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New words

Unit 2
1. To be based (on/upon st): if one thing is based upon another, it uses it or is
developed from it :Dựa trên
2. Community /kəˈmjuːnəti/(n) :  all the people who live in a particular area,
country, etc. when talked about as a group : Cộng đồng
3. Method /ˈmeθəd/ (n): a particular way of doing something : Phương pháp
4. Strictly /ˈstrɪktli/(n) : with a lot of control and rules that must be obeyed : Nghiêm
5. Objective /əbˈdʒektɪv/(n) : something that you are trying to achieve: Mục tiêu
6. Objective (adj): not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; considering only
facts: khách quan
7. Range (n) /reɪndʒ/ range (of something) a variety of things of a particular type: phạm
8. Want (n) something that you need or want : nhu cầu
9. Material (adj) connected with money, possessions, etc. rather than with the needs of
the mind or spirit : vật chất
10. Desire /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/(n) : a strong wish to have or do something => Khao khát
11. Shelter /ˈʃeltə(r)/ (n) the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic
human need: nơi trú ẩn

Unit 3

1. Utility (n) /juːˈtɪl.ə.ti/ : a service that is used by the public, such as an electricity or gas supply or

a train service ( tiện ích)

2. Characteristic (n) /ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk/: a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something ( đặc


3. Submarine (n) /ˌsʌb.məˈriːn/: a ship that can travel underwater (tàu ngầm)

4. Vegetarian (n) /ˌvedʒ.ɪˈteə.ri.ən/: a person who does

not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals

5. Priority (n) /praɪˈɒr.ə.ti/: something that is very important and must be dealt with before other
things (vật ưu tiên)

6. Particular (adv) (adj) /pəˈtɪk.jə.lə.li/: used to talk about one thing or person and not others

Particularly (adv) = in particular: một cách cụ thể

7. Quantity (n) /ˈkwɒn.tə.ti/: the amount or number of something ( số lượng)

8. Confuse (v) /kənˈfjuːz/ : to stop someone from understanding something ( làm bối rối)

9. Commodity (n) /kəˈmɒd.ə.ti/: a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold (hàng


10. Furthermore (adv) : in addition, more importantly

11. Vary (v):  tbe different from each other in size, shape, etc. (khác nhau)

12. In relation to st (prep phrase): in connection with st: liên quan đến

13. Taste (n): what a person likes or prefers ( sở thích)

14. Excess (n)/ ɪkˈses/ more than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable: Vượt quá

Exceed (v)

15. Stock (n): a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop/store: cung cấp hàng hóa có sẵn để
trong kho

Unit 4
1. Majority / məˈdʒɒrəti / (n): the largest part of a group of people or things = đa số
Example: the majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio

2. Bargain /ˈbɑːɡən/ (n): a thing bought for less than the usual price = mặc cả
Example: If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as a part of our
Bargain (v) to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an
agreement that is acceptable: thương lượng giá cả

Ex: In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.

3. Fix (v) / fɪk /(v) decide on a date, a time, an amount, etc. for something: định giá
Ex: Their prices are fixed until the end of the year (= will not change before then).

4. Fixed / fɪkst /: (adj): staying the same; not changing or able to be changed = cố định
Example: people living on fixed incomes

5. In advance /ədˈvɑːns/: before the time that is expected; before something happens
Ex: It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.

6. Terms tɜːmz/ (n) the conditions that people offer, demand or accept when they make an
agreement, an arrangement or a contract = điều khoản
Ex: Under the terms of the agreement, their funding of the project will continue until
2015 .
7. Expenditure /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/ (n): the act of spending or using money; an amount of
money spent = chi tiêu
Example: plans to increase expenditure on health.

8. As long as /lɒŋ/ ( conj) provided that = miễn là

Example: We'll go as long as the weather is good.

9. Successive /səkˈsesɪv/ (adj): following immediately one after the other = kế tiếp
Example: Successive governments have tried to tackle the problem.

10. Purchase /ˈpɜːtʃəs/ (n,): the act or process of buying something,thing bought . = vật mua
Purchase (v) buy
Example: Keep your receipt as proof of purchase.
11. Compensate /ˈkɒmpenseɪt/ (v): to provide something good to balance or reduce the bad
effects of damage, loss, etc. = đền bù

Example: Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.

12. Sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/: the fact of giving up something important or valuable to you in
order to get or do something that seems more important; something that you give up in
this way. = hi sinh
Example: Her parents made sacrifices so that she could have a good education.

13. Marginal /ˈmɑːdʒɪnl/ (n): small and not important = nhỏ và không quan trọng
Example: The story will only be of marginal interest to our readers.

Marginal: (economics) (of costs and benefits) relating to or resulting from small changes:

cận biên

Ex: All three companies reported marginal revenue growth.

Note : In economics, utility is the satisfaction or benefit derived by consuming a product;
thus the marginal utility of a goods or service is the change in the utility from an increase
or decrease in the consumption of that good or service.

14. Argument /ˈɑːɡjumənt/ (n): a conversation or discussion in which two or more people
disagree. = tranh luận

Example: argument with somebody She got into an argument with the teacher.

15. On the one hand: Một mặt …………

on the other hand: Mặt khác …………

16. Tend /tend/ (v): tend to do something to be likely to do something or to happen in a

particular way because this is what often or usually happens = có xu hướng
Example: People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.

17. Diminish /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ (v): diminish (something) to become or to make something become

smaller, weaker = giảm xuống
Example: The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.

18. Tendency /ˈtendənsi/ (n): if somebody/something has a particular tendency, they are
likely to behave or act in a particular way = xu hướng
Example: His influence has diminished with time.

Unit 5
1. Typical (adj) / ˈtɪpɪkl/: Having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of
person, thing or group: Thông thường, thường, điển hình.

2. Perishable (adj) /ˈper.ɪ.ʃə.bəl/: Likely to decay or go bad quickly (especially of food) Dễ

hư hỏng ( nói về thực phẩm).

3. Foodstuff (n) /ˈfuːd.stʌf/:Any substance that is used as food or to make food : thực phẩm.

4. Category (n) /ˈkæt̬ .ə.ɡri/: (In

a system for dividing things according to appearance, quality, etc.) a type, or a group of
things having some features that are the same.Thể loại.

5. Deteriorate (v) /dɪˈtɪr.i.ə.reɪt/: To become worse.Xấu đi, làm giảm.

6. Result in ( v):To make something happen. Kết quả là.

7. Glut (n) /ɡlʌt/: A situation in which there is more of something than is needed or can be
used. Tình trạng quá nhiều, dư thừa.

8. Adjust (v) /əˈdʒʌst/: To change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set
of conditions or to make it work better Điều chỉnh.

9. Suit (v) /suːt/: Be convenient for or acceptable to. Làm cho thích hợp.

10. Belong to (v):To be owned by somebody, to be a member of a club, an organization, to

be part of a particular group, type, or system. Thuộc về.

11. Elastic /ɪˈlæstɪk/(adj) : able to stretch and return to its original size and shape: đàn hồi, co
giãn ; that can change or be changed : thay đổi
-Elasticity (n)

12. Response (n)/ in response to /rɪˈspɒns/: A spoken or written answer, a reaction to

something that has happened or been said. Phản ứng, đáp lại.

Unit 6
1. Willingness /ˈwɪlɪŋnəs/ (n): the quality of being happy and ready to do something: sẵn
2. Indicate /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ (v): to show that something is true or exists: biểu thị

3. Serve (as Something) /sɜːv/ (v): to have a particular effect or result: dùng (về việc gì)

4. Means /miːn/ (n): an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of
achieving or doing something: phương tiện, biện pháp, cách thức.

5. Exercise /ˈeksəsaɪz/ (v): to use your power, rights or personal qualities in order to achieve
something: thực hành

6. Scale /skeɪl/ (n): a range of levels or numbers used for measuring something: tỉ lệ

7. Preference /ˈprefrəns/ (n): a greater interest in or desire for somebody/something than

somebody/something else: ưu tiên

8. Measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ (v): to judge the importance, value or effect of something: đánh giá

Measure (n): an official action that is done in order to achieve a particular aim: biện pháp
Ex: We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.

9. Result from (something) (v): to happen because of something else that happened first: do
bởi, do đó mà ra

10. Regard /rɪˈɡɑːd/ (v): to think about somebody/something in a particular way: nghĩ đến

11. Steep /stiːp/ (adj): rising or falling quickly, not gradually: dốc
Steeply (adv): suddenly and by a large amount: đột ngột
Ex: Prices rose steeply.

12. Relatively /ˈrelətɪvli/ (adv): to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to

something else: tương đối

Unti 7

1. In return for st  /rɪˈtɜːrn/ (n):  as a way of thanking somebody or paying them for something
they have done: đổi lại
Ex: Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?

2. Render /ˈrendər/ (v) to give somebody something, especially in return for something or
because it is expected
Ex: They rendered assistance to the disaster victims

3. Nature /ˈneɪtʃər/ (n):  the basic qualities of a thing: bản chất

Ex: My work is very specialized in nature.

4. Judge /dʒʌdʒ/ (v): to form an opinion about somebody/something, based on the information
you have: đánh giá
Ex: Schools should not be judged only on exam results
-Judge /dʒʌdʒ/ (n):  a person who has the necessary knowledge or skills to give their
opinion about the value or quality of somebody/something: quan tòa

5. Subjective (adj)  /səbˈdʒektɪv/ based on your own ideas or opinions rather than facts and
therefore sometimes unfair : chủ quan

Ex: The process of selection is inherently subjective and deeply unfair.

6. Distinction (n) /dɪˈstɪŋkʃn/ (between A and B) a clear difference or contrast especially
between people or things that are similar or related : sự tương phản giữa người/ vật này với
người/ vật khác.

Ex: He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.

7. Note (v):  notice or pay careful attention to something: lưu ý

Ex: Please note (that) the office will be closed on Monday.

8. Note (n) /noʊt/ a short piece of writing to help you remember something: lời nhắc, lưu ý

9. Engage (v) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/ to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and
interest: thu hút, hấp dẫn
Ex: It is a movie that engages both the mind and the eye.

Engage (v) to employ somebody to do a particular job: tuyển dụng, thuê

Ex: He is currently engaged as a consultant.

10. Surplus (n) /ˈsɜːrplʌs/ the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than
the amount of money spent: tiền dư, thặng dư
Ex: a trade surplus of £400 million

Unit 8
1. Perform (v)  /pəˈfɔːm/ to do an action, piece of work or to entertain people by dancing,
singing, acting, or playing music = biểu diễn, trình bày, thực hiện
Ex: We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to
test their aptitude.

2. Accumulate (v) /əˈkjuː.mjə.leɪt/ to collect a large number of things over a long period of
time = chất đống , tích lũy, gom góp lại
Ex: A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.

3. Obtain (v) /əbˈteɪn/ to get something, esp. by a planned effort = đạt được, giành được ,thu
Ex: he always manages to obtain what he wants.

4. Capital (n) ( nghĩa trong bài) a large amount of money that is invested or is used to start a
business: vốn
Ex: to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000

5. Item (n) /ˈaɪ.təm/ something that is part of a list or group of things = món, mục
Ex: The restaurant has a long menu of about 50 items.

6. Element (n) /ˈel.ɪ.mənt/ a part of something = yếu tố,

Ex: The television adverts were, of course, an important element of the campaign.

7. Bear (v) /beə/ to carry and move something to a place = mang, vác, dời
Ex: to bear traces of a bombardment
Bear (v) ( trong bài): to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant: chịu đựng

8. Justify (v) /ˈdʒʌs.tɪ.faɪ/ to show that something is reasonable, right, or true = bào chữa,
thanh minh

9. Finance (v) /ˈfaɪ.næns/ provide money for a project = Cung cấp

Ex: to finance a charity

10. Deliberate (adj) /di'libərit/ (of an action or a decision) intentional or planned = có tính
toán, cố ý
Ex: He accused her of writing deliberate untruths.

11. Policy (n) /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ a document showing an agreement you have made with an insurance
company= chính sách
Ex: foreign policy

12. Collective (adj) /kəˈlek.tɪv/ of or shared by every member of a group of people= tập thể,
Ex: collective security

13. Common (adj) /ˈkɒm.ən/ the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people= thuộc về, được
chia sẽ bởi, chung
Ex: we share a common purpose

14. Plough back (phr. v) to spend the money that a business has earned on improving that
business= đầu tư lại
Ex: All the profits are being ploughed back into the company.

15. Factor (n) /'fæktə/ a fact or situation that influences the result of something= nhân tố
Ex: Smoking is a causative factor in the development of several serious diseases,
including lung cancer.

16. Asset (n) /'æset/ a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person= tài sản, vật thuộc quyền sở
Ex: He'll be a great asset to the team.

17. Dock (n) /dɒk/ long structure built over water where passengers can get on or off a boat
or where goods can be put on and taken off= vũng tàu đậu
Ex: The ship sailed into the dock to be refitted.

Unit 9
1.Extension /ɪkˈsten.ʃən/ (n): the fact of reaching, stretching, or continuing; the act of adding to
something in order to make it bigger or longer = mở rộng

Ex: The planned extension to the motorway near London is going to cost over £4 million.

2. Ancient  /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ (adj): belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence = cổ

Ex: The Marathi playwright and Marxist intellectual turns to India's ancient past to pinpoint the
moment of empire.

3. Gather /ˈɡæðə(r)/ (v):come together; assemble or accumulate = tập họp

Ex: He gathered some wood to build a fire.

4. Former (adj) ( nghĩa trong bài) that existed in earlier times.

Ex: in former times

5.Various /ˈveəriəs/ (adj): different from one another; of different kinds or sorts = đa dạng

Ex: There seems to be very little communication between the various government departments.

6.Set (of st) /set/ (n): set (of something): a group of similar things that belong together in some
way: bộ, chuỗi

Ex: a set of six chairs

7.Permit /pɚˈmɪt/ (v): give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something = cho phép

Ex: Radios are not permitted in the library.

Permit (n) : an official document that gives somebody the right to do something, especially for a
limited period of time: giấy phép

8. Take place / teɪk pleɪs/ (phrasal verb): happen, especially after previously being arranged or
planned = diễn ra

Ex: The film festival takes place in October

9. Competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ (n): a situation in which people or organizations compete with

each other for something that not everyone can have: cạnh tranh

Ex: The government said the new laws would enhance competition among banks.

10.Prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ (v): be powerful than opposing forces; be victorious, prove more = chiếm ưu

Ex: Eventually common sense prevailed and he decided it would be more sensible to be honest.

11. Inevitably  /ˌɪnˈev.ə.t̬ ə.bəl/ (adv): as is certain to happen= Không thể tránh khỏi

Ex: Inevitably, the press exaggerated the story..

12. Fluctuate /ˈflʌk.tʃu.eɪt/ (v): rise and fall irregularly in number or amount = biến động

Ex: Given that standards may fluctuate among studies depending on methodology, samples, or

subjects, further specification is needed to ensure a consistently high level of review.

13. Agent  /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/ (n): a person whose job is to act for, or manage the affairs of, other people
in business, politics, etc.= đại lý

Ex: Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.

14. Given  /ˈɡɪv.ən/ (adj): specified or stated = cụ thể, được nêu ra

Ex: At the given signal, the group rushed forward to the barrier

15. subject to st: depending on something in order to be completed or agreed: phụ thuộc vào

Ex: The article is ready to publish, subject to your approval.

16. Rule /ruːl/ ( v): exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people) = chỉ huy

Ex: This group ruled the area during the eighth and ninth centuries.

Unit 10
1. Unrestricted / ʌnrɪ’striktəd / (adj): not controlled or limited in any way = không bị hạn
Ex:School library allow students unrestricted access to its resource.

2. Monopoly / mə’napəli / (n): the complete control of trade in particular goods or of the
supply of a particular service, a type of goods or a service that is controlled in this way =
độc quyền
Ex: The state has the monopoly on money printing.

3. Arise (from) / ə’raiz / (v): to come into existence or begin to be noticed; happen = nảy
Ex: Problems arise when kids leave school.

4. Cause / kɔ:z / (n): the reason why something, especially something bad, happens =
nguyên nhân
Ex: The police are still trying to establish the cause of the fire.

5. Comparatively / kəm’pærətɪvli / (adv): As compared to something/somebody else =

tương đối

Ex: The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate.

6. Legal / ‘li:gl / (adj): Connected with the law = hợp pháp

Ex: Should euthanasia be made legal ?

7. Distinct / dɪ’stɪηkt / (adj): Clearly different or of a different kind = phân biệt

Ex: Country area, as distinct as cities.

8. Corner / ‘kɔ:nər / (v): Buy all somethings ( to manipulate the market )/ get control of the
trade in a particular type of goods = lũng đoạn (thị trường)
Ex: He spends money to corner the market

9. Operate / ‘ɒpəreit / (v): be used or working; to use something or make it work: vận hành,
Ex: A new late-night service is now operating.

10. Merger / ‘mɜ:dʒə / (n): A act of joining two or more organizations or businesses into one
= sáp nhập
Ex: A merger between the two banks

11. Anti-trust (adj): preventing companies or groups of companies from controlling prices
unfairly: chống độc quyền


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