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etymology the study of word origins

proximately closely
dissected taken apart for analysis
inherent natural
hone to sharpen
encompass to include
avenue pathway
parochial local; narrow; limited
of increasingly less consequence less and less important
play out to happen
cultivate to nurture, improve, refine
precept principle; law
humility modesty
benevolence kindness
Filial Piety respect for parents
posthumously after death
glimpse a quick look
epoch period of time
turmoil disorder
contemporary modern
inscrutable difficult to understand
imponderable cannot be understood
adhere to stick to
unraveling coming apart
consanguineous related by blood
sovereign possessed of controlling power
secular Concerned to worldly matters, not spiritual matters
utopian idealistic
doctrine a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political
party, or other group.
metaphysics the study of the nature of reality
make manifest reveal
intelligible understandable
spistemology study of knowledge
play on a clever or unusal use of words related to
thread a consistent thems
infamous having a bad reputation
usher in to introduce. to mark the beginning of sth
mentorship advice or lessons from a mentor, or wise teacher
pluralism the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for
influence in the government
ruthlessly cruelly; without mercy
upheaval a violent or sudden change
savage fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
advocate to recommend; to speak in favor of
virtue moral excellence
renounce to give up
hubristic excessively proud or self-confident
adherence when someone behaves according to a particular rule, belief, principle
extant in a open and unashamed manner
infuse to inject
displacement the change in position of an object
unequivocally clearly
blatantly obviously
ethonocentric evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards
of one's own culture.
indulge to give in to a wish or desire
emulate to imitate
lofty very high
bolster to support
prophesy to predict
unwaveringly steadily
annihilation total destruction
Environmental engineering the work or study of using science and technology to
improve and protect the environment and people's health:
pathogen An organism that causes disease (mầm bệnh)
en masse all together, as a group (in one mass)
exposition (n) a public statement or explanation
tackle (v) to deal with (a complicated or difficult task)
continually again and again on a regular basis
autobiographical dealing with the writer's own life
mutate change
impaction the process of striking a surface and becoming stuck in it
episodic occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals
subtleties (n) small details or hard-to-see aspects
counterintuitive (adj) hard to believe because it seems to be illogical
phản trực giác
Asbestos a soft, gray-white material that does not burn and was used in
buildings as a protection against fire, and as a form of insulation (= way of
stopping heat from escaping)
Chất a-mi-ăng
generic in general
antigen a toxin or other foreign substance that induces an immune response in
the body, especially the production of antibodies. (kháng thể)
in terms of with regard to,with respect to
prove useful (v) to eventually be important in accomplishing a task
Sedimentation a natural process in which rock is formed from small pieces of
sand, stone, etc. that have been left by water, ice, or wind
Quá trình lắng đọng trầm tích
fluid shifting and changing overtime like the flow of water
pollutant A substance that causes pollution.
idealize (v) lý tưởng hóa
exploit (v) to use something to one's advantage
Khai thác
buoy support or raise something
respiratory system system responsible for taking in oxygen and releasing
carbon dioxide using the lungs
mimic to imitate
rebound (v) to get better, to come back to a good position after bad times
anthem a formal or religious song
reference the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
paralysis temporary or permanent loss of motor control (sự bại liệt)
go awry (v) to turn out worse than was planned
Reinforcement the act of making something stronger
internal combustion engine a heat engine in which the fuel burns inside the

Động cơ đốt trong

pin hopes on (v) to see something as a potential solution to a problem
disparate different; incompatible; unequal
Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) A car that combines the engine of a conventional
vehicle with the battery and electric motor of an electric vehicle, allowing it to
achieve twice the fuel economy of a conventional car
coupled with together with
infuse To inject; to fill something or someone with
degredation a decline to a lower condition, quality, or level
crippling very serious
set off (v) to start, to put in motion
imbue to inspire or influence; to saturate
retrofit to install newer parts into an older device or structure
conjugate vaccines vắc-xin liên hợp
trigger to cause something to begin
unprecedented (adj). never have happened before
Chưa từng thấy trước đây
antiquity ancient times
pressing requiring immediate attention; urgent
stationary standing still; not moving
the cradles of Western civilization the place where Western civilization began
mainstream characteristics of ideas, methods, or people that are considered the
most usual or normal in a society
(n) xu hướng, xu thế chủ đạo
gastrointestinal tract the structures of the digestive system (hệ tiêu hóa)
realm special field of something or someone; kingdom
plethora excess;
very large number of (something)
á la modern brass knuckles similar to modern brass knuckles
steadfastly with certainty or firm belief, refusing to change position or opinion
knuckle a joint of a finger when the fist is closed
Safegurad (v) to protect
immune system a complex response system that protects the body from bacteria,
viruses, and other foreign substances (hệ miễn dịch)
function 1. mathematics (in mathematics) a quantity whose value depends on
another value and changes with that value:

x is a function of y.
(Hàm số)

2.the way in which something works or operates:

retaliatory done against someone because he or she has harmed you
droplets a very small drop of liquid
corporate activity team work
be attributed to to be the result of
elicit to bring out from some source (gây ra)
to define to explain the exact meaning of a particular word or idea
rally to come together or bring people together to support an idea
tập hợp lại
inoculate to protect against disease, error, or harm
proportional to be the same as or corresponding to
incur (v) (incur a cost)
gánh chịu
feces solid waste
Parameter A characteristic or constant factor, limit

Thông số
stand above the crowd nổi bật giữa đám đông
experimental data facts and observations gathered and recorded about a problem

Kết quả thực nghiệm

a wide array of mant types of
postulate (v) to suggest or accept that a theory or idea is true as a starting
point for reasoning or discussion:
encounter episode, period
with respect to in reference to, in terms of , with regard to
calculus phép tính
fruitful có hiệu quả
Cytotoxic destructive to cells (tế bào độc hại)
savvy (n) sự hiểu biết
(adj). Có hiểu biết

having or showing practical knowledge and experience

bona fide actual
Gift Exchange Economy A gift economy is one in which services or goods are given
without an agreement as to a suitable payment or trade to be made in return.

Instead of monetary gain, gift economies often rely on intangible rewards like a
sense of contribution, community, honor or prestige.
endeavor a serious attempt or effort
Comparative Advantage Lợi thế so sánh

An advantage a country has over another country because it can produce a particular
type of product more efficiently:

Russia's comparative advantage is in the export of raw materials.

The idea that countries should only export the goods that they are able to produce
more efficiently than other countries and import the goods that other countries are
able to produce more efficiently than them:


When David Ricardo expounded the theory of comparative advantage, he chose the
examples of wine and cloth.
Opportunity Cost The value of the action that you do not choose, when choosing
between two possible options:


If we do take on the project, we need to think about the opportunity costs


The opportunity cost of studying at university for three years is the three years
of pay that you do not earn during that time.
cellular cell
endemic native to a particular region or people (đặc thù)
ward off to keep away
eradication the complete destruction of something
tetanus uốn ván
linger to be slow in leaving or going away
toxoid inactivated toxin used in a vaccine (độc tố)
mucous membrane a thin layer of tissue that lines various structures within the
body (màng nhầy niêm mạc)
sterilize make (something) free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.
infiltrate to pass through or gain entrance (xâm nhập)
safeguard to protect someone or something from dangers or harms
nonpathogenic not capable of producing illness in humans
receptors Special structures that allow living organisms to sense the conditions
of their internal or external environment.; thực thể
inoculate to protect against disease, error, or harm
latch onto something bám vào
confer to give
replicate to repeat, to copy, or to duplicate, nhân rộng
render (v.) to cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially; to process,
potent powerful, effective
incubation period of gestation; ủ bệnh
secure safe; đảm bảo
barrel capacity of the chest or trunk, thùng
penetrate to pass into or through; xâm nhập
tainted having a moral defect; infected

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