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To bring out-display;show;to present to the public

2. Well groomed- (especially of a person) clean, tidy, and smart
3. Accumulate-gather;collect;assemble
4. Ignorance-lack of knowledge or information
5. Confidence-the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or
6. Education-the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at
a school or university
7. Reform-make changes in something in order to improve it
8. Assimilate-take in and understand fully
9. Potentially-with the capacity to develop
10. Modify-make partial or minor changes to (something)
11. Novice-a person new to and inexperienced in a job or situation2
12. Vocation-a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
13. Dedication
14. Eradicate-destroy completely; put an end to.
15. Welfare-the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group
16. Aptitude-a natural ability to do something
17. Chunks of information
18. Innumerable-too many to be counted;countless
19. Inevitable-certain to happen; unavoidable
20. Effect-a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
21. Eternity-infinite or unending time
22. Embark-begin,start,commence
23. Sincerity-honesty;genuineness
24. Worthwhile-worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or
25. Tremendous-huge;enormous;very great;giant;gigantic
26. Discrimination-distinction;differentiation
27. Vanish-disappear suddenly and completely
28. Shrink-become or make smaller in size or amount;get smaller
29. Squeeze-press;compress;crush;squash;pinch
30. Vocation-a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
31. Loyal-faithful;someone who is supporting his friend
32. Assertive-having or showing a confident and forceful personality;self confident
33. Possessive-demanding someone's total attention and love
34. Considerate-careful not to inconvenience or harm others;attentive
35. Blister-a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction,
burning, or other damage
36. Willpower-control exerted to do something or restrain impulses;determination
37. Indifferent-having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned
38. Competence-the ability to do something successfully or efficiently;capability
39. Enhance-intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of
40. Peculiar-different to what is normal or expected; strange
41. House hold chores-tasks such as cleaning, washing, and ironing that have to be
done regularly at home
42. Irrational-not logical or reasonable
43. Orphanage-a residential institution for the care and education of orphans
44. Odor-a distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one
45. Convent-a Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows
46. Disable-incapacitate; impair
47. Recruit-enlist (someone) in the armed forces
48. Idle people-avoiding work; lazy
49. Shrink-become or make smaller in size or amount;get smaller
50. Vanish-disappear suddenly and completely
51. Be adept at smth-a highly skilled or well-trained individual
52. Counterpart-a person or thing that corresponds to or has the same functionj as
another person or thing in a different place or situation
53. Attest-provide or serve as clear evidence of
54. Randomly- without method or conscious decision; indiscriminately.
55. Foster-encourage;promote;bring up
56. Juvenile delinquent-a young person who habitually commits criminal acts or
57. Expectation a strong belief that something will happen or be the case
58. Custody-the protective care or guardianship of someone or something
59. Divorce-legally dissolve one's marriage with (someone)
60. Endure-suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently
61. Alternative-available as another possibility or choice
62. Cradle-a baby's bed or cot, typically one mounted on rockers
63. Momentous-of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on
future events
64. Feign-pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury);simulate
65. Permit-officially allow (someone) to do something
66. A neutral friend-avoids getting involved in disagreements or feuds between friends
67. Commitment-the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity,
68. Chartered accountant-financial professionals who execute accounting procedures
69. Assessment-the action of assessing someone or something
70. Eligible-having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate
71. Tabloid-a newspaper typically popular in style and dominated by sensational
72. Settle down-become quiet and calm
73. Yelling-shout in a loud, sharp way
74. Discreet-careful;prudent
75. Melancholor looking-an intense feeling of sadness
76. Assertive-the kind of person who expresses her ideas or opinions with confidence
77. Self confident-trusting in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement;self assured
78. Insecure-the kind of person who isn’t very sure about herself
79. Arrogant-the kind of person ho thinks he is better and more important than other
80. Stubborn-the kind of person who never changes her opinion even when she’s
clearly wrong
81. Well balanced-the kind of person who is emotionally in control,not moody
82. Optimistic-someone who tends to expect good things to happen
83. Bad tempered-someone who tends to get angry very easily
84. Immature-someone who tends to behave like a child
85. Possessive-someone who isn’t letting other people share her friends
86. Considerate-careful not to inconvenience or harm others;attentive
87. Legibility-the quality of being clear enough to read
88. Ambitious-the kind of who is determined to be successful
89. Dedicate-devote (time or effort) to a particular task or purpose
90. Brainsel¿
91. Cut down
92. Correspondence-a close similarity, connection, or equivalence
93. On the spot-without any delay; immediately
94. Bossy-fond of giving people orders; domineering
95. Outrageous-shockingly bad or excessive
96. Innovative-featuring new methods; advanced and original
97. Macabre-disturbing because concerned with or causing a fear of death
98. Conspicuous-clearly visible;easily seen
99. Dysfunctional-not operating normally or properly Eccentric-the kind of person
who other people find different or unusual
100. Eccentric-the kind of person who other people find different or unusual
101. Miracle-mystery;wonder
102. Notorious-famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed
103. Sprint-run at full speed over a short distance
104. Flight attendant-a steward or stewardess on an aircraft
105. Conventional-normal;standard;regular
106. Mortuary-a room or building in which dead bodies are kept
107. Suspend-temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or
108. Blizzard-a severe snowstorm with high winds.
109. Fraud-wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or
personal gain
110. Smuggler-a person who smuggles goods
111. Evacuation-the action of evacuating/move out a person or a place
112. In a trance-
113. Index finger-the finger next to the thumb; the forefinge
114. Drought-a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a
shortage of water
115. Homesick-experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence
from it
116. Bring out-display;show;to present to the public
117. Well groomed appearance-(especially of a person) clean, tidy, and smart
118. Bounce-move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it
119. Lap-the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person
120. Howl-a long, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf
121. Abandon-give up completely
122. Pedestrian-a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle
123. Ambitious-the kind of who is determined to be successful
124. Insecure-the kind of person who isn’t very sure about herself
125. Extrovert-an outgoing, socially confident person
126. Punk
127. Spiky-having many spikes or sharp projecting points
128. Cheerful-the kind of person who is always in a good mood
129. Talkative-talking a lot
130. Creative-producing or using original and unusual ideas:
131. Unreliable-not able to be relied upon; untrustworthy
132. Unsociable-not liking to meet people or to spend time with them
133. Aisle-a long, narrow space between rows of seats in an aircraft, cinema, or
134. Crew-a group of people who work together
135. Take off-If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and
begins to fly
136. Sprint-run at full speed over a short distance
137. Sincere-(of a person, feelings, or behaviour) not pretending or lying; honest
138. Furious-extremely angry
139. Devastated-completely destroyed
140. Reserved-tending to keep your feelings or thoughts private rather than
showing them
141. Disappointed-unhappy or discouraged because your hopes or expectations
about something or someone were not satisfied
142. Wheelchair-a chair on wheels that people who are unable to walk use for
moving around

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