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1 Words/phrases Definition

A springboard for sth Thúc đẩy cgi

Reciprocal Mutual, shared, interchangeable
Put forward To offer (a proposal/plan) for consideration
Inquire into To investigate
Demean Look down on
Put on sb Đùa ai
Counsel To give advice
Insolvent Bankrupt
Escapism Cảm giác tự do
Take on Đảm nhận quá nhiều việc
Disambiguate To make clear
On the pretext of Pretended reason
Prudent Careful, cautious
Not allowed
Out of bounds Prohibited/forbidden place
Tale the hind leg off a donkey Talk too much
Recourse to Use sth as way to
Nuts and bolts Chi tiết cơ bản
Succumb Đầu hang
Hitherto Until now
Cast doubt on Gieo rắc nghi ngờ về
Go out of business Phá sản
Break off Nghỉ hè
Prominent Nổi bật, xuất chúng
Out of sorts ốm yếu, buồn chán
Off the beaten track Isolated/ remote place
As clear as the nose on one’s face Obvious
To the best of one’s ability Try my best/as hard as I can
Apathetic Feeling/ showing little emotion
Consign To give over to another’s care
Devise To create
Render Làm cho
Riverting Thú vị
assimilate To absorb fully
Scrutinize To examine closely
Contrieve Think up a plan/bring about
Sufficient Enough
Whip up To try to make people feel a strong emotion
Compatible with Go well with
Ravage To destroy,lay,waste,ruin
Hold forth Talk lengthily
Accumulate Tích lũy
Curb To restrain or control
Hit the roof To get very angry
Envision To picture in mind
Take a different stance on Have another view of sth
Interpersonal Giữa người với người
Complementary to Bổ sung
Cease Come to an end or bring to an end
Elusive Difficult to find,catch or achieve
mystification The act of artfully perplexing
Causative Acting as a cause
convertism Chủ nghĩa bảo thủ
Elusiveness Tính lảng tránh
Surmount To overcome, rise above
Surmountable Capable of being overcome
Recur To occur again
Recurrent Happening repeatedly
Causation The act of recurring
Causative A cause and effect relationship in which one variable
controls the changes in another variable.
favourtism Sự thiên vị
exposure Phơi bày/phơi nhiễm
Over the moon Rất sung sướng
Omission Sự bỏ sót, bỏ quên
Defy (V) Thách thức bất chấp
Accustom to Familiar with
Above the law Ngoài vòng pháp luật
Pick at Chế nhạo chế giễu
Censorship Kiểm duyệt
Acquit sb of Tuyên bố trắng án
Outburst Sự bộc phát (cảm xúc)
For scrap Bán đồng nát
Outset Sự bắt đầu
On the mend Hồi phục
On end Liên tục
Intern sb in Nhốt, giam giữ
Ride out Vượt qua khó khan
Fall down Thất bại
On pins and neddles Nervous
Compose of=consist of Được cấu tạo bởi
interchangeable Có thể hoán đổi cho nhau
Implication Hàm ý
expressionless Vô cảm
expressionism Chủ nghĩa biểu hiên
Gainsay Chối cãi
modernism Chủ nghĩa hiện đại
Có thể chuyển đổi Convertible
conversion Sự chuyển đổi
Wordy Dài dòng
Reword Soạn lại
Implicit Tiềm ẩn, bao hàm, ẩn ý
phraseology Ngữ cú, cách nói, cách viết
Publicise Công khai
Restate Trình bày lại
Overstate Phóng đại, cường điệu
Suggestible Dễ bị ảnh hưởng
suggestibility Tính dễ bị ảnh hưởng
inconsiderable Không đáng kể
Devitalize Weaken
dissemination The act of spreading widely
Exert Tạo áp lực
Retrieve To get back
Banal Common, ordinary
Exceptional Unusual, extraordinary
Reserve Vùng được bảo vệ
Oversee To supervise
Proclamation Hiến pháp
Repleted with Fill with
Wash down Cuốn trôi
Interrelated Relate or connect to one another
Decriminalize To do away with legal penalties
Inimitable Not capable of being copied or imitated
Escape the notice of Không chú ý đến
Constitution A written plan of government
inconsistency Contradictory
Refinement Sự sàng lọc
Goodwill Thiện chí
Brevity Sự ngắn gọn
Inconclusive Chưa ngã ngũ
Undertake Đảm nhận, thực hiện
Solemn Trang nghiêm
Detoxification Sự giải độc
Outspokenness Sự thẳng thắn bộc trực
Shake-up Sự thay đổi
Innovative Mang tính sáng tạo
Buckle down Start doing sth seriously
Crack down on Start taking severe measures
The back of one’s hand Know sth inside out
Seize up Stop working
Wince at Tense up
negligence Irresponsible
incorrible Bad, repetitive
Take sth with a grain of salt Not take sth seriously
At liberty Free, up to you
Border on Close to
To all intents and purposes Practically
Deal a blow to Cause harm to sth
To be on the house To be free

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