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Speaking Vocabulary (Compelling Conversation)

1. interview /n/ - a meeting at which people talk to each other in order to

ask questions and get information
2. sibling /n/ - a brother or sister
3. suburb /n/ - a town or other area where people live in houses near a
larger city
4. possession /n/ - the condition of having or owning something
5. impression /n/ - the effect or influence that something or someone has
on a person’s thoughts or feelings
6. hobby /n/ - an activity that a person does for pleasure when not
7. smile /n/ - an expression on your face that makes the corners of
your mouth turn up and that shows happiness, amusement, pleasure, etc.

8. frown /n/ - a serious facial expression that usually shows anger,

displeasure, or concentration
9. enthusiasm /n/ - strong excitement about something: a strong feeling of
active interest in something that you like or enjoy
10. goal /n/ - something that you are trying to do or achieve
11. checklist /n/ - a list of things to be checked or done
12. lease /n/ - a legal agreement that lets someone use a car, house,
etc., for a period of time in return for payment
13. mortgage /n/ - a legal agreement in which a person borrows money to
buy property (such as a house) and pays back the money over a period of
14. fee /n/ - an amount of money that must be paid
15. repair /v/ - to put (something that is broken or damaged) back into
good condition
16. hardware /n/ - things (such as tools or parts of machines) that are made
of metal
17. artwork /n/ - a painting, sculpture, photograph, etc., that is created to
be beautiful or to express an important idea or feeling: an artistic work
18. neighborhood /n/ - the people who live near each other
19. neighbor /n/ - a person who lives next to or near another person
20. prefer /v/ - to like (something or something) better than someone or
someone or something else
21. residence /n/ - the state of living in a particular place
22. current /adj/ - always used before a noun: happening or existing now:
belonging to or existing in the present time
23. interior /n/ - an inner part, area, or surface
24. homesick /adj/ - sad because you are away from your family and home

25. suburb /n/ - a town or other area where people live in houses near a
larger city
26. appliances /n/ - a machine (such as a stove, microwave, or dishwasher)
that is powered by electricity and that is used in people’s houses to perform a
particular job
27. spouse /n/ - someone who is married: a husband or wife
28. reunion /n/ - an act of getting people together again after they have
been apart: an act of reuniting
29. matriarch /n/ - a woman who controls a family, group, or government

30. patriarch /n/ - a man who controls a family, group, or government

31. stepsister /n/ - the daughter of your stepmother or stepfather
32. ancestor /n/ - a person who was in someone’s family in past times: one
of the people from whom a person is descended
33. half-brother /n/ - a brother with the same father but a different mother or
the same mother but a different father
34. in-laws /n/ - a person you are related to because of your marriage;
especially, the father or mother of your husband or wife
35. decaffeinated /adj/ - not containing caffeine: having the caffeine removed
36. chef /n/ - a professional cook who usually is in charge of a kitchen
in a restaurant
37. fast /adj/ - happening quickly: taking a short amount of time
38. famished /adj/ - very hungry
39. feast /n/ - a special meal with large amounts of food and drink
40. gluttony /n/ - the act or habit of eating or drinking too much
41. famine /n/ - a situation in which many people do not have enough
food to eat
42. vegetarian /n/ - a person who does not eat meat
43. culinary /adj/ - used in or relating to cooking (always used before a
44. savor /v/ - to enjoy the taste or smell of (something) for as long as
45. edible /adj/ - suitable or safe to eat
46. curious /adj/ - having a desire to learn or know more about something
or someone
47. habits /n/ - a usual way of behaving: something that a person does
often in a regular and repeated way
48. oversleep /v/ - to sleep past the time when you planned to get up
49. routine /n/ - a regular way of doing things in a particular order
50. schedule /n/ - a plan of things that will be done and the times when
they will be done
51. tend /v/ - to give your attention and take care of (something or
52. discipline /v/ - to train (yourself) to do something by controlling your
53. addict /n/ - informal: a person who likes or enjoys something very
much and spends a large amount of time doing it, watching it, etc.
54. lifestyle /n/ - a particular way of living: the way a person lives or a
group of people live
55. impulsive /adj/ - doing things or tending to do things suddenly and
without careful thought: acting or tending to act on impulse
56. consumer /n/ - a person who buys goods and services
57. character /n/ - the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves: someone’s
personality – usually singular
58. patient /adj/ - able to remain calm and not become annoyed when
waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people
59. talkative /adj/ - tending to talk a lot or to enjoy having conversations
with people
60. generous /adj/ - freely giving or sharing money and other valuable things

61. rigid /adj/ - not able to be bent easily or not easily changed
62. flexible /adj/ - capable of bending or being bent or easily changed

63. autumn /n/ - the season between summer and winter

64. zodiac /n/ - an imaginary area in the sky that sun, moon, and planets
appear to travel through; it is divided into 12 parts (called star signs or signs of
the zodiac) which have special names and symbols and are believed by some
people to have influence over people and events
65. accurate /adj/ - free from mistakes or errors
66. optimist /n/ - a person who usually expects good things to happen
67. pessimist /n/ - a person who usually expects bad things to happen
68. nurture /v/ - to help (something or someone) to grow, develop, or
69. pal /n/ - informal: a close friend
70. drift /v/ - to move slowly on water, wind, etc.
71. crisis /n/ - a difficult or dangerous situation that needs serious
72. betray /v/ - to give information about (a person, group, country,
etc.) to an enemy
73. roommate /n/ - a person who shares a room, apartment, or house with
someone else
74. google /v/ - to search for information on the internet by using the
Google search engine
75. supportive /adj/ - giving help or encouragement to someone
76. personality /n/ - the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, etc.,
that makes a person different from other people
77. rescue /v/ - to save (someone or something) from danger or harm
78. mutt /n/ - a dog with parents of different breeds: mongrel –
sometimes used in a disapproving way to refer to a dog of any kind
79. purebred /adj/ - having parents that are of the same breed
80.veterinarian /n/ - a person who is trained to give medical care and
treatment to animals: an animal doctor
81. spayed /v/ - to remove the sex organs of (a female animal): to make
(a female animal) unable to have babies
82. guardian /n/ - someone or something that watches or protects
something or someone – often + of
83. train /n/ - a group of vehicles that travel on a track and are
connected to each other and usually to an engine: a connected group of
railroad cars
84. pamper /v/ - to treat (someone or something) very well: to give
(someone or something) a lot of attention and care
85. allergy /n/ - a medical condition that causes someone to become sick
after eating, touching, or breathing something
86. fashionable /adj/ - dressing and acting in a way that is currently popular
87. dogma /n/ - usually disapproving: a belief or set of beliefs that is
accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted
88.exception /n/ - someone or something that is different from others:
someone or something that is not included; a case where rule does not apply
89. tragedy /n/ - a very bad event that causes great sadness and often
involves someone’s death
90. tragic /adj/ - causing strong feelings of sadness usually because
someone has died in a way that seems very shocking, unfair, etc.
91. idolize /v/ - to love or admire (someone) very much or too much
92. virtuous /adj/ - morally good: having or showing virtue
93. eligible /adj/ - able to be chosen for something: able to do or receive
94. campaign /n/ - a series of activities des
95. debate /n/ - a discussion between people in which they express
different opinions about something; a debate can be an organized event, an
informal discussion between two or more people, or a general discussion that
involves many people.
96. election /n/ - the act or process of choosing someone for a public
office by voting.
97. candidate /n/ - a person who is trying to be elected; a person who is
considered for a job, position, award, etc.
98. polls /n/ - a method of predicting the result of an election by asking
people who they voted for as they leave the place where they voted
99. absentee /n/ - a peson who is not present in a usual or expected place:
a person who is absent
100. recall /v/ - not used in progressive, tenses, somewhat formal: to
remember (something) from the past

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