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1) Neophytes (Noun): Someone new to a subject or an activity
2) Assiduously (Adverb): Done with great care and perseverance
3) Punctual (Adjective): Happening or doing something at the agreed or proper
4) Tardy (Adjective): Delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time;

1. Interlocution (Noun): A discussion or conversation on something before the
final decision
2. Flying high (Phrase): Very happy
3. Pumped up (Phrase): Very excited
4. Fool’s paradise (Phrase): A situation when someone is happy because they
are ignoring a problem
5. Be down in dumps (Phrase): To feel unhappy or without hope
6. Be at the end of the rope (Phrase): To feel very upset because you are no
longer able to deal with a difficult situation
7. Dog with a bone (British Phrase): To refuse to stop talking or thinking about
something. To not give up.
8. Disheveled (Verb): Untidy. Synonyms: Disordered.
9. Repulsive (Adjective): Arousing intense disgust
10.Audacious (Adjective): Showing boldness. Sometimes, also used in showing
lack of respect.
11.Ominous (Adjective): Threateningly inauspicious.
12.Paradigm (Noun): Example of a pattern. Synonym: Exemplar, illustration.
13.The Apathetic citizens (Phrase): Indifferent, uninterested or uninvolved
14.Nostalgic: Wistful affection, usually for the good old days
15.Sneer: Mocking smile
16.Vain: Very arrogant or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s
17.Assert: Insist
18.Reiterate: Insist
19.Exhilaration: Happiness
20.Euphoria: Happiness
21.Melancholy: Sadness
22.Made an unequivocal statement: Clear and forthright statement
23.Pensive: Engaging, involving thoughts
24.Reluctant: Unwilling or hesitant

1. Bildungsroman (Noun): A literary genre that focuses on psychological and
moral growth of the protagonist from childhood to adulthood. Character
development is the primary focus of this genre.
2. Black mood (Phrase): A very unhappy feeling
3. Drive up to the wall (Phrase)
4. Have/Get/Feel butterflies in stomach (Phrase)
5. Afraid of your own shadow (Phrase)
6. Petrified of
7. Feel out of it
8. Puzzle over: Think over
9. Ambivalent about

1. Resurgence (Noun):
2. Crimp (Verb):
3. Strictures (Noun):
4. Tailed off (Idiot/Phrasal verb):
5. Albeit (Conjunction):
6. Rapporteur (Noun):

1. Emeritus (Adjective):
2. Imprint (Noun):
3. Proverbial (Adjective):
4. Mitigate (Verb):
5. Bias (Noun):
6. Dogmatic (Adjective):
7. Pertain (Intransitive Verb):
8. Feckless (Adjective):
9. Recurrent (Adjective):
10.Conform (Intransitive Verb):
11.Complex constellation of responses (Phrase):
12.Going all out (Phrase):
13.Gather dust (Phrase):
14.Sands of time (Phrase):
18.Hellacious (Adjective): Exceptionally powerful or violent; remarkably good;
extremely difficult; extraordinarily large
19.Fast fashion (Noun): An approach to the design, creation and marketing of
clothing fashions that emphasizes making fashion trends quickly and
cheaply available to consumers
20.Hygge (Noun): A cozy quality that makes a person feel content and
21.Long hauler (Noun): To refer to someone experiencing the after-effects of
any serious illness. Also, used for long journeys.

No new words shared

1. Venerable
2. Contrived
3. Barbarous
4. Snatched
5. Dispel
6. Bewildered
7. Flabbergasted
8. Boast
9. Facile
15.Indigenous (Adjective)
16.Vernacular (Noun)
17.Continually (Adverb)
18.Nuanced (Adjective)
19.Intangible (Adjective)

1. Monopoly (Noun)
2. Excubation (Noun/Obsolete)
3. Exuberant (Adjective)

Assignment of Sunday task

1. Synergy (Noun): The interaction or cooperation of two or more
organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect
2. Devaluation (Noun): The reduction or underestimation of the worth or
importance of something.
3. Deteriorate (Verb): Become progressively worse
4. Proficiency (Noun): Expertise; A high degree of skill
5. Stave off (Adverb): To ward off

No new words shared

1. Avocados
2. Blueberries
3. Broccoli
4. Dark Chocolate
5. Eggs
6. Green Leafy Vegetables
7. Salmon, Sardines, Caviar
8. Turmeric
9. Walnuts

Sunday task: Varshneya=done

Introduction of 2 new members
Reassignment of Sunday Task (3 days)

1. Shunting (Verb): Direct or divert to a less important place or position.
2. Accede (Verb/Formal): Agree to a demand, request or treaty. May also refer
to assuming a position in an office or organization.
3. Proliferation (Noun): Rapid increase in the number or amount of something
4. Disarmament (Noun): Reduction or withdrawal of military forces and
weapons. Also called demobilization, decommissioning, demilitarization etc
5. Confederacy (Noun): A league or alliance, especially of confederate states.
Also called federation, consortium, coalition, conglomerate, syndicate etc

1. Ratification (Noun): A formal declaration of agreement to a treaty etc.
2. Safeguard (Noun): Something that serves as a guard or protection; a defense.
3. Biennial (Adjective): Happening every two years or Lasting for two years
4. Multilateral (Noun): (politics) A group with representatives from three or
more parties or nations Or
5. Multilateral (Adjective): Having many sides or points of view.
6. Convention (Noun): A formal meeting or gathering.
7. Contend (Verb): To be in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute; to
8. Salient (Adjective): Relevant or Pertinent
9. Endorse (Verb): To express support or approval, especially officially or
10.Endorse (Verb): To write one's signature on the back of a cheque, or other
negotiable instrument, when transferring it to a third party, or cashing it.
11. Interim (Adjective): Transitional.
12.Cornerstone (Noun): (figuratively) That which is prominent, fundamental,
noteworthy, or central.

No new words shared
Yash completed the Sunday assignment

1. Deliberation (Noun): Careful discussion and examination of the reasons for
and against a measure.
2. Amendment (Noun): (especially, US) An addition to and/or alteration to the
3. Prophetic (Adjective): Relating to a prophecy or a prophet
4. Vehement (Adjective): Showing strong feelings; passionate; forceful or
5. Salvation (Noun): (religion) The process of being saved, the state of having
been saved.
6. Subprime (Adjective): Less than prime; inferior Or
7. Subprime (the US, banking, now worldwide): Designating a loan (typically
at a greater than usual rate of interest) offered to a borrower who is not
qualified for other loans (for example, because of poor credit history).
8. Mortgage (Transitive Verb): To pledge a property, an estate or a shop to
obtain a loan for another purpose by giving away the right of seizure to the
lender over the fixed property.
9. Clandestine (Adjective): Done or kept in secret, sometimes to conceal an
illicit or improper purpose. Synonyms: covert, furtive, hush-hush, secret,
secretive, undercover,
10.Stagger (Verb): Sway unsteadily, reel, or totter.
11.Fanatic (Noun): A person who is zealously enthusiastic for some cause,
especially in religion.
Introduction of a new member

1. Munificence (Noun): The quality or action of being extremely generous.
2. Languorous (Adjective): Characterized by tiredness or inactivity, especially
of a pleasurable kind.
3. Contraption (Noun): A machine or device that appears strange or
unnecessarily complicated, and often badly made or unsafe.
4. Uncouth (Adjective): Lacking good manners, refinement, or grace.
5. Acquiescence (Noun): The reluctant acceptance of something without
6. Tonsure (Verb): Shave the hair on top of (a monk's or priest's head)
7. Supercilious (Adjective): Behaving or looking as though one thinks one is
superior to others.
8. Gubernatorial (Adjective): Relating to a governor, particularly that of a state
in the US.
9. Befuddle (Verb): Make (someone) unable to think clearly.
10.Cravat (Noun): A short, wide strip of fabric worn by men around the neck
and tucked inside an open-necked shirt
11.Formidable (Adjective): Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively
large, powerful, intense, or capable.
12.Smack (Noun): A sharp slap or blow, typically one given with the palm of
the hand.
13. Gurgle (Verb): Make a hollow bubbling sound like that made by water
running out of a bottle.
14.Melancholy (Noun): A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious
15.Statutory (Adjective): Required, permitted, or enacted by statute. It can also
be stated as having come to be required or expected through being done or
made regularly.
16.Disruption (Noun): An interruption in the usual way that a system, process,
or event works.
17.Weighed In (Phrasal Verb): Make a forceful contribution to a competition or
18.Counting On (Phrasal Verb): To expect something to happen and make plans
based on it.
19.Expatriates (Noun): A person who lives outside their native country.
20.Bellwether (Noun): An indicator of trends.
21.Fortuitously (Adverb): By chance rather than intention.
22.Wrap Up (Phrasal Verb)-to complete something successfully or to finish
doing something.
23.Pared Down (Phrasal Verb): With no unnecessary features or reduced to a
very simple form.
24.Put Off (Phrasal Verb): Postpone something.
25.Staggered (Adjective): Very shocked or surprised.
26.Futile (Adjective): Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
27.Ramification: A complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.
28.Plunge: Jump or dive quickly and energetically.
29.Inherent (Adjective): Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or
characteristic attribute.
30.NUDIUSTERTIAN: The day before yesterday)
31.Ephemeral (Adjective): Lasting a very short time
32. Ersatz (Adjective): Serving as a substitute
33. Finagle (Adjective): To cheat a person
34.Festooned (Noun): A string or chain of flowers, foliage, ribbon, etc.,
suspended in a curve between two points
Almost all members gave new words and completed the Sunday Task
Assignment of new Sunday Task

1. Moratorium (Noun): A temporary prohibition of an activity.
2. Summit (Noun): A meeting between heads of government.
3. Tepid (Adjective): Showing little enthusiasm
4. Battalion (Noun): A large body of troops ready for battle, especially an
infantry unit forming part of a brigade.
5. Cessation (Noun): The fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.
6. Referendum (Noun): A general vote by the electorate on a single political
question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. Synonyms:
Poll, ballot, plebiscite
7. Sanction (Noun): A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. Also
used as official permission or approval for an action.
8. Skirmish (Verb): An episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting,
especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets. Synonyms:
Scrimmage, tussle, fray, confrontation
9. Invasion (Noun): The instance of occupying a country or region with an
armed force.
10.Peninsula (Noun): A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting
out into a body of water.

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