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B1+ List 5 (Fall) News

accurately (adv)

In a correct or exact way

approach (v)

To come close in distance or time

approximately (adv)

Close to a particular
number or time,
but not exactly that
number or time
atmosphere (n)

The feeling that exists in a place or situation

attach (v)

To join one thing to another

attach (v)

To join a file, such as a document, picture, or

computer program, to an email
backwards (v)

Towards the direction behind you

charity (n)

An official organization that gives money,

food, or help to people who need it
convince (v)

To make someone believe that something is true

creature (n)

Anything that lives but is not a plant

crop (n)

A plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable that is

grown in large amounts by farmers
engineering (n)

The work of an engineer, or the study of this work

exact (adj)

Completely correct
explode (v)

If something explodes, it bursts with noise and

faucet (n)

The part at the end of a pipe that controls the

flow of water
forecast (n)

Something that
says what will
happen in the
forward (adv)

Towards the direction that is in front of you

grateful (adj)

Wanting to say ‘thank you’ to someone who has

done something good for you
historical (adj)

Relating to the past

imagination (n)

The ability to have ideas or pictures in your mind

imagination (n)

The part of your mind

that creates ideas or
pictures of things that
are not real or that you
have not seen
in favour of (phr)

To agree with a plan or idea

leaf (n)

A flat, green part of a plant that grows from a

stem or branch
limited (adj)

Small in amount or number

mostly (adv)

Mainly or most of the time

mystery (n)

Something strange that

cannot be explained or
nearby (adj/adv)

Not far away

nowhere (adv)

Not anywhere
pipe (n)

A long tube that liquid or gas can move through

plenty (pron/quant)

A lot of something, more than you need

plug (n)

An object with metal

parts that stick out
of its end, used to
connect electrical
equipment to an
electricity supply
plug (n)

Something you put in a hole to block it

previously (adv)

pure (adj)

A pure substance is not mixed with

anything else
pure (adj)

Clean and healthy

rescue (v)

To save someone or something from a

dangerous situation
rescue (n)

The act of saving

someone or
something from a
dangerous situation
scientific (adj)

Relating to science
shocked (adj)

Very surprised and upset

spoil (v)

To stop something from being enjoyable or

take action (idiom)

To do something in order to solve a problem

tap (n)

The part at the end of a pipe that controls the

flow of water
tower (n)

A very tall, narrow building, or part of a building

unpleasant (adj)

Not enjoyable or pleasant

useless (adj)

If something is useless, it does not work well or

it has no effect

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