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Words Meaning

Exhaustive complete and including everything

Exorbitant Exorbitant prices, demands, etc. are much too
Execrable Very bad
Exalted An exalted position in an organization is a
very important one
Salient The salient facts about something or qualities
of something are the most important things
about them
Conspicuous very noticeable or attracting attention, often in
a way that is not wanted
Pronounced very noticeable or certain
On the breadline Very poor
On the cards Likely to happen
On the tenterhooks worried or nervous about something that is
going to happen
Put sb in an uproar Make sb angry
Dream up to invent something very unusual and usually
Buy into to completely believe in a set of ideas
Throw in the towel to stop trying to do something because you
have realized that you cannot succeed
Make a clean breast out of it To tell the truth about st
Read sb’s riot act to speak angrily to someone about something
they have done and warn that person that they
will be punished if it happens again
From the horse’s mouth If you hear something (straight) from the
horse's mouth, you hear it from the person
who has direct personal knowledge of i
Incongruous unusual or different from what is around or
from what is generally happening
Vehenment expressing strong feelings, or shown by
strong feelings or great energy or force
Inadvertent not intentional
Gracious behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way
Hence Later
Hitherto until now or until a particular time
Be held in high esteem Be admired
Homage deep respect and often praise shown for a
person or god
Drive a wedge between Separate
Be at pains to V Make efforts to V
Of late Lately
Abdominal Belonging to the abdomen
Incorrigible Unable to correct
Breakneck Dangerous
Spruce (a) Tidy and clean
Lodge (v) to make an official complaint about
Eke out (v) to use something slowly or carefully because
you only have a small amount of it
Meagre (a) (of amounts or numbers) very small or not
Pounce (v) to jump or move quickly in order to catch or
take hold of something
Reimburse (v) to pay back money to someone who has spent
it for you or lost it because of you
Cessation (n) ending or stopping
Ceasefire an agreement, usually between two armies, to
stop fighting in order to allow discussions
about peace
Diseased (a) an agreement, usually between two armies, to
stop fighting in order to allow discussions
about peace
Sickening(a) extremely unpleasant and causing you to feel
shock and anger; annoying
Ailing(a) experiencing difficulty and problems
Over-blown(a) bigger or more important or impressive than it
should be
Eventuality (n) something unpleasant or unexpected that
might happen or exist in the future
Intoxicated(a) drunk
Impartiality (n) the fact of not supporting any of the sides
involved in an argument
Austerity (n) the condition of living without unnecessary
things and without comfort, with limited
money or goods, or a practice, habit, or
experience that is typical of this
Illuminate (v) to explain and show more clearly something
that is difficult to understand
Outmoded Outdated
Dogmatic (a) If you are dogmatic, you are certain that you
are right and that everyone else is wrong
Pamper (v) to give someone special treatment, making
that person as comfortable as possible and
giving them whatever they want
Extrapolate from to guess or think about what might happen
using information that is already known
Rule of thumb a practical and approximate way of doing or
measuring something
Tailored to (a) Be made for a particular person
Tonic (n) something that makes you feel stronger or
Jagged (a) rough and with sharp points
Exemplify (v) to be or give a typical example of something
Gorge (n) to eat until you are unable to eat any more
Outpouring (n) something that streams out rapidly
Outplay (v) To play more cleverly than another team
Flag down (v) Signal that a person should stop
Bear down (v) to put more effort into doing something
No mean feat Great achievement
In the rough in an unfinished or rough state
In the bag If something is in the bag, you are certain to
get it or to achieve it
In the dock thought to have done something dishonest,
harmful, or wrong; on trial
Leave sb in the lurch to leave someone at a time when they need
you to stay and help
Jingle a short, simple tune, often with words, that is
easy to remember and is used to advertise a
product on radio or television
Twister a dangerous wind storm; a tornado
Subsume to include something or someone as part of a
larger group
Go Through the motions to do something without thinking it is very
important or having much interest in it
Through the agency because of the actions of someone
Go Through the floor to fall to very low levels
Huff and puff to complain loudly and express disapproval
Aid and abet to help someone to do something illegal or
Aggregate To make st worse
Copperplate an old-fashioned decorative style of writing
with long, flowing letters
Cut no ice to not cause someone to change their opinion
or decision
Cut your losses to avoid losing any more money than you
have already lost
Cut to the chase to talk about or deal with the important parts
of a subject and not waste time with things
that are not important
On the bias (of a fabric or garment) cut obliquely or
diagonally across the grain
On the sly Secretly
On the cusp to be at the time when a situation or state is
going to change
On the cheap At low cost
Dance attendance on sb do one's utmost to please someone by
attending to all possible needs or requests.
Darken sb’s door to go to or appear at a place where one is not
welcome anymore
Lead sb a merry old dance cause someone a great deal of trouble or
Land on sb’s feet have good luck or success, especially after
risk or trial
Put on the long finger To delay or postpone something indefinitely
or for a long time
Put in a good word to say positive things about someone
Put out feelers to make suggestions or ask questions to find
out the thoughts or opinions of other people
Put out to pasture If you say that someone is being put out to
pasture, you mean they are no longer being
employed because they are considered to be
too old or no longer useful.
Prenuptial an official document signed by two people
before they get married that says what will
happen to their possessions and/or children if
they divorce (= officially stop being married)
Pulverize to press or crush something until it becomes
powder or a soft mass
Insinuating to press or crush something until it becomes
powder or a soft mass
Weed out Get rid of
Appendices (plural) a separate part at the end of a book or
magazine that gives extra information

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