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Unit I

Low Prices
A Good deal Un buen trato
A Bargain Ganga
A Great Offer Una gran Oferta
A Steal Un robo

High Prices
No Bargain No es una ganga
A Bit Steep Un tanto costoso
A Rip-Off Una Estafa
Highway Robbery Un gran robo

Browse Revisar algo sin tener necesidad de comprarlo
Bargain-Hunt Buscar buenas ofertas
Windows Shop Mirar por la ventana los precios
Haggle/Bargain Discutir por lo que estas pagando
Shop Around/Comparison shop Ir a diferentes sitios para comprobar precios

It blows me away Me saca de quicio
It gets on my nerves Nervioso
It cracks me up Risa
It chokes me up Nudo en la garganta

Passive Gerunds and Infinitives

Present Passive Gerund: being + past particle

Present Passive Infinitives: To be + past particle

Active Gerund: Having + Past Participle

Active Infinitive: To have + Past Participle
Passive Gerund: Having Been + Past Participle
Passive Infinitive: To have been + Past Participle
Endorse Recomendar productos a cambio de un pago
Promote Hacer saber un nuevo producto para persuadir
Imply Segurir algo que es verdad sin decirlo
Prove Probar que algo es cierto con hechos e

Meaning From Context

Indulge ourselves Comprar algo que te gusta
Go overboard Entusiasmado de comprar algo
Resist the templation Resistir la tentación
Impulse buying Comprar sin planeación
Get the urge Tener la urgencia
Overspending Sobregastar
Splurge On Gastar en cosas caras o extravagancias

Unit II


Got back Together Regresaron

Split up Separaron
Had a Falling out Una pelea
Patched things out Arreglar la relacion
Didn’t work out No funciono
Acting up Agresivo
Talk Back Responder
Well-Behaved Bien Portado
Shape Up Corregirse
Troublemaker Alborotados

Repeated Comparatives and Double Comparative

Repeated Comparatives: Repeat de comparative twice

Double Comparative: Describe Cause and Effect

Strict Estricto
Lenient Darle a los hijos todo lo que quieren
Overprotective Sobreprotector
Rebellious Rebelde
Spoiled Esperar que te den todo
Disrespectful Irrespeta a los mayores

Verbs and Adjecties to Nouns

-Ness Adjectives Y, hard consonant sounds, ful

-Ity Adjectives Ble, soft s,
-Ance or -Ence Adjectives and Verbs Ent or Ant
-Ment Adjectives and Verbs End with Y
-Tion or -Sion Verbs


Indirects Speech with Modals

Modals that backshift Modals that doesn’t Backshift

Will - Would Would
Can – Could Could
May – Might Might
Must- Had to Should
Have to- Had to Ought to

Ways to express certainly

Very Certain

1. Clearly
2. It’s Obviously
3. There’s no question
Almost Certain

1. Most likely
2. Probably
3. I’ll bet

Somewhat Certain

1. I guess
2. I can imagine
3. I suposse

Not Certain

1. Maybe
2. It’s possible
3. It could be

Perfect Modals in the Passive Voice

Not certain: Might, May, Could, Might not

Almost certain: Must, Must not

Very Certain: Had to, Couldn’t, Can’t

Believable Es acceptable porque es posible

Debatable No fácil de explicar porque hay mas de una explicación posible
Provable Definitvamente cierto
Questionable Incierto pero probablemente falso
Unsolvable Insolucionable


Fear and fearlessnes

I can’t wait to No puedo esperar a

Doesn’t scare me a bit No me asusta ni un poco
There’s nothing like No hay nada como
I can’t get enough of No tengo suficiente de
Is not sweet No es dulce/facil
I wouldn’t dare No me atreveria
Scares the life out of me Me asusta de por vida
There’s not change No hay posibilidad
You wouldn’t catch me Jamas me veran
You’d have to be out of your mind to Tienes que estar fuera de tus cabales

Orden of Modifiers

• Determiners
• Cardinals
• Quantifiers
• Size
• Opinion or Quality
• Age or Temperature
• Shape
• Color
• Origin
• Material
• Noun

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