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To pledge allegiance to

I refuse to buy that

In keeping with Dans le respect de
Countryside Campagne, Pays
Suburb Quartier, périphérie,banlieue
Hub, The Hub of Le centre, Le centre de
Fredonner une chanson To hum a song
Jeopardy Péril, entrave
In jeopardy En péril
Jeopardized Compromis, péril
To Jeopardize Entraver
From birth through adulthood
A robust strategy
Bleuprint Plan, ébauche, schéma
So to speak En quelques sortes, pour ainsi dire

At the back of the mind À l’Esprit

Brutal regime
Defectors from
A striking image Une image frappante
The funny thing is Ce qui est drôle est que
troubleshoot Trouver des solutions, dépanner
It’s was a big bomb that dropped on …

Let me take my words back

And sort out when you need me
Either way… De toute facon/ D’une manière ou d’une autre
Why are you apprehensive ? Pourquoi es-tu inquiet ?
get involved in a meaningful way
emboldened encouragé
embolden Donner du courage à
It will over time
Tightly controlled provinced Strictement controlées
Run the risk of
Whilst Alors que
Reclusive Solitaire
Fiercest resistance
bordering bordant
Widespread dismay
Remote villages
Within the framework Dans le cadre de, au sein de , dans le contexte .
To remain behind closed door
Deeply concerned by
Heading back to….(we take a detour)
What matters more

Basement Sous-sol
on the verge of Au bord de/sur le point de
As if that was not enough
The Facility Le Centre
To set foot in
Toddler Enfant, tout-petit,jeune enfant ;nourisson
To set the tables
To Sadden
Crisis recovery Sortie de Crse
It’s time consuming
To have ties with
Can you explain that further ?
Certain areas
Harsh rules
Conservative countries
To band together
A bit nervous
Destitute ans desperate
Agonizing choices
A new generation takes shape
Rural provinces
Huge wave of refugees
Grinding poverty
For the equivalent of
To be unlikely to
Neighboring district
A fact of life
This has excerbated
Refugee camp
Blankets, carpets and relief supplies
To prevent the situation from getting out of
Makes a difference long term
Married off at an extremely young age.
To set sights on
To face the prospect of
Line up
On average
The year they resumed the leadership of
That’s beyond the scope of
Ubiquitous Omni-present
Being spied on
Ostensibly Visiblement/Apparement
Are part of life
Pattern of behaviourhastiy
Abruptly Tout à coup/subitement
It will put the work in jeopardy Cela va compromettre le travail
We will to do it for good
The prospects of
meanwhile En même temps
The inner circle of
Any knowledge of it ?
Strong ties between
whereabouts Lieu où vous vous trouvez
We’re going to get to the bottom of it
Relinquish Abandonner
amid Au milieu de
A new storm of critcism
Liable for
Les autorites penitenciere
l’administration penitentiere

It turns out that Il resstort que/Il s’avère que
The bottom line is that Essentiellement/Le fait est que
If we go years back

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