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Vocabulary Definition Example Synonym

1.Rough not even or smooth, It was a rough Uneven

(adjective) often because of mountain road,
being in bad full of stones and
condition huge holes.

2. Abandon(verb) / To leave By the time the

somebody, rebel troops Throw away
especially arrived, the
somebody you are village had
responsible for, already been
with no intention of abandoned

3. Trading post A small place in an New York was

(noun)  area that is a long originally a Dutch
way from any town, trading post.
used as a centre for
buying and selling
/ˈtreɪdɪŋpəʊst/ goods (especially in
North America in
the past).

4.Permanently In a way that lasts Smoking is likely

(adverb) for a long time or to damage your Enduring
for all time in the health Constant
future; in a way that permanently
exists all the time.

5.Civilization Human society with Some people

(noun) its well developed think that nuclear
social war would mean
organizations, or the end of
the culture and way civilization
of life of a society
or country at a
particular period in

6. Trail ( noun) A long line or series The trail began to

of marks that is left steepen near the
/treɪl/ by sb/sth top of the hill

7. Deserted (of a place) with no The coastal

(adjective) people in it resorts are
deserted in

8. Jungle (noun) a tropical forest in The lion is often

which trees and called the king of
plants grow very the jungle. Tropical forest
closely together

9. Hollow Having a hole or If you tap on the

( adjective)   empty space inside. wall, you can
hear it is hollow

10. Dig ( verb)  To make a hole in Digging (in) the

the ground or to garden is good
/dɪɡ/   move soil from one exercise.
place to another
using your hands, a
tool or a machine.
11. waterfall water, especially I couldn't hear
(noun) from a river or what he was
stream, dropping saying over the
from a higher to a thunder of the
lower point, waterfall
sometimes from a
great height

12. Utensil (noun) a tool with a In the drawer was

particular use, a selection of
especially in a kitchen utensils -
kitchen or house spoons, spatulas,
knives, and
13. Desperate very serious or bad The situation is
(adjective) desperate - we
have no food,
very little water
and no medical

14. tough strong; not easily These toys are

(adjective) broken or made made from tough
weaker or defeated: plastic

15. regret (noun) a feeling of sadness The manager

about something expressed deep
/rɪˈɡret/ sad or wrong or regret at/for the
about a mistake that number of staff
you have made, and reductions.
a wish that it could Remorse
have been different Compunction
and better

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