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Vocabulary Preview

Chapter 4A
contact (v.) to send a message to someone
entire (adj.) the whole of (something)
tool (n.) an instrument or piece of equipment
circle (v.) to move around something in a circle
search (for) (v.) to look carefully for something
powerful (adj.) very strong or effective
allow (v.) to give permission to do something or not to do anything to prevent it
identify (v.) to discover or notice the existence of something
distance (n.) the degree or amount of space between two places
message (n.) information that someone is trying to communicate
Chapter 4B
survive (v.) to live through a dangerous situation
spread (out) (v.) to reach or extend to a larger area
independent (adj.) separate, not connected to or influenced by others
neighbor (n.) someone who lives near or next to you
advance (n.) progress in a particular field
medicine (n.) the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses
benefit (v.) to help or improve your life in some way
mission (n.) a flight by an aircraft or spacecraft to perform a specific task
journey (n.) travel from one place to another
surface (n.) the outside or flat top part of something
Chapter 5A
factor (n.) one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation
international (adj.) involving two or more countries; occurring between countries
attract (v.) to cause (someone or something) to go to or move to a place
source (n.) something or someone that provides what is wanted or needed
access (n.) a way of being able to use or get something
option (n.) something that may be chosen; a choice
predict (v.) to say or estimate what will happen in the future
especially (adv.) applying more to one person, things, and so on than to any others; in particular
potential (n.) the possibility for doing something
influence (n.) (v.) to have an effect on something
Chapter 5B
crime (n.) activity that is against the law

receive (v.) to get or be given (something)
resident (n.) a person who lives somewhere permanently
common (adj.) occurring or appearing frequently; usual
provide (v.) to supply (something that is needed or wanted)
move (into) (v.) to occupy a dwelling or place of work
separate (adj.) forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself
property (n.) a building and the land around it; also, all the things that belong to someone
develop (v.) to cause (something) to grow or become more advanced
model (n.) a standard or example for imitation or comparison
Chapter 6A
environment (n.) the conditions that surround something
dramatically (adv.) sudden and extreme
cycle (n.) a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order
process (n.) series of changes that happen naturally
energy (n.) the ability to be active
maintain (v.) to keep something going in good condition, level, or standard
team (n.) a group of people who work together
discover (v.) to find unexpectedly or during a search
diversity (n.) the quality or state of having many different things or types
species (n.) a group of animals or plants that are similar
Chapter 6B
invisible (adj.) impossible to see
harmful (adj.) causing or likely to cause damage or hurt
infection (n.) a disease caused by germs
harmless (adj.) not causing harm; not dangerous
deadly (adj.) causing or able to cause death
cure (v.) to relieve or get rid of a disease or illness
lack (of) (v.) to not have enough of (something)
restore (v.) to return to its original condition
balance (n.) a state in which different things occur in the correct amounts
depend (on) (v.) to be determined or based on (something)
infection (n.):  the act or process of causing or getting a disease
antibiotics (n.): a substance, for example penicillin, that can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and
cure infections
probiotic (adj.): encouraging the growth of bacteria that have a good effect on the body
remedy (n.): a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation

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