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Phonology: the study of the sound patterns in a particular language

Concede: to admit that something is true, logical, etc.
Migration: movement from one place to another
Alternate: switch
Boundary: a line that separates one area from another
fit in: be accepted
conduct: (v) to organize and/or do a particular activity
Phonetics: the study of the production and description of speech sounds
Morphology: the branch of the production and description of speech sounds
Distinct: different and separate
Convey: express or say
Diversity: (n.) difference, variety; a condition of having many different types of forms
Empirical: based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories
Taboo: forbidden
Encounter: to meet
Syntax: the way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences
Shift: a change
Utterance: spoken word or phrase
Intersection: the set of points the figures have in common
Semantics: the study of meaning in language
Pragmatics: the study of language as it is used by particular groups and in particular contexts
Lexicon: all the words in a language
Substandard: less than average or acceptable
Measurable: (adj) that can be measured
Cognition: (uncount.N) the process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind
Resemble: to be similar
Competence: ability to do something well
Perception: an awareness of things through the senses
Grasp: understanding
Superiority: the state or quality of being better, more skilful, more powerful, greater, etc. than others
Vanish: to disappear
Comparative: (adj) connected with studying things to find out how similar or different they are
Facilitate: (v) to make an action or a process possible or easier
Blur: (v) make or become unclear or less distinct
Devise: to create
Gesture: (n) a movement that you make with your hands, your head or your face to show a particular
Evolve: (v.) to develop gradually; to rise to a higher level
Colonization: the act of one country entering and taking political control over another
Inferior: (adj) not good or not as good as somebody/something else
Classification: (n) The process of grouping things based on their similarities
Speculation: ideas about why or how something happens
Means: (n) an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing
Imply: (v) to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated
Dominant: most important or powerful
derive from: to develop or come from someting
complexity: (n) the state of being difficult to understand
myth: (n) a story from ancient times, especially one that was told to explain natural events or to
describe the early history of a people
systematic: (adj) done according to a system or plan, in a thorough, efficient or determined way
quip: (v) to make a quick and clever remark
diverse: showing difference or variety
branch: one part of a large subject of study or knowledge
distinction: a difference or contrast between similar things or people
trace back: to research in order to find the beginning of something
ancestry: one's family going back many generations
stem from: to be the result of something
encompass: to include
mechanics: the working parts of something, e.g., a body part or machine
dialect: a variety of a language that is spoken in a particular part of a country or region or by a
particular group of people
acoustic: relating to sound and the way people hear things
uniform: (adj) all the same
distinguish: to show the difference between things
transcribe: to put thoughts, speech or data into written form
correspondence: a strong connection between two things

cue: (n) gợi ý = hint

enable: (v) làm cho có thể, có khả năng = to make sth possible

nonsense: (n) lời nói vô nghĩa >< sense

= of little importance; ridiculous; unimportant

prior to: (pre) trước khi = before something

ensure: (v) bảo đảm, chắc chắn = to make sure or certain

subtle: (adj) tế nhị = not very noticeable (adj: dễ nhận thấy) or obvious (adj: rõ ràng = clear)

decade: (n) thập kỷ = a period of 10 years

input: (n) cái được cho vào (để nhằm mục đích gì đó)

ubiquitous: (adj) có mặt ở khắp mọi nơi = everywhere = found everywhere

intricately: (adv) rắc rối, phức tạp = in very small, precise (adj: tỉ mỉ) details

light speed: (n) tốc độ ánh sáng = the speed at which light travels, 186,282 miles per second

bit: (n) chút ít / mẩu (thức ăn) = small pieces

preexist: (v) tồn tại từ trước = created or present before another event starts
adherent: (n) người ủng hộ = a person that supports a political party or set of ideas

mainstream: (n) xu hướng = considered normal because it reflects what is done or accepted
by most people

arbitrary: (adj) tuỳ tiện, tuỳ hứng = not seeming to (seem to (v): dường như) be based on a
reason, system, or plan and sometimes seeming unfair

sweeping: (aadj) có ảnh hưởng sâu rộng = having a broad range of effect: having an important
effect on a large part of something

draw: (v) lôi kéo, thu hút = to attract attention or interest

innate: (adj) bẩm sinh, thiên phú = inborn, natural

universal: (adj) phổ biến = world-wide (khắp thế giới) = throughout the world
Ex: War causes universal misery (chiến tranh gây đau khổ cho tất cả mọi người)
strung together: (v) cùng nhau gắn kết, kết nối = connected

color: (v) xuyên tạc = influence or change the appearance of something, usually in a subtle
(adj: tinh vi) way
tease out: (v) giải đáp = to separate (v: tách rời) one thing from a complicated mix of many

standard: (n) tiêu chuẩn / (adj) phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn >< substandard

rendering: (n) sự biểu diễn = the way an idea or sound is expressed on a given (adj: nhất định)
(occasion (n: dịp)
alter: (v) thay đổi, biến đổi = change

controversial: (adj) gây tranh cãi = causing a lot of disagreement (n: sự bất đồng

hard-core: (adj) chủ chốt = having very strong feelings or opinions

empirical: (adj) dựa vào kinh nghiệm thực tế = based on observation (n: sự quan sát) or

isolation: (n) sự cô lập = separation (n: sự chia cắt) from others

iffy: (adj) không chắc chắn, không rõ rang = uncertain or questionable

boundary; (n) đường biên giới, ranh giới = An invisible line that marks the extent of a state's

cognitive: (adj) liên quan đến nhận thức = how we encode, process, store, and retrieve
information (cách mã hóa, xử lý, lưu trữ và truy xuất thông tin)
presume: (v) coi như là / đoán chừng = to believe something to be true because it is very likely
(= possible), although you are not certain

constraint: (n) sự ràng buộc / sự hạn chế = limitation = limitation or restriction (n: sự hạn chế)

complementary: (adj) bổ sung = matching = filling mutual needs (đáp ứng nhu cầu chung)

upset: (v) làm buồn bã / làm khó chịu= cause someone to feel sad, worried, or angry

distress: (n) nỗi đau buồn = state of feeling unhappy or upset

quiver: (n) run, rung = short, quick shaking (n: sự lắc) movements

layer: (n) tầng, lớp = an amount or quantity of something that exists over or on top of a surface

stretch: (n) sự căng ra / tính co giãn = a large section (n: tiết diện)

govern: (v) cai trị = control or influence

swollen: (adj) phình căng = Larger than normal

Brain Imaging Technology: (n) Công nghệ hình ảnh não

keep someone at bay: giữ không cho ai lại gần = to prevent someone from moving closer

cavity: (n) lỗ hổng = a hole, or an empty space between two surfaces.

Physiological: (adj) thuộc về sinh lý học = relating to the way in which the bodies of living
things work

Click: (n) tiếng lách cách / cú nhấp (chuột) = to make a short , sharp (adj: sắc nhọn) sound

Restriction: (n) sự hạn chế. sự giới hạn = limit = rule or regulation (n: quy định) that limits st

Constrict: (v) co lại = to make or become tighter (tight (adj): chật) and narrower

Manner: (n) dáng vẻ / thái độ = a way of acting o r behaving

Vibrate: (v) rung lắc = shake (rung, lắc)

Intonation: (n) ngữ điệu = the way a speaker's voice rises and falls to express meaning
Lionize: (v) đi tham quan = to present or praise (v: khen ngợi) as sth great
Nerd: (n) mọt sách, mọt công nghệ

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