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Idioms with off and on

Off the wall Unusual and slightly crazy
Off the record Not official, not to be made public
On the go Being very busy all the time
On tenterhooks In a state of nervousness or worry
On the boil Boing kept very active or intense
Off the cuff Speaking without thought or preparation
On the off chance Possible but unlikely
On the hoof Quickly and without your full attention

Advertising vocabulary
A short, memorable phrase used
Slogan Lema
to promote something
A short, memorable tune used
Jingle Canción publicitaria
to promote something
Colocación de un
Product Fusing a brand-name products
producto en la
placement in TV shows
Exaggerated publicity to excite
Hype Bombo publicitario
people about a product
A sign or symbol of a company
Logo Logotipo
or product
A large display board for
Billboard Valla publicitaria
Idioms: marketing
To corner the market Don’t let the small markets work
To drum up business Make something and the company grows
To think outside the box To be creative (breaking your rules)
There are something behind (covering the
Not up to scratch
In the pipeline Not still on the markets (not yet)
To put something on the line Put at the markets

Targeting teenagers
Awkward Not moving in an easy way, uncomfortable
Set aside their Forget or disregard arguments because something else
differences is more important
Market (verb & noun) Promote and advertise
Quarrelling Arguing
Preferences Personal favourites or choices
Unprecedented Never done or known before
Leave out (left out) Not done of a group, excluded
Target (verb & noun) Aim at or direct at
Money available to spend freely on whatever you want
Disposable income
(the money that rest after you pay de needed things)
Earning power The money that you get
Well off Rich
Statements or actions by important or famous people
to support something being advertised.
Persistent Something continual or constant
Have a right or power to influence or make a decision
Have a say
about something.
Potential The possibility of something being developed or used.
Discipline Disciplina
Patience Paciencia
Charity Caridad
Brotherhood Hermandad
Empathy Empatía
Caring Love Amor solidario
Sharing Compartir
Justicie Justicia
Integrity Integridad
Honesty Honestidad
Kindness Bondad
Tolerance Tolerancia
Compassion Compasión
Cooperation Cooperación
Respect Respeto
Caring Caridad
Unity solidaridad

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