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The Complete Vocabulary (Page No.12 Set-12)

Supercilious (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: घमंडी
English Meaning: Behaving as if you better that other people, arrogant
Usage: He spoke in haughty and supercilious voice.
Synonyms: Cavalier, haughty, imperious, lofty, peremptory,
pompous, pretentious

Cavalier (adj.)
not considering other people's feelings or safety:
Usage: That's a rather cavalier attitude.

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Haughty (adj.)
unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than
other people:
Usage: She has a rather haughty manner.
Imperious (adj.)
unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed:
Usage: She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
Lofty (adj.)
1st If you have a lofty way of behaving or talking, etc., you act as if
you think you are better than other people:
Usage: a lofty attitude
2nd high: a lofty ceiling/mountain/wall
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peremptory (adj.)
expecting to be obeyed immediately and without any questions:
Usage: He started issuing peremptory instructions.
Pompous (adj.)
feeling or showing that you think you are better or
more important than other people:
Usage: I regarded him as somewhat pompous and opinionated.
Pretentious (adj.)
trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are
Usage: pretentious restaurants

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Antonyms: Unpretentious, modest, lowly, demure, timid,
Lowly (adj.)
low in position and importance, or not respected:
Usage: He took a lowly job in an insurance firm.
Demure (adj.)
quiet and well behaved:
Usage: She gave him a demure smile.
Timid (adj.)
shy and nervous; without much confidence; easily frightened:
Usage: He is a timid child.
Usage: My dog is a little timid - especially around other dogs.
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Reconcile (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: समाधान करना
English Meaning: To reestablish something, restore friendly
Usage: It is difficult to reconcile such different points of view.

Synonyms: Coordinate, harmonize, conciliate, accommodate,

combine, integrate
Harmonize (verb)
to be suitable together, or to make different people, plans, situations,
etc. suitable for each other
Usage:The plan is to harmonize (= make similar) safety standards across all
the countries involved.

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Conciliate (verb)
to end a disagreement or someone's anger by acting in a friendly way
or slightly changing your opinions
Usage:These changes have been made in an attempt to conciliate critics of
the plan.
Accommodate (verb)
1st to provide with a place to live or to be stored in:
Usage:New students may be accommodated in halls of residence.
2nd to change yourself or your behaviour to suit another person or
new conditions:
Usage: Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the
new working conditions.
3rd to give what is needed to someone:
Usage:We certainly try to accommodate students with disabilities.
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Antonyms: Disharmonize, disrupt, estrange, alienate

Disrupt (verb)
to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event,
from continuing as usual or as expected:
Usage: Heavy snow disrupted travel into the city this morning.

Estrange (verb)
to cause someone to no longer have a friendly relationship with
another person or other people:
Usage: Her lifestyle estranged her from her parents.

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Ratify (verb)
Hindi Meaning: पष्ु टि करना
English Meaning: To make an agreement official or to officially
approve a decision or plan
Usage: The decision will have to be ratified by the executive
Synonyms: Approve, accredit, confirm, sanction, affirm, endorse,
Accredit (verb)
to officially recognize, accept, or approve of someone or something:
Usage: The agency was not accredited by the Philippine Consulate
to offer contracts to Filipinos abroad.

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Affirm (verb)
1st to state something as true:
Usage:The suspect affirmed (that) he had been at home all evening.
2nd to publicly show your support for an opinion or idea:
Usage:The government has affirmed its commitment to equal rights.
Endorse (verb)
to make a public statement of your approval or support for
something or someone:
Usage:The Council is expected to endorse the committee's recommendations.
Acknowledge (verb)
to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of
Usage: She acknowledged having been at fault.

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Antonyms: Deny, disallow, reject, decline, veto

Veto (noun)
an official power or right to refuse to accept or allow something:
The president has the power of veto over any bill that
comes across his desk.

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Iconoclast (noun)
Hindi Meaning: विरोध करने िाला
English:Meaning: a person who strongly opposes generally
accepted beliefs and traditions

Usage: The church is constantly under attack by iconoclasts.

Synonyms: Bohemian, deviant, heretic, maverick, individualist,

free spirit

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Bohemian (noun)
that ignores the usually accepted ways of behaving or a person who lives in a
very informal style that is different from the way most people live
deviant (adj.)
used to describe a person or behaviour that is not usual and is
generally considered to be unacceptable
heretic (noun)
someone who has an opinion that is opposite to or against
the official or popular opinion:
He complained that anyone
who challenges an assumption about global warming gets branded a heretic.

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Maverick (noun/adj.)
a person who thinks and acts in an independent way,
often behaving differently from the expected or usual way:
She is more maverick while I am slightly more conventional.

Antonyms: Adherent, supporter, conformist, follower

Adherent (noun)
a person who strongly supports a particular person, principle, or
set of ideas:
She has long been an adherent of the Communist Party.

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