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VOCABUARY Article #5 A Guide to Building a More Resilient Business

midst (n.) the middle (in the midst of)

become (v.) to start to be.
usefully (adv.) in an effective or helpful way.
alter (v.) to change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of something
to change:
dynamic (adj.) having a lot of ideas, energy, and enthusiasm.
endure (v.) to experience and bear something difficult, painful, or unpleasant.
interconnectedness (n.) the state of having different parts or things connected or
related to each other.
broad (adj.) including a wide range of things; general
deplete (v.) to reduce something in size or amount, especially supplies of energy, money,
impinge on (phrasal verb) to have an effect on something often by limiting it in some way.
break down (phrasal verb) to stop working or not be successfulใ
disrupt (v) to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as
usual or as expected.
inequality (n.) the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities,
money, etc. than other people.
exacerbate (v.) to make something that is already bad even worse
one-off (n.) something that happens or is made or done only once
acute (adj.) very serious, extreme, or severe
forewarn (v.) to tell someone that something unpleasant is going to happen.
pandemic (adj.) (of a disease) existing in almost all of an area in almost all of a group of
people, animals, or plants.
measure (v.) to assess the importance, effect, or value of (something)
approach (n.) a way of doing something
predominantly (adv.) mostly or mainly
forego (v.) to give up or do without
for the sake of….: in order to help or bring advantage to someone.
execute (v.) put (a plan, order, or course of action) into effect
stable (adj.) not likely to change or fail; firmly established
deal with (phrasal verb.) to be involved with someone or something
improbable (adj.) not likely to happen or be true
treat (v.) to behave toward someone or deal with something in a particular way.
accountability (n.) a situation in which someone is responsible for things that happen and
can give a satisfactory reason for them
property (n.) an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something.
graft sth onto sth (phrasal v.) to try to combine one idea, method, etc. with another,
especially when the two things are very different
mental model is an explanation of someone's thought process about how something works
in the real world.
structure (v.) to plan, organize, or arrange the parts of something
embrace (v.) to include something, often as one of a number of things.
exposure to something (n.) the state of possibly being affected by something.
redundancy (n.) the inclusion of extra components which are not strictly necessary to
functioning, in case of failure in other components:
buffer (v.) lessen or moderate the impact of (something)
albeit (conj.) although
element (n.) the rudiments of a subject:
diversity (n.) the fact of there being people of many different groups in society, within an
organization, etc
ensure (v.) make certain that (something) will occur or be the case
catastrophe (n.) an event causing great and usually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster
standardization (n,) the process of making things of the same type, have the same basic
modularity (v.) the quality of consisting of separate parts that, when combined, form a
complete whole
forgo (v.) to give up or do without
rewire (v.) to put a new system of…
adaptability (n.) an ability or willingness to change in order to suit different conditions
iterative (adj.) doing something again and again, usually to improve
prudence (n.) cautiousness.
precautionary (adj.) carried out as a precaution.
plausibly (adv.) in a way that seems reasonable or probable
call for (v.) make necessary
envision (v.) visualize, imagine
contingency (n.) a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted
with certainty
vulnerability (n.) the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or
harmed, either physically or emotionally
alignment (n.) arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions:
articulate (v.) expressing or able to express things easily and clearly
sanction (v.) an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against
a country in order to make it obey international law:
adversity (n.) an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against
a country in order to make it obey international law:
allocation (n.) distribution of resources for a particular purpose.
tend to (phrasal v.) regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a
certain characteristic:
mental agility (n.) the ability of an individual to think, learn and quickly absorb new
information, systems and processes, in other words, it stands for how well our mind can
adjust to new circumstances.
sufficient (adj.) adequate
persuasion (n.) the action or process of persuading someone or of being persuaded to do
or believe something:
exposure (n.) the state of possibly being affected by something
exploit (v.) make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand
execution (n.) the act of doing or performing something in a planned way:
unanticipated (adj.) not expected or predicted:
sequentially (adv.) by forming or following a logical order or sequence
adversity (n.) a difficult or unpleasant situation
endeavor (v.) try hard to do or achieve something
incremental (adj.) happening gradually, in a series of small amounts:
VOCABUARY Article #6 Reshaping Your Career in the Wake of the Pandemic
in the wake of (phrase) following (someone or something), especially as a consequence.
aspiration (n.) a hope or ambition of achieving something.
pandemic (n.) an outbreak of a pandemic disease.
pandemic (adj.) (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
put sth. on the back burner in the position of something that will not receive immediate
attention and action)
liminal (adj.) relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
temperament (n.) the emotional character or state of mind of people as shown in their
thrive (v.) prosper, flourish
grip (v.) have a strong or adverse effect on
validate (v.) to check that something is officially true and acceptable, especially in order to
move forward (idiom): to advance in position or progress
disproportionate (adj.) too large or too small in comparison with something
by dint of sth: as a result of something
congregate (v.) gather into a crowd or mass
prominent (adj.) important, famous
in short: (phrase) to sum up; briefly
interregnum (n.) a period when a country of organization does not have a leader.

VOCABUARY Article #7 Is Your Team Solving Problems, Or Just Identifying Them?

from….to (preposition) from one place to another
set (v.) establish as (an example) for others to follow, copy, or try to achieve:
engender (v.) to cause something to come into existence
airing (n.) a public expression of an opinion or subject
detrimental (adj.) causing harm or damage.
morale (n.) the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people, especially when
in a dangerous or difficult situation
in order to do something (phrase) with the purpose of doing something.
agency (n.) action or intervention producing a particular effect
reinforcement (n.) the process of encouraging or establishing a belief or pattern of
recognize (v.) to know someone or something because you have seen or experienced that
person or thing before
appreciate (v.) understand (a situation) fully; grasp the full implications of
tendency (n.) a likelihood to happen or to have a particular characteristic or effect
ruminate (v.) to think carefully and for a long period about something
predisposition (n.) a liability or tendency to suffer from a particular
condition, hold a particular attitude, or act in a particular way
exacerbate (v.) make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse
nitty-gritty (n.) the most important aspects or practical details of a subject or situation
deal with (phrasal v.) take measures concerning (someone or something), especially with the
intention of putting something right
map out (v.) to plan something in detail
reflect (v.) think deeply or carefully about:
agile (adj.) used for describing ways of planning and doing work in which it is understood
that making changes as they are needed is an important part of the job.
agita (n.) great worry or nervousness.
the bigger picture (idiom) the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that
situation on other things
fixate (v.) fixate on: cause (someone) to develop an obsessive attachment to someone or
overwhelm (v.) have a strong emotional effect on.
overstretch (v.) make excessive demands on
status quo (n.) the existing state of affairs,
bandwidth (n.) the energy or mental capacity required to deal with a situation
buy-in (n.) the fact of agreeing with and accepting something that someone suggests:
deliberately (v.) consciously and intentionally; on purpose
veer (v.) change direction suddenly
disarming (adj.) (of manner or behaviour) having the effect of allaying suspicion or
hostility, especially through charm
monopolize (v.) to have or take complete control of something so that others are
prevented from sharing it
discount (v.) to decide that something or someone is not worth consideration or attention.
validate (v.) to check that something is officially true and acceptable, especially in order to
feel bruise …make you feel less valuable or important.
address (v.) to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
cynicism (n.) an inclination to question whether something will happen or whether it is
worthwhile, pessimism
rigor (n.) the quality of being extremely thorough and careful:
sense (n.) a reasonable or comprehensible rationale
preach (v.) to try to persuade other people to do or accept something
stingy (adj.) unwilling to spend money, small in amount
stimulate (v.) to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active
dent (v.) have an adverse effect on; diminish
orientation (v.) a person’s basic attitude, beliefs, or feeling in relation to a particular subject
or issue
second nature (n.) a tendency or habit that has become characteristic or instinctive
burnt out (v.) physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress
wary (adj.) feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
devolve into (phrasal v.) pass into (a different state, especially a worse one); degenerate
source (n.) a person from which something originates or can be obtained.
at the top of our game: to be performing extremely well in job.

VOCABUARY Article#8 11 Myth About Decision-Making

myth (n.) a commonly believed but false idea
condition (v.) to train or influence a person so that they do or expect a particular thing without
equate (v.) consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another
efficacy (n.) the ability to produce a desired or intended result
be jonesing for something (v.) to want something very much
jump in (v.) to suddenly become involved in a situation or discussion
“losing the forest for the trees”: an expression used of someone who is too involved in
the details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.
exacerbate (v.) make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
confirmation bias : the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a
way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.
notorious (adj.) famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
groupthink (n.) the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group, resulting typically in
unchallenged, poor-quality decision-making:
set in (phrasal v.) to begin
settle on (phrasal v.) to agree on a decision
leeway (n.) the amount of freedom to move or act that is available:
substantive (adj.) have a firm basis in reality and so important, meaningful, or considerable
far and wide (over a large area)
siloed (adj.) isolated from others.
prodigious (adj.) remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree.

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