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Grade 11 – Cycle 5 Words

Culture Diversity
a series of television or radio programmes about the lives and problems of a particular group of
characters. The series continues over a long period and is broadcast (several times) every week.
quiz show an entertainment program (as on radio or television) in which contestants answer questions
television programming that features people (especially people who are not professional actors) dealing
reality show
with real-life situations or participating in contrived activities (such as competitions)
documentary a presentation (such as a film or novel) expressing or dealing with factual events
a television series that involves a continuing cast of characters in a succession of comedic circumstances
constant rain continual rain which does not stop
screen (v.) to present (something, such as a motion picture) for viewing on a screen
intense existing in an extreme degree
smuggle to import or export something in violation of the customs laws
glossiness the quality of being smooth and shiny
detract to make something seem less valuable or less deserving of admiration than it really is
delight (v.) to give someone great pleasure or satisfaction
sympathize to understand and care about someone's problems
potential possible when the necessary conditions exist
formula a standard or accepted way of doing or making something
temper strong emotion, esp. anger
the activity of making people aware of your products and increasing sales through advertising, special
events, etc.
contestant someone who competes in a contest
using remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what you say, in order to hurt someone's feelings or to
humorously criticize something
break the rule to refuse to follow instructions, to go against the rules or the law.
Pantomime the art of conveying a story by bodily movements only
exaggerate to make something seem larger, more important, better, or worse than it really is
fairy story a children's tale about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
a story originating and traditional among a group of people, especially one forming part of the oral
folk legend
tradition of the common people.
battle against to engage in combat between individuals or armed forces : to engage in battle : fight.
plot the plan or main story (as of a book, a movie or literary work)
trend a new development in clothing, make-up, etc.
cross-dressing the act of wearing clothes usually worn by a different gender
costumes the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of history, or suitable for a particular activity
chorus part of a song that is repeated several times, usually after each verse (a set of lines)
youngsters a young person, usually an older child
theatrical relating to the theatre, or to the performance or writing of plays, opera, etc.
solitude the situation of being alone without other people
sanctuary protection or a safe place, especially for someone or something being chased or hunted
robin a small, brown European bird with a red front
transcendent exceeding usual limits (going past or above all others)
bedridden having to stay in bed because of illness or injury
moors an open area of hills covered with rough grass
underpin to give support to something or provide the starting point from which something can develop
auction a sale of property to the highest bidder
unmitigated complete, often describing something bad or unsuccessful that has no good or positive points.

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E.g. The whole venture has been an unmitigated disaster.
tyranny a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler
vividly in a way that is very brightly coloured
a person who has a back with a large, round lump on it and therefore looks bent over even when
standing upright
hysterical unable to control your feelings or behavior because you are extremely frightened, angry, excited, etc.
lump a piece of a solid substance, usually with no particular shape
potent very powerful, forceful, or effective
sanguine positive and hoping for good things
credo a set of beliefs that influences the way you live
indulge to yield to the desire of …
elude to not be caught by someone. If a piece of information eludes you, you cannot remember it
quotidian occurring every day
raptures extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
conclusively without any doubt
creakiness the quality or condition of being likely to make a long, low sound when moved
the act of intentionally arranging for something to happen by clever planning, or something that is
arranged in this way
anomalous different from what is usual, or not in agreement with something else and therefore not satisfactory
anachronistic existing out of its time in history
a speech in a play that the character speaks to himself or herself or to the people watching rather than
to the other characters
portentous too serious and trying to be very important:
resplendent having a very bright or beautiful appearance
photorealistic looking like a photograph or film of a real person, place, etc.:
gamboling to run and jump in a happy way
tangibility the quality of being perceivable by touch
carcass the body of a dead animal
inherent existing as a natural or basic part of something
augment (v.) to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
nothingness a state where nothing is present
dissolve (of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid
keep fit physical exercises to keep your body healthy
mystery something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood
suspense a feeling of excitement or anxiety while waiting for something uncertain to happen
racial of or involving a particular race or different races
identification the ability to name or recognize someone or something
relating to or characteristic of a large group of people who have the same national, racial, or cultural
origins, and who usually speak the same language
identity a person's name and other facts about who they are
encompass to include several different things
a large crowd of people
the multitude
E.g. She couldn't get through the multitude surrounding the place.
immigrant a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently
multiculturalism the belief that different cultures within a society should all be given importance
empower to give someone official authority or the freedom to do something
recognition agreement that something is true or legal
disoriented confused and not knowing where to go or what to do
dispel to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary

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bias an unfair personal opinion that influences your judgment
advocate to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something
celebrity someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
fame the state of being known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills, etc.
survivor a person who continues to live, despite nearly dying
to move very quickly and easily through the air, especially down from a high position in order to attack.
E.g. The eagle swooped down to snatch a young rabbit.
down-to- earth practical, reasonable, and friendly
idol someone who is admired and respected very much
spokesman someone who is chosen by a group or organization to speak officially to the public for them
the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally, or
the problem of protecting this
organism a single living plant, animal, virus, etc.
species a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other
extinction a situation in which something no longer exists
habitant a person who lives in a particular place
ecosystem all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment
invaluable extremely useful
distinct clearly noticeable; that certainly exists
cherish to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you
derive to get something from something else
acquisition the process of gradually learning something or gaining something such as a skill
self-esteem belief and confidence in your own ability and value
confront to deal with a difficult problem, situation, or person
venture out to leave a safe place and go somewhere that may involve risks
conquer to take control or possession of foreign land, or a group of people, by force
societal relating to or involving society
negotiate to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
bookworm a person who reads a lot
enhance to improve the quality, amount, or strength of something
reputed generally reported or believed
appointed officially chosen for a job or responsibility
If you unravel a mysterious, unknown, or complicated subject, you make it known or understood, and if
it unravels, it becomes known or understood
post-traumatic a mental condition in which a person suffers severe anxiety and depression after a very frightening or
stress shocking experience, such as an accident or a war
scramble to put things such as words or letters in the wrong order so that they do not make sense
perspective a particular way of viewing things that depends on one’s experience and personality
mature mentally and emotionally well-developed, and therefore responsible
aggression actions or behavior that use threats or force against others
vulnerable able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked
fragment a small piece or a part, especially when broken from something whole
dedicated believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it
collide to hit something violently, specially of moving objects
privilege an advantage that only one person or group of people has
escalate to involve someone more important or higher in rank in a situation or problem
depressive a person who often suffers from depression
rookie a person who is new to an organization or an activity

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