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1. regarding: respecto a
2. empty: vacio
3. tongue: lengua
4. lively: animado
5. non-native: no nativo
6. paragraph: parrafo
7. sightseeing: turismo
8. awareness: conciencia
9. environment: medio ambiente
10. announced: anunciado
11. lawyer: abogado
12. however: sin embargo
13. without: sin nada
14. taught: enseño
15. overcome: superar
16. misunderstandings: malentendidos
17. avoided: evitado

Scissors: It is a tool used for cutting. Consists of two leaves or blades with cutting edge on one side
only and United through a shaft
Swing: It is a word that describes the event and result of flickering. This verb allows to represent the
type back and forth movements in the manner of a pendulum or, put in certain phenomena, to the
intensity that increases and decreases as an alternative with more or less regularity.
Dropping: Action of dropping or falling.
Fast: going at high speed or that spends little time, or less time than is considered normal, move or
Apologize: action of excuse or apologize
Shooting: shooting with a firearm.
Choose: select or prefer a person or a thing to an end.
Shapes: set of lines and surfaces that determine plant, contour or volume of a thing, as opposed to
the material of which it is composed
Monotone: that always has the same tone or intonation.
Exhaustion: weakness or lack of physical strength, usually caused by the realization of an effort or
shark: carnivorous marine fish of cartilaginous skeleton, body elongated and slender, between five
and seven Gill openings, one or two dorsal fins, a tail fin heterocerca, head flattened with the mouth
in its lower part, and very sharp teeth; There are many different species and is often used to refer to
any animal of the suborder of the sharks.
Security: absence of danger or risk
Guides: A Guide is something that guides or directs something toward a goal. It can be used in
multiple contexts. For example a tour guide is that route visitors to the most representative of a
geographical sites, showing their beauties and telling them your story.
Cages: A cage is a box or space enclosed with walls made of metallic lattices, wood, Wicker, wire or
other resistant material, which is used to keep birds captive animals, from wild beasts.
Tourism: Recreational activity that consists of traveling or touring a country or place for pleasure.
Collection: collect action.
Available: [person, thing] It can be used freely.
Discount: operation deduct.
Bring: Lead to a person or a thing to the place that is who speaks.
Right: that it fits certain conditions or is appropriate in certain circumstances.
Memories: is the memory that is made of something that has already happened or what already
discussed. The term is also used to name the notice or comment on the past.
Disagree: lack of agreement between two or more people or lack of acceptance of a situation, a
decision or an opinion.
Meet: do what determines an obligation, a law, an order, a punishment, a commitment, a promise
Conspire: person who is involved in a conspiracy.
Review: Analysis or attentive and careful examination of a thing.
Plot: please [a person] in accordance with another or others to do something, especially against the
State or the sovereign.
About: around completely to someone or something, or at several locations near and in all directions
from a point which is taken as reference
Successful: having success.
Awesome: It is what can not be believed or that is very difficult to accept as true, valid or real.

Wireless: the term wireless, which in English is similar to wireless, refers, as its name suggests, to
one who does not use cables. Specifically, in the field of technology and information technology, we
say that a technology or device is wireless when it allows the transmission of information without the
use of cables.

Score: punctuation is the process and result of scoring (establish the signs that indicate the spelling
in each sentence, get so many in a certain competition). the score is also the totality of the signs that
allow scoring and the result of the accumulation of units in a game or sport.

Hit: blow is the action and the hitting effect, a verb that can refer to a physical or symbolic impact.

Catch: Capture is the process and result of capture: catching, apprehending, arresting, imprisoning or

Gathering: it is understood by meeting the grouping of several people in a moment and space
voluntarily or accidentally

Jumping: raise the ground or other surface with impulse to fall in the same place or another.

Gospel : the term gospel comes from a Greek word meaning "good news" and refers to the story of
the existence, miracles and postulates of Christ. The story is told in four books known by the name of
those who narrated (evangelists) and who form the so-called New Testament.

Appear : start to exist a thing.

Withdraw: move a thing from a site so that it stops being in contact with something that stops being
close to something.

Saving: saving is the action of saving and the thing that is saved. the saving, therefore, is the
difference that exists in disposable income and effective spending.

Refused: rejection is the process and the consequence of rejecting (resisting, denying or refuting). by
manifesting or specifying the rejection of something, the person leaves evidence that he does not
accept or tolerate it.

Perks: the term advantage is used to designate the difference in favor of one person in relation to
another, that is, the advantage can not exist.
Gourmet: this vocabulary refers to the person who has knowledge acquired in the middle of the
gastronomy and also as well versed or understood in this art or the skill of the kitchen and the
preparation of the delicacies or endemic dishes of the region or the nation. Amateur guy to eat well.
Pleasant: pleasant is that or that which generates pleasure (satisfaction, pleasure, joy).

Outings: pass from inside out

Employees: is the person who works in a cargo in the outstanding tasks, developed in an office with
intellectual qualities and the quality is a salary in exchange

Environment: environment in the fluid environment that surrounds a body

Building: a building is a fixed construction that is used as a human dwelling or that allows the
realization of different activities.

Sick: the word sick is a qualifying adjective that is used to design the state of health of a person who
has been disturbed by the presence of a disease

Supplies: when we talk about supply, reference is made to the act and its consequences.
Foreign: which is on the outside of a thing, on its surface or in contact with the surrounding space.
Unpleasant: the definition of unpleasant refers to what annoys, dislikes, annoys, dislikes, dislikes,
irritates, angers, offends, repels, boredom, nausea or uncomfortable more easily, correcting their
perception, thinking and grasping.
Smell: perceive the smell that emanates from a thing through smell.
Involves: involve a person in an issue, engaging or talking about it as if participating.

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