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What are some of the most peculiar words you've come across?

1. Nillionaire- Someone having little to no money.

2. Dysania- The state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
3. Petrichor- The way it smells outside after rain.
4. Overmorrow- The day after tomorrow.
5. Lalochezia- Emotional relief gained by using vulgar language.
6. Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of number 13.
7. Pluviophile- Lover of the rain.
8. Nyctophilia- Love for the dark.
9. Technocamping- Vacation from digital technology.
10. Eccedentesiast- Someone who only pretends to smile.
11. Defenestration- Throwing a person out of the window.
12. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia- The fear of long words.
13. Lethologica- The state of not being able to remember a specific word.
14. Chionophile- A person who loves cold weather, snow.
Here are 35 most important English words:

15. sublime = perfect

16. resolute = determined
17. adept = skillful
18. intrepid = fearless
19. robust = strong
20. bashful = shy
21. trivial = insignificant
22. inane = pointless
23. rudimentary = basic
24. transient = temporary
25. gregarious = sociable
26. superfluous = unnecessary
27. perfidious = disloyal
28. lugubrious = mournful
29. avaricious = greedy
30. scrupulous = diligent
31. credulous = gullible
32. supercilious = arrogant
33. loquacious = talkative
34. innocuous = harmless
35. amity = friendship
36. propensity = tendency
37. veracity = truthfulness
38. profusion = abundance
39. hyperbole = exaggeration
40. expedite = to quicken
41. mollify = to soothe
42. embellish = to decorate
43. reiterate = to repeat
44. elucidate = to explain
45. retain = to keep
46. abscond = to escape
47. eschew = to avoid
48. repudiate = to reject
49. extol = to praise

1. Box tent- The table in middle of pizza box

2. Petrichor- A pleasant smell accompanying the first rain

3. Barm- The foam on beer

4. Overmorrow- The day after tomorrow

5. Vocable- The na na na's and la la la's in song Lyrics that don't have any meaning

6. Interrobang- When you combine a question mark with exclamation mark

7. Aglet- The plastic coating on shoe lace

8. Cornicione- The outer part of crust on pizza

9. Octothorpe- Pound button on phone

10. Punt- The bottom of wine bottle

11. Nurdle- A tiny dab of toothpaste

12. Lemniscate- The infinity symbol

13. Dysania- The state of finding it hard to get out of bed in morning

14. Collywobbles- The feeling of having butterflies in our stomach

15. Muntin- The strip seperating window panes

16. Crapulence- That sick feeling you get after over eating or drinking

17. Aphthongs- The silent letters

18. Philtrum- The vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of upper lip

19. Phosphenes- The colors and stars you see when you rub your eyes

20. Apodyopsis- The act of mentally undressing someone

1. Apprehension (noun): Fear of something

2. Subtle (adjective): A slow change
3. Fuming (verb): angry
4. Hypocritical (adjective): to say something and behave differently
5. Relegate (verb): Assign (to a lower position)
6. Inquisitive (adjective): Eager for knowledge
7. Stroll (verb): walk in a leisurely way
8. Finery (noun): Beautiful clothes for a special occasion
9. Incubus (noun): A cause of difficulty
10. Mutinous (adjective): Refusing to obey the orders of a person in authority
11. Get with it (phrasal verb): Understand
12. Contempt (noun): lack of respect accompanied by intense dislike
13. Grovel (verb): crawling mostly for apology
14. Solemnity (noun): behaving seriously
15. Omniscient (adjective): having or seeming to have unlimited knowledge
16. Bevy (noun): A large group of people especially women or girls, similar things
17. Cut the mustard (phrase): meeting expectation
18. All Greek to me (phrase): Difficult to understand due to its complexity
19. Ameliorate (verb): Improve
20. Deem (verb): To believe or consider something in a particular way
21. Impetuous (adjective): Violent, Hasty, Rash
22. Dossier (noun): A collection of documents about a person, event or subject.
23. Scrumptious (adjective): extremely appetizing or delicious, very attractive
24. Induratize (verb): to harden the heart
25. Retort (verb): say something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or
witty manner.
26. Assent : The expression of approval or agreement
27. Exalt (verb): Think or speak very highly of someone or something
28. Avocation (noun): Secondary or minor occupation or hobby.
29. Importune (verb): beg persistently, make repeated requests
30. Expatiate (verb): Speak or write in detail about
31. Ceaseless (adjective): Constant and unending
32. Ebullient (adjective): Cheerful and full of energy
33. Gusto (noun): Enthusiasm and enjoyment in doing something
34. Poseur (noun): a person who behaves affectedly in order to impress others.
35. Fickle (adjective): Changing frequently especially regarding one’s loyalties or
36. Humdrum (adjective): boringly monotonous, lacking variety
37. Aspirant (noun): Someone who wants to achieve something
38. Wheedle (verb): Try persuading someone to do something
39. Uncanny (adjective): Strange or mysterious, Difficult or impossible to explain
40. Construe (verb): Interpret in a particular way
41. Coercive (adjective): relating to or using force or threats
42. Mettle (noun): Courage, to continue bravely in spite of difficulties
43. Flighty (adjective): Not responsible and likely to change activities
44. Apocryphal (adjective): Of doubtful Authenticity, although widely circulated as
being true.

45. Baffle (verb): Confused, puzzled, difficult to understand or explain
46. Rakish (adjective): carefree unconventional way, confidently careless and informal
47. Venial (adjective): Slight or pardonable, forgivable sins
48. Fawning (adjective): Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection
49. Pre-eminent (adjective): Outstanding, superior, more important or powerful
50. Umbrage (noun): To feel upset or annoyed usually because someone has been rude
or shown no respect for you
51. Censorious (Adjective): Often criticizing other people
52. Insipid (adjective): Lacking flavor, weak or tasteless
53. Palatable (adjective): Pleasant to taste, satisfactory or acceptable
54. Turn tail (phrase): Turn around and run away
55. Reverent (adjective): Showing great respect and admiration
56. Swindle (verb): use deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions.
57. Dauntless (Adjective): Showing fearlessness and determination
58. Knackered (adjective): Exhausted, very tired
59. Logy (adjective): Lacking physical or mental energy
60. Natter (verb): talk casually, especially on unimportant matters; chat
61. Nimble (Adjective): Quick and exact either in movements or thoughts
62. Dross (noun): Something regarded as worthless, rubbish
63. Diligence (noun): careful and persistent work or effort
64. Gingerly (Adverb): In a careful or cautious manner
65. Swimmingly (Adverb): Smoothly and satisfactorily
66. Middling (adjective): Moderate or average in size, amount or rank
67. Maverick (Noun): A person who thinks and acts in an independent way often
behaving differently from the expected or usual way
68. Nefarious (Adjective): Extremely wicked or villainous
69. Ratify (Verb): To confirm by expressing concern, approval or formal sanction
70. Dabble (verb): immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them
around gently. Take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

71. Feisty (adjective): (of a person, typically one who is relatively small) lively,
determined, and courageous.
72. Vandalize (verb): Deliberately destroy or damage (public or private property)
73. Cupidity (noun): Greed for money or possessions
74. Peruse (verb): read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way
75. Din (noun): A loud unpleasant and prolonged noise.
76. Impede (verb): delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them;
77. Adept (adjective): very skilled or proficient at something
78. Deplore (verb): Feel or Express strong condemnation of something
79. Indulgent (adjective): having or indicating a readiness or over-readiness to be
generous to or lenient with someone.
80. Fuddle (verb): To confuse someone, Make them unable to think clearly(typically
using alcohol)
81. Pallid (adjective): Very pale in a way that looks unhealthy and not attractive
(typically because of poor health).
82. Hipster (noun): a person who follows the latest trends and fashions, especially those
regarded as being outside the cultural mainstream.
83. Laconic (Adjective): (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.
84. Skerrick (noun): the smallest bit
85. Overt (adjective): Done or shown openly
86. Incognito (adverb): Avoiding being recognized by changing your name or
87. Slipshod (adjective): (Especially a piece of work) showing little care effort or
88. Chaff (verb) : Tease
89. Audacious (adjective): showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
90. Abstain (verb): restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something.

What is the most useful word in English?

I did say, ‘very’, as it helps many to communicate without an awful lot of vocabulary in their

The following should serve as good examples-

1. very afraid = terrified

2. very bad = atrocious
3. very angry = furious
4. very bright = dazzling
5. very cold = freezing
6. very lively = vivacious
7. very loved = adored
8. very roomy = spacious
9. very tasty =delicious
10.very tired = exhausted
11.very wise = sagacious
12.very wet= soaked
13.very worried = anxious

But wouldn’t it be better if you stop using the word, ‘very’, except for them times when you
are not sure and could do without the embarrassment.

What are must-know words of modern English vocabulary?

Aptitude: A natural ability or skill.

My son has little/no aptitude for sport.

 Banish: To send someone away from their country and not allow them to come back.
They were banished from the library for making a noise.

 Bluff: frighten someone by pretending to be stronger than one is

He’ not going to do anything. He’s just bluffing.

 Commotion: A sudden, short period of noise, confusion or excited movement

His arrival caused quite a commotion.

 Contortion: To twist or bend violently and unnaturally into a different shape

His face contorted with bitterness and rage.

 Defiance: open resistance; bold disobedience.

An act of defiance.

 Eavesdrop: To listen to someone’s private conversation, without them knowing

He was eavesdropping on our conversation.

 Falter: To lose strength or purpose and stop.

His friends never faltered in their belief in her.

 Hasten: To make something happen faster.

Poor medical treatment really hastened his death.

 Illuminate: Make free from confusion or ambiguity.

This article illuminates the issue at stake
What are some commonly mispronounced words?
1. Tier : It’s Teeyar not Tyre

2. Debt : It’s Det not Debt, b is silent

3. Mortgage : It’s Morgage not Mortgage
4. Bowl : It’s Bohl not Baaool
5. Pizza : It’s Pitzaa not Pizza
6. Comb : It’s Kom not Komb, b is silent
7. Bury : It’s Beri not Bari
8. Breakfast : It’s Breakfst (Brekfst) not Brekfaast
9. Receipt : It’s Reecit not Reecipt
10. Wednesday : It’s Wenzday not Wednasday
11. Elite : It’s ileet not ilayeet
12. Dessert : It’s Deezart not Dezart (which we eat post meal)
13. Coupon : It’s Koopawn not Koopan
14. Tuition : Tyuwishan not Tyushan
15. Police : It’s Puhlis not Polis
16. Comment : It’s Kawmment not Kamment
17. Cache : It’s Kash (Cash) not Kashe
18. Meme : It’s Mim not May-may
19. Subtle : It’s Satal not Sabtal, b is silent
20. Epitome : It’s ipitamee not ipitom
21. Pronunciation : It’s Prananciation not Pronounciation
22. Nestle : It’s Nesalee not Nesale

23. Nike : It’s Naaikee not Naik
24. Adobe : It’s Adobee not Adobe
25. Etc : It’s Etcetra not Ekcetra
26. Suite : It’s Sweet not Sut
27. Infamous : It’s infa’mas not infemas
28. Tomb : It’s Toom not Tomb

Here’s my list of useful words:

 Pivotal role – when you want to describe something or someone playing a central role
in the process.
 Obnoxious behavior – this word is used to described something extremely unpleasant.
 Detrimental effect – a bad, negative effect.
 Evoke emotions – when something makes us feel a certain way.
 Gravitate towards – you can use it when talking about your future plans and
explaining what you are most likely to do – in other words, what attracts you, what
you are gravitating towards.
 Dispel a stereotype – dispelling a stereotype means to prove that a certain belief is
 Don’t exert yourself too much – don’t put too much pressure on yourself, don’t work
too hard.
 Unsolicited advice – advice that hasn’t been asked for.
 He’s adamant that… – he insists that…
 Unilateral decision – decision made by only one person or group of people without
taking others’ opinion into consideration.

50 Simple English Words with Meaning and Sentences

Here is the list of simple meanings and are used in daily lives, some of them are as

1. Account – an arrangement with a bank to keep your money there and allow you to take it
out when you need to.
2. Air – the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and that we breathe.
3. Amount – a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted.
4. Animal – something that lives and moves, but is not a human, bird, insect, or fish.
5. Answer – the receipt and response to a letter, question, or phone call.
6. Approval – the feeling of having a positive opinion of someone or something.
7. Art – the activity of making objects, drawings, music, paintings, sculptures, etc that are
beautiful or that express feeling.
8. Attack – to try to hurt or defeat (mainly referred to as physical violence but can also be
used to describe verbal or emotional outbursts).
9. Attention – notice, thought or interest.
10. Back – (adverb) in return, into, towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time;
(noun) the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from your shoulder to your
11. Base – the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of something.
12. Behaviour – the way that someone behaves.
13. Belief – the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true, something that you
14. Birth – the time when a young baby or young animal comes out of its mother’s body.
15. Blood – the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart.
16. Blow – to move and make currents of air, or to make a sound by forcing air out of your
17. Body – the whole physical structure that forms a person or animal.
18. Bread – a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked.
19. Breath – the air that goes into and out of your lungs.
20. Brother – a man or boy with the same parents as another person.
21. Building – a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or a factory.
22. Burn – to be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire or extreme heat, or to cause this to
23. Business – the activity of buying and selling goods and services.

24. Butter – a pale yellow food containing a lot of fat that is made from cream, usually spread
on bread or used in cooking.
25. Care – the process of protecting someone or something, and providing what they need.
26. Cause – the reason why something, especially something bad, happens.
27. Chance – an occasion that allows something to be done.
28. Change – to exchange one thing for another thing, or to make or become different.
29. Cloth – a type of woven material, usually used in cleaning to remove dirt, dust, or liquid.
30. Color/Colour – red, blue, green, yellow, red, orange, etc.
31. Comfort – a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain.
32. Company – and organization that sells goods or services in order to make money.
33. Comparison – the act of comparing two or more people or things.
34. Competition – a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be more
successful than someone else.
35. Connection – the state of being related to someone or something.
36. Cook – (verb) when you prepare food to be eaten by heating it until it is ready, or (noun) a
person who prepares and cooks food.
37. Country – An area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
38. Cover – to put or spread something over something, or to lie on the surface of something.
39. Credit – praise, approval, or honor.
40. Cry – to produce tears as the result of strong emotion, such as sadness, fear, happiness, or
41. Current – of the present time.
42. Damage – to harm or spoil something.
43. Danger – the possibility of harm or death to someone.
44. Daughter – your female child.
45. Day – a period of 24 hours.
46. Death – the end of life.
47. Decision – a choice that you make about something after thinking about all the possible
48. Detail – a single piece of information or fact about something.

49. Development – the process in which someone or something grows or changes and
becomes more advanced.
50. Direction – the position towards which someone or something moves or faces.


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