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Make home, feel comfortable Settle down

Derribar un lugar, poner algo en una Place down
Stop holding, put the name of someone Put down
Sentarse Sit down
Que algo deje de funcionar, que no puedas Breakdown
mas y te pongas a llorar
To refuse to accept something Turndown
To disappoint someone by failing to do what Let-down
you agreed to do
To fall and land on the ground, price or a Comedown
level comes down.
Poner un pie To get a foot on
Famoso por algo negativo Notorious
A large number of Numerous
Impossible to much or equal unparalleled
Down to earth, simple Unpretentious
Everyday Quotidian
Never happened before unprecedented
Selling goods and services at less than the Cut-price
usual price
Menu desplegable, que ha caido un precio Drop-down
Elevado incremento High-rise
prolongado Long-standing
Produccion en masa Mass-produced
Tu criticize someone or something, to reduce Run-down
a business or organization in size or
Bañado por el sol Sun-soaked
Asistente al teatro Theatre-goer
Open to and not protected from strong winds. Wind-swept
Collocation (party) social conversation about Small talk
unimportant things
Collocation (newspaper) the part of a Gossip column
newspaper in which you find stories about
the social and private lives of famous people
Collocation (university) cuando expones algo Intellectual debate
en la Universidad o ante gente
Collocation (business) presentación en el Professional presentation
Collocation (politics) idea controversial Controversial idea
Collocation (internet) wifi que causa Dodgy wi-fi connection
Hacer small talk To make small talk
Tener una conversación To keep a conversation
Dar una charla, una ponencia Delivered a speech
Tener una conversación (chat) Have a chat
Mantener un debate Hold debates
Hacer una presentación delante de gente Make presentations
Voz suave Soft voice
Voz de pito, irritante Squeaky voice
Voz baja y profunda Deep and low voice
Voz ronca Husky voice


Voz monotona Monotonous voice

Voz relajante Soothing voice
Major trato, negocio Best deal
Cerrar una venta, asegurar una venta Secure a sale
A pesar de Despite
aunque although
Sin embargo However
Reordenar, redecorar, recoger Doing up
Solo hay espacio para uno mas There is room for one more
Prestar atencion Pay attention
Instintivamente Instinctively
Imponentes Towering
Not appreciated enough Underrated
That you are born with Innate
On the other hand Conversely
Full of Crammed with
Sharp Acute
Clear understanding Insights
Approving of Sympathetic to
Original Innovative
Used for describing someone who is old and Over the hill
no longer useful or attractive
Used in negative contexts to say someone is No spring chicken
no longer young
anciano Elderly
Niño Infant
adolescente Adolescent
juventud Youth
niño Child
adolescente Teenage
Envejecimiento Aging
Crecer, hacerse mayor Growing up
desarrollarse Developing
madurar Maturing
Que es infantil Childish
En adultos, para mostras las buenas Childlike
cualidades que los niños tienen, como ser una
persona que confia en la gente.
juvenil Juvenile
inmaduro Immature
adulto Adult
Mayor, crecido Grown-up
pensionista Pensioner
Too careful and not showing the enthusiasm, Middle-aged
energy, or style of someone young
inocente Innocence
madurez Maturity
infantil Infantile
Senilidad, cualidad de ser senil Senility
juvenil Youthful
Used to describe behaviour that are like those Boyish
of a boy
Dejar de lado las ideas Leaving aside de wackiest ideas


Estar bajo amenaza To be under threat

Have just enough money to buy the things To make ends meet
you need
Argue about small unimportant details To quibble
Carelessly waste People often squander their wealth
Simple and easy to understand Its not quite that straightforward
Caring about and willing to help others Altruistic
Likely The more they indulge in consumer goods,
the more inclined they are to obsess about
Journey to work every day Commute
Accept a challenging situation I will be devoting my summer to
Was useful I helped set up
Icrease over a period of time Take on
Use all or most of your time and effort in Come in handy
order to do something
Agreed to do To came to terms with
Prepare what will be needed for an activity Build up
Showing no desire to be noticing or given unassuming
any special treatment
Without realising what you are doing Inadvertently
Without much taste Insipid
Behaving calmly and not seeming interested Nonchalant
in anything or worried about anything
Annoyed or disappointed, especially because Nondescript
things have not happened in the way that you
Very ordinary and not interesting or unusual disgruntled
Recabar informacion To gather feedback
Tirar basura littering
Por lo tanto therefore
Confiar Rely
Dependencia Reliance


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