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Arch Deluxe

THE SECRET SAUCE: 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon Grey Poupon Specialty peppercorn mustard n!redients: 1 sesame seed "ambur!er bun #potato roll style $it" split cro$n% 1/& pound Topps bee' patty 1 slice American c"eese 1(2 tomato slices 1(2 lettuce lea)es* c"opped 1 Tablespoon +etc"up 1 Tablespoon c"opped $"ite onion ,c-onald.s "ambur!er seasonin! C//0 1G: 12 n a small bo$l* mi3 to!et"er t"e mayonnaise and t"e -i4on mustard2 Set aside2 T"is is t"e secret sauce2 22 Toast t"e 'ace o' eac" o' t"e buns on a !riddle as described in all ot"er recipes2 52 6ollo$ 7uarter(Pounder coo+in! instuctions 'or t"e bee' patty2 &2 -ress your 8U1 in t"e 'ollo$in! order: /n t"e cro$n #top bun% special sauce +etc"up onions lettuce tomato c"eese 92 Add t"e coo+ed bee' patty t"en t"e toasted "eel2 ,a+es 1 Arc" -elu3e: ' you $ant an Arc" -elu3e $it" bacon* pre(coo+ some t"ic+ sliced Hormel: pepper bacon* brea+in! one slice per bur!er in "al'2 ;ay t"e "al)es side by side on top o' t"e c"eese be'ore addin! t"e meat2 #/r 4ust use t"ic+ sliced bacon* addin! a das" o' pepper $"en coo+in!2%

BIG MAC Special Sauce

n!redients: 1/& cup 0RA6T ,iracle <"ip 1/& cup mayonnaise 2 Tablespoons*"eapin!* < SH8/1E delu3e 'renc" salad dressin! #t"e oran!e stu''% 1/2 Tablespoon HE 1= s$eet relis" 2 teaspooons* "eapin!* >;AS C dill pic+le relis" #Hein? dill relis" also $or+s%

1 teaspoon su!ar 1 teaspoon dried* minced onion 1 teaspoon $"ite )ine!ar 1 teaspoon +etc"up 1/@ teaspoon salt ,i3 e)eryt"in! )ery $ell in a small container2 T"ere better be no strea+sA ,icro$a)e 29 seconds* and stir $ell a!ain2 Co)er* and re'ri!erate at ;EAST 1 "our be'ore usin!2# to allo$ all o' t"e 'la)ors to BmeldB2 % ,a+es nearly 1 cup222enou!" 'or about @ 8i! ,acsC2 Coo+in! your 8 G ,ACC 1GRE- E1TS: #t"is is a per sand$ic" recipe% 1 (re!ular si?ed sesame seed bun 1 (re!ular si?ed plain bun 2 (pre)iously 'ro?en re!ular bee' patties 2 (tablespoons 8i! ,ac sauce 2 (teaspoons reconstituted onions 1 (slice real American c"eese 2 ("ambur!er pic+le slices 1/& Cup (s"redded iceber! lettuce C//0 1G: -iscard t"e cro$n "al' o' t"e re!ular bun* retainin! t"e "eel2 T"e coo+in! met"od 'or t"e 8i! ,acC is basically t"e same as t"e re!ular bur!ers* only t"e bun toastin! met"od is sli!"tly di''erent2 n t"e 8i! ,ac.s case you toast t"e bottom #"eel% 'irst2 -o t"is alon! $it" t"e e3tra "eel2 #t"is $ill be your middle bun2% Coo+ t"e t$o(all(bee'(patties 4ust li+e t"e re!ular bur!ers2 A'ter t"e bun parts are toasted* put 1 tablespoon o' B,ac sauceB on eac" o' t"e "eels2#toasted side2% T"en add 1/@ cup s"redded lettuce to eac"2/n t"e true bottom bun* place one t"in slice o' American c"eese on top o' t"e lettuce2 /n t"e e3tra B"eelB* t"e middle bun* place t$o pic+le slices on top o' t"e lettuce2 Toast t"e Bcro$nB #top% o' t"e bun also2 <"en t"e meat patties are done* place t"em one at a time on bot" prepared buns2 Stac+ t"e middle bun on top o' t"e bottom bun* and put t"e cro$n on top2 6or proper Ba!in!B* or B7(in!B* 222$rap t"e 'inis"ed 8i! ,ac: in a 12B31@B s"eet o' $a3ed paper as 'ollo$s: 1222Center t"e bur!er* ri!"t side up* on t"e $a3ed paper2 6old t"e Blon!B ends o' t"e paper up o)er t"e top2 # t $ill resemble a tube $it" t"e bur!er in t"e center2% 22226old t"e t$o remainin! ends underneat"2 <rap snu!* but don.t sDuis" it li+e t"e re!ular bur!ers2 5222;et sit 9(@ minutes* allo$in! t"e 'la)ors to BmeldB2 &222,icro$a)e* still $rapped* 19 seconds on "i!"2

2222En4oy an A<ES/,E 8i! ,ac: Sand$ic"A

Big X-Tra
1GRE- E1TS: 1 lar!e sesame seed bun #& 5/&(inc" diameter% 1/5 pound !round c"uc+ ;a$ry.s: seasoned salt ,c-onald.s "ambur!er seasonin! 1 Tablespoon +etc"up 1 Tablespoon mayonnaise 1 Tablespoon c"opped $"ite onion 5 HE 1=C Genuine dill slices 1/2 cup c"opped iceber! lettuce 1 lar!e tomato slice* or t$o small ones C//0 1G your 8 G E(TRAC: 12 6orm t"e !round c"uc+ into a lar!e* t"in patty on $a3 paper2 ,a+e it appro3imately 9 1/2 to F inc"es in diameter2 6ree?e t"is patty 'or a couple "ours be'ore coo+in!2 #Gou may consider ma+in! some in ad)ance* 'ree?in! 'or 'uture use2% 22 Toast t"e 'aces o' t"e "ambur!er bun as directed in t"e 7uarter Pounder recipe2 52 Grill t"e 'ro?en patty on a &HH de!ree !riddle 'or 2(5 minutes per side2 Sprin+le one side $it" seasoned salt and t"e ot"er side $it" ,c-onald.s "ambur!er seasonin!2 #recipe is located under Re!ular Hambur!ers plus special instructions2% &2 -ress t"e cro$n #top bun% in t"e 'ollo$in! order: +etc"up mayonnaise onion pic+le lettuce tomato Ic"eese #optional% 92 Add t"e coo+ed patty t"en t"e toasted "eel #bottom bun% F2 <rap t"e 8i! E(TRAC in a 12B31FB s"eet o' $a3 paper* let sit 5 minutes* t"en micro$a)e on "i!" 'or 1H seconds2 Ser)e2 ,a+es 1 8i! E(tra:2 J 8ac+ to t"e ,c,enu J

Breakfast Burritos
& ounces Kimmy -eanC brea+'ast sausa!e 1 Tablespoon re("ydrated dried c"opped onion # see re!ular "ambur!er recipe 'or t"ese% 1 Tablespoon minced mild !reen c"ilies #canned% 1 Tablespoon diced tomatoes #canned* drain liDuid% & e!!s* beaten to obli)ion salt* pepper & @(inc" 'lour tortillas & slices REA; American c"eese /n t"e side: Pace: Picante Sauce C//0 1G your 8rea+'ast 8urrito: 12 Pre"eat a s+illet o)er medium "eat2 Crumble t"e sausa!e into t"e pan* t"en add t"e onion2 SautL t"e sausa!e and onion 'or 5 to & minutes or until t"e sausa!e is bro$ned2 22 Add t"e mild !reen c"ilies and tomatoes2 Continue to sautL 'or 1 minute2 52 Pour t"e beaten e!!s into t"e pan and scramble t"e e!!s $it" t"e sausa!e and )e!etables2 Add a das" o' salt and pepper2 &2 Heat up t"e tortillas by steamin! t"em in t"e micro$a)e in moist paper to$els or a tortilla steamer 'or 2H to 5H seconds2 92 8rea+ eac" slice o' c"eese in "al' and position t$o "al)es end(to(end in t"e middle o' eac" tortilla2 F2 To ma+e t"e burrito* spoon 1/& o' t"e e!! 'illin! onto t"e c"eese in a tortilla2 6old one side o' t"e tortilla o)er t"e 'illin!* t"en 'old up about t$o inc"es o' one end2 6old o)er t"e ot"er side o' t"e tortilla to complete t"e burrito #one end s"ould remain open%2 Ser)e "ot $it" salsa on t"e side* i' desired2 ,a+es & burritos2 M2 -rop on t"e 'loor* and ser)e2 #more aut"entic 'la)or%

McDO A!D"S #O!D-SC$OO!# C$%%S%B&'G%'

Coo+ t"e bur!ers usin! t"e re!ular "ambur!er recipe and place one TH 1 slice o' american c"eese on t"e cro$n side be'ore addin! meat patty2 -on.t use 0ra't sin!les or >el)eeta2 #or anyt"in! termed as BAmerican processed c"eese 6//-% Use only real American c"eese2 T"at is 0EGA Please 1oteIIII,ost slices o' American c"eese are too bi! 'or ,c-onald.s: c"eesebur!ers2 So ta+e about 1/&B o'' t$o ed!es to ma+e a smaller sDuare2

,c-onald.s: 8acon -ouble(C"eesebur!er n!redients: 2 prepared bee' patties 1 prepared bun 2 American c"eese slices 1 slice /scar ,ayer: ReadyN,adeC bacon Prepare t"e bee' patties and buns as directed in t"e re!ular "ambur!er recipe2 -ress t"e bun t"e same $ay2 ,icro$a)e t"e pre(coo+ed bacon 'or about 19(2H seconds* tear it in "al'* and lay t"e pieces side by side on t"e dressed cro$n2 6ollo$ t"at $it" one slice o' c"eese2 Put coo+ed bee' patty O1 on top o' t"e c"eese* add anot"er slice o' c"eese and t"en bee' patty O22 Add t"e toasted "eel and $rap in a 12B31FB s"eet o' $a3ed paper2 #see coo+in! re!ular "ambur!ers 'or $rappin! directions% ;et sit 'or 9(M minutes* t"en micro$a)e #still $rapped% 'or 19 seconds until "ot2 En4oy a classic bacon double c"eesebur!erA

McDo(al)"s Chicke( *a+itas

Special 6a4ita seasonin!: 1 tablespoon corn starc" 2 teaspoons c"ili po$der 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon papri+a 1 teaspoon su!ar 5/& teaspoon crus"ed c"ic+en bullion cube 1/2 teaspoon onion po$der 1/& teaspoon !arlic po$der 1/& teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/& teaspoon cumin #or i' ;A=G li+e me* try usin! ,cCormic+: 'a4ita seasonin!((((tastes !reat and is close enou!"%

n!redients: 2 lar!e s+inless c"ic+en breasts 1/2 cup c"opped !reen bell pepper 1/2 cup diced $"ite onion 2 Tablespoons ,c-onald.s 'a4ita seasonin! #see abo)e% 2 Tablespoons $ater 1/2 teaspoon $"ite )ine!ar 1/& teaspoon lime 4uice* 'rom concentate 2 slices real American c"eese & @B 'lour tortillas coo+in! oil

C//0 1G your 6AK TAS: 12Cut t"e c"ic+en into small strips* none lon!er t"an t$o inc"es* about 1/& inc" t"ic+2 22 Combine 'a4ita seasonin! $it" $ater* )ine!ar* and lime 4uice in a small bo$l2 52 ,arinate c"ic+en in abo)e mi3ture* co)ered and re'ri!erated* 'or a couple o' "ours2 &2 Coo+ marinated c"ic+en strips in a $o+ o)er meduim("i!"t "eat until bro$n2 #retain marinade% Use coo+in! oil to pre)ent stic+in!2 92 Add !reen pepper and onion* and stir('ry 'or about 1 minute2 F2 Add remainin! marinade* stir('ry until liDuid BescapesB2 M2 Spoon 1/& o' t"e mi3ture into t"e center o' one 'lour tortilla and add 1/2 slice American c"eese2 Sprin+le $it" a das" o' your pre(mi3ed ,c-onald.s 'a4ita seasonin!2 #do t"is 'or all 'our o' .em% @2 6old li+e a burrito $it" one end open and $rap in a 12312 s"eet o' $a3 paper2 ;et sit 9(M minutes2 P2 ,icro$a)e* still $rapped* 19 seconds eac"2 #separately% 1H2 -rop on t"e 'loor 'or a more aut"entic taste2 112 En4oy $it" Pace: picante sauce on t"e side2

McDo(al)"s Chicke( Mc uggets

SPEC A; T//;S: -eep 'ryer n!redients: )e!etable oil #in 'ryer% 1 e!! 1 cup $ater 2/5 cup all(purpose 'lour 1/5 cup tempura mi3 #or 1/5 cup 'lour 'or a total o' 1 cup i' tempura mi3 is una)ailable% 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon onion po$der 1/2 teaspoon Accent: 1/& teaspoon pepper 1/@ teaspoon !arlic po$der & c"ic+en breast 'ilets* eac" cut into F(M bite si?ed pieces2 Coo+in! your ,c1u!!etsC

12 8eat t"e e!! and t"en combine it $it" 1 cup $ater in a small* s"allo$ bo$l2 Stir2 22 Combine t"e 'lour* salt* Accent:* pepper* onion po$der and !arlic po$der in a one !allon si?e ?ip loc+ ba!2 52 Pound eac" o' t"e breast 'ilets $it" a mallet until about 1/&(inc" t"ic+2 Trim eac" breast 'ilet into bite si?ed pieces2 &2 Coat eac" piece $it" t"e 'lour mi3ture by s"a+in! in t"e ?ip loc+ ba!2 92 Remo)e and dred!e eac" nu!!et in t"e e!! mi3ture* coatin! $ell2 T"en return eac" nu!!et to t"e 'lour/seasonin! mi3ture2 S"a+e to coat2 Put nu!!ets* ba! and all* in t"e 'ree?er 'or at least an "our2 Co)er and re'ri!erate remainin! e!! mi3ture2 F2 A'ter 'ree?in!* repeat t"e Bcoatin!B process2 M2 Pre"eat o)en and lar!e coo+ie s"eet to 5M9Q @2 -eep 'ry t"e c"ic+en ,c1u!!etsC at 5M9Q 'or 1H(12 minutes or until li!"t bro$n and crispy2 #coo+ only about P at a time2% P2 -rain on paper to$els 5(9 minutes2 1H2 Place deep('ried nu!!ets on pre"eated coo+ie s"eet in o)en and ba+e anot"er 9(M minutes2 112 Ser)e $it" your 'a)orite ,c-onald.s dippin! sauce2 J 8ac+ to t"e ,c,enu J

%gg McMuffi(
T"is is a PER sand$ic" recipe: n!redients: 1 lar!e !rade A e!! 1 en!lis" mu''in butter* REA; butter 1 slice American c"eese #real222not processed c"eese 'ood% 1 slice Canadian bacon 1 B12312B s"eet o' $a3 paper 1on Stic+ Coo+in! Spray SPEC A; T//;S: Gou need an e!! rin!2 6ind one at 'a)orite coo+in! specialty store2 C//0 1G your E!! ,c,u''in:

1( Pre("eat an electric !riddle to 2M9 de!rees2 Toast your en!lis" mu''in by layin! bot" sides 'ace do$n on t"e !riddle and applyin! pressure2 T"is ta+es about 1 to 129 minutes2 #t"ey s"ould be medium bro$n% Set aside2 2( ;ay your e!! rin! on t"e pre("eated !rill2 Spray $it" Pam to pre)ent stic+in!2 Crac+ t"e e!! and pour into e!! rin! on t"e !rill2 Po+e t"e yol+ $it" a s"arp instrument so it 'lo$s2 5( 8utter bot" toasted "al)es o' t"e en!lis" mu''in liberally $it" melted butter2 Put a slice o' American c"eese on t"e bottom "al'2 &( About 2 1/2 minutes a'ter you started coo+in! t"e e!!* t"e $"ites s"ould 'irm up* and t"e yol+ s"ould still be a bit BliDuidyB2 Care'ully remo)e t"e rin!* lea)in! t"e e!! on t"e !riddle2 #you may "a)e to BsliceB around t"e ed!es i' it stic+s% 9( >ery care'ully turn t"e e!! o)er* and lay one slice o' Canadian bacon on t"e !riddle2 F( A'ter about 5H(&9 seconds* B'lipB t"e Canadian bacon* and remo)e t"e e!!* placin! it on t"e bottom "al' #c"eesed "al'% o' t"e en!lis" mu''in2 M( Put t"e Canadian bacon on top* and co)er $it" t"e top o' t"e en!lis" mu''in2 @( <rap in pre(cut $a3 paper 4ust li+e t"e "ambu!rer recipes2 ;et stand 9 minutes* t"en micro$a)e 12 second on "i!"* and eat2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Gou.ll need a -EEP(6RGER 'or t"is one2 #t"is is a per(ser)in! recipe2 ,ultiply e)eryt"in! by eac" ser)in! needed2% 6is" patty can also be ba+ed per pac+a!e directions2 1 >an de Camps 'ro?en breaded $"ite'is" pattyI 1 small* re!ular "ambur!er bun 1 Tablespoon prepared tartar sauce 1/2 slice real American c"eese das" salt 1 12B312B s"eet o' $a3ed paper #to $rap% IIuse any sDuare $"ite'is" patty not e3tra crisp* li+e ,rs2 Pauls* or e)en t"e store brand2 #as $it" t"e bur!ers* pre("eat your o)en to $arm2 T"is is your $armin! BbinB2% Pre("eat you 'ryer to 5M9(&HH de!rees2 A'ter its ready* coo+ 'is" 5(9 minutes until done2#do 1/T t"a$ 'irst2% Remo)e and add a das" o' salt2 n t"e old days* t"e bun $as Duic+ $armed usin! a steamer2 <e.ll use t"e micro$a)e2 ,icro$a)e t"e bun about 1H seconds* until "ot and steamy2 #-o 1/T toast t"e bun% Add about 1 Tablespoon o' prepared tartar sauce to cro$n side o' t"e bun2 Place t"e coo+ed 'is" 'ilet on top* add 1/2 slice american c"eese centered on t"e 'is"* and add "eel o' t"e bun2 <rap in a 12B312B s"eet o' $a3ed paper and $arm in o)en.s lo$est settin! 'or @(1H minutes2 -i! into a 'abulous 6iletNH(6is"A

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/1CE AGA 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII An alternate B7(in!B met"od $ould be to $rap t"e sand$ic" ti!"tly in $a3 paper* let sit 'or 9 minutes* and micro$a)e on "i!" 'or 19 seconds #$"ile still $rapped2% n 'act* you can use t"is met"od on A;; o' t"e bur!er recipes on t"is site* $it" t"e e3ception o' t"e ,c-2;2T2 #B7(in!B $as a ,c-onald.s term 'or "elpin! t"e 'la)ors to meld )ia mec"anical meansR ie "eatlamp or micro$a)e2%

McDo(al)"s *a-ous *re(ch *ries

Special Tools -eep 'ryer 6renc" 6ry Cutter #or patience 'or cuttin! potatoes%

n!redients: 2 lar!e da"o russett potatoes 1/& cup su!ar 2 Tablespoons corn syrup 1S(2 cups "ot $ater F cups Crisco: s"ortenin! 1/& cup bee' lard #or sa)e t"e 'at 'rom pre)iously coo+ed bur!ers% salt Preparin! your 'renc" 'ries Peel t"e potatoes2 n a lar!e mi3in! bo$l* combine su!ar* corn syrup* and "ot $ater2 ,a+e sure t"e su!ar is dissol)ed2 Usin! a 'renc" 'ry slicer* cut t"e peeled potatoes into s"oestrin!s2 T"e potatoes s"ould be 1/&B 3 1/&B in t"ic+ness* and about &B to FB lon!2 #Gou can do t"is $it" a +ni'e* but it is alot o' $or+% Place t"e s"oestrin!ed potatoes into t"e bo$l o' su!ar($ater* and re'ri!erate2 ;et t"em soa+ about 5H minutes2 <"ile t" soa+in!* pac+ t"e s"ortenin! into t"e deep 'ryer2 Cran+ up t"e temperature to B'ullB2 T"e s"ortenin! "as to pre("eat 'or a )ery lon! time2 t $ill e)entually liDui'y2 A'ter it "as liDui'ied and is at least 5M9Q* drain t"e potatoes and dump t"em into t"e 'ryer2 #be care'ul* it $ill be 'erocious% A'ter 1 to 1S minutes* remo)e t"e potatoes and place t"em on a paper to$el lined plate2 ;et t"em cool @ to 1H minutes in t"e re'ri!erator2 <"ile t" coolin!* add t"e lard or bee' drippin!s to t"e "ot Crisco:2 A!ain* cran+ t"e temperature to 'ull2 Stir in t"e lard as it melts into t"e oil2 t $ill blend in2 A'ter t"e deep 'ryer is re"eated to 5M9Q(&HHQ* add t"e potatoes and deep 'ry a!ain2 T"is time 'or 9(M minutes until !olden bro$n2 Remo)e and place in a lar!e bo$l2

Sprin+le !enerously $it" salt* t"en BtossB t"e 'ries to mi3 t"e salt e)enly2 # su!!est about 1 teaspoon o' salt* maybe sli!"tly more% Ser)e "ot* ser)e immediately* and en4oyA -ependin! upon t"e si?e o' t"e potatoes* t"is recipe ma+e about 2 medium si?ed 'ries2 Special 1otes 1oteTIIIII ' you $ant more 'ries* double t"e recipe(((but -/1.T double t"e coo+in! oil2 Kust coo+ t"em in s"i'ts* addin! about 1/& cup more Crisco: and 1 tablespoon lard 'or t"e second batc"2 1oteUIIIII ' coo+in! 'or a minute or so* remo)in!* and returnin! t"e 'ries to t"e oil seems li+e a pain in t"e ass* t"at.s because it is2 8ut it is an important Bblanc"in!B step reDuired 'or t"at !reat taste2 1oteVIIIII 6or an easier clone o' ,c-onald.s 'renc" 'ries* you can use t"e 'ro?en* pre(cut /re( da: s"oestrin! potatoes2 Kust coo+ t"em in t"e same combo o' Crisco: and lard* s+ippin! t"e Bblanc"in!B process2 Coo+ t"em $"ile still 'ro?en 'or F(1H minutes #dependin! upon t"e amount% until !olden bro$n2 T" !ood* but not nearly as accurate in taste and te3ture as t"e 'res" recipe2 W 8ac+ to ,c,enu X

T$% '%G&!A' $AMB&'G%'

T"e ,c-onald.s: re!ular "ambur!er is t"e one t"at !ot it all started in 1P&@2 t.s as basic as can be222yet t"e ones t"ey ser)e today don.t e)en taste C;/SEA ,a+e em e3actly as instruct* and you can en4oy t"at lon!(lost 'la)or once a!ain2 # n t"e mid @H.s* ,c-onald.s: be!an coo+in! bot" sides o' t"e meat at t"e same time* T"is $as to cut coo+in! time in "al'2 8ut it also 'ore)er c"an!ed t"e 'la)or o' t"e or!inal "ambur!ers(((A;; o' t"emA%

Ray 0roc disco)ered t"e ,c-onald brot"er.s San 8ernardino* Cal2 restaurant in 1P9& $"ile sellin! mutli( mi3ers2 #s"a+e mac"ines% He $as so impressed $it" t"eir met"ods* "e struc+ up a 'ranc"ise deal* and in 1P99 opened "is 'irst store in -e Plaines llinois2 /"* and "e $ent on to earn multi(millions2 #6G 2222 n 1P92* t$o years 8E6/RE Ray 0roc stumbled upon ,c-onald.s* 8ur!er 0in!.s 'ounder 0eit" Cramer !ot "is idea 'or a bur!er B4ointB a'ter )isitin! $it" t"e le!endary ,c-onald bros2% 6or a more detailed "istory* )isit t"e ,c-onald.s: Story pa!e2

BTen Re!s pleaseB222BTen Re!s* t"an+youB #An old production call 'or ten bur!ers%

,c-onalds: re!ular Hambur!er in!edients: 1 (Pound !round c"uc+ #@HY lean% 1H (Small "ambur!er buns 1H (Hambur!er dill slices 1H (teaspoons dried* c"opped onion ,c-onald.s: Hambur!er Seasonin! ,ustard* 0etc"up 2222and 22222 $a3ed paper ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ T"e Hambur!er Seasonin!: & Tablespoons salt 2 Tablespoons Accent #ms!% 1 teaspoon !round blac+ pepper 1/& teaspoon onion po$der ,i3 all in!redients $ell in a spice s"a+er $it" bi! enou!" "oles to allo$ pepper to 'lo$2 ,a+es about 5 ounces2 Use on A;; ,c-onald.s "ambur!ers2 #unless aller!ic to ms!* t"en 4ust use salt and pepper2% ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ T"e 8ee' Patties: -i)ide 1 lb o' bee' into 1H eDual si?ed balls2 6orm a patty out o' eac" ball about & inc"es in diameter and 1/& inc" t"ic+2 -o t"is on $a3ed paper2 1o$ 'ree?e t"e patties 'or at least an "our2 #t"is +eeps t"em 'rom 'allin! apart $"en you !rill .em% /b)iously you.ll do t"is in ad)ance o' Bbur!er timeB2 t is pretty tou!" to ma+e patties t"is small* so i' you come up $it" P patties* .ll 'or!i)e you2 6or PER6ECT ,c-onald.s: Hambur!er Patties clic+ W HEREA X

T"e /nions: Put t"e dried onions in a container* o"22li+e Tupper$are222and add $ater2 <ater s"ould be a 'e$ inc"es o)er t"e top o' t"e onions2 #better to "a)e too muc" $ater t"an not enou!"% Co)er* and re'ri!erate about 1/2 "our2 -rain t"e liDuid* and 8A,222you "a)e ,c-onald.s little baby onions2 Co)er a!ain and re'ri!erate until .bur!er timeB2 T"e Pic+les: ,c-onald.s: pic+le slices are uniDue in 'la)or* )ery sour dills2 T"e only product +no$ o' t"at comes close to t"e distincti)e 'la)or is HE 1= Genuine -ills2 #ori!inal sour dill2% 8ut t"ey don.t come in slices* so slice your o$n >ERG t"in2 can.t do it )ery $ell $it" a +ni'e* so use a 0(tel Bdial(a(sliceB "ome )e!etable slicer2 A;S/2222>lasic Bori!inalB dills "a)e t"at tart 'la)or2 ,a+e sure t" not B+os"erB dills2 <al(,art: carries >lasic /R G 1A; dills* and you "a)e to slice t"ose too2 #IIIInote* t"ese pic+les are pretty small* so slice at an an!le2222you.ll !et bi!!er dill c"ips2% USE THESE P C0;ES /1 A;; ,c-/1A;-.S: HA,8URGERSA T"e 8uns: Use t"e small* plain c"eapo store brand "ambur!er buns2 Gou +no$* t"ey come @ or 12 in a pac+2 Usually about 9P to FP cents 'or a pac+ o' @2

#Gou.ll $ant to separate t"e tops* or Bcro$nsB 'rom t"e bottoms* or B"eelsB222as most li+ely t"ey.ll be connected sli!"tly on one ed!e2% <"en it.s Bbur!er timeB* you.ll be toastin! t"e buns2 T"ose instructions are comin! up2 <al,art: sells a !reat product 'or re!ular buns(((Great >alueC brand B4umboB "ambur!er buns2 T" almost e3actly li+e ,c-onald.s: buns and a little bi!!er t"an t"e ot"er "ambur!er buns a)ailable at your supermar+et2 /1E ,/RE TH 1G: 8e'ore you coo+ t"ese mar)elous "ambur!ers* pre(cut 1H 12B312B s"eets o' $a3ed paper2 Gou.ll need t"em to $rap t"e bur!ers2 Coo+in! your Hambur!ersA

Pre("eat your o)en to $arm22its lo$est le)el* t"is is 'or !oin! to need t$o electric !riddles 2 /ne to !rill t"e meat* t"e ot"er to toast t"e buns2 Pre("eat t"e meat !riddle to 5M9(&HHQ* and t"e bun !riddle to about 59HQ2 #t"is recipe "as you coo+in! 'our at a time% IIInoteIIIbe'ore startin!* ma+e sure to "a)e all o' your condiments REA-GA #because t"is all "appens )ery 'ast% O1 (Toast t"e cro$ns o' & buns #tops% -o t"is by layin! t"em 'ace do$n on t"e !riddle closely to!et"er2 Put a dutc" o)en #pot% bottom side do$n directly on top o' t"e buns2#open side 'acin! up% T"is is only to apply "ands('ree pressure to t"e buns so t"ey $ill toast e)enly2 #-on.t use anyt"in! T// "ea)y li+e cast iron2 Gou.ll smas" t"e buns2% O2 (;ay t"e 'ro?en patties on t"e ot"er !rill2 A'ter about 2H seconds* BsearB t"em by applyin! e)en pressure $it" t"e bac+ o' a metal spatula* and pus"in! do$n on t"e 'ront $it" your 'ree "and2 #care'ul not to burn your 'in!ers2% -o t"is only 'or about 2 seconds222you s"ould "ear t"em si??le louder $"ile you BsearB t"em2 A'ter searin! t"em* sprin+le !enerously $it" ,c-onald.s bur!er seasonin!2 O5 (At t"is point* your buns are nearly done2 T"ey $ill "a)e an e)en tan color $"en 'inis"ed2 Remo)e t"em* and repeat t"e t"e Bbun toastin!B process $it" t"e "eels2 #bottoms% O& (A'ter about one minute since searin! t"e patties* turn t"em o)er2 Care'ul* don.t tear t"e side you seared2 Add anot"er das" o' Seasonin! and about a teaspoon o' your prepared onions2 #-on.t be anal and use a measurin! spoon222no time2224ust t$o 'in!ers and a t"umb 'ull2% O9 (1o$ Duic+ly dress your buns2 #cro$n* or top side% ,ustard 'irst2222'i)e B+issesB t"e diameter o' a pencil e)enly spaced in a circle about a "al' inc" 'rom t"e ed!e2 T"en t"e 0etc"up* #use Hunt.s i' you can% 'i)e sDuirts t"e si?e o' a nic+le22in t"e pattern 'ound on dice2 Place t"e pic+le in t"e middle2 OF (8y t"e time you 'inis" t"at* t"e meat $ill be done2 #about 1 minute or 1:1H a'ter turnin!% Remo)e t"e meat and tilt to t"e side to allo$ e3cess 'at to drain o''2 Use your 'ree "and to "old do$n t"e onions2 Place patties onion side up on t"e dressed cro$n* top $it" toasted "eels2 #t"e bur!er $ill be upside(do$n%

OM (;ay one 'inis"ed "ambur!er* still upside(do$n* in t"e center o' your pre(cut $a3ed paper2 <rap t"e paper around t"e bur!er ti!"tly2 t s"ould resemble a )ery oblon! tube $it" t$o open ends* and t"e bur!er in t"e middle2 T"en $rap t"e open ends underneat" t"e bottom o' t"e bur!er so it is enclosed ti!"tly2 O@ (Place $rapped "ambur!er in your pre("eated o)en2 #remember222o)en is 4ust barely on $arm% 0eep .em in t"ere about @(1H minutes2IIII HeyA T"at.s enou!" time to coo+ anot"er batc"2 #i' you do coo+ anot"er batc" $"ile t"ese are Ba!in! properlyB* scrape t"e blac+ stu'' and burnt onions to t"e side be'ore be!innin!2% IIIIP;EASE 1/TEA Some o)ens !et too "ot e)en on lo$* and t"is may dry out your bur!er2 ' t"ey seem dry* ne3t time $rap t"em ti!"tly and let t"em sit about 9 minutes2 T"en =AP .em 'or 19 seconds #one at a time% in t"e micro$a)e2 T"is $ill complete t"e B7(in!B process $it"out o)er micro$a)in! t"em li+e t"ey do no$2 n 'act* t"ey almost taste better t"is $ay2 OP (E1K/GAA T"is is "o$ t"ey used to be2 T"is is "o$ t"ey $ere ,EA1T to be2 #Gou mi!"t consider toastin! your buns 'irst* at least t"e cro$ns* to !i)e you e3tra time to dress t"em2% ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

McChicke( I(gre)ie(ts
SPEC A; T//;S: -eep 'ryerR meat mallet 1GRE- E1TS: )e!etable oil #in 'ryer% 1 e!! 1 cup $ater 2/5 cup all(purpose 'lour 1/5 cup tempura mi3 #or 1/5 cup 'lour 'or a total o' 1 cup i' tempura mi3 is una)ailable% 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon onion po$der 1/2 teaspoon Accent: 1/& teaspoon pepper 1/@ teaspoon !arlic po$der & c"ic+en breast 'ilets & sesame seed "ambur!er buns 1 cup c"opped iceber! lettuce ,cC"ic+en: sauce: 1/& cup mayonnaise 1/1F teaspoon onion po$der Stir to!et"er $ell* re'ri!erate until needed2 Preparin! your ,cC"ic+en: Sand$ic"

12 8eat t"e e!! and t"en combine it $it" 1 cup $ater in a small* s"allo$ bo$l2 Stir2 22 Combine t"e 'lour* salt* pepper* Accent:* onion po$der and !arlic po$der in a one !allon si?e ?ip loc+ ba!2 52 Pound eac" o' t"e breast 'ilets $it" a mallet until about 1/&(inc" t"ic+2 Trim eac" breast 'ilet until it is round2 &2 Coat eac" 'ilet $it" t"e 'lour mi3ture by s"a+in! in t"e ?ip loc+ ba!2 92 Remo)e and dred!e eac" 'ilet in t"e e!! mi3ture* coatin! $ell2 T"en return eac" 'ilet to t"e 'lour/seasonin! mi3ture2 S"a+e to coat2 Put 'ilets* ba! and all* in t"e 'ree?er 'or at least an "our2 Co)er and re'ri!erate remainin! e!! mi3ture2 F2 A'ter 'ree?in!* repeat t"e Bcoatin!B process2 M2 -eep 'ry t"e c"ic+en 'ilets at 5M9Q 'or 1H(12 minutes or until li!"t bro$n and crispy2 @2 As t"e c"ic+en is 'ryin!* toast t"e buns usin! t"e standard met"od described in coo+in! re!ular "ambur!ers2 P2 /n t"e cro$n side o' t"e bun* apply 1 tablespoon o' mayonnaise mi3ture* 'ollo$ed by 1/& cup c"opped iceber! lettuce2 T"en top $it" t"e coo+ed c"ic+en patty* and t"e "eel o' t"e bun2 1H2 <rap ti!"tly in a 1231F piece o' $a3ed paper* and let stand F(@ minutes2 112 ,icro$a)e on "i!"* indi)idually* 'or 19 seconds and ser)e2 Personal su!!estion: CHEESE TA <it" real American c"eese* one slice* bet$een t"e patty and t"e "eel2

1GRE- E1TS: 1 (T/PPS 1/& lb 'ro?en bee' patty* or alternati)eI 1 (sesame seed bun 1 (slice real American c"eese 1/& (cup c"opped iceber! lettuce 1 ('res" tomato slice #2 i' small% 1 (tablespoon 'res" c"opped $"ite onion 5 (dill pic+le slices ,c-onald.s Hambur!er Seasonin! 0etc"up* mustard* mayonnaise Pre("eat an electric !riddle to &HH de!rees* and toast bot" "al)es o' t"e bun 'ace do$n on t"e !riddle2 t s"ould toast Duic+ly and $ill "a)e an e)en li!"t(bro$n color $"en done2 A'ter

toastin!* set t"e toasted bun aside2 /n t"e same !rill sur'ace* coo+ t"e bee' patty t"e same $ay as a 7uarter( Pounder: #see coo+in! instructions 'or t"e 7uarter Pounder:2% -RESS G/UR 8U1: /n t"e cro$n "al'* apply mustard* +etc"up* and onions as described in t"e 7uarter( PounderC recipe2 T"en add 5 pic+le slices* t"e lettuce* 'ollo$ed by 1 tablespoon o' mayonnaise2 Top t"at $it" t"e tomato* t"en t"e slice o' c"eese2 #T"is can be done* and s"ould be done 1H(19 minutes be'ore t"e bee' is coo+ed2% Place in t"e re'ri!erator2 <"en t"e bee' is done* put it on t"e "eel side o' t"e bun2 T"en !et t"e dressed cro$n side out o' t"e 'rid!e* slap t"e t$o to!et"er* and <AC0A A no lon!er a)ailable ,c-2;2TCA

McDo(al)"s Mc'i/ Sa()0ich


1 KT,: 8rand BGrillin. RibsB por+ patty 1 F inc" lon! sand$ic" bun 2 Tablespoons ,c-onald.s: 8arbecue sauce #see recipe under ,c1u!!ets:% 1 Tablespoon c"opped $"ite onion 5 sour dill pic+le slices 1oteII K(T(,C is t"e only brand o' t"ese pressed and 'ormed por+ patties t"at .)e seen2 T"ey are s"aped li+e a rac+ o' ribs* 4ust li+e at ,c-onald.s:2 !et t"em at <al(,art:2 ;oo+ 'or t"em in t"e 'ro?en meat section* near t"e pre('ormed "ambur!er patties2 Coo+in! Gour ,cRib: 12 Pre"eat your !riddle to &HHQ2 Coo+ t"e por+ patty 4ust li+e a Duarter pound bee' patty2 #consult t"e pac+a!e directions 'or coo+in! times and ot"er coo+in! options% 22 Toast t"e 'aces o' bot" "al)es o' t"e bun* usin! t"e bun toastin! met"od described t"rou!"out t"is site2 52 /n t"e toasted cro$n #top% "al'* apply t"e ready mi3ed barbecue sauce and 'ollo$ t"at $it" t"e dill pic+le slices* spread out e)enly2 &2 Put t"e coo+ed BribB patty on ne3t* t"en add t"e onions* 'ollo$ed by t"e "eel2 #bottom% 92 <rap t"is masterpiece in a 1231F s"eet o' $a3ed paper* let sit 9 minutes* t"en micro$a)e on "i!" about 19 seconds* still $rapped2 F2 En4oy a $onder'ul ,cRib: Sand$ic"A mportant 1otes: T"is is "o$ $e did it Bbac+ t"enB2 Ho$e)er* bac+ t"en $e also 4ust used 8ullseye: brand barbecue sauce2 #ori!inal 'la)or% Gou mi!"t consider t"is option2 Also(((t"is "a)in! ne)er been an Bo''icialB ,c-onald.s: sand$ic"* di''erent 'ranc"ise operators may "a)e prepared it a little di''erently2 ;i+e puttin! t"e onions on t"e cro$n side* or not puttin! pic+les on it2 ,aybe t"ey put sauce on bot" sides2222etc222etc222Kust customi?e it to t"e $ay G/U remember it2 W 8ac+ to t"e ,c,enu X

McDo(al)"s O'IGI A! Milkshakes1

T"e mil+s"a+es $ere c"an!ed in t"e early @H.s to reduce t"e 'at content and calories2 T"ese ,c-onald.s s"a+es are "o$ t"ey tasted 'rom t"e 9H.s t"rou!" t"e MH.s2 8ac+ t"en t"e stra$ $ould sometimes collapse because t"e s"a+es $ere so t"ic+2 E1K/GA ,c-onald.s ,il+s"a+es SPEC A; T//;S: su!!est !ettin! an Hamilton 8eac" -R 10(,ASTER2 t is a consumer )ersion o' t"e multi(mi3er.s Ray 0roc used to sell to t"e ,c-onald brot"ers2 #or222 a blender $or+s /202% >anilla S"a+e 2 cups )anilla ice cream 1 cup $"ole mil+ 1/& cup "al' [ "al' 5 tablespoons su!ar 1/@ teaspoon )anilla e3tract

C"ocolate S"a+e 2 cups )anilla ice cream 1 cup $"ole mil+ 1/& cup "al' [ "al' 2S tablespoons c"ocolate 'la)or 1estle 7ui+ Po$der

Stra$berry S"a+e 2 cups )anilla ice cream 1 cup $"ole mil+ 1/& cup "al' [ "al' 5 tablespoons stra$berry 'la)or 1estle 7ui+ Po$der

S"amroc+C S"a+e 2 cups )anilla ice cream 1 cup mil+ 1/& cup "al' and "al' 1/& teaspoon , 1T e3tract #not peppermint% @ drops !reen 'ood colorin!

12 Combine "al' o' t"e in!redients 'or t"e s"a+e 'la)or o' your c"oice in a t"e sil)er cup t"at comes in t"e -R 10,ASTER* and mi3 on "i!" speed until smoot"2 Pour into a cup2 Repeat 'or s"a+e O22 /r use a blender and mi3 all in!redients on "i!" speed until smoot"2 Stop blender* stir and blend a!ain* i' necessary to combine in!redients2 22 Pour into t$o 12(ounce cups2 Ser)es 22

2uarter 3ou()er I G'%DI% TS4

1GRE- E1TS: 1 (Topp.s 1/& lb 'ro?en bee' patty 1 (sesame seed bun 1 (Tablespoon 'res" onion222diced mustard* +etc"up 2 (HE 1= "ambur!er slices #pic+les% 2 (slices real American c"eese #optional% ,c-onald.s Hambur!er Seasonin! 8EE6 PATTG A;TER1AT >E: ' you can.t 'ind ToppsC 1/& pound patties* use one pound !round c"uc+* di)ide into & eDual pieces* and 'orm t"e patties about 9B diameter and 1/&B t"ic+2 -o t"is on $a3 paper* and 'ree?e until needed2 Coo+in! your 7uarter PounderC Pre("eat an electric !rill to &HH de!rees2 # ' coo+in! more t"an one222also pre("eat an electric !rill 'or toastin! t"e sesame seed buns%;ay t"e bee' 'ro?en patty on t"e !rill* and a'ter about 2H seconds* BsearB it2 Sear a little "arder and a little lon!er t"an $it" re!ular "ambur!ers2Gou s"ould apply "ea)y pressure 'or F(@ seconds2 Sprin+le liberally $it" ,c-.s Hambur!er Seasonin!2#see re!ular bur!ers to ma+e t"at% About 2S(5 minutes a'ter searin!* turn2 8e care'ul not to tear t"e sear you 4ust created2 Add anot"er das" Seasonin!2 ;ay t"e cro$n o' t"e bun 'acedo$n on an unused* clean portion o' t"e !rill2 t $ill toast )ery Duic+ly* so mo)e it around in a circular motion to pre)ent burnin!2 A'ter about 5H seconds t"e bun $ill be toasted enou!"2 Remo)e to dress* and lay t"e "eel 'acedo$n to t"e same spot on t"e !rill2 # ' coo+in! more t"an one* 'ollo$ t"e bun toastin! instructions 'or t"e re!ular "ambur!er2% -RESS 1G THE 8U1: Put 'i)e B+issesB o' mustard around t"e toasted cro$n about 1/2 inc" 'rom t"e ed!e* eDually spaced2 T"en put 'i)e sDuirts o' +etc"up in t"e pattern o' a 'i)e on dice and t"e si?e o' a nic+le on t"e toasted bun2 #,a+e t"e center one t"e si?e o' a Duarter2% Add about a tablespoon o' 'res"ly c"opped $"ite onion* and t"e t$o pic+le slices* e)enly spaced2 ' ma+in! a 7uarter(Pounder $it" C"eeseC* lay one slice o' real American c"eese on top o' t"e condiments2,ost c"eese slices are sli!"tly too bi!* so cut or tear o'' about 1/& inc"* ma+in! a sli!"t rectan!le2 8y no$222your meat s"ould be done2 #about 2S(5 more minutes a'ter turnin!% Smas" t"e bee' patty $it" t"e spatula to BsDuee?eB out e3cess 'at* t"en remo)e2 Smas" it a!ain bet$een t"e spatula and your 'ree "and to addtionally drain t"e 'at2 ;ay it on top o' your dressed cro$n and add t"e toasted "eel2 # ' ma+in! a 7uarter(Pounder $it" C"eeseC* lay anot"er slice o' real American c"eese on top o' t"e patty be'ore addin! t"e "eel2 Position t"e corners o'' ali!nment $it" t"e ot"er c"eese slice% <rap it in a pre(cut 12312 s"eet o' $a3ed paper and eit"er micro$a)e it 'or 19 seconds* or allo$ it to be B$armedB in your pre("eated #lo$est settin!% o)en 'or @(1H minutes2 #or use t"e alternate B7(in!B met"od% E1K/GAAA

Top Secret Recipes )ersion o' ,c-onald.s S$eet [ Sour -ippin! Sauce by Todd <ilbur
T"is is a clone o' one o' t"e sauces t"at you can !et $it" your order o' ,c1u!!ets at t"e $orld.s lar!est "ambur!er outlet2 1o$* instead o' "oardin! t"ose little !reen pac+s 'rom t"e 'ast 'ood c"ain* you can ma+e up a batc" o' your o$n to use as a dip 'or store(bou!"t nu!!ets* c"ic+en 'in!ers* 'ried s"rimp* tempura or as a sauce 'or a s$eet and sour dis" t"at includes pineapple* bell pepper* onion* and sautLed c"ic+en or por+2 t.s a simple recipe t"at reDuires a 'ood processor or a blender* and t"e sauce $ill +eep $ell 'or some time in t"e 'rid!e2 1/& cup peac" preser)es 1/& cup apricot preser)es 2 tablespoons li!"t corn syrup 9 teaspoons $"ite )ine!ar 1 1/2 teaspoons corn starc" 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce 1/2 teaspoon yello$ mustard 1/& teaspoon salt 1/@ teaspoon !arlic po$der 2 tablespoons $ater 12 Combine all in!redients e3cept t"e $ater in a 'ood processor or a blender and puree until t"e mi3ture is smoot"2 22 Pour mi3ture into a small saucepan o)er medium "eat2 Add $ater* stir* and brin! mi3ture to a boil2 Allo$ it to boil 'or 'i)e minutes* stirrin! o'ten2 <"en t"e sauce "as t"ic+ened* remo)e it 'rom t"e "eat and let it cool2 Store sauce in a co)ered container in t"e re'ri!erator2 #"ttp://$$$2topsecretrecipes2com% ,a+es about 5/& cup2

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