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Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2


1. Accomplish (v.) ‫ُينِج ز‬ to finish something successfully or to achieve something

2. Actually (adv.) ‫في الَح قيَقة‬ in fact or really
3. Ambassador (n.) ‫سفير‬ an important official who lives in a foreign country to represent his or her own
country there, and who is officially accepted in this position by that country
4. Annual (adj.) ‫سنويا‬ happening once every year, or relating to a period of one year
5. Attend (v. ‫يحضر‬ to go to an event, place, etc.
6. Bake (v.) ‫ُ َيْخ ِبز‬ to cook inside a cooker, without using added liquid or fat
7. Banking (n.) ‫أْعمال َم صِرفّية‬ the business of operating a bank
8. Bargain (n.) ‫َص ْفقة‬ sth on sale at a lower price than its true value
9. be in touch ‫كن على اتصال‬ to communicate or continue to communicate with sb by using a telephone or writing
10. Boarding school (n.) ‫ مدرسة‬a school where students live and study
11. Boil (v.) ‫يغلي‬ to heat a container until the liquid in it starts to turn into a gas
12. Broadcaster (n.) ‫ُم ذيع‬ someone whose job is to speak on radio or television programmes
13. Budget (n.) ‫ميزاِنّية‬ a plan of how to spend some amount of money
14. Buzz (n.) a feeling of excitement, energy and pleasure
15. Butler (n.) ‫طنين‬ the most important male servant in a house sually responsible for organizing the
16. Cash flow (n.) ‫تدفق مالي‬ the amount of money moving into and out of a business
17. Cashier (n.) ‫أمين الصندوق‬ sb whose job is to receive or pay out money in a shop, bank, hotel etc.
18. Casserole (n.) ‫طبق خزفي‬ a dish made by cooking meat, vegetables or other foods in liquid inside a heavy
container at low heat
19. Catch up on (phrv.) ‫ ُيعّو ض‬to do something you did not have time to do earlier
‫ما فات‬
20. Challenging (adj.) ‫تحدي‬ difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination


1. Charity (n.) ‫ُم َؤ َّسَس ة‬ an organization that collects money to help people who are in need
‫َخ ْيرَّية‬
2. Charming (adj.) ‫فاِتن‬ pleasant and attractive

3. Cheque (n.) ‫شيك‬ a piece of paper printed by a bank that you sign and use to pay for things

4. Chop (v.) ‫ُيَقِّطع‬ to cut something such as food or wood into smaller pieces

5. Concentrate (v.) ‫يركز‬ to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2

6. Concerned (adj.) ‫َقِلق‬ worried

7. Conservative (adj.) often not liking or trusting change, especially sudden change
‫ َتقليدي‬/ ‫ُم حاِفظ‬
8. Convenient (adj.) ‫ُم الِئم‬ suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty
‫ ُم ناِس ب‬/
9. Cope (v.) ‫ ُيواِج ه‬/ to deal successfully with a difficult situation
10. Day off (n.)‫يوم عطلة‬ a day not at work; at home or on holiday
11. Decent (adj.) ‫ُم ْح َتَر م‬ socially acceptable or good
12. Deputy (n.) ‫نائب‬ a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person
13. Documentary (n.) a film, television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject
14. Drill (n.) ‫ِم ْثَقاب‬ a tool or machine which makes holes
15. Dutiful (adj.) ‫ُم طيع‬ doing everything that you should do
16. Duty (n.) ‫واجب‬ sth that you have to do because it is part of your job, or sth that you feel is the right thing to
17. Earn a living ‫َيْك َس ب‬ to receive money as payment for work that you do
‫ قوته‬-‫َعْيَشه‬
18. Earner (n.) ‫كاسب‬ someone or something that earns money
19. Eccentric (adj.) ‫غريب‬ strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way
20. Employee (n.) ‫موظف‬ someone who is paid to work for someone else


1. Engagement (n.) ‫خطوبة‬ an agreement to marry someone

2. Expand (v.) ‫يتوسع‬ become larger in size, number, or amount

3. Extensively (adv.) ‫على نطاق واسع‬ covering a large area; having a great range

4. Extravagantly (adv.) ‫بإسراف‬ spending too much money, or using too much of something

5. Ferry (n.) ‫عبارة‬ a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water

6. Fly by (v.) ‫يطير‬ to move or go quickly

7. Enormous (adj.) ‫ضخم‬ extremely large

8. Food processor (n.) ‫ِج هاز َكهربائي‬ an electric machine that cuts, slices and mixes food quickly
‫محضر الطعام‬

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2

9. Frustration (n.) ‫إحباط‬ the feeling of being annoyed, upset, because you cannot control or change a
10. Fry (v.) ‫َيْقلي‬ to cook food in hot oil or fat
11. Get away from (v.) ‫أبتعد عن‬ to go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to rest
12. Goods (pl n.) ‫البضائع‬ things for sale, or the things that you own
13. Handyman (n.) ‫عامل يدوي‬ a man who is skilled at repairing and making things inside or outside the house
and who does this in his own home or as a job
14. Hardware (n.) ‫أْج زاء الحاسوب‬ the physical and electronic parts of a computer, rather than the instructions it
15. Hard-working (adj.) ‫مجتهد‬ always doing a lot of work
16. Head of state (n.) ‫رئيس الدولة‬ the official leader of a country, often someone who has few or no real political
17. Heir (n.) ‫وريث‬ a person who will legally get money, property from another person
18. Helmet (n.) ‫خوذة‬ a strong hard hat that covers and protects the head
19. Herb (n.) ‫عشب‬ a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular
20. Host (v.) ‫يستضيف‬ to provide the space and other things necessary for a special event


1. huge (adj.) ‫ضخم‬ extremely large in size or amount

2. Housekeeper (n.) ‫َم دّبرة الَم نِزل‬ a person, whose job is to organize another person's house and deal with

3. Human resources (n.) ‫المصادر البشرية‬ the department of an organization that deals with finding new employees,
keeping records about all the organization's employees

4. Hunting (n.) ‫الصيد‬ chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport or profit

5. In charge ‫مكلف ب‬ being the person who has control of or is responsible for sb or sth

6. Include (v.) ‫يتضمن‬ to contain sth as a part of something else, or to make something part of
something else

7. inconvenience (adj.) ‫ ِإْز عاج‬/ ‫ُم ضاَيقة‬ trouble or difficulty that causes discomfort

8. Invoice (n.) ‫فاتورة‬ a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, for payment
at a later time

9. Involve (v.) ‫يتضمن‬ to include sb/sth in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2


10. Keep fit (v.) ‫يحافظ على لياقته‬ to do sports to stay healthy and strong

11. Land (v.) ‫يهبط‬ arrive at a place after moving down through the air

12. Laptop (n.) ‫كومبيوتر‬ a computer which is small enough to be carried around easily
13. Lavish (adj.) ‫سخي‬ more than enough, especially if expensive; very generous
14. Lifeguard (n.) ‫منقذ في السباحة‬ a person on a beach or at a swimming pool whose job is to save swimmers
if in danger
15. Lifetime (n.) ‫مدى الحياة‬ the period of time during which someone lives or something exists
16. Lively (adj.) ‫بنشاط‬ having/showing a lot of energy and enthusiasm, or showing interesting and
exciting thought
17. Madly (adv.) ‫ِبُج نون‬ with a lot of energy and enthusiasm
18. Maid (n.) ‫خاِد م ة‬ a woman who works as a servant in a hotel or in someone's home
19. Managing director (n.) ‫المدير العام‬ the person in charge of the way a company operates
20. Manufacture (v.) ‫َيْص َنع‬ to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines


1. Meditate (v.) ‫َيتأّم ل‬ to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity
2. Memo (n.) ‫ُم َذ ِّك رة‬ a message or other information in writing sent by one person or department to another
in the same business organization
3. Mild (adj.) ‫َخ فيف الَم ذاق‬ describes food or a food flavour that is not very strong
4. Minced meat (n.) ‫مفروم‬ meat cut up or ground into very small pieces
5. Mix (v.) ‫يخلط‬ to combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into its parts
6. Modernize (v.) ‫يحدث‬ to make something more modern
7. Monarch (n.) ‫ملك او ملكة‬ a king or queen
8. Negotiate (v.) ‫َيَتفاَو ض‬ to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them
9. Occupy (v.) ‫ يحتل‬-‫َيْش ِغ ل‬ to fill, exist in, or use a place or period of time
10. organic (adj.) ‫ َح َيوي‬/ ‫ُعْض وي‬ not using artificial chemicals in the growing of plants and animals for food/other
11. Payment (n.) ‫دفع‬ an amount of money paid
12. Peel (v.) ‫يقشر‬ to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables
13. Personnel (n.) ‫ طاِقم‬/ ‫أفراد‬ the people who are employed in a company, organization or one of the armed forces
14. Plant (v.) ‫يغرس‬ to put a plant into the ground or into a container of earth so that it will grow
15. Porter (n.) ‫حمال‬ a person whose job is to carry things, especially traveller's bags at stations, airports,

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2

16. Portray (v.) ‫يصور‬ to represent or describe someone or something in a painting, film, book or other
artistic work
17. Praise (v.) ‫يمدح‬ to express admiration/approval about the achievements or characteristics of a
18. Product (n.) ‫ينتج‬ sth that is made to be sold
19. Promote (v.) ‫ُيَر ّقي‬ to encourage the popularity, sale, development or existence of sth
20. Qualification (n.) ‫ُم َؤ ِّهل‬ skill or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or position


1. Racket (n.)‫مضرب‬ a net fixed tightly to an oval frame with a long handle, used in various sports for hitting
a ball
2. Reception (n.) ‫استقبال‬ the place in a hotel or office building where people go when they first arrive
3. Reckon (v.) ‫يعتقد‬ to think or believe
4. Recruit (v.) ‫اكتتب‬ to persuade sb to work for a company or become a new member of an organization

5. Redecorate (v.) ‫جدد الطالء‬ to paint the inside of a house or put paper on the inside walls again
6. Response (n.) ‫ َر ّدة‬/ ‫إجابة‬ an answer or reaction
‫ِفْع ل‬
7. Ridiculous (adj.) ‫َس خيف‬ stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
8. Riverside (n.) ‫األرض‬ the land along the edges of a river
‫المتاخمة للنهر‬
9. Roast (v.) ‫َيْشوي‬ to cook food in an oven or over a fire
10. Sale (n.) ‫َتْخ فيضات‬ an occasion when goods are sold at a lower price than usual
11. Screwdriver (n.) ‫ِم َفّك َبراغي‬ a tool for turning screws
12. Serve an ace (v.) ‫بدأ اإلرسال‬ to hit the first ball in a tennis game
13. Service (v.) ‫فجص السيارة و‬ to examine a machine and repair any damaged parts
14. Squeeze (v.) ‫يعصر‬ to press sth firmly, especially from all sides in order to reduce its size or remove liquid
from it
15. Shift (n.) ‫َنْو بة َع َم ل‬ a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night
16. Shooting (n.) ‫إطالق النار‬ when bullets are shot from guns or other weapons
17. Situate (v.) ‫وضعه في مركز‬ to put in a particular position
18. Sketch (v.) ‫َيْر ُس م َر سًم ا‬ to make a sketch of something
‫َتْخ طيطًيا‬
19. Small talk (n.) ‫ُم حادثة َخ فيفة‬ conversation about things which are not important, often between strangers
20. State (n.) ‫دولة‬ a country or its government


1. stiff (adj.) ‫َص ْلب‬ firm or hard

Pr. Hama Cheikh/ Bellamach Pre-Intermediate Vocabulary Unit 2

2. Support (n.) ‫ َيساِند‬/ ‫ُيعاِو ن‬ agreement with and encouragement for an idea, group or person
3. Surfboard (n.) a long narrow board made of wood or plastic which is used for riding on waves
4. Sweat (v.) ‫يتعرق‬ to pass a salty colourless liquid through the skin because you are hot, ill or
5. Sweetheart (n.) ‫ َح بيب‬/ ‫َعزيز‬ a kind and generous person
6. Tackle (v.) ‫ َيَتعاَم ل َم َع‬/ ‫ُيعاِلج‬ to try to deal with something or someone
7. Tantrum (n.) ‫نوبة غضب‬ a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child's
8. Tax (n.) ‫ضريبة‬ money paid to the government, which is based on your income or the cost of goods
or services you have bought
9. Tell off (v.) ‫أنب – وبخ‬ to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong
10. Term-time (n.) ‫الفصل الدراسي‬ one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college or university
11. Throne (n.) ‫عرش‬ the special chair used by a rulei*Tespecially a king or queen
12. Trade (n.) ‫تجارة‬ the activity of buying and selling, or exchanging, goods/services between
13. Torch (n.) ‫ُشْع لة‬ a small light which is held in the hand and usually gets its power from batteries
14. Training (n.) ‫تدريب‬ the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
15. Understanding (n.) ‫تفاهم‬ a positive, honest, sympathetic relationship between two people or groups
16. Valet (n.) ‫منظف المالبس‬ someone in a hotel who cleans clothes
17. VIP (n.) ‫َش ْخ ِص ّية ُمِهّم ة ِج ًّد ا‬ a person who is treated better than ordinary people because they are
18. Weed (v.) ‫ُيزيل الَّنباتات الّض اّر ة‬ to remove wild plants from a place where they are not wanted
19. Weigh (v.) ‫يزن‬ to have a heaviness of a stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of an object
20. Well intentioned (adj.) ‫حسن‬ wanting to have good effects, but sometimes having bad effects which were not
‫النية‬ expected
21. Workforce (n.) ‫القوة العاِم لة‬ the group of people who work in a company, industry, country, etc.
22. Zoom (n.) ‫تكبير‬ a device in a camera that can make the thing being photographed appear nearer


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