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Review Article

Published: 2024-02-08

Evolution by natural selection is a scientific law and not

just a theory
Daniel J.M. Crouch1,*, Walter F. Bodmer2

Academic Editor(s): Cesar Rogério Leal do Amaral, Andre J. van Wijnen

The concept of evolution by natural selection was developed primarily by Darwin and Wallace in the 19th century as an explanation for
the diversity and origin of complex organisms. They, however, did not have access to a mechanism of inheritance, which was needed
for a proper understanding of how evolution by natural selection could work. Mendel’s discovery of the basic laws of inheritance in
diploid sexual organisms enabled Fisher, Haldane, and Wright to provide a theoretical framework for understanding the selective
process of evolution by natural selection. The developing knowledge of prokaryotic microorganisms and the discovery of DNA or RNA
as the fundamental basis of inheritance in all living organisms, together with Mendel’s laws, now provide the four basic conditions for
evolution by natural selection, namely reproduction that is stable, but allows for variation that can increase fitness in the broadest
sense. These definitive conditions establish an exponential growth law for evolution by natural selection that applied initially for the
longest period of time to the evolution of asexual clonal organisms, and through Mendel's laws, extends to bisexual multicellular
organisms. It is mistaking evolution by natural selection to be a scientific theory rather than a law that has led to unnecessary
disagreements over its fundamental validity and explanatory power.

Keywords: natural selection, evolution, mendelian inheritance

Citation: Crouch DJM, Bodmer WF. Evolution by natural selection is a scientific law and not just a theory. Academia Biology 2024;2.

1. Introduction and historical background

The concept of evolution by natural selection developed in the 3) The inheritance system must not be 100% stable, allowing for
19th century as an explanation for the diversity and origin of new variations of entities.
complex organisms. It is widely described as a scientific theory
4) It is possible for new variations to exhibit increased rates of
[1, 2], a term with various definitions, but which typically refers
reproduction or increased lifespan.
to a set of logical relations whereby some basic, assumed proper-
ties of a natural system lead to predicted outcomes, which have Mendelian genetics effectively proves the existence of Conditions
been verified by experiment or observation. A scientific theory 2 and 3 for biological sexual organisms. Both Charles Darwin and
can therefore only be consistent with an increasing number of Alfred Russell Wallace, the co-discoverer of evolution by natural
observations or experimental results, but is never guaranteed to selection, had seen that these conditions were required for evolu-
be true, as there might always be another, perhaps unknown, tion to work, but they had no firm evidence that they existed, as
theory which predicts the same outcomes and others. Describing they did, in contrast, for Conditions 1 and 4 [3]. As all four
evolution by natural selection as a theory was appropriate during conditions are now known to hold with virtual certainty in the
the 19th century, but the discovery of Mendelian genetics case of all biological lifeforms, it has become appropriate to de-
signaled the point at which all of the essential conditions logically scribe evolution as a scientific law, defined as the logical relation
entailing natural selection were confirmed. These conditions, between a set of conditions with a particular phenomenon, in this
when present in a given environment, are as follows: case natural selection and adaptation, which they are jointly
sufficient to produce:
1) The entity in question has the ability to reproduce, i.e., to
produce identical or similar descendants of itself. Law, n.

2) The entity and its descendants have a system of inheritance “In the sciences of observation, a theoretical principle de-
that is at least to some extent stable, so that the properties duced from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or
of the entity can be passed on to its descendants. class of phenomena, and expressible by the statement that a

1Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX3 7BN, United Kingdom.
2Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX3 7DQ, United Kingdom.

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particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions it is now recognized that variation in survival and reproductive
be present.” success can exist in populations that are not strained for re-
sources, (d) nevertheless refers to a requirement that there is
(Oxford English Dictionary)
variation in survival, which is one component of Condition 4.
Darwin mentions four sufficient conditions (which he describes Darwin later would write extensively on the importance of the
as “laws”) in the final paragraph of his most expansive work on other component: variation in reproductive success [5].
evolution, On the Origin of the Species:
Wallace provided a “demonstration” of natural selection by tab-
a) “Growth with Reproduction”, ulating a set of “proved facts” that would lead to “necessary con-
sequences” such as “changes in organic forms” and “survival of
b) “Inheritance which is almost implied by reproduction”,
the fittest” [6], in other words a series of conditions that are
c) “Variability from the indirect and direct action of the jointly sufficient for the consequences, as in a law. The facts he
external conditions of life, and from use and disuse”, and specified were (i) a rapidly increasing and then stable number of
organisms, (ii) heredity with variation, and (iii) changes in
d) “a Ratio of Increase so high as to lead to a Struggle for Life”,
external conditions, where (i) is similar to Darwin’s condition (d),
which together he states lead “as a consequence to Natural as Wallace states that it always leads to a “struggle for existence”
Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction and (ii) encompasses both (b) and (c). Wallace’s final fact (iii) is
of less-improved forms” [4]. Each of these has a close analogue an extra component that would produce adaptations to a changed
in Conditions 1–4 above, in the same ordering. However, (b) and environment but is not generally necessary for evolution, as
(c), corresponding to 2 and 3, are incomplete as Darwin had no however well adapted an organism is to its environment, there
knowledge of genetics. He is clear that a mechanism for inher- are usually further adaptations available. Though Wallace does
itance is not known but only “‘implied” by reproduction, i.e., the not specify an analogue to (a), this is implied by (i), and he was
observable tendency for offspring of macroscopic organisms to clearly aware that reproduction was an essential ingredient.
take after their parents, without being identical clones. The con-
Clearly Wallace had, by this stage, arrived at the view that evolution
cept of “inheritance” was usually contrasted with “reversion” in
was a demonstrable law rather than a scientific theory, with
Darwin’s writing, which he defined as the opposing effect of indi-
Darwin remaining more cautious. It is less well known that this
viduals taking after the general population rather than their
essential perspective had already been put forward 30 years before
parent, or where an apparently inherited peculiar trait disap-
the joint publication of their seminal works, but distinguished by a
pears in subsequent generations. His “inheritance” condition
belief that natural selection could be confirmed by observing a few
therefore refers more specifically to stable inheritance.
simple truths about living organisms. The author of this concept
Darwin demonstrates clearly Lamarckian views on the source of was Patrick Matthew, who published his law of natural selection in
variation in (c), but we now know that the variation that is neces- an appendix to a book on forestry [7], but it was not widely read
sary for natural selection to work is not acquired via the activity of and neither of the famous co-originators of evolution by natural
the organism over its life, or from effects of the environment selection appears to have been aware of it until after their ideas
directing its development, other than the environmental causes of were in print. Matthew argued that natural selection, as we now
germline DNA or RNA mutagenesis. We now know that all refer to it, required just a few ingredients: a tendency for offspring
biological organisms use either DNA or, in the case of some viruses, to resemble parents, variation in traits between members of a
RNA as their genetic material, which is replicated more or less population, and overpopulation leading to competition. He argued
faithfully from cell to cell and organism to organism. It is only that these ingredients, when combined together, created a “law
changes in the DNA or RNA sequences due, for example, to universal in nature, tending to render every reproductive being
replication errors or environmental damage or, occasionally, stable the best possibly suited to its condition”. Remarkably, he described
modifications of the sequence by methylations found only in his idea as the “natural process of selection”. See Weale [8] for a
eukaryotes that are inherited through the germ line (epigenetic), thorough account of Matthew’s law and the implications for
which can be the source of the inherited variations that determine understanding natural selection. Though Wallace, as discussed,
the differences in fitness, defined in the broadest sense, which are made a case for a law of natural selection, Matthew’s was overt
the basis for natural selection. “Use and disuse” cannot possibly from the outset, and his conditions, which are readily observable,
provide suitable variation, as there is no way for individual are a close summary of the requirements set out in 1–4. Rather
organisms to respond adaptively to their environment in a general than agonizing over the details of heredity, for instance what
way except in a few cases, for example shedding of hair or muscle causes a trait to revert to an ancestral type, Matthew claimed that
growth. Though a digestive enzyme can be more highly expressed parent–offspring correlations in “particular quantities”, which
when the food source for which it is required is being regularly were clear to anyone, were sufficient.
utilized, there is no conceivable way for an organism to develop a
The purpose of this historical overview is not to determine which
novel enzyme simply by consuming an entirely new food source. It
evolutionary theorist came closest to correctly establishing a law
is hard to see how any sort of nonbiological inheritance could
of evolution, but rather to contextualize how evolution by natural
account for the evolution by natural selection of single-cell
selection is perceived today. That its first three co-discovers all
eukaryotes or indeed even to mammals up to the level of primates.
came within reach of identifying it as a law may help to explain
The “Ratio of Increase” in (d) is an antiquated term referring to why there is so much discussion, and confusion, over whether
the population growth rate, and Darwin, influenced by Thomas natural selection is the dominant force in evolution [9]. If genetic
Malthus, believed that populations would typically grow rapidly inheritance had been discovered before any major progress in
until they reached the carrying capacity of their environment, evolutionary ideas, it would have been quite easy to make the
entering a stage in which there is a “struggle for life”, in which realization that natural selection has to occur, provided that there
less fit individuals are able to leave fewer descendants. Although is some genetic variation in reproductive success. Only after this

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fundamental breakthrough would it have been adopted as the A) Within a population of reproducing entities, new variations
major candidate to explain biological diversity. As it happened, will inevitably arise, if only occasionally, with advantages
although all three authors’ combined works came close to finding over the existing variations in terms of lifespan or increased
a law and amassed compelling empirical evidence for both mac- rates of reproduction. The selection coefficient S quantifies
roevolution and natural selection, there remained doubts over the extent of this advantage as the average proportional
how the latter could really work, especially due to the favored increase in the number of offspring per generation:
blending model of inheritance being unstable, causing traits to
w2 − w1
revert to the population average after a few generations. Natural S= ,
selection in diploid sexual genetic systems was barely understood w1
until the 1910s, by which point Darwinism prevailed mainly as a
where w2 is the average number of times that the new
highly evidenced theory that species descend from one another
variation reproduces itself in a given generation before
and originate via evolutionary change, but natural selection spe-
expiring and w1 is the equivalent quantity averaged over
cifically was perceived to be flawed. By developing natural
existing variations.
selection to the stage of it being almost a law, it is possible that
Darwin and Wallace provided a sufficiently plausible mechanism B) Variations for which S > 0 have advantages in lifespan or
for evolution to gain major traction as the explanation for biologi- reproduction rates due to associating with different charac-
cal diversity, but perversely, this overshadowed the idea of teristics, for example biochemical features in the case of
natural selection itself. Instead, natural selection was thought of living organisms, than alternate variations. They will then
as just one of many ways that macroevolutionary change could increase at an average rate (1 + S ) per generations relative
occur. Some have proposed that thinking from genetics did not to their unchanged ancestors.
permeate throughout evolutionary biology, re-elevating natural
C) The probability that a new variation, initially present as a
selection to center stage, until the 1940s [10], but disagreements
single copy, never goes extinct is approximately 2S [15].
over its importance still remain [11].
When the variation is selectively neutral conferring no
It is unfortunate then, in retrospect, that 19th-century naturalists average advantage, i.e. S = 0, the probability that random
had little awareness of prokaryotic microbiology, which provides a reproductive success leads to it eventually replacing all
window into genetic inheritance that might have expedited a existing variants is 1/N, where N is the number of replicating
general acceptance of natural selection and its establishment as a entities [16]. In general, if the probability S outweighs the
scientific law. As microbes reproduce mostly clonally, in contrast probability 1/2N, then the strength of natural selection will
with the diploid and higher ploidy sexual macroorganisms that outweigh random changes in frequency and the variation has
were known in Darwin’s time, it might have been possible to a reasonable chance of increasing in number to more than a
observe variants giving rise to clones possessing the same traits, few copies (in haploids, the equivalent condition is S > 1/N).
without reversion to a general population type caused by segrega- In this case, the probability that the variation replaces all
tion and recombination. A variation of a prokaryotic microbe that existing variations is, approximately, at least 2S, which can
tends rise to higher frequency in the population because it leaves be found using Kimura’s well-known approximation formula
more copies of itself per time period than its competitors, for for the replacement probability [17].
example in the case of antibiotic resistance, is thus evidence of
D) Outcome (C) is repeated each time a new variation emerges,
natural selection independent of any understanding of Mendelian
so that the population undergoes continual improvement of
genetics and might have opened a path to the discovery of such a
average lifespan and/or reproduction rates, due to changes
system in macroorganisms. Natural selection is epitomized by the
in the distribution of characteristics of its members. This
way it acts on prokaryotic microbes, and diploids unfortunately
variant may or may not occur in a previously changed
complicate the picture, though they are more conspicuous by far to
individual. However, in the absence of a sexual system, the
both naturalists and general observers. One of the major insights
most advantageous individuals are mostly likely to accumu-
provided by Fisher’s fundamental theorem was to illustrate how
late a series of advantageous changes one after the other
natural selection affects fitness in complex diploid sexual organ-
since there is no other way for accumulating combinations
isms, where this is not so obvious as for asexual haploids. On
of advantageous changes.
asexuality, Fisher wrote, “It is tempting to believe that asexual
reproduction was the primitive condition of living matter, and Outcomes A–D allow scientists to make valid inferences about
that the sexual reproduction of the predominant types of organ- what they expect to observe when a set of organisms, or more
isms is a development of some special value to the organisms generally replicating entities, meet Conditions 1–4, as the
which deploy it”. The value referred to is the bringing together of consequences are jointly implied, in other words entailed, by the
beneficial mutations from separate chromosomal backgrounds, conditions. Scientific theories, in contrast, work in reverse by
which is likely to be particularly advantageous to large organisms, inferring the conditions from their real-world outcomes. Data
which have smaller population sizes, making it less likely for two that do not support their associated hypotheses constitute
beneficial mutations to occur independently on the same chromo- evidence against the theory by suggesting that at least one of the
some [12], but more likely for disadvantageous combinations of conditions is false. Conversely, data that support their associated
alleles to become common due to genetic drift [13, 14]. hypotheses suggest that all the conditions, and therefore the
theory, could be true [8]. By this definition, a theory can only be
investigated indirectly, via the hypotheses that it implies, as its
2. The law of natural selection essential axioms are assumed to be unobservable. Crucially this
Whatever the entity in question, when Conditions 1–4 are found means that even when a theory is very well supported by data,
to be true, the following outcomes logically follow: there may be other, perhaps unknown, theories which support
the data better or equally well. Furthermore, confirmation of a

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hypothesis is only necessary, and not sufficient, for its associated evolutionary factors in producing inherited adaptations to either
theory to be true, as there may be false hypotheses implied by the the physical or the biological environment, or both. These other
theory that remain untested. None of this is to suggest that a factors include the availability of the right genetic mutations for
scientific law cannot ever be found to be false. Rather, it is true selection to act upon, and how the range of an organism’s
whenever its conditions hold, whereas theories that agree with all potential adaptations is contingent on evolutionary history, for
the available evidence may still be false. To find that a law is false, example, the basic structure of its body plan. Genetic drift in
it would be necessary to disprove one or more of its conditions. small populations, e.g., where individuals are geographically
subdivided into groups, may allow genetic variants that would be
What kind of characteristics might be associated with new
individually disadvantageous to randomly climb to high frequen-
selectively advantageous variations? These will differ from situa-
cies, at which point they become jointly advantageous when
tion to situation, and there will be a strong element of unpre-
appearing together in the same individuals. The role of niches,
dictability about how new variations differ, but R.A. Fisher
i.e., the confinement of individuals into local ecological condi-
famously showed how they can include characteristics that vary
tions to which they can then adapt via selection, is also sometimes
continuously at the level of the whole organism, such as height or
regarded as an important non-selective factor [20]. However,
weight, via the accumulated action of many variations with
natural selection, as a fundamental scientific law, differs from
effects on that characteristic [18]. Fisher went on to formalize
these other evolutionary forces as Conditions 1–4 are true of all
natural selection mathematically for diploid sexual organisms in
living organisms and are an intrinsic part of any adaptive change,
his “fundamental theorem” [1], accommodating for this action of
regardless of which of the other forces may be having some
many genetic factors on the reproductive and survival potential
partial influence.
of an organism, i.e., fitness. In a model in which all individuals in
a generation are born at the same time, before reproducing and It is ultimately variation in the genetically determined pheno-
dying simultaneously before the next generation is born, Fisher types that are associated with fitness differences, which drives
defined fitness as the number of offspring an individual organism the evolutionary process. This leaves the possibility that there is
leaves at the end of its life. The fundamental theorem of natural genetic variation among individuals with a given phenotype, all
selection then shows that the component of phenotypic change in of which have effectively the same fitness, or that there are
fitness that is due to the action of natural selection on changing genetically different phenotypes that all have effectively the same
allele frequencies is proportional to the variation in fitness fitness. These latter two possibilities are non-adaptive evolution-
attributable to the additive genetic effects [19]. Organisms with ary changes. In this context, genetic drift may sometimes play a
diploid inheritance systems, the only type of such system known strong non-adaptive evolutionary role in very small populations,
to science in the early 20th century, may have either 0, 1, or 2 as randomly varying reproductive success among individuals in
fitness-increasing alleles at each genetic position on a chromo- such populations could obscure the average advantage that
some. Of course, there may be genetic positions harboring only carrying a particular allele may confer. Variants with S > 1/2N
alleles which have essentially no effect on fitness, and there are have a reasonable probability, 2S, of spreading through the
typically many positions at which individuals do not much vary population, leaving scope for mutant alleles with, for example, a
genetically; there are only very occasionally observed mutant little over 1% fitness advantage to have some chance (roughly 2%
alleles that provide a fitness advantage that is more powerful for per allele) of increasing in a population of even only 50 individu-
effecting changes in the frequency of genetic variants carrying als, just as they would in a large population. New mutations upon
them than would drift in the absence of a fitness difference. which selection can act are also in shorter supply when the
population size is low, as the rate at which they appear scales
Fisher’s formulation of a simple mathematical relationship be-
linearly with the number of individuals. Thus, there are fewer
tween the inheritable variation in Darwinian fitness and the rate of
chances for mutations with S > 1/2N to appear in a small popula-
increase of its average value signifies the full maturation of natural
tion. This effect may, however, be less serious in organisms with
selection into a law of nature applying to all biological organisms,
large genomes. Nevertheless, if left for long enough, a small
whether clonally or sexually reproducing, with confirmed under-
population’s average fitness would normally be expected to
pinnings and predictable outcomes. Fisher never made explicit
increase due to the eventual appearance of such alleles, and the
reference to a law of natural selection, though he did regard the
population might then grow in size if there were sufficient re-
fundamental theorem as a biological analogue to the second law of
sources available, producing more mutations and allowing
thermodynamics [1]. Without diminishing the insight provided by
further scope for selection of alleles with lower S. Natural
the fundamental theorem into how average fitness changes at the
selection is considered to be weak, on average, in small popula-
level of the entire organism, natural selection in diploids is most
tions because of their reduced ability to respond rapidly to
easily conceptualized as acting directly on individual genetic
changes in the environment requiring new adaptations, due to a
alleles, which are the replicating variations in Conditions 1–4.
lack of mutations with S > 1/2N, and their tendency to accumu-
Fitness of a given allele is defined most clearly as the number of
late disadvantageous alleles. This tendency may sometimes give
times each allele copy in the population makes a copy of itself
rise to high frequencies of disadvantageous alleles by chance
within a given unit of time, averaged over all genetic backgrounds,
when their disadvantage, measured on the same scale as S, is
i.e., genomes, on which the allele occurs [1].
close to or below 1/2N. A sufficient number of disadvantageous
alleles accumulating at high frequency may have the effect of
3. Implications of natural selection shrinking the already small population size, leading to a greater
tendency toward their further accumulation, resulting in a
being a law feedback loop referred to as “mutational meltdown”, that could
There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that both natural lead to population extinction [21]. In either case, natural
selection and evolution are real phenomena, yet there is disagree- selection persists, but may not result in adapted individuals
ment about the extent to which natural selection dominates other quickly enough to keep up with countervailing forces of rapid

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environmental change and accumulation of disadvantageous cells, at a detrimental effect to the organism as a whole. In young
alleles. The inability of natural selection to achieve rapid adapta- organisms, homeostatic mechanisms must be in place to prevent
tion to sudden environmental changes can, of course, also occur these cell populations from overgrowing, but these are likely to
in large populations, for example, during a mass-extinction event become less efficient as the organism passes reproductive age,
as is presumed to explain the disappearance of dinosaurs at least due to having decreasing effects on fitness [24]. This is also likely
to some extent. to account, in part, for why the risk of nearly all types of cancers
increases with age [25]. These processes illustrate the potential
Due to uncertainty over which beneficial mutations will appear and
for selection to favor “selfish” components within a complex
spread beyond a few copies in the population, it is not possible to
organism at the expense of the organism’s overall healthy func-
predict which new phenotypic characteristics will, in general,
tioning, while selection acting on the organism as a whole favors
evolve. Continuously distributed phenotypes, however, for which
homeostatic suppression of the individual selfish elements. Ten-
there is existing variation in a population, such as weight and
sion between selection at lower and higher levels of biological
height, are under the control of large numbers of variants, each
organization is the focus of multilevel selection (or group selec-
having a small phenotypic effect. If the optimal height were at some
tion) theory [26].
point to change due to some change in environmental conditions,
it would only take small changes in the frequencies of tall versus Biological organisms all possess capacities for semi-stable inher-
short causing alleles for the new optimum to be achieved. It is thus itance and mutation leading to variation in reproductive fitness
certain that natural selection would shift the average continuous (Conditions 2–4), provided that they are situated in an environ-
trait value of the population to the new optimum. While the ment in which they can reproduce (Condition 1). It is for this
average phenotype of a population lies close to the optimum for the reason that natural selection is such a pervasive feature of the
given environment, natural selection acts in a stabilizing fashion biological world and yet is atypical of nonbiological objects.
[22], selecting against variants (and combinations of variants) with Viruses are sometimes considered to be non-living due to per-
large phenotypic effects, as these shift carriers far from the opti- forming none of their own metabolic activity, but this does not
mum. In most cases, organisms are well adapted to their current take into account the fact that they are naturally selected to hijack
environment, in which case one would expect no evolutionary and control their hosts’ metabolic machinery, with the resulting
change in the average characteristic (or the distribution of charac- metabolic actions then being for the benefit of the virus. Consider
teristics). However, that is not to say that mutations for entirely how animals rely ultimately on plants for sources of energy, yet
new advantageous characteristics may not emerge and spread we would consider them to have actively obtained those re-
through the population. sources for themselves. Under this view, it is appropriate to clas-
sify viruses as living organisms as they satisfy the requirements
Given that natural selection will occur given Conditions 1–4, can
for evolving by natural selection, and the same might be true of
we speculate what extra-terrestrial life might look like? It is very
even simpler biological parasites like selfish DNA elements
difficult to say what sort of specific phenotypic adaptations might
(transposons) and infectious proteins (prions). The critical
exist on other planets, but we know that adaptation will occur if
difference between a prion or a transposon and a gene or a DNA
a simple replicating molecule satisfying the conditions were to
variant, in this respect, might lie how the replicating entity in
emerge, possibly due to a relatively rare chance event. Matthew
Condition 1 is defined. Genes and DNA variants replicate to-
provided this early exobiological perspective in 1860, 29 years
gether with the cell, or multicellular organism, to which they
after he published his law: “The great law of nature in organic
belong, suggesting that it is the entire replicating entity that
life is competition, with a variation-power in accommodation to
should be considered alive. Transposons and prions replicate
circumstances: a law not fitted to earth alone, but I have no
separately from their host organisms and cells, which constitute
doubt extended to the whole of the orbs of space that are in a
their environment.
condition to support material life” [8, 23]. Earthly observations,
in as much as they can be generalized, suggest that most of the Should then a computer virus written so as to replicate and
adaptations of life initially will have occurred on the prokaryotic occasionally mutate its own code, and thus undergo selection,
microbial level, as prokaryotic microbes have filled almost every also be considered “alive”? The answer should be no, as it would
ecological niche imaginable, including those with extreme have to be the computer that self-replicates not only the program.
temperatures, salinities, and pH. Prokaryotic microbes emerged This is for this same reason that genes themselves should not be
only about 800 million years after the formation of Earth, but it considered as alive, but that cells and organisms should be, as the
took a further three billion years for the evolution of complex former are not able to self-replicate in isolation. It is interesting
multicellular organisms, suggesting that specific additional con- to consider what life-like properties may be reflected by nonbi-
ditions or very rare chance events are required for this later state ological evolving entities. What security risks would be associated
of evolution to have occurred. with, for example, evolving computer viruses developing mimicry
to evade detection, forming symbiotic relationships with each
Natural selection may often lead to an extraordinary amount of
other, or undergoing forms of recombination in which computer
complexity, but this does not mean that it will necessarily tend
code is exchanged horizontally between different viral lineages?
toward evolution of higher complexity. In some cases, it can also
Computer programs that develop in complexity to the point of
contribute to the failure of complex organisms, as is likely in the
becoming highly intelligent and self-interested, eventually over-
case of selection for somatically mutated cells leading to cancers,
throwing their human creators, are a familiar theme in science
and also in age-related disease. Adult tissue stem cells undergo
fiction. This idea does not seem too far-fetched if one considers
regular mitotic division in order to replenish the differentiated
how much complexity has arisen in the biological world from
cells responsible for tissue function, which become fatigued and
natural selection acting initially on very simple materials, prob-
die over time. Due to the potential for mutations, these cells meet
ably individual RNA molecules. However, an essential feature of
the conditions of natural selection, resulting in overgrowth in the
all four conditions for natural selection is that they must hold
populations of stem cells and their descendant differentiated

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within a given environment, which for a self-replicating program such as the prediction that adaptation will tend to occur, are
is computer hardware that they are totally reliant on humans to understood to be separate from the conditions and unnecessary
provide and maintain. to test as if they were hypotheses.

The law of natural selection should engender caution whenever

there is a potential link between the replicative ability of a virus 4. Conclusion
or an organism and its propensity toward causing damage, Mendelian genetics shows that biological characteristics of sexual
including to health or the environment, the former being a cause macroorganisms are inherited in such a way that underlying
for great concern in the case of emerging infectious diseases such heritable information is passed on, unchanged, to later genera-
as COVID-19. Biological weapons represent such a risk, as the tions, but with occasional instability in the form of mutations. It
release of replicating pathogenic organisms will almost inevitably has thus established two essential conditions which, together
lead to selection for greater survival abilities within the host and with a capacity for reproduction and variation in longevity or
greater transmissibility to new hosts, allowing them to spread far reproductive success, guarantee the action of natural selection
beyond their original target area and to persist for longer than leading to adaptation. This establishes adaptive evolution by
intended [27]. While chemical weapons share a tendency to natural selection as a scientific law by any reasonable definition.
spread unpredictably beyond the target range, they do not have Given that natural selection is then certain to occur for biological
the inbuilt capacity to undergo selection and adaptation as does entities and so is a law in that context, it can only continue to be
a biological weapon. It is likely that the general trend for regarded as a theory in the sense that there might be other ways
pathogens is to become less virulent to their hosts over time, for adaptive evolution to occur without it, but such mechanisms
thereby providing more opportunities to transmit to new hosts, are not so far known to exist.
though there may still be substantial health consequences to the
host of becoming infected. On at least some occasions, selection
for increased transmissibility may, however, be accompanied by Funding
increased virulence [28, 29].
The authors declare no financial support for the research, author-
Mistaking natural selection to be a scientific theory rather than a ship, or publication of this article.
law has led to disagreements over its fundamental validity and
explanatory power, with a common argument being that it cannot
be successful as a theory due to merely describing a tautology Author contributions
whereby the organisms that reproduce the most are those that Conceptualization, W.F.B.; investigation, D.J.M.C. and W.F.B.;
are most reproductively successful [30]. Critics claim that due to writing—original draft preparation, D.J.M.C.; writing—review
being a tautology, natural selection a) contains no information and editing, W.F.B.; supervision, W.F.B. All authors have read
and b) is always logically true, so cannot confirm or deny and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
anything about the real world [31, 32]. Both of these lines of
thinking are wrong. First, (a) is only true of extremely simplified
definitions of natural selection e.g., as “the survival of the fittest”, Conflict of interest
which incorporates Conditions 1 and 4, but says nothing about
how variations with different fitnesses are generated (Condition The authors declare no conflict of interest.
3), and little about inheritance (Condition 2). Although the full
law incorporating all four conditions does exhibit one feature of
a tautology, that its outcomes are logically implied by its
Data availability statement
conditions, this is true of any logical statement including elusive Data supporting these findings are available within the article, at
mathematical theorems (or, indeed, scientific theories). Like a, or upon request.
mathematical theorem, natural selection does contain infor-
mation, as its logical relations had to be discovered, and it does
not just consist of the simple equating of synonyms as in a Institutional review board statement
genuine tautology like “survival of the fittest”. Second, although Not applicable.
natural selection relates statements logically as in a tautology, (b)
does not allow for the fact that its conditions are not a priori true
and can thus be verified or found to be false (at least to a degree Informed consent statement
of certainty) in the real world. It seems quite likely that beliefs (a)
and (b) are driven partly by mischaracterizing natural selection Not applicable.
as a theory. Questions under empirical scrutiny such as “is there
variation in reproductive success?” are then possibly mistaken
for hypotheses generated by the underlying conditions, rather
Sample availability
than means of confirming the conditions themselves. If so, the The authors declare no physical samples were used in the study.
scientist might be left with the impression that they are working
to verify hypotheses that are so closely connected to the individ-
ual conditions that the overall theory—the logical relations be- Additional information
tween the conditions and the outcomes—appears to provide no Received: 2023-10-26
information. All becomes clear when natural selection is taken to
be a law, in which it is transparent that what is under empirical Accepted: 2024-01-23
interrogation is the set of basic conditions. Outcomes of the law, Published: 2024-02-08

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