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compilation /ˌkɑːmpɪˈleɪʃn/:  

a collection of items, especially pieces of music or writing,

taken from different places and put together (biên soạn, biên tập).

computation /ˌkɑːmpjuˈteɪʃn/: an act or the process of calculating something (tính toán).

elementary /ˌelɪˈmentri/: in or connected with the first stages of a course of study (sơ cấp).

architectural /ˌɑːrkɪˈtektʃərəl/: relating to architecture and buildings (thuộc về kiến trúc).

assignment /əˈsaɪnmənt/: a task or piece of work that somebody is given to do, usually as
part of their job or studies.

inspection /ɪnˈspekʃn/: an official visit to a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules
are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable (thanh tra viên).

retail shop: cửa hàng bán lẻ.

protest /ˈprəʊtest/: the expression of strong dislike of or opposition to something; a

statement or an action that shows this (phản đối).

coverage /ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/:  the range or quality of information that is included in a book or

course of study, on television, etc.

comprehensive /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhensɪv/: including all, or almost all, the items, details, facts,
information, etc., that may be involved.

comprehend /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhend/: to understand something fully.

guarantee /ˌɡærənˈtiː/: to promise to do something; to promise something will happen

(đảm bảo).

burglary = housebreaking /ˈbɜːrɡləri/: the crime of entering a building illegally and stealing
things from it.

institute /ˈɪnstɪtuːt/: an organization that has a particular purpose, especially one that is
connected with education or a particular profession; the building used by this organization.

accredited /əˈkredɪtɪd/: officially recognized as something; with official permission to be

something .

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affiliated /əˈfɪlieɪtɪd/: closely connected to or controlled by a group or an organization (liên
kết, chi nhánh).

bustling /ˈbʌslɪŋ/: full of people moving about in a busy way (nhộn nhịp).

dormitory /ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/: a room for several people to sleep in, especially in a school or other
institution (kí túc xá).

politic /ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/: hoạt động chính trị.

a letter of reference: thư giới thiệu.

holder: a person who has or owns the thing mentioned.

expire /ɪkˈspaɪər/: (of a document, an agreement, etc.) to be no longer legally acceptable

because the period of time for which it could be used has ended (mãn hạn, hết hiệu lưc).

dessert /dɪˈzɜːrt/: sweet food eaten at the end of a meal (món tráng miệng).

real estate = property: bất động sản

revitalization /ˌriːˌvaɪtələˈzeɪʃn/: the process of making something stronger, more active or

more healthy (sự tái sinh).

constituency /kənˈstɪtʃuənsi/: a district that elects its own representative to parliament (cử
tri, KV bầu cử).

faculty meeting: cuộc họp khoa

affair /əˈfer/: công việc, vấn đề.

shelter /ˈʃeltər/:  the fact of having a place to live or stay, considered as a basic human need.

foster owner: người nuôi dưỡng

conduct: to lead or guide somebody through or around a place (hướng dẫn)/ conduct
something (formal) to organize and/or do a particular activity (tiến hành).

evaluation /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃn/: the act of forming an opinion of the amount, value or quality of
something after thinking about it carefully (sự ước lượng, sự định giá).

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testimonial /ˌtestɪˈməʊniəl/: a formal written statement, often by a former employer, about
somebody’s abilities, qualities and character; a formal written statement about the quality
of something ( giấy chứng nhận)

attached = enclosed: được đính kèm.

unforeseen /ˌʌnfɔːrˈsiːn/: that you not expect to happen.

adverse /ədˈvɜːrs/: negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result (bất lợi).

ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/: belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past (cổ

mystery /ˈmɪstəri/: điều huyền bí.

uncover = discover: to discover something that was previously hidden or secret.

admittance /ədˈmɪtns/: the right to enter or the act of entering a building, an institution, etc
(lối vào).

genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/: thể loại

investing in stock: đầu tư cổ phiếu

portfolio /pɔːrtˈfəʊliəʊ/: danh mục đầu tư (chứng khoán)

ignore = disregard: to pay no attention to something (phớt lờ, bỏ qua).

brokerage firm: công ty môi giới (bất động sản)

efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃnsi/: the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money.

redeem /rɪˈdiːm/: to pay the full sum of money that you owe somebody; to pay a debt.

authorization /ˌɔːθərəˈzeɪʃn/: official permission or power to do something; the act of

giving permission.

discrepancy /dɪˈskrepənsi/: a difference between two or more things that should be the

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rebate = discount /ˈriːbeɪt/: an amount of money that is taken away from the cost of
something, before you pay for it

recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/: the act of accepting that something exists, is true or is official.

apparel /əˈpærəl/: clothes, particularly those worn on a formal occasion.

equivalent /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/: a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equal in value, meaning or
purpose to something else.

entire /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/: including everything, everyone or everypart.

endorsement /ɪnˈdɔːrsmənt/: a public statement or action showing that you support

somebody/ something.

tactic /ˈtæktɪk/: the particular method you use to achieve something.

reluctant /rɪˈlʌktənt/: hesitating before doing something because you do not want to do it
or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do (miễn cưỡng).

conjunction /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn/: a word that joins words, phrases or sentences, for example
‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’ or ‘because’ (sự liên kết, sự dùng chung).

combination /ˌkɑːmbɪˈneɪʃn/: two or more things joined or mixed together to form a single
unit (sự kết hợp).

tentative /ˈtentətɪv/: not definite or certain because you may want to change it later.

appertizer /ˈæpɪtaɪzər/: a small dish of food that is served before the main course of a meal
(món khai vị).

beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/: any type of drink except water.

assortment = mixture /əˈsɔːrtmənt/ : a collection things or of different types of the same

thing (Ex: an assortment of bananas, apples, oranges and grapes-nho).

accuse /əˈkjuːz/: to say that somebody has done something wrong or is guilty of something
(buộc tội, cáo buộc).

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investigate /ɪnˈvestɪɡeɪt/:to carefully examine the facts of a situation, an event, a crime,
etc. to find out the truth about it or how it happened (điều tra).

adviser/advisor /ədˈvaɪzə(r)/: a person who gives advice, especially somebody who knows a
lot about a particular subject (cố vấn).

allege /əˈledʒ/: to state something as a fact but without giving proof (cho là, khẳng định).

wrongdoing /ˈrɒŋduːɪŋ/: illegal or dishonest behaviour (hành động sai phạm, phạm pháp).

attractive /əˈtræktɪv/: having features or qualities that make something seem interesting
and worth having (an attractive offer/proposition) (thu hút, hấp dẫn).

database /ˈdeɪtəbeɪs an organized set of data that is stored in a computer and can be
looked at and used in various ways (cơ sở dữ liệu).

accommodate /əˈkɒmədeɪt/:  to provide somebody with a room or place to sleep, live or
sit/ to help somebody by doing what they want (cung cấp, đáp ứng yêu cầu).

relocate /ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt/: ) to move or to move somebody/something to a new place to work or

operate ( di chuyển tới nơi khác).

commemorate /kəˈmeməreɪt/:  to remind people of an important event or person from the
past with a special action or object; to exist to remind people of a person or an event from
the past (kỷ niệm, tưởng nhớ).

exclusive /ɪkˈskluːsɪv/: of a high quality and expensive and therefore not often bought or
used by most people (an exclusive hotel/ exclusive designer clothes) (riêng biệt, độc quyền).

dribble a basketball: kĩ thuật dẫn bóng( bóng rổ).

treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/: an exercise machine that has a moving surface that you can walk or run
on while remaining in the same place (máy chạy bộ).

potentially /pəˈtenʃəli/: used to say that something may develop into something (một cách
có tiềm năng).

problematic /ˌprɒbləˈmætɪk/: difficult to deal with or to understand; full of problems; not

certain to be successful (khó hiểu, mơ hồ).

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potentially to prolematic: tiềm năng đến khó hiểu.

obtain /əbˈteɪn/: obtain something to get something, especially by making an effort (đạt
được, giành được).

consequent (adjective) /ˈkɒnsɪkwənt/: happening as a result of something

re-evaluated: được đánh giá lại

critical /ˈkrɪtɪkl/:
expressing disapproval: saying what you think is bad about sombody/something.
Important: extremely important because a future situation will be affected by it
critical = crucial.

whether or not + statement

construction /kənˈstrʌkʃn/: the process or method of building or making something,

especially roads, buildings, bridges, etc. ( việc xây dựng)

wing /wɪŋ/ : a part of a large building that sticks out main part (ex: the new wing of the

Overview /ˈəʊvəvjuː/: a general description or an outline of something ( khái quát, mô tả)

introductory speech

ribbon /ˈrɪbən/:  a narrow piece of material, used to tie things or for decoration (cái băng).

cut the ribbon: cắt băng khánh thành.

refreshment /rɪˈfreʃmənt/: drinks and small amounts of food that are provided or sold to
people in a public place or at a public event ( đồ ăn nhẹ, thường dùng cho sự kiện).

circumstance /ˈsɜːkəmstəns/: the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a
situation, an event or an action ( tình huống, hoàn cảnh, trường hợp).

compensate (verb) /ˈkɒmpenseɪt/: to pay somebody money because they have suffered
some damage, loss, injury, etc. ( bồi thường).

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approximately /əˈprɒksɪmətli/: used to show that something is almost, but not completely,
accurate or correct ( khoảng, xấp xỉ).

renowned /rɪˈnaʊnd/: famous and respected (adjective) = eminent ( nổi tiếng).

eminent /ˈemɪnənt/: famous and respected, especially in a particular profession.

obscure /əbˈskjʊə(r)/: difficult to understand (làm khó hiểu).

anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs/: with a name that is not known or that is not made public ( an
anonymous donor) (vô danh, giấu tên).

prestigious /preˈstɪdʒəs/: respected and admired as very important or of very high quality
(có uy tín).

implement (verb) /ˈɪmplɪment/: implement something to make something that has been
officially decided start to happen or be used (thực hiện).

abandon /əˈbændən/: abandon something to stop doing something, especially before it is

finished; to stop having something (từ bỏ, bỏ rơi) prohibit: cấm

demolish /dɪˈmɒlɪʃ/:  to pull or knock down a building; to destroy something (phá hủy).

election /ɪˈlekʃn/: the process of choosing a person or a group of people for a position,
especially a political position, by voting (cuộc bầu cử).

capacity /kəˈpæsəti/=productivity: the quantity that a factory, machine, etc. can produce
(năng suất, khả năng chứa đựng, sức chứa).

fundraiser /ˈfʌndreɪzə(r)/: a person who collects money for a charity or an organization/ a

social event or an entertainment held in order to collect money for a charity or an
organization (người gây quỹ/ tổ chức gây quỹ từ thiện).

standard /ˈstændəd/:  a level of quality, especially one that people think is acceptable(tiêu

flexible /ˈfleksəbl/: able to change to suit new conditions or situations (linh hoạt).

keep up with: theo kịp với.

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reception /rɪˈsepʃn/:  the area inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where
guests or visitors go first when they arrive (khu vực tiếp đón, quầy tiếp tân).

compensation /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn/: compensation (for something) something, especially

money, that somebody gives you because they have hurt you, or damaged something that
you own; the act of giving this to somebody (sự bồi thường).

venue /ˈvenjuː/: a place where people meet for an organized event, for example a concert,
sporting event or conference (nơi gặp gỡ).

predecessor /ˈpriːdəsesə(r)/: a thing, such as a machine, that has been followed or replaced
by something else (người tiền nhiệm, việc làm trước).

division /dɪˈvɪʒn/: the process or result of dividing into separate parts; the process or result
of dividing something or sharing it out (sự phân chia).

delight /dɪˈlaɪt/: a feeling of great pleasure (thích thú, vui mừng).

consensus /kənˈsensəs/: an opinion that all members of a group agree with (sự đồng lòng,
sự nhất trí).

debt collection agency: đại lý đòi nợ.

drastic /ˈdræstɪk/: extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effect on
something (mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt).

deserve /dɪˈzɜːv/: to do something or show qualities that mean a particular reaction, reward
or punishment is appropriate (xứng đáng).

reveal /rɪˈviːl/:  to make something known to somebody/  to show something that
previously could not be seen= display = disclose (tiết lộ).

bear /beə(r)/: to show something; to carry something so that it can be seen

proper /ˈprɒpə(r)/:  right, appropriate or correct; according to the rules (thích hợp).

severe /sɪˈvɪə(r)/: extremely bad or serious (dữ dội, gay gắt) = drastic.

prudent /ˈpruːdnt/: sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding
unnecessary risks (thận trọng)

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acceptance /əkˈseptəns/: the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc. (sự chấp
nhận, sự chấp thuận).

catalog (US)/catalogue (UK) /ˈkætəlɒɡ/: a complete list of items, for example of things that
people can look at or buy (danh mục sản phẩm).

quantity /ˈkwɒntəti/: an amount or a number of something (số lượng).

anecdote (n) /ˈænɪkdəʊt/: a short, interesting or funny story about a real person or event
(chuyện vặt, giai thoại).

thrive (v) /θraɪv/ = flourish :to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc
(thịnh vượng, phát đạt, mau lớn, phát triển mạnh).

energetic (adj) individual

exploit (v) /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/:  to treat somebody unfairly by making them work and not giving
them much in return (bóc lột/lợi dụng).

laborer /ˈleɪbərə(r)/: a person whose job involves hard physical work that does not need
special skills, especially work that is done outdoors (người lao động).

migrate /maɪˈɡreɪt/: to move from one town, country, etc. to go and live and/or work in
another (di cư).

expenditure /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/: the use of energy, time, materials, etc (sự tiêu dùng).

profitability (n) /ˌprɒfɪtəˈbɪləti/: the ability to make a profit

strategy (n) /ˈstrætədʒi/: a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose (chiến lược).

integrate (v)/ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/:  to become or make somebody become accepted as a member of

a social group, especially when they come from a different culture (hòa nhập).

semester /sɪˈmestə(r)/: one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into
(học kì).

negotiable (adj) /nɪˈɡəʊʃiəbl/: that you can discuss or change before you make an
agreement or a decision (có thể thương lượng được).

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attract (verb) /əˈtrækt/: thu hút.

prosper (v) /ˈprɒspə(r)/ = thrive: to develop in a successful way; to be successful, especially

in making money (làm cho thịnh vượng, phát đạt).

hardcover (n) /ˈhɑːdkʌvə(r)/ : a book that has a stiff cover.

orchestrate (v) /ˈɔːkɪstreɪt/: to organize a complicated plan or event very carefully or

secretly (sắp đặt, bố trí).

steadily /ˈstedəli/: without changing or being interrupted (một cách ổn định).

corporate (adj) /ˈkɔːpərət/:  connected with a large business company (thuộc về đoàn thể).

clerk (n) /klɑːk/: nhân viên.

remarkable /rɪˈmɑːkəbl/: unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice
(remarkeble career) (đáng chú ý/ khác thường/đặc biệt/ngoại lệ).

coach (n) /kəʊtʃ/:  a person who trains a person or team in sport (huấn luyện viên).

glamorous (adj) /ˈɡlæmərəs/: especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary
things or people (đặc biệt thu hút).

pressure (n) /ˈpreʃə(r)/: difficulties and worries that are caused by the need to achieve or to
behave in a particular way (sức ép, áp lực).

amateur (adj) /ˈæmətə(r)/:  doing something for pleasure or interest, not as a job (amateur
player) (nghiệp dư, không chuyên).

encounter (v) /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/ = come across: to meet somebody, or discover or experience

something, especially somebody/something new, unusual or unexpected (gặp gỡ/ chạm

repackage (v) /ˌriːˈpækɪdʒ/: đóng gói lại.

managerial (managerial position)

execute (v) /ˈeksɪkjuːt/: to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc
(thực hiện, thi hành)

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verbal (adj) /ˈvɜːbl/: spoken, not written (bằng lời nói).

press conference: cuộc họp báo.

In the meantime: trong lúc đó, trong khoảng thời gian đó.

Proven (adj) /ˈpruːvn/: tested and shown to be true (đã được chứng minh)

Handle (v) /ˈhændl/: to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion
(giải quyết, xử lí).

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