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New English Word Meaning

A-game One’s highest level of performance

ambigue An ambiguous statement or expression.

English-speaking countries considered collectively (the United Kingdom, the

Anglosphere United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and Ireland).

Opposition to the extension of the right to vote in political elections to women;

anti-suffragism the political movement dedicated to this.

A proprietary name for an orange-coloured Italian aperitif flavoured with

Aperol gentian, rhubarb, and a variety of herbs and roots.

April Fool’s Day (1 April), a day on which tricks or hoaxes are traditionally
April Fool’s perpetrated

Used to express a range of emotions or responses, esp. affirmation, assent, or

ar agreement.

In humorous representations of the speech of pirates expressing approval,

arr triumph, warning, etc.

A weapon designed for use in a large-scale military assault, esp. one used to
assault weapon attack a fortified or well-defended location.

Casual, comfortable clothing or footwear designed to be suitable for both

athleisure exercise and everyday wear

Aucklander A native or inhabitant of city or region of Auckland, New Zealand.

awedde Overcome with anger, madness, or distress; insane, mentally disturbed.

awe-inspiringly So impressively, spectacularly, or formidably as to arouse or inspire awe.

awesomesauce Extremely good; excellent.

awfulize To class as awful or terrible

awfy Terrible, dreadful; remarkable or notable.

awfy As simple intensive; very, exceedingly, extremely.

A person who lives with his or her partner in a non-marital relationship; a

bidie-in cohabiting partner.

Having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance; arrogant, pretentious,

bigsie conceited.

bok A South African

broigus Angry; irritated

A roadside restaurant or street stall with a seating area, selling cooked food at
bukateria low prices.

by-catch A catch of unwanted fish

cab sav Red wine made from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape

Call for the withdrawal of support from a public figure, usually in response to
cancel culture an accusation of a socially unacceptable action or comment.

A narrow strip of chicken meat, esp. from the breast, coated in breadcrumbs or
chicken finger batter and deep-fried.

chicken noodle A soup made with chicken and noodles, sometimes popularly regarded as a
soup remedy for all ailments or valued for its restorative properties
chickie Used as a term of endearment, especially for a child or woman

Resembling or characteristic of a chipmunk, typically with reference to a

chipmunky person having prominent cheeks or a perky, mischievous character.

chuddies Short trousers, shorts. Now it usually means underwear; underpants.

The practice of identifying and monitoring individuals who may have had
contact tracing contact with an infectious person

Not involving contact (physical and technological meanings of contactless are

contactless being used much more frequently).

coulrophobia Extreme or irrational fear of clowns

An acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, which is

Covid-19 capable of producing severe symptoms and death, esp. in the elderly

An image or recording that has been convincingly altered to misrepresent

deepfake someone as doing or saying something that was not actually done or said

The (proposed or imagined) revival of an extinct species, typically by cloning

de-extinction or selective breeding.

deleter A person who or thing which deletes something.

To deprive (a person, business, vehicle, etc.) of a license providing official

delicense permission to operate

The policy or stance of denying the existence or reality of something, esp.

denialism something which is supported by the majority of scientific evidence.

A person who denies the existence or reality of something, esp. something

denialist which is supported by the majority of scientific or historical evidence
The action or process of removing the negative connotation or social stigma
destigmatizing associated with something

dof Stupid, dim-witted; uninformed, clueless.

droning The action of using a military drone or a similar commercially available device

e-bike An electric bike

eco-anxiety A state of stress caused by concern for the earth’s environment

enoughness The quality or fact of being enough; sufficiency, adequacy.

A visual representation in the form of a graph or chart depicting the onset and
Epidemic curve progression of an outbreak of disease in a particular population

e-waste Worthless or inferior electronic text or content

Fancy, showy, flashy; stylish, sophisticated; fashionable, exotic. Often used

fantoosh disparagingly, implying ostentation or pretentiousness.

forehead A thermometer that is placed on, passed over, or pointed at the forehead to
thermometer measure a person’s body temperature.

franger A condom.

A doughnut-shaped sponge or similar material used as the support for a

hair doughnut doughnut bun or similar updo

hench Of a person having a powerful, muscular physique; fit, strong.

Used as a gender-neutral possessive adjective (his/her/hir watch). In later use

hir often corresponding to the subjective pronoun ze (he/she/ze wears a watch).
A Danish word for a quality of cosiness that comes from doing simple things
hygge such as lighting candles, baking, or spending time at home with your family

influencer Someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave:

An obnoxious, detestable, or stupid person (esp. a male). Often as a

jerkweed contemptuous form of address.

kvell Meaning to talk admiringly, enthusiastically, or proudly about something

kvetchy Given to or characterized by complaining or criticizing; ill-tempered, irritable.

LOL To laugh out loud; to be amused.

A confection consisting of two small, round (usually colourful) biscuits with a

macaron meringue-like consistency

To construct, fix, or modify (something) in an improvised or inventive way,

MacGyver typically by making use of whatever items are at hand

A street vendor, typically a woman, selling cooked food at low prices from a
mama put handcart or stall. Also a street stall or roadside restaurant.

A tendency towards repeatedly or habitually mentioning something (esp. the

name of a person one is infatuated with), regardless of its relevance to the
mentionitis topic of conversation

To direct tailored advertisements, political messages, etc., at (people) based

microtarget on detailed information about them

The action or fact of mistaking or misstating a person’s gender, esp. of

misgendering addressing or referring to a transgender person in terms that do not reflect…

next tomorrow The day after tomorrow.

oat milk A milky liquid prepared from oats, used as a drink and in cooking

The action or process of integrating a new employee into an organisation,

onboarding team, etc

Is defined as a person identified as the first to become infected with an illness

patient zero or disease in an outbreak

pronoid A person who is convinced of the goodwill of others towards himself or herself

puggle A young or baby echidna or platypus.

A dog cross-bred from a pug and a beagle; such dogs considered collectively
puggle as a breed.

The action or practice of bribing electors in order to gain their votes, especially
quilling by providing free alcohol

rat tamer Colloquial meaning for a psychologist or psychiatrist

report An employee accountable to a particular manager

Colloquial the practice adopted by some people, especially on social media, of

sadfishing exaggerating claims about their emotional problems to generate sympathy

The restriction of a piece of software or code to a specific environment in a

sandboxing computer system in which it can be run securely

schnitty Colloquial a schnitzel, especially a chicken schnitzel

Segway A proprietary name for a two-wheeled motorised personal vehicle

To isolate oneself from others deliberately; to undertake self-imposed isolation

self-isolate for a period of time
shero A female hero; a heroine.

single-use Designed to be used once and then disposed of or destroyed

skunked Drunk, intoxicated. In later use also under the influence of marijuana

To delay or prevent the progress of (something) by acting in a deliberately

slow-walk slow manner

The action of practice of maintaining a specified physical distance from other

social distancing people, or of limiting access to and contact between people

stepmonster Colloquial (humorous) (sometimes derogatory) a stepmother

A non-contact, simplified form of rugby in which the removal of a tag attached

tag rugby to the ball carrier constitutes a tackle

theonomous Ruled, governed by, or subject to the authority of God

thirstry Showing a strong desire for attention, approval, or publicity.

A horizontal bar at the top of a program window, used to display information

title bar such as the name of the program in use, the file or web page that is active.

topophilia Love of, or emotional connection to, a particular place or physical environment

truthiness A seemingly truthful quality not supported by facts or evidence

UnFinished Object: In knitting, sewing, quilting, etc.: an unfinished piece of

UFO work

To come to understand (something mysterious, puzzling, or complicated); to

unfathom solve (a mystery, etc.)
weak sauce That lacks power, substance, or credibility; pathetic, worthless; stupid.

WFH An abbreviation for “working from home.”

WIP Work in progress

zoodle A spiralised strand of zucchini, sometimes used as a substitute for pasta

 Here are the top 5 reasons why vocabulary is so important:

1 It Improves Reading Comprehension. Research has shown that kids need to

understand 98% of the words they read to understand what they are reading. Improving
vocabulary skills will improve their understanding of novels and textbooks.

2 It’s Important to Language Development.  Children who develop a rich vocabulary

tend to be deeper thinkers, express themselves better and read more. Improving
language and literacy skills early in life will help them be more successful academically
and communicatively.

3 Communicating Ideas. Successful communication or “saying what you mean” is

dependent upon a good vocabulary base. Using the right words when talking, makes you
a more effective communicator.

4 Expressing Yourself in Writing. Having a good vocabulary to draw from can help you
write more effectively. Students need to use a more formal tone when writing – not
conversational language – and to do that, they need a richer vocabulary to tap into those
words we don’t use when we speak.

5 Occupational Success. Researcher Johnson O’Connor found that “a person’s

vocabulary level is the best single predictor of occupational success.”* Success in the
business place depends on your communication skills.


Arrange the sentences A,  B, C,D and E to form a logical sequence & to construct a coherent
A.  Whatever the reasons may be, the effects are disastrous leading to both physical and mental
ailments like insomnia, hypertension and nervous breakdown etc.

B.   According to psychologists it is the result of fear due to inexperience, deprivation, isolation

and feeling of inferiority among them.

C.  It is a matter of grave concern that ‘stress’ or ‘mental pressure’ has emerged as a deadly and
silent killer for teenagers of the day.

D.  In order to prevent these catastrophic diseases, children need to be taught to ‘de-stress
themselves’ through meditation or cultural activities and this will inculcate feelings of self
confidence in them and inspire them to  face the realities of life in a  better way.

E.   If they are observed closely, this all owes to undue pressure on their mind due to unhealthy
competitions and sky rocketing expectations of their parents and teachers from them.


Arrange the sentences A,  B, C,D and E to form a logical sequence & to construct a
coherent paragraph.

A. So basically, we should communicate when the time is right, to the right recipient, sending the
right message using the right channel with utmost care because ultimately the success of our
message depends on the result we achieve after the communication.

B. Nowadays,workforce is mostly multicultural, i.e. teams have players with different cultural
backgrounds and this makes the scenario all the more difficult for selection of communication
channels and contents.

C. Experts suggest that humour should be strictly avoided because it is like a perfume and you
never know when and who it will hurt.  But one should be cautious that the image is not
damaged even if our recipients do not get our humour.
D.  Globalization and liberalization of economy has created another challenge for professionals
besides those inherent in the phenomenon of communication to  decide when to
communicate,what to communicate and who to communicate.

E. Communication etiquette differs from culture to culture  and therefore in order to make our
communication effective, we will have to understand the cultural background of our recipients
and be sensitive to that.

(Answer : DBECA)

Exercise No. 3.
Arrange the following jumbled sentences in a way so as to make a meaningful paragraph.
Mention the alphabets marked against each sentence in order as answer.   

A. But sometimes, the persons of opposite nature also come closer fall in each other’s company
by accident, chance or out of ignorance vitiating the above statement to some extent.

B. If a man moves in the  company of good, gentle and noble people, he is usually adjudged to
be a gentleman.

C. It is usual for a man to see company of those who possess tastes, tendencies and
temperaments like his own.

D.On the other side, if he keeps company with evil persons and bad characters, he is considered
to  be a man of bad character.

E.Generally, the character and conduct of a person  is gauged by the kinds of people he mixes
and moves with.

(Answer:   EBDCA)

Exercise No. 4

Arrange the following jumbled sentences in a way so as to make a meaningful paragraph.

Mention the alphabets marked against each sentence in order as answer.   

A. With the passage of  time, vices become more apparent and virtues become objects of
jealousy and envy, thereby causing contempt and hatred in the hearts of each  other.

B. They become familiar with not only strengths but also weaknesses of each other’s characters.
C. Generally people think that familiarity should breed love, mutual understanding and

D. They expect that coming together of two persons should bring them closer and forge the bond
of kinship between them. 
E. But when two persons come closer, they come to know not only strengths but also weaknesses
of each other’s character. 

(Answer : CDEBA)

Types of paragraph

The four different types of paragraphs are descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive.

These four types allow you to write about absolutely anything that you want.

The descriptive paragraph

The descriptive paragraph describes something and shows the reader what a thing or a person is
like. The words chosen in the description often appeal to the five senses of touch, smell, sight,
sound, and taste. Descriptive paragraphs can be artistic and may deviate from grammatical
An example of a descriptive paragraph:
  The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is
playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of voices pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier
minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, tipped out at a cheerful word. The groups change
more swiftly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath; already there are
wanderers, confident girls who weave here and there among the stouter and more stable,
become from a sharp, joyous moment the center of a group, and then, excited with triumph, glide
on through the sea-change of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light.

This excerpt is taken from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this paragraph you can
hear, see, and feel the setting in which the story takes place. When you practice writing a
descriptive paragraph yourself, you should address all aspects of the physical world.

The narrative paragraph

The narrative paragraph tells a story. There’s a sequence of action or there’s a clear beginning,
middle, and end to the paragraph.
An example of a narrative paragraph:
  It’s been almost ten years since I first ran for political office. I was thirty-five at the time, four
years out of law school, recently married, and generally impatient with life. A seat in the Illinois
legislature had opened up, and several friends suggested that I run, thinking that my work as a
civil rights lawyer, and contacts from my days as a community organizer, would make me a
viable candidate. After discussing it with my wife, I entered the race and proceeded to do what
every first-time candidate does: I talked to anyone who would listen. I went to block club
meetings and church socials, beauty shops and barbershops. If two guys were standing on a
corner, I would cross the street to hand them campaign literature. And everywhere I went, I’d
get some version of the same two questions.
This opening paragraph from Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope tell an interesting story
about how a man entered the arena of politics. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end, and it
raises the reader’s curiosity about what will happen next.

The expository paragraph

The expository paragraph explains something or provides instruction. It could also describe a
process and move the reader step by step through a method. This type of paragraph often
requires research, but it’s possible that the writer is able to rely on his or her own knowledge and
An example of an expository paragraph:
  All toilet flush tanks work about the same. When the toilet is flushed, the trip handle lifts the
tank ball, opening the outlet and letting water flow into the bowl. When the tank is nearly empty,
the ball falls back in place over the outlet. The float falls with the water level, opening the water-
supply inlet valve just as the outlet is being closed, and the tank is refilled through the filler tube.
Water also flows through the bowl refill tube into the overflow pipe to replenish trap-sealing
water. As the water level in the tank nears the top of the overflow pipe, the float closes the inlet
valve, completing the cycle.
This paragraph from Reader’s Digest Complete Do-it-yourself Manual gives detailed information
about how how the water moves through a toilet when it is flushed. It’s instructive, and if you
like this kind of thing, it may even be interesting.

The persuasive paragraph

This type of paragraph tries to get the reader to accept a particular point of view or understand
the writer’s position. This is the type of paragraph that many teachers focus on because it’s
useful when building an argument. It often requires the collection of facts and research.
An example of a persuasive paragraph:
  Immigration contributes to the overall health of the American economy. Despite recent
concerns related to the costs created by illegal and some legal immigration to the United States,
this country has largely benefited from the skills, talents, and ambition that immigrants bring
with them. American businesses gain from a good source of affordable labor, while town and
cities are revitalized by immigrant families who strengthen communities through civic
participation the generation of new economic activity. The United States must continue to
welcome new arrivals and help those who already here; otherwise, the country will lose the
advantages it has over other industrialized countries who compete against us in the global
marketplace and seek to recruit from a vast pool of unskilled and skilled global workers.
This is the paragraph that appeared on the page describing what a paragraph is. Your teacher
wrote it. I have an opinion about a particular topic, and in this paragraph, I want the reader to
accept or consider my position. The persuasive paragraph is, perhaps, the most difficult to write
but there is a good method I can show you in order to be successful in writing one.

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