's a good idea to back up your files onto
a memory stick.

71. Bout(n) a short period of great activity; a short period serangan

during which there is a lot of a particular thing,
usually something unpleasant
 They had been fighting after a drinking
  bout of something/of doing
something the latest bout of inflation
 There has been a severe bout of inflation
over recent months.
 Regular exercise is better than occasional
bouts of strenuous activity.
bout (of something) an attack or period of illness
 a severe bout of flu/coughing
 He suffered occasional bouts of
  bout (with something) (North American
English) a bout with the flu

72. Extent(n)  how large, important, serious, etc. something is Cakupan

 It is difficult to assess the full extent of Jangkauan
the damage. luasnya
 She was exaggerating the true extent of
the problem.
 They have launched an investigation
to determine the extent of police
misconduct in this case.
 We don't know the extent of his injuries at
this point.
 I was amazed at the extent of his

73. Lights(n) a thing that produces light, especially an electric Lampu, cahaya
 to turn/switch the lights on/off
 to turn out the light(s)
 to turn down/dim the lights
 the lights fade/flicker
 the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that makes
it possible to see things
 bright/dim light
 a room with good natural light
 White paint reflects the light.

74. Allow(v) to let somebody/something do something; to let Mengizinkan

something happen or be done Memungkinkan
  allow somebody/something to do menerima
something His parents won't allow him to
stay out late.
 He allowed his mind to wander.
 The law allowed companies to dismiss
workers without any reason.
  be allowed to do something He is not
allowed to stay out late.
allow somebody/yourself something to let
somebody have something
 You're allowed an hour to complete the
 I'm not allowed visitors.
 I allow myself a treat now and then.
 I sometimes allow myself the luxury of a
 to let somebody/something go into, through, out
of, etc. a place
  (be) allowed No dogs allowed (= you
cannot bring them in).
  be allowed + adv./prep. The prisoners
are allowed out of their cells for two
hours a day.
 They weren't allowed into the country.
 He was knocking at the door waiting to
be allowed in.
 You won't be allowed up (= out of
bed) for several days.
to make something possible
  allow something A ramp allows easy
access for wheelchairs.
  allow somebody something The
system allows people the opportunity to
browse a wide selection of books.
  allow somebody to do something The
new technology allows users to choose
exactly what they watch and when.

75. link-up(n) a connection formed between two things, for Hubungan

example two companies or two broadcasting Tautan
systems berhubungan
 a live satellite link-up with the conference

76. enhance(v) improve enhance something to increase or further Meningkatkan

improve the good quality, value or status of Menambah
somebody/something memperbesar
 This is an opportunity to enhance the
reputation of the company.
 things that can significantly enhance the
quality of your life
 The runner says he's never used steroids
to enhance his performance.
 The new initiative will enhance our
ability to respond to threats abroad.
 The project was designed to enhance the
experience of museum visitors.
 the skilled use of make-up to enhance
your best features

77. further more; additional Lebih jauh

 Cook for a further 2 minutes.
 For further details call this number.
 Can you give me any further

78. Raised(adj) higher than the area around Dibesarkan

 a raised platform Dinaikan
79. deny(v)  to say that something is not true Menyangkal
  deny something to deny an Membantah
allegation/a charge/an accusation Menolak
 He has denied any involvement in the mengingkari
 The company strongly denies
 to vehemently/strenuously/
categorically deny something
 A spokesperson refused to either confirm
or deny the reports.
to refuse to admit or accept something
 She denied all knowledge of the incident.
 The department denies responsibility for
what occurred.
 an anti-environmentalist campaign group
that denies climate change

80. chance(n)  a possibility of something happening, especially Peluang

something that you want Kesempatan
  chance of doing something She only Resiko
has a slim chance of passing the exam.
 Is there any chance of getting tickets for
  chance that… There's a good
chance that he'll be back in time.
 There is no chance that he will change
his mind.
  chance of somebody/something doing
something What chance is there of
anybody being found alive?
 There is little chance of that happening.
 an unpleasant or dangerous possibility
 When installing electrical equipment
don't take any chances. A mistake could
 The car might break down but that's a
chance we'll have to take.
  chance on somebody/something The
producers didn't want to take a chance on
an unknown actor.
  chance with somebody/something The
police were taking no chances with the
a suitable time or situation when you have the
opportunity to do something
 It was the chance she had been waiting
 Jeff deceived me once already—I won't
give him a second chance.
 This is your big chance (= opportunity for
  chance of something We won't get
another chance of a holiday this year.
  chance to do something Please give
me a chance to explain.
 You'll have the chance to ask questions
at the end.

81. becoming menjadi semakin

increasingly berorientasi pada
exam ujian
82. play is likely bermain cenderung
to get even kurang diperhatikan
less of a look
83. what the Apa hasil dari itu
result of that
will be

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