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Jocelryn 1941004
Angela 1941036
Chris Topher 1941047
Jessica 1941125
Peter Khosasih 1941190
Lydia Sasmita 1941199
What Is Persuasion ?
Principles of Persuasion
● Principle of Reciprocity
● Principle of Scarcity
● Principle of Authority
● Principle of Commitment and Consistency
● Principle of Consensus
● Principle of Liking

01 02 03 04
Emotional and Logical Attraction

Logical Attraction
Emotional Attraction - Analogy
- Induction
- Deduction
Lydia Meeting the Listener’s Basic Needs

Reasons for Engaging in Communication :

•Gain Information
•Understand Communication Contexts
•Understand Our Identity
•Meet Our Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Social Penetration Theory
Strategy and Structure of an
Argument Proposition
Exordium Narration Introduces your claim
Provides the audience being argued in the
Prepares the audience to
with the necessary speech
consider your argument
background or context for
your argument

Offers the audience Refutation Your conclusion of your
evidence to support your Introduces to the audience argument
argument and then discounts or
refutes the
counterarguments or
Objectives of the
Argumentation Strategies: GASCAP/T

G Generalization

A Analogy

S Sign
Strategies: C Consequence

A Authority

P Principle

T Testimony
Other Important Considerations in Forming an Argument

Appealing to Emotions
★ Emotions are Universal
★ Supportive ★ Emotional Feelings & Emotional
★ Relevant Expression are not the Same
★ Emotions are Communicated
★ Effective Verbally & Nonverbally
★ Emotional Expression can be
Good & Bad
★ Emotions are often Contagious
Eleven Points
for Speaking
In his book Ethics in Human
Communication (Johannesen, R.,
1996), Richard Johannesen offers
eleven points to consider when
speaking to persuade.

Use false or irrelevant Intentionally use

evidence to support unsupported, misleading, or
arguments or claims. illogical reasoning.

Represent yourself as Use irrelevant appeals to

informed or an “expert” on a divert attention from the
subject when you are not issue at hand.
Ask your audience to link your Deceive your audience by
idea or proposal to emotion- concealing your real
laden values, motives, or goals purpose, by concealing self-
to which it is actually not interest

Distort or misrepresent the Use “emotional appeals”

number, scope, intensity, or that lack a supporting
undesirable features of basis of evidence or
consequences or effects. reasoning.
Oversimplify complex,
gradation-laden situations into Pretend certainty where
simplistic, two-valued, either- tentativeness and degrees of
or, polar views or choices. probability would be more

Advocate something which you

yourself do not believe in
Avoiding Fallacies
Fallacies are another way of saying false logic.

1 2 3 4

Red Herring Straw Man Begging the Circular

Question Argument
Avoiding Fallacies
Fallacies are another way of saying false logic.

5 6 7 8

Ad Populum Ad Hominem Non Sequitur Post Hoc Ergo

Propter Hoc
Persuasive Speech
A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a
goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is
arranged in such a way as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or part of the
expressed view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to convince
the audience to accept a perspective, not all audiences can be convinced by a single
speech and not all perspectives can persuade the audience .
The Sales Pitch

An example of a persuasive speech is a sales pitch. During a

sales pitch, the speaker is trying to convince the audience to buy his or
her product or service. If the salesperson is successful, the audience
(the person being sold to) will choose to purchase the product or
service. However, salespeople understand that just because someone
does not make a purchase after the first sales pitch does not mean the
pitch failed. Persuasion is often a process. People may need multiple
persuasive pitches and a lot of outside information before they are
ready to accept a new view.
★ Components of a Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speeches are composed of both logical and emotional appeals.

Logic appeals are arguments that present a set of information and show why a conclusion must
rationally be true. For example, arguments heard in court are logical arguments.

Emotional appeals are appeals that seek to make the audience feel a certain way so that they
will accept a conclusion. Negative political ads, for example, often incorporate emotional
appeals by juxtaposing an opponent with a negative emotion such as fear.

★ How to Succeed

The effectiveness of a persuasive speech also depends on factors beyond the words of the
speech. The willingness of the audience to accept a new view, the body language of the speaker,
and the environment in which the speech is given all can affect the success of a persuasive
Elevator Pitch
What's an elevator pitch, and how can it help your career? An elevator pitch—also
known as an elevator speech—is a quick synopsis of your background and
experience. The reason it's called an elevator pitch is that it should be short enough
to present during a brief elevator ride.

If you're job searching, you can use your elevator pitch at job fairs and career
expos, and online in your LinkedIn summary or Twitter bio, for example. An
elevator speech is a great way to gain confidence in introducing yourself to hiring
managers and company representatives.
When and how to use the elevator pitch
When you're looking for a job, you can find elevator pitches at career fairs, LinkedIn and other
platforms. Elevator pitches are a great way to gain confidence in doing personal branding, as well as
introducing the products you bring from the company.
You can also use the elevator pitch to introduce yourself at events or to reach out to the network. If you
attend programs, professional association events or other types of gatherings, prepare a pitch to share
with the people you meet.
You can also use an elevator pitch during a job interview, especially when you are asked about yourself.
Because recruiters often start with the question, Tell me about yourself
Make sure in the elevator pitch you answer three important questions, namely:
Who are you, what do you do and what do you want.
Because of the short presentation time, design an elevator pitch to arouse people's curiosity about what
you have to say.
1. Introduce self.
Write a sentence about yourself as a self-
2. What do you do or offer?
Use your mission statement and list of products
To make it easier for you to create or or services you offer as a guide. Also write a
sentence or two about what you do every day
write an elevator pitch, consider the in business. For example, if you want to
emphasize time-saving techniques, briefly
following six steps:
explain how your strategy works.
3. What problem did you solve?
Identify the value you offer to your customers
or clients and translate it into benefits.
4. What's unique about you?

- Use the unique selling proposition (USP) as a guide and write down what sets you or
your business apart from the rest.

5. Ask a question.

- Try to Engage potential customers by asking customer and business related questions.

6. Add Call to Action.

- After the pitch is finished give a call to action or do something. For example, handing
over your business card while explaining that they can contact you if they want to
know the information more clearly.
Things you can do to get used to using the elevator pitch

1. Brainstorm ideas

- The first thing you have to do is do a brainstorm by noting all the ideas that come up, then select
and summarize which ideas can be used to tell about yourself during an interview, or briefly
explain your business during a presentation. If you use an elevator pitch to describe a business,
what is usually recorded is about what your business is about, what are the future opportunities,
business conditions compared to competitors, achievements that have been achieved. Avoid
complicated conversations and complex numbers.

2. Set the conversation order

- In order for your conversation to be pleasant to hear and more effective, it's a good idea to make a
sequence in a style that is practical and easy to understand. You can start by explaining your
portfolio, profile, and strengths. If what you are presenting is a business and a product, then what
you have to show is the product you want to sell, the investment required, and how much profit
can be generated.
3. Make a memorable opening sentence

- The opening sentence, whether in a conversation or in writing, can indeed determine everything. If the
opening alone has disinterested the other person, then it's unlikely that he's actually listening to what you're
talking about. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you create an impressive opening sentence that
impresses your target.

4. Practice until your speaking style looks natural

- You can ask a friend to help you practice your elevator pitching. Try asking for supervision and evaluation
from friends, ask them to give criticism if your speech style still looks stiff. If you speak stiffly, buyers or
potential business investors won't be interested. Meanwhile, if you are preparing for a job interview, when
you speak stiffly then recruiters will not be interested in recruiting you. This pitching technique is still
common, but it is very useful.

5. Avoid special words and phrases

- Maybe you are very familiar with various terms in your field, but it would be nice when you are trying to
do an elevator pitch to other people, you should avoid special phrases, especially in terms of work. Why?
because this phrase can limit your elevator pitch which makes the audience feel unfamiliar with the term.
Therefore, try to replace these phrases with common language that is easily understood by various groups.
So that your goals and objectives can be conveyed properly.

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