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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”

September Editorial Definition: inciting or causing people to rebel against the

Editorial 01-09-2018 authority of a state or monarch.
1). Trenchant (Adjective) – तीव्र या प्रखर Synonyms: rabble-
Definition: vigorous or incisive in expression or style. rousing, inciting, agitating, fomenting, troublemaking,
Synonyms: provocative, inflammatory
incisive, cutting, pointed, piercing, penetrating, sharp, keen, Antonyms: obedience, clam, peace, submission.
acute, razor-sharp Usage: the letter was declared seditious
Antonyms: woolly, vague
Usage: the White Paper makes trenchant criticisms of 6). Incitement (Noun) -- भड़काव
health authorities Definition: the action of provoking unlawful behaviour or
urging someone to behave unlawfully.
2). Pertinent (Adjective) – संबंधधत Synonyms: egging on, urging, goading, spurring on,
Definition: relevant or applicable to a particular matter; motivation, persuasion, inducement
apposite. Antonyms: suppression, discouragement
Synonyms: relevant, to the Usage: this amounted to an incitement to commit murder
point, apposite, appropriate, suitable, fitting, fit, apt,
applicable, material, germane 7). Enunciated (Verb) -- ऄधभव्यक्त करना
Antonyms: irrelevant, inappropriate Definition: express (a proposition, theory, etc.) in clear or
Usage: she asked me a lot of very pertinent questions definite terms.
Synonyms: express, utter, state, give voice/expression
3). Innocuous (Adjective) -- ऄहाधनकर to, put into words
Definition: not harmful or offensive. Antonyms: ask, confine, leave alone, withhold.
Synonyms: harmless, safe, non-dangerous, non- Usage: a written document enunciating this policy
poisonous, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-injurious, innocent
Antonyms: harmful, obnoxious 8). Doldrums (Noun) – ईदासी
Usage: it was an innocuous question Definition: a state or period of stagnation or depression.
4). Stinging (Verb) -- झुकाव या ऄत्यधधक ऄधधभार होना depression, melancholy, gloom, gloominess, glumness,
Definition: swindle or exorbitantly overcharge (someone). downheartedness, dejection, despondency
Synonyms: swindle, defraud, cheat, fleece, gull Antonyms: happiness, busy, lively
Antonyms: aid, cure, heal, help. Usage: the mortgage market has been in the doldrums for
Usage: I had to buy some boxer shorts at the last minute three years
and got stung for £42.50
9). Intensified (Verb) -- तीव्र होना
5). Seditious (Adjective) -- राजद्रोही Definition: become or make more intense.

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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Synonyms: escalate, step Synonyms: pleasant, pleasing, to one's
up, boost, increase, raise, sharpen, strengthen, augment liking, agreeable, enjoyable,
Antonyms: lessen, abate pleasurable, nice, appealing, engaging
Usage: the dispute began to intensify Antonyms: disagreeable, incompatible
Usage: he went back to a climate more congenial to his cold
10). Carnage (Noun) -- नरसंहार stony soul
Definition: the killing of a large number of people.
Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, mass murder, mass 5). Pursuit (Noun) -- गधतधवधधयों
destruction, butchery, bloodbath, indiscriminate bloodshed Definition: an activity of a specified kind, especially a
Antonyms: peace, calm, calmness, restfulness, peace and recreational or sporting one.
quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness Synonyms: activity, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, leisure
Usage: the bombing was timed to cause as much carnage as interest, hobby, pastime, diversion, avocation
possible Antonyms: retreat, surrender.
Usage: a whole range of leisure pursuits
Editorial 03-09-2018
1). Propped (Verb) -- समथथन या धथथधत में रखना 6). Fructify (Verb) -- फलवान होना
Definition: support or keep in position. Definition: make (something) fruitful or productive.
Synonyms: hold up, shore up, bolster up, buttress, support, Synonyms: benefit, favour, useful, gain.
brace, underpin, reinforce, strengthen Antonyms: loss, useless, waste.
Antonyms: discourage, down, refuse, drop. Usage: they were sacrificed in order that their blood might
Usage: she propped her chin in the palm of her right hand fructify the crops

2). Lingering (Adjective) -- थथायी 7). Seamless (Adjective) -- धनबाथध

Definition: lasting for a long time or slow to end. Definition: smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps
Synonyms: or spaces between one part and the next.
remaining, surviving, persisting, abiding, nagging, niggling, g Synonyms: logical, smooth, coherent, order.
nawing Antonyms: rough, uneven, faulty.
Antonyms: short-lived Usage: the seamless integration of footage from different
Usage: there are still some lingering doubts in my mind sources

3). Normalcy (Noun) -- सामान्य धथथधत 8). Embarking (Verb) -- पोतारोहण करना
Definition: the condition of being normal; the state of being Definition: begin (a course of action).
usual, typical, or expected. Synonyms: begin, start, commence, undertake, set
Synonyms: a normal state of affairs, business as usual, the about, enter on, go into, take up
daily round, routine, a normal pattern, order Antonyms: disembark, land
Antonyms: insanity Usage: she embarked on a new career
Usage: the office gradually returned to a semblance of
normalcy 9). Slew (Verb) -- ऄधनयंधित रूप से घूमना
Definition: Turn or slide violently or uncontrollably.
4). Congenial (Adjective) -- ऄनुकूलधनय Synonyms: kill, murder, put to the sword.
Definition: (of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited Antonyms: peace, calm.
to one's taste or inclination. Usage: The Renault slewed from slide to slide in the snow.
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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”

10). Decelerated (Verb) -- धीमा करना 5). Drought (Noun) -- ऄनावृधि

Definition: reduce or cause to reduce in speed Definition: a prolonged absence of something specified.
Synonyms: slow, slow down, reduce Synonyms: absents, rare.
Antonyms: improve, accelerate. Antonyms: consistence, frequent.
Usage: the train began to decelerate.
Usage: he ended a five-game goal drought
Editorial 04-09-2018
1). Advocacy (Noun) -- वकालत 6). Riveted (Verb) – जमा होना
Definition: public support for or recommendation of a Definition: fix (someone or something) so as to make them
particular cause or policy. incapable of movement.
Synonyms: support for, argument for, arguing for, calling Synonyms: fixed, rooted, frozen
for, pushing for, pressing for Antonyms: flexible, trivial.
Antonyms: stoppage, discourage, protest. Usage: the grip on her arm was firm enough to rivet her to
Usage: his outspoken advocacy of the agreement has won the spot
no friends
7). Sobering (Verb) -- (ऄधधक) गंभीर बनना
2). Discriminatory (Adjective) -- भेदभावपूणथ Definition: make or become more serious, sensible, and
Definition: making or showing an unfair or prejudicial solemn.
distinction between different categories of people Synonyms: become (more) serious, settle (down), relax,
Synonyms: soften, steady
prejudicial, biased, prejudiced, preferential, unfair, unjust, i Antonyms: calm, easy, facile.
nvidious, Usage: his expression sobered her
inequitable, weighted,
Antonyms: fair, impartial. 8). Contingent (Noun) – दल
Usage: discriminatory employment practices Definition: a group of people sharing a common feature,
forming part of a larger group.
3). Stereotype (Noun) -- टकसाली Synonyms: group, party, body, band, set
Definition: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image Antonyms: predictable
or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Usage: a contingent of Japanese businessmen attending a
Synonyms: standard/conventional image, received conference
idea, cliché, hackneyed idea
Antonyms: unconventional, original, fresh 9). Perhaps (Adverb) – शायद
Usage: the stereotype of the woman as the carer Definition: used to express uncertainty or possibility.
Synonyms: maybe, for all I know, for all you know, it could
4). Guardianship (Noun) -- संरक्षकता be (that)
Definition: the position of being legally responsible for the Antonyms: unlikely, never, improbably.
care of someone who is unable to manage their own affairs. Usage: perhaps I should have been frank with him
Synonyms: protection, care, custody, trust.
Antonyms: unknown. 10). Slumped (Verb) -- तेजी से धगरना
Usage: she was granted temporary guardianship of the Definition: undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall in
three children price, value, or amount.
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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Synonyms: fall steeply, plummet, plunge, tumble, drop, go Definition: an act of armed resistance to an established
down, slide, decline government or leader.
Antonyms: rise, soar Synonyms:
Usage: land prices slumped uprising, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, revolution, insurgence
, insurgency,
Editorial 05-09-2018 rising, rioting, riot
1). Enclave (Noun) – धवधभन्न Antonyms: obedience, truth.
Definition: a place or group that is different in character Usage: the authorities put down a rebellion by landless
from those surrounding it. colonials
Synonyms: different, alter, vary.
Antonyms: same, similar. 6). Brute (Noun) – धनदथयी
Usage: the engineering department is traditionally a male Definition: a savagely violent man or animal.
enclave Synonyms:
savage, beast, monster, animal, sadist, barbarian, devil, de
2). Imminent (Adjective) -- समुपधथथत mon
Definition: about to happen. Antonyms: gentle, mild, week.
Synonyms: impending, at Usage: he was a cold-blooded brute
hand, close, near, approaching, fast approaching,
coming, forthcoming, on the way 7). Dilemma (Noun) -- दुधवधा
Antonyms: remote Definition: a difficult situation or problem.
Usage: they were in imminent danger of being swept away Synonyms:
quandary, predicament, difficulty, problem, puzzle, conundr
3). Humanitarian (Adjective) -- मानवीय um, awkward situation, tricky situation
Definition: concerned with or seeking to promote human Antonyms: solution, good, advantage.
welfare. Usage: the insoluble dilemma of adolescence
Synonyms: compassionate, humane;
unselfish, altruistic, generous, 8). Federal (Adjective) -- संघीय
magnanimous, benevolent, civilized Definition: relating to or denoting the central government
Antonyms: selfish, for profit as distinguished from the separate units constituting a
Usage: groups sending humanitarian aid federation.
Synonyms: confederate, federated, federative
4). Catastrophe (Noun) – तबाही Antonyms: private, local
Definition: an event causing great and usually sudden Usage: the health ministry has sole federal responsibility
damage or suffering; a disaster. for health care
disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust, ruin, ruinatio 9). Oblige (Verb) -- ईपकृ त करना
n, tragedy Definition: make (someone) legally or morally bound to do
Antonyms: salvation, godsend something.
Usage: an environmental catastrophe Synonyms: require, compel, bind, make, constrain, obligate,
force, put under an obligation
5). Rebellion (Noun) -- बगावत Antonyms: delay, free, release.

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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Usage: doctors are obliged by law to keep patients alive Usage: they fell prey to money lenders who ruthlessly
while there is a chance of recovery exploited them

10). Rejuvenated (Verb) -- फफर से युवा करना 4). Fixture (Noun) -- एक धवशेष तारीख पर होने वाली खेल
Definition: make (someone or something) look or feel अयोजन की व्यवथथा की गइ
better, younger, or more vital. Definition: a sporting event arranged to take place on a
Synonyms: revive, revitalize, renew, regenerate, restore, particular date.
breathe new life into, make someone feel young again Synonyms:
Antonyms: destroy, damage, kill, ruin. match, race, game, competition, contest, meet, meeting, en
Usage: a bid to rejuvenate the town centre counter,
sporting event; clash
11). Retrospect (Noun) -- बीती बातों की जांच Antonyms: movable
Definition: a survey or review of a past course of events or Usage: the team's last away fixture of the season
period of time.
Synonyms: re-examination, reminiscence, revision. 5). Reliant (Adjective) -- धनभथर
Antonyms: prospect, prophesy. Definition: dependent on someone or something.
Usage: a full retrospect of the battle Synonyms: depending, counting, depending,
Antonyms: irrelevant, independent.
Editorial 06-09-2018 Usage: the company is heavily reliant on the baby market
1). Condemned (Verb) – की ननदा करना
Definition: express complete disapproval of; censure. 6). Curious (Adjective) -- ईत्सुक
Synonyms: Definition: strange; unusual.
censure, criticize, castigate, attack, denounce, deplore, decr Synonyms: strange, odd, peculiar, funny, unusual, bizarre,
y, revile, inveigh against, blame, chastise weird, eccentric, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar,
Antonyms: encourage, praise, commend extraordinary
Usage: most leaders roundly condemned the attack Antonyms: ordinary, same.
Usage: a curious sensation overwhelmed her
2). Mettle (Noun) – भावना
Definition: a person's ability to cope well with difficulties; 7). Intrusive (Adjective) -- धबना ऄधधकार के प्रवेश करनेवाला
spirit and resilience. Definition: causing disruption or annoyance through being
Synonyms: spirit, fortitude, tenacity, strength of unwelcome or uninvited.
character, moral fibre, steel, Synonyms: intruding, invasive, obtrusive, interrupting,
determination, resolve, resolution trespassing, unwanted, unwelcome
Antonyms: timidity, apathy, weakness. Antonyms: unobtrusive
Usage: the team showed their true mettle in the second Usage: that was an intrusive question
8). Couched (Verb) – ऄधभव्यक्त करना
3). Ruthlessly (Adverb) -- बेरहमी के साथ Definition: express (something) in language of a specified
Definition: without pity or compassion for others. style.
Synonyms: merciless, pitiless, cruel, heartless, hard- Synonyms:
hearted, hard, stony-hearted, stony, with a heart of stone express, phrase, word, frame, put, formulate, style, render,
Antonyms: compare, merciful. set forth, put across, convey
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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Usage: the assurances were couched in general terms Synonyms: contradict, repudiate, gainsay, declare
untrue, dissent from, disagree with, challenge, contest
9). Gratuitous (Adjective) - धनःशुल्क -- Antonyms: accept, confirm.
Definition: given or done free of charge. Usage: both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy
free, gratis, complimentary, voluntary, volunteer, unpaid, u Editorial 07-09-2018
nrewarded 1). Contentious (Adjective) -- धववादाथपद
Antonyms: justifiable, necessary. Definition: causing or likely to cause an argument;
Usage: solicitors provide a form of gratuitous legal advice controversial.
Synonyms: controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed,
10). Unconstitutional (Adjective) -- ऄसंवैधाधनक contended
Definition: not in accordance with the political constitution Antonyms: agreeable.
or with procedural rules. Usage: a contentious issue
Synonyms: banned, illicit, prohibited.
Antonyms: authorized, ethical, legal. 2). Expropriation (Noun) -- जब्त
Usage: they do not countenance unconstitutional action by Definition: the action by the state or an authority of taking
the police property from its owner for public use or benefit.
Synonyms: seize, take away, take
11). Assertion (Noun) -- ऄधभकथन over, take, appropriate, take possession
Definition: a confident and forceful statement of fact or of, requisition, commandeer
belief. Antonyms: refuse, reject, disturb.
Synonyms: Usage: the decree provided for the expropriation of church
declaration, contention, statement, claim, submission, post land and buildings
averment, opinion, proclamation 3). Skewed (Verb) -- ऄचानक फदशा या धथथधत बदलना
Antonyms: quiet, silence. Definition: suddenly change direction or position.
Usage: his assertion that his father had deserted the family Synonyms: alter, bend, curve, bias.
Antonyms: maintenance, straighten.
12). Solidarity (Noun) -- एकजुटता Usage: the car had skewed across the track
Definition: unity or agreement of feeling or action,
especially among individuals with a common interest; 4). Denying (Verb) -- आनकार करना
mutual support within a group. Definition: state that one refuses to admit the truth or
Synonyms: unanimity, unity, like- existence of.
mindedness, agreement, accord, harmony, consensus, Synonyms: contradict, repudiate, gainsay, declare
concord, concurrence untrue, dissent from, disagree with, challenge, contest
Antonyms: divorce, disagreement. Antonyms: confirm, true.
Usage: factory workers voiced solidarity with the striking Usage: both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy
5). Hampered (Verb) – बाधा डालना
13). Denied (Verb) – धनषेध करना Definition: hinder or impede the movement or progress of.
Definition: state that one refuses to admit the truth or
existence of.
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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Synonyms: Antonyms: resemblance, likeness, sameness, similar
hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, baulk, thwart, foil, nature, similitude, comparability, correspondence
curb, delay, Usage: a seemingly unbridgeable cultural abyss
set back, slow down
Antonyms: help, advice. Editorial 08-09-2018
Usage: their work is hampered by lack of funds
1). Rationale (Noun) – तकथ या सोच
6). Manoeuvres (Verb) – युद्धाभ्यास करना Definition: a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of
Definition: move skilfully or carefully. action or belief.
Synonyms: steer, guide, drive, negotiate, navigate, pilot, Synonyms: reasoning, thinking, (logical) basis, logic,
direct, manipulate, move grounds, sense; principle, theory, philosophy, hypothesis
Antonyms: random, non-controllable. Antonyms: discouragement, proof, reality.
Usage: the lorry was unable to manoeuvre comfortably in Usage: he explained the rationale behind the change
the narrow street
2). Reinvigorate (Verb) -- पुनजीधवत करना
7). Frontiers (Noun) -- सीमांत Definition: give new energy or strength to.
Definition: a line or border separating two countries. Synonyms: modernize, renew, restore, revive.
Synonyms: border, boundary, partition, borderline, dividing Antonyms: kill, destroy, discourage.
line, bounding line, demarcation line Usage: we are fully committed to reinvigorating the
Antonyms: centre, inside, interior. economy of the area
Usage: international crime knows no frontiers
3). Standalone (Adjective) -- थवतंि, व्यधक्तगत
8). Flagrant (Adjective) – चमकदार Definition: (of computer hardware or software) able to
Definition: (of an action considered wrong or immoral) operate independently of other hardware or software.
conspicuously or obviously offensive. Synonyms: independent, individualistic, unconventional,
Synonyms: maverick
blatant, glaring, obvious, overt, evident, conspicuous Antonyms: dependent, parasitic.
Antonyms: unobtrusive, slight Usage: a stand-alone application
Usage: a flagrant violation of the law
4). Perceived (Verb) – जागरूक होना
9). Litigation (Noun) -- मुक़दमेबाजी Definition: become aware or conscious of (something);
Definition: the process of taking legal action. come to realize or understand.
Synonyms: legal proceeding(s), legal action, lawsuit, legal Synonyms: discern, recognize, become cognizant
dispute, legal case, case, legal contest, action, cause of, become aware of, become conscious of, get/come to
Usage: the company wishes to avoid litigation know
Antonyms: ignore, misunderstand.
10). Unbridgeable (Adjective) -- ऄंतर, ऄसमानता Usage: his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth
Definition: (of a gap or difference) not able to be bridged or
made less significant. 5). Inevitable (Adjective) -- ऄवश्यंभावी
Synonyms: difference, dissimilarity, contrast, distinction, Definition: certain to happen; unavoidable.
distinctness, differentiation Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable, bound to
happen, sure to happen, inexorable, unpreventable
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Important Monthly English Vocabulary PDF | SEP 2018 | Based on “THE HINDU”
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain Editorial 10-09-2018
Usage: war was inevitable 1). Discretion (Noun) -- धववेक
Definition: the freedom to decide what should be done in a
6). Acquiesced (Verb) – चुपचाप मानना particular situation.
Definition: accept something reluctantly but without Synonyms:
protest. choice, option, judgement, preference, disposition, volition
Synonyms: agree, allow, adopt. Antonyms: indiscretion, rashness
Antonyms: differ, oppose, decline. Usage: local authorities should use their discretion in
Usage: Sara acquiesced in his decision setting the charges

7). Blatantly (Adverb) – थपि रूप से 2). Oppression (Noun) – ज़ुल्म,ईत्पीड़न

Definition: in an open and unashamed manner. Definition: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise
Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, of authority.
unconcealed, overt, open, transparent, patent, evident, Synonyms: persecution, abuse, maltreatment, ill
manifest treatment, tyranny, despotism, repression, suppression
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle Antonyms: freedom, democracy
Usage: yet another space show that blatantly disregarded Usage: a region shattered by oppression and killing
scientific fact
3). Prosecuting (Verb) -- पर मुकदमा चलाना
8). Nimble (Adjective) – चतुर Definition: institute or conduct legal proceedings against (a
Definition: quick and light in movement or action; agile. person or organization).
Synonyms: agile, lithe, sprightly, acrobatic, light- Synonyms: pursuit, achievement, performance,
footed, nimble-footed, light, light on one's feet, fleet-footed undertaking.
Antonyms: stiff, clumsy, lumbering Antonyms: defeat, failure, neglect.
Usage: with a deft motion of her nimble fingers Usage: they were prosecuted for obstructing the highway

9). Behemoths (Noun) – कु छ बड़ा 4). Allegation (Noun) -- ऄधभकथन

Definition: something enormous, especially a large and Definition: a claim or assertion that someone has done
powerful organization. something illegal or wrong, typically one made without
Synonyms: monster, huge. proof.
Antonyms: small, little. Synonyms:
Usage: shoppers are now more loyal to their local shops claim, assertion, declaration, statement, proclamation, cont
than to faceless behemoths ention,
argument, affirmation, averment
10). Waiving (Verb) – त्याग देना Antonyms: exculpation, denial.
Definition: refrain from insisting on or using (a right or Usage: he made allegations of corruption against the
claim). administration
Synonyms: relinquish, renounce, give
up, abandon, reject, surrender, yield, cede, do 5). Tampering (Verb) – हस्तक्षेप करना
without, dispense with Definition: interfere with (something) in order to cause
Antonyms: claim, pursue damage or make unauthorized alterations.
Usage: he will waive all rights to the money
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Synonyms: interfere, monkey 10). Catastrophe (Noun) – अपदा
around, meddle, tinker, fiddle (about/around), fool Definition: an event causing great and usually sudden
Antonyms: leave, separate. damage or suffering; a disaster.
Usage: someone tampered with the brakes of my car Synonyms: disaster, calamity, cataclysm, crisis, holocaust,
ruin, ruination, tragedy, blow, shock
6). Cavalier (Adjective) – ईदासीन या ऄपमानजनक Antonyms: salvation, godsend
Definition: showing a lack of proper concern; offhand. Usage: an environmental catastrophe
offhand, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, unintere Editorial 11-09-2018
sted, 1). Convicts (Noun) – ऄपराधी
unconcerned Definition: a person found guilty of a criminal offence and
Antonyms: thoughtful, serving a sentence of imprisonment.
considerate, attentive, caring, understanding, sympathetic, Synonyms:
solicitous prisoner, inmate; criminal, offender, lawbreaker, felon
Usage: Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude Antonyms: acquit, clear
Usage: two escaped convicts kidnapped them at gunpoint
7). Prosecutorial (Adjective) -- ऄधभयोजन
Definition: relating to the institution and conducting of 2). Assassination (Noun) – हत्या
legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal Definition: the action of assassinating someone.
charge. Synonyms: murder, killing, political
Synonyms: agent, inspector, analyst. execution, slaughter, butchery, homicide,
Antonyms: informer. liquidation, elimination, extermination
Usage: the government's prosecutorial powers against Antonyms: safe, protect, birth.
suspected terrorists Usage: the assassination of President Kennedy

8). Trumping (Verb) -- तुस्र्प लगाना 3). Ramifications (Noun) – ऄसर या पररणाम
Definition: surpass (something) by saying or doing Definition: a complex or unwelcome consequence of an
something better. action or event.
Synonyms: outshine, outclass, upstage, put in the Synonyms: consequence, result, aftermath, outcome,
shade, eclipse, surpass effect, upshot, issue
Antonyms: bad fortune, loss, disapproval. Antonyms: cause, origin, source.
Usage: if the fetus is human life, that trumps any argument Usage: any change is bound to have legal ramifications
about the freedom of the mother
4). Incarceration (Noun) -- क़ै द कर देना
9). Detrimental (Adjective) -- हाधनकारक Definition: the state of being confined in prison;
Definition: tending to cause harm. imprisonment.
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimical, Synonyms:
deleterious, dangerous, destructive, ruinous imprisonment, internment, confinement, detention, custod
Antonyms: benign, beneficial y, captivity
Usage: recent policies have been detrimental to the Antonyms: freedom, independent.
interests of many old people Usage: the public would not be served by her incarceration

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5). Retrograde (Adjective) -- पश्चगामी Usage: the belief in correspondences between the Universe
Definition: directed or moving backwards. and Man—between microcosm and macrocosm
Synonyms: backward, backwards, reverse, rearward,
directed backwards Editorial 12-09-2018
Antonyms: ahead, forwards, onwards, onward, on, further 1). Incumbent (Adjective) --ऄवलंबी
Usage: a retrograde flow Definition: necessary for (someone) as a duty or
6). Acme (Noun) -- पररपूणथता Synonyms: binding, obligatory, mandatory, necessary,
Definition: the point at which something is at its best or compulsory, required, requisite, essential, imperative
most highly developed. Antonyms: optional.
Synonyms: optimum, top, height. Usage: the government realized that it was incumbent on
Antonyms: base, bottom. them to act
Usage: physics is the acme of scientific knowledge
2). Centrist (Adjective) -- मध्यमागी
7). Eclectic (Adjective) – ईदार Definition: having moderate political views or policies.
Definition: deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and Usage: a centrist politician
diverse range of sources.
Synonyms: wide-ranging, wide, broad, broad-ranging, 3). Tenable (Adjective) -- रक्षात्मक
broad-based, extensive, comprehensive, encyclopedic, Definition: able to be maintained or defended against
genera attack or objection.
Antonyms: narrow, dogmatic Synonyms: defensible, justifiable, defendable, supportable,
Usage: universities offering an eclectic mix of courses sustainable, maintainable, arguable, able to hold water
Antonyms: indefensible, untenable
8). Panache (Noun) -- कलँगी Usage: such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable
Definition: flamboyant confidence of style or manner.
Synonyms: flamboyant 4). Shedding (Verb) – छोड़ देना
confidence, flamboyance, confidence, self- Definition: accidentally allow (something) to fall off or spill.
assurance, style, stylishness, flair Synonyms: let fall, let drop, drop;
Antonyms: spiritlessness Antonyms: hire, take on, adopt, keep
Usage: he entertained London society with great panache Usage: a lorry shed its load of steel bars

9). Drowned (Verb) -- डु बा हुअ 5). Pragmatic (Adjective) -- व्यावहाररक

Definition: die through submersion in and inhalation of Definition: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a
water. way that is based on practical rather than theoretical
Synonyms: suffocate in water, inhale water considerations.
Antonyms: drain. Usage: a pragmatic approach to politics
Usage: a motorist drowned when her car plunged off the
edge of a quay 6). Consensus (Noun) -- अम सहमधत
Definition: a general agreement.
10). Microcosm (Noun) -- सूक्ष्म जगत Synonyms: agreement, harmony, concord, like-mindedness,
Definition: humankind regarded as the representation in concurrence, consent
miniature of the universe. Antonyms: disagreement, minority view
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Usage: there is a growing consensus that the current Synonyms: break (through), burst (through), rupture, force
regime has failed itself through
Antonyms: agreement, closure, closing.
7). Rhetoric (Noun) -- ऄलंकार शास्र Usage: the river breached its bank
Definition: the art of effective or persuasive speaking or
writing, especially the exploitation of figures of speech and 13). Ambiguity (Noun) --- ऄथपिता
other compositional techniques. Definition: the quality of being open to more than one
Synonyms: oratory, eloquence, power of interpretation; inexactness.
speech, command of language, expression Synonyms: ambivalence, equivocation
Antonyms: quite, conciseness. Antonyms: unambiguousness, transparency
Usage: he is using a common figure of rhetoric, hyperbole Usage: we can detect no ambiguity in this section of the Act

8). Seldom (Adverb) -- कभी कभी Editorial 13-09-2018

Definition: not often; rarely. 1). Apotheosised (Verb) -- देवता मानना
Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, on rare occasions, hardly Definition: elevate to, or as if to, the rank of a god; idolize.
ever, scarcely ever, hardly, scarcely, almost never Synonyms: dignify, elevate, ennoble, exalt, glorify, magnify,
Antonyms: often, frequently uplift.
Usage: Islay is seldom visited by tourists Antonyms: diminish, decrease.
Usage: we had the feeling that Roosevelt had not so much
9). Embattled (Adjective) – ईलझन में died as been apotheosized
Definition: (of a place or people) involved in or prepared for
war, especially because surrounded by enemy forces. 2). Dissent (Noun) -- ऄसहमधत
Usage: the embattled northern province Definition: the holding or expression of opinions at variance
with those commonly or officially held.
10). Diktat (Noun) – फरमान Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of
Definition: an order or decree imposed by someone in opinion, argument, dispute
power without popular consent. Antonyms: agree, accept, approve.
Usage: a diktat from the Bundestag Usage: there was no dissent from this view

11). Preposterous (Adjective) -- धनरथथक 3). Brutal (Adjective) -- धनदथय

Definition: contrary to reason or common sense; utterly Definition: savagely violent.
absurd or ridiculous. Synonyms: savage, cruel, bloodthirsty, vicious, ferocious,
Synonyms: barbaric, barbarous, wicked
absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid, ludicrous, farcical, laugha Antonyms: gentle, humane
ble, comical, Usage: a brutal murder
risible, hare-brained
Antonyms: reasonable, sensible 4). Brutalised (Verb) – क्रूर होना
Usage: a preposterous suggestion Definition: make (someone) cruel, violent, or insensitive to
the pain of others by repeated exposure to violence.
12). Breaching (Verb) – ईल्लंघन करना Synonyms:
Definition: make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, desensitize, dehumanize, harden, toughen, case-
or defence). harden, inure, make unfeeling, make callous
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Antonyms: peace, calm, polite.
Usage: he had been brutalized in prison and become 10). Ludicrous (Adjective) -- उटपटांग
cynical Definition: so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be
5). Reprieve (Verb) -- ऄवकाश देना Synonyms: absurd, ridiculous, farcical, laughable, risible,
Definition: cancel or postpone the punishment of preposterous, foolish, idiotic, stupid, inane, silly
(someone, especially someone condemned to death). Antonyms: practical, realistic, responsible, full of common
Synonyms: grant a stay of execution sense, reasonable, rational, logical, sound
to, cancel/postpone/commute/remit someone's Usage: it's ludicrous that I have been fined
Antonyms: charge, punish 11). Avert (Verb) -- टालना
Usage: under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of Definition: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).
death were reprieved Synonyms: turn aside, turn away, turn to one side
Antonyms: aid, allow, assist, help.
6). Yearning (Noun) -- तड़प Usage: she averted her eyes while we made stilted
Definition: a feeling of intense longing for something. conversation
Synonyms: longing, pining, craving, desire, want, wish, Editorial 14-09-2018
hankering, urge, need, hunger, hungering, thirst Editorial 15-09-2018
Antonyms: hate, despise, abjure. 1). Reprieve (Verb) – दण्डधवराम करना
Usage: he felt a yearning for the mountains Definition: cancel or postpone the punishment of
(someone, especially someone condemned to death).
7). Preponderance (Noun) -- प्रधानता Synonyms: grant a stay of execution to,
Definition: the quality or fact of being greater in number, cancel/postpone/commute/remit someone's punishment
quantity, or importance. Antonyms: charge, punish
Synonyms: prevalence, predominance, dominance Usage: under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of
Antonyms: disadvantage, inferiority, surrender. death were reprieved
Usage: the preponderance of women among older people
2). Intervene (Verb) -- हथतक्षेप करना
8). Contingent (Adjective) -- अकधथमक Definition: take part in something so as to prevent or alter
Definition: subject to chance. a result or course of events.
Synonyms: chance, accidental, fortuitous, impossible, Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get involved,
unforeseen, unforeseeable, unexpected, unpredicted interpose oneself, insinuate oneself, step in.
Antonyms: predictable. Antonyms: separated, ignore.
Usage: the contingent nature of the job Usage: he acted outside his authority when he intervened
in the dispute
9). Disbursement (Noun) -- भुगतान
Definition: the payment of money from a fund. 3). Liquidated (Verb) -- पररसमाप्त करना
Synonyms: payment, disbursal, paying out, laying out, Definition: wind up the affairs of (a business) by
spending, expending, expenditure, disposal ascertaining liabilities and apportioning assets
Antonyms: deposit, saving. Synonyms: close down, wind up, put into liquidation,
Usage: they established a committee to supervise the dissolve, break up, disband, terminate
disbursement of aid Antonyms: remain, fail, fall.
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Usage: if the company was liquidated, there would be 9). Innumerable (Adjective) -- ऄसंख्य
enough funds released to honour the debts Definition: too many to be counted (often used
4). Attributed (Verb) -- धजम्मेदार ठहराना Synonyms: countless, numerous, very many, manifold,
Definition: regard something as being caused by. multitudinous, multifarious, untold, incalculable
Synonyms: ascribe, assign, accredit, credit, impute, allot, Antonyms: few, countable.
allocate Usage: innumerable flags of all colours
Antonyms: disconnect, separate.
Usage: he attributed the firm's success to the efforts of the 10). Muster (Verb) -- आकट्ठा करना
managing director Definition: assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in
preparation for battle.
5). Emphasis (Noun) – प्रमुखता देना Synonyms: assemble, bring together, call together, marshal,
Definition: special importance, value, or prominence given mobilize, rally, round up, raise, summon
to something. Antonyms: disperse, separate, split.
Synonyms: prominence, importance, significance Usage: 17,000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill
Antonyms: de-emphasis, unimportant, trivial
Usage: they placed great emphasis on the individual's Editorial 18-09-2018
freedom 1). Contingent (Adjective) - अकधथमक
Definition: subject to chance, occurring or existing only if
6). Purview (Noun) – ऄवधारणा (certain circumstances) are the case; dependent on.
Definition: the scope of the influence or concerns of Synonyms:chance, accidental, fortuitous, possible, unforese
something. en, unforeseeable, unexpected, unpredicted, unpredictable,
Synonyms: attitude, idea, concept unanticipated
Antonyms: blindness, ignorance. Antonyms: designed, planned, essential, certain, definite
Usage: such a case might be within the purview of the Usage: the contingent nature of the job
2). Unilateral (Adjective) – एकपक्षीय, एकतरफा
7). Espionage (Noun) – जासूसी Definition: (of an action or decision) performed by or
Definition: the practice of spying or of using spies, typically affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a
by governments to obtain political and military information. situation, without the agreement of another or the others.
Synonyms: spying, undercover work, cloak-and-dagger Synonyms: one-sided, independent
activities, surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence Antonyms: bilateral, many-sided, multi-lateral
Antonyms: following, foolish Usage: unilateral nuclear disarmament
Usage: the camouflage and secrecy of espionage
3). Wedge (Verb) – पच्चर करना
8). Archaic (Adjective) – प्राचीन Definition: force into a narrow space
Definition: very old or old-fashioned. Synonyms:
Synonyms: obsolete, obsolescent, out of date, squeeze, cram, jam, crush, pack, thrust, ram, force, push, st
anachronistic, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind the times ow
Antonyms: new, modern. Antonyms: dislodge, unfasten, defend, loose, distributed
Usage: prisons are run on archaic methods Usage: she wedged her holdall between two bags

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4). Discomfiture (Noun) - शर्ममदगी, संघषथ, बेचैनी
Definition: a feeling of unease or embarrassment; 9). Enact (Verb) – क़ानून ऄमल में लाना
awkwardness. Definition: make (a bill or other proposal) law
Synonyms:embarrassment, unease, uneasiness, awkwardne Synonyms: pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction,
ss, discomfort, discomposure, abashment, confusion, agitati authorize, accept
on Antonyms: fail, direct, hinder, miss, prevent, repeal
Antonyms: ascent, attainment, calm, creation, delight, Usage: legislation was enacted to attract international
peace companies
Usage: many MPs are secretly enjoying his discomfiture
10). Undermine (Verb) -दुबथल करना
5). Rebuff (Verb) –ऄथवीकार करना Definition: lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of,
Definition: reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or especially gradually or insidiously.
ungracious manner. Synonyms: subvert, sabotage, threaten, weaken,
Synonyms: reject, turn compromise, diminish, reduce, impair, mar, spoil, ruin,
down, spurn, refuse, decline, repudiate, disdain impede, hinder, damage, hurt, injure, cripple, disable,
Antonyms: accept, welcome enfeeble, sap, shake
Usage: I asked her to be my wife, and was rebuffed in no Antonyms: enhance, improve, strengthen
uncertain terms Usage: this could undermine years of hard work
Editorial 19-09-2018
6). Indictment (Noun) - ऄधभयोग Editorial 20-09-2018
Definition: a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime. 1). Enact (Verb) -- ऄधधधनयम बनाना
Synonyms: charge, accusation, arraignment, citation, Definition: make (a bill or other proposal) law.
summons Synonyms: make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate,
Antonyms: praise, absolution, acquittal, exoneration sanction, authorize, accept, give the seal of approval to
Usage: an indictment for conspiracy Antonyms: repeal, appose, disagree.
Usage: legislation was enacted to attract international
7). Agglomeration (Noun) –संग्रह या संयोजन companies
Definition: a mass or collection of things; an assemblage.
Synonyms: collection, mass, cluster, lump, clump, pile, 2). Undue (Adjective) --- ऄत्यधधक
heap, bunch, stack, bundle, quantity, hoard, store, stockpile Definition: unwarranted or inappropriate because excessive
Antonyms: disperse, dab, diffusion, breakdown, anatomy, or disproportionate.
crumb Synonyms: excessive, extreme, immoderate, intemperate,
Usage: the arts centre is an agglomeration of theatres, disproportionate, inordinate
galleries, shops, restaurants and bars Antonyms: due, appropriate, proper
Usage: this figure did not give rise to undue concern
8). Accord (Verb) - फकसी को शधक्त, धथथधत, या मान्यता देना ।
Definition: give or grant someone (power, status, or 3). Desirability (Noun) -- वांछनीयता
recognition). Definition: the quality of being desirable.
Synonyms: give, grant, tender, present, award, hand, Synonyms: appeal, attractiveness, allure
vouchsafe, concede, yield, cede Antonyms: undesirability, disadvantage
Antonyms: withhold, remove Usage: we agree on the desirability of a negotiated
Usage: the powers accorded to the head of state settlement
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Usage: the unit was caught in several skirmishes and the
4). Exigency (Noun) -- ऄत्यावश्यकता commanding officer was killed
Definition: an urgent need or demand.
Synonyms: need, demand, requirement, want 9). Punitive (Adjective) -- दंडात्मक
Antonyms: unimportant, negligible. Definition: inflicting or intended as punishment.
Usage: women worked long hours when the exigencies of Synonyms:
the family economy demanded it penal, disciplinary, corrective, correctional, retributive
Antonyms: beneficial, rewards.
5). Promulgating (Verb) -- प्रख्यापन करना Usage: he called for punitive measures against the Eastern
Definition: promote or make widely known (an idea or bloc
Synonyms: make known, make public, publicize, spread, 10). Parochialism (Noun) -- धवचारसंकीणथता
communicate, propagate, disseminate, circulate Definition: a limited or narrow outlook, especially focused
Antonyms: silence, withhold. on a local area; narrow-mindedness.
Usage: these objectives have to be promulgated within the Synonyms: narrow-
organization mindedness, localism, provincialism, insularity, narrowness,
6). Cognisable (Adjective) -- संज्ञेय Antonyms: cosmopolitan, broad-minded, liberal
Definition: perceptible; clearly identifiable. Usage: accusations of parochialism
Synonyms: appreciable, distinguishable.
Antonyms: hidden, indistinct. Editorial 21-09-2018
Usage: a cognizable claim 1). Mythical (Adjective) -- कधल्पत
Definition: occurring in or characteristic of myths or folk
7). Rougher (Adjective) -- ऄसमान, ऄधनयधमत tales.
Definition: having an uneven or irregular surface; not Synonyms: legendary, mythological, fabled, fabulous,
smooth or level. folkloric, fairy-tale, storybook
Synonyms: Antonyms: real, actual
uneven, irregular, bumpy, stony, rocky, broken, rugged, jagg Usage: one of Denmark's greatest mythical heroes
y, craggy
Antonyms: flat, smooth, sleek 2). Infuse (Verb) -- जुड़ा होना
Usage: pushchairs should be capable of withstanding rough Definition: fill; pervade.
treatment Synonyms:
fill, pervade, permeate, suffuse, charge, saturate, imbue, ins
8). Skirmishes (Noun) -- झड़प pire
Definition: an episode of irregular or unpremeditated Antonyms: empty, take away.
fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of Usage: her work is infused with an anger born of pain and
armies or fleets. oppression
fight, battle, clash, conflict, encounter, confrontation, engag 3). Tangible (Adjective) -- मूतथ
ement, fray, Definition: perceptible by touch.
contest, combat
Antonyms: calm, peace, harmony, retreat.
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Synonyms: Definition: make (someone) appear guilty of a crime or
touchable, palpable, tactile, material, physical, real, substan wrongdoing.
tial Synonyms: implicate, involve
Antonyms: impalpable, untouchable, imperceptible to the Antonyms: absolve, clear
touch, non-physical, bodiless, incorporeal, Usage: he refused to answer questions in order not to
Usage: the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was incriminate himself
almost tangible
9). Intervene (Verb) -- हथतक्षेप करना
4). Pursuit (Noun) – पीछा करना Definition: take part in something so as to prevent or alter
Definition: the action of pursuing someone or something. a result or course of events.
Synonyms: chasing, pursuing, stalking, tracking, trailing, Synonyms: intercede, involve oneself, get
shadowing involved, interpose oneself, insinuate oneself, step in, cut in
Antonyms: retreat, surrender. Antonyms: combine, joint, unite.
Usage: the cat crouched in the grass in pursuit of a bird Usage: he acted outside his authority when he intervened
in the dispute
5). Allegedly (Adverb) -- कधथत तौर पर
Definition: used to convey that something is claimed to be 10). Arbitrary (Adjective) -- मनमाना
the case or have taken place, although there is no proof. Definition: based on random choice or personal whim,
Synonyms: rather than any reason or system.
reportedly, supposedly, reputedly, purportedly, ostensibly, Synonyms:
apparently, by all accounts, so the story goes capricious, whimsical, random, chance, erratic, unpredictabl
Antonyms: certain, definite, sure. e
Usage: he was allegedly a leading participant in the coup Antonyms: rational, reasoned
attempt Usage: an arbitrary decision

6). Tussle (Noun) --संघषथ Editorial 22-09-2018

Definition: a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order 1). Relying (Verb) – भरोसा करना
to obtain or achieve something. Definition: depend on with full trust or confidence.
Synonyms: scuffle, fight, struggle, skirmish, brawl, Synonyms: depend, count, bank, place reliance, bargain,
scrimmage, scramble, scrum, fisticuffs, wrestling match plan, reckon
Antonyms: agreement, peace, calm. Antonyms: distrust, independent,
Usage: there was a tussle for the ball Usage: I know I can rely on your discretion

7). Dissent (Noun) -- ऄसहमधत 2). Touted (Verb) – प्रशंसा करना

Definition: the holding or expression of opinions at variance Definition: attempt to sell (something), typically by a direct
with those commonly or officially held. or persistent approach.
Synonyms: disagreement, lack of agreement, difference of Synonyms: praise, promote, proclaim
opinion, argument, dispute Antonyms: blame, conceal, hide.
Antonyms: agreement, acceptance Usage: Sanjay was touting his wares
Usage: there was no dissent from this view
3). Precursor (Noun) -- ऄग्र-दूत
8). Incriminating (Verb) -- दोषी ठहराना
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Definition: a person or thing that comes before another of
the same kind; a forerunner. 9). Retaliatory (Adjective) -- प्रधतशोध का
Synonyms: Definition: (of an action) characterized by a desire for
forerunner, predecessor, forefather, father, parent, anteced revenge.
ent, ancestor Synonyms: disciplinary, penal, punishing
Antonyms: juvenile, religious person. Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding.
Usage: a three-stringed precursor of the violin Usage: fears of a retaliatory attack by the victim's friends

4). Fiddle (Noun) -- धोखाधड़ी 10). Foreseeable (Adjective) – ऄनुमाधनत या ईम्मीद होना
Definition: an act of defrauding, cheating, or falsifying. Definition: able to be foreseen or predicted.
Synonyms: fraud, swindle, fix, wangle, confidence Synonyms: predictable, expected, calculated, estimated.
trick, ruse, wile Antonyms: improbable, unexpected, unpredictable.
Antonyms: work, leavealone Usage: the situation is unlikely to change in the foreseeable
Usage: a major mortgage fiddle future
Editorial 24-09-2018
5). Conceivable (Adjective) -- बोधगम्य 1). Volatility (Noun) -- ऄधथथरता
Definition: capable of being imagined or grasped mentally. Definition: liability to change rapidly and unpredictably,
Synonyms: imaginable, possible especially for the worse.
Antonyms: inconceivable, impossible. Synonyms: changeable, temporary
Usage: a mass uprising was entirely conceivable Antonyms: unchangeable, permanent.
Usage: the succession of new rulers contributed to the
6). Rendering (Noun) -- प्रधतपादन volatility of the situation
Definition: a performance of a piece of music or drama.
Synonyms: give, provide, supply, furnish, make available 2). Adversely(Adverb) -- प्रधतकू लता से
Antonyms: hold, conceal, keep. Definition: in a way that prevents success or development;
Usage: a lively rendering of ‘Ilkley Moor harmfully or unfavourably.
Synonyms: negative, unfortunate, unfriendly
7). Dampens (Verb) -- अद्रथ करना Antonyms: positivity, beneficial, good, helpful.
Definition: make less strong or intense. Usage: his self-confidence was adversely affected for years
Synonyms: to come
lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce, lower, moderate, damp,
damp down 3). Tainted (Verb) – दूधषत करना
Antonyms: dry, drench. Definition: affect with a bad or undesirable quality.
Usage: nothing could dampen her enthusiasm Synonyms:
tarnish, sully, blacken, stain, besmirch, smear, blot, blemish,
8). Credible (Adjective) -- प्रत्ययनीय stigmatize, mar, corrupt, defile
Definition: capable of persuading people that something Antonyms: clean, improve.
will happen or be successful. Usage: his administration was tainted by scandal
Synonyms: believable, plausible, able to hold water, within
the bounds of possibility, reasonable, sound 4). Crony (Noun) -- घधनष्ठ धमि
Antonyms: unbelievable, untrustworthy. Definition: a close friend or companion.
Usage: a credible threat Synonyms: buddy, friend, chum, partner.
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Antonyms: enemy, stranger, opponent. Usage: a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New
Usage: he went gambling with his cronies York's position as a financial centre

5). Ammunition (Noun) -- तकथ , ऄसहमधत, झुकाव, लड़ाइ 10). Unawares (Adverb) -- ऄनजाने में
Definition: considerations that can be used to support one's Definition: without being aware of a situation.
case in debate. Synonyms: by surprise, unexpectedly, without
Synonyms: arguments, quarrel, disagreement, squabble, warning, suddenly, abruptly, unprepared, off-guard, cold
fight, difference of opinion, dispute, wrangle, clash, Antonyms: prepared, knowingly, deliberately
altercation Usage: the photographer had caught her unawares
Antonyms: accepting, harmony, peace, calm.
Usage: these figures provide ammunition to the argument Editorial 25-09-2018
for more resources 1). Controversial (adjective) -- धववादाथपद
Definition: giving rise or likely to give rise to controversy or
6). Bolstering (Verb) – को मजबूत करना public disagreement.
Definition: support or strengthen. Synonyms: contentious, disputed, contended, at issue,
Synonyms: strengthen, support, reinforce, make moot, disputable, debatable, arguable
stronger, boost, fortify Antonyms: uncontroversial, anodyne
Antonyms: undetermined, undercut. Usage: years of wrangling over a controversial bypass
Usage: the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster
confidence 2). Obligations (Noun) -- दाधयत्वों
Definition: a debt of gratitude for a service or favour.
7). Nudge (Verb) -- कु हनी से हलका धक्का देना Synonyms:
Definition: prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in contract, agreement, deed, covenant, bond, treaty, deal, pa
order to attract attention. ct, compact,
Synonyms: poke, elbow, dig, prod, jog, jab, butt understanding, transaction
Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, pull. Antonyms: favour, support, agree.
Usage: people were nudging each other and pointing at me Usage: she didn't want to be under an obligation to him

8). Persisted (Verb) -- दृढ़ रहना 3). Erecting (Verb) -- खड़ा करना
Definition: continue in an opinion or course of action in Definition: put together and set upright (a building, wall, or
spite of difficulty or opposition. other structure).
Synonyms: persevere, continue, carry on, go on, keep at it, Synonyms: build, construct, put up
keep on, keep going, keep it up, not give up Antonyms: demolish, dismantle
Antonyms: irresolute Usage: the guest house was erected in the eighteenth
Usage: the minority of drivers who persist in drinking century

9). Jeopardise (Verb) -- ख़तरे में डालना 4). Curbing (Verb) – को रोकना
Definition: put (someone or something) into a situation in Definition: restrain or keep in check.
which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. Synonyms: restrain, hold back, keep back, hold in, repress,
Synonyms: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk, put at suppress, fight back, bite back, keep in check
risk, expose to risk Antonyms: free, set free, let go, allow to leave, set/let/turn
Antonyms: safeguard loose, let out, liberate, set at liberty, deliver
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Usage: she promised she would curb her temper Usage: free movement of labour was an economic
5). Discrepancies (Noun) -- धवसंगधतयां
Definition: an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or 10). Verdict (Noun) -- ऄधधमत
similarity between two or more facts. Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or
Synonyms: criminal case or an inquest.
inconsistency, difference, disparity, variance, variation, devi Synonyms:
ation, judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, decision, finding, ru
divergence, disagreement ling,
Antonyms: correspondence resolution, pronouncement
Usage: there's a discrepancy between your account and his Antonyms: accusation, prediction.
Usage: the jury returned a verdict of not guilty
6). Perils (Noun) -- ख़तरा
Definition: serious and immediate danger. Editorial 26-09-2018
Synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, 1). Grappling (Verb) – जूझना
insecurity, uncertainty, menace, threat, perilousness Definition: engage in a close fight or struggle without
Antonyms: safety, security weapons; wrestle
Usage: you could well place us both in peril Synonyms: wrestle, struggle, tussle
Antonyms: agree, free, avoid.
7). Linger (Verb) -- देर तक ठहरना Usage: passers-by grappled with the man after the knife
Definition: stay in a place longer than necessary because of attack
a reluctance to leave.
Synonyms: wait around, stay, remain, stay put, wait 2). Bureaucracy (Noun) -- नौकरशाही
Antonyms: vanish, disappear Definition: excessively complicated administrative
Usage: she lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm procedure.
sunshine Synonyms: red tape, rules and regulations, etiquette,
protocol, officialdom
8). Presumes (Verb) – मान लेना Usage: the unnecessary bureaucracy in local government
Definition: suppose that something is the case on the basis
of probability. 3). Immigrants (Noun) -- अप्रवाधसयों
Synonyms: assume, suppose, dare say, imagine, take Definition: a person who comes to live permanently in a
it, expect, believe, think, surmise, guess, judge foreign country.
Antonyms: calculate, doubt, disregard. Synonyms: newcomer, settler, incomer, new
Usage: I presumed that the man had been escorted from arrival, migrant, emigrant
the building Antonyms: native, local, national.
Usage: they found it difficult to expel illegal immigrants
9). Imperatives (Noun) -- ऄधनवायथताओं
Definition: an essential or urgent thing. 4). Rallied (Verb) – वापस अना
Synonyms: essential, important, all-important, vital, crucial, Definition: recover or cause to recover in health, spirits, or
critical, essential, of the essence. poise.
Antonyms: unimportant, optional

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Synonyms: recover, improve, get better, pick Definition: a correspondence or partial similarity.
up, revive, come back, make a comeback, rebound, bounce Synonyms: comparison, affinity, homology, correlation
back Antonyms: difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness.
Antonyms: disperse Usage: the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of
Usage: he floundered for a moment, then rallied again its analogy to deep dyslexia

5). Infiltrators (Noun) -- पैठनेवाला 10). Cynicism (Noun) -- संशयवाद

Definition: a person who secretly becomes part of a group Definition: an inclination to believe that people are
in order to get information or to influence the way the motivated purely by self-interest; scepticism.
group thinks or behaves Synonyms:
Usage: He accused infiltrators of turning the protests scepticism, doubt, distrust, mistrust, doubtfulness, suspicio
violent and said the alleged saboteurs must be dealt with by n, disbelief,
the security agencies. incredulity, unbelief
Antonyms: optimism, hope, cheer.
6). Allegedly (Adverb) -- कधथत तौर पर Usage: public cynicism about politics
Definition: used to convey that something is claimed to be
the case or have taken place, although there is no proof. 11). Clamping (Verb) -- जकड़ना
Synonyms: Definition: fasten (something) in place with a clamp.
reportedly, supposedly, reputedly, purportedly, ostensibly, Synonyms: fasten, secure, fix, clip, attach, make fast
apparently, Antonyms: realise, revert, free.
by all accounts, so the story goes Usage: the sander is clamped on to the edge of a
Antonyms: certain, definite, sure. workbench
Usage: he was allegedly a leading participant in the coup
attempt 12). Ushered (Verb) – राथता फदखाना
Definition: show or guide (someone) somewhere.
7). Dwelt (Verb) – रहना Synonyms: escort, accompany, help, assist, take, show, see,
Definition: live in or at a specified place lead, show someone the way, lead the way
Synonyms: reside, live, have one's home, have one's Antonyms: cease, close, conclude, finish.
residence, be settled, be housed Usage: a waiter ushered me to a table
Antonyms: move, carry on, depart.
Usage: groups of gypsies still dwell in these caves 13). Shrill (Adjective) -- ऄधनमेष
Definition: (of a voice or sound) high-pitched and piercing.
8). Reiterating (Verb) -- बार बार दुहराना Synonyms: high-pitched, piercing, high, sharp, ear-
Definition: say something again or a number of times, piercing, ear-splitting, air-rending, penetrating, shattering,
typically for emphasis or clarity. Antonyms: low, soft, dulcet
Synonyms: repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go Usage: a shrill laugh
over (and over), iterate, rehearse, belabour
Antonyms: take back. Editorial 27-09-2018
Usage: she reiterated that the government would remain 1). Scrutiny (Noun) -- संवीक्षा
steadfast in its support Definition: critical observation or examination.
Synonyms: careful
9). Analogies (Noun) – समानता examination, inspection, survey, scan, study, perusal
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Antonyms: glance, cursory look Synonyms: worry, be anxious, feel uneasy, be distressed, be
Usage: every aspect of local government was placed under upset, upset oneself
scrutiny Antonyms: ignore , please, appease, pacify.
Usage: she fretted about the cost of groceries
2). Sceptics (Noun) -- संशयवाफदयों
Definition: a person inclined to question or doubt accepted 8). Incurred (Verb) – झेला हुअ, खचथ फकया हुअ
opinions. Definition: become subject to (something unwelcome or
Synonyms: cynic, doubter, questioner, scoffer unpleasant) as a result of one's own behaviour or actions.
Antonyms: believer, accept. Synonyms: suffer, sustain, experience, bring upon
Usage: The crowd is sceptics to president oneself, expose oneself to
Antonyms: loss, miss, discourage, misunderstand.
3). Intrusion (Noun) -- ऄनाहूत प्रवेश Usage: I will pay any expenses incurred
Definition: the action of intruding.
Synonyms: encroachment on, trespass on, obtrusion into 9). Abridge (Verb) -- संक्षेप करना
Antonyms: withdrawal Definition: shorten (a book, film, speech, etc.) without
Usage: he was furious about this intrusion into his private losing the sense.
life Synonyms: shorten, cut, cut
short/down, curtail, truncate, lessen, trim
4). Staved (Verb) -- तोड़ना, टू टना Antonyms: lengthen, expand on, pad out, lengthened,
Definition: break something by forcing it inwards or expanded
piercing it roughly. Usage: an abridged text of his speech
Synonyms: break in, smash in, put a hole in, push in, kick in,
cave in, splinter 10). Defiance (Noun) -- ऄवज्ञा
Antonyms: aid, assist, support. Definition: open resistance; bold disobedience.
Usage: the door was staved in Synonyms: resistance, opposition, confrontation
Antonyms: submission, obedience
5). Leveraging (Verb) – आथतेमाल करना Usage: an act of defiance
Definition: use (something) to maximum advantage.
Synonyms: grip, purchase, hold, grasp 11). Flaws (Noun) -- दोषों
Antonyms: disadvantage, weakness. Definition: a mark, blemish, or other imperfection which
Usage: the organization needs to leverage its key resources mars a substance or object.
Synonyms: defect, blemish, fault, imperfection, deficiency,
6). Rampant (Adjective) -- ऄधनयंधित weakness, weak spot/point, inadequacy
Definition: (especially of something unwelcome) flourishing Antonyms:power, brawn, brawniness, muscle, muscularity,
or spreading unchecked. burliness, sturdiness, robustness, toughness
Synonyms:uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, unbridle Usage: a flaw in the glass
d, widespread, pandemic, epidemic, pervasive
Antonyms: controlled, under control 12). Ushered (Verb) – शुरुअत करना
Usage: political violence was rampant Definition: cause or mark the start of something new.
Synonyms: herald, mark the start of, signal, announce, give
7). Fret (Verb) – झल्लाहट होना notice of, ring in, show in, set the scene for
Definition: be constantly or visibly anxious. Antonyms: cease, close, conclude, finish, stop.
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Usage: the railways ushered in an era of cheap mass travel Synonyms: differ, demur, diverge
Antonyms: agree, accept
13). Clamping (Verb) -- कसकर पकड़ना Usage: two members dissented from the majority
Definition: hold (something) tightly against another thing.
Synonyms: clench, grip, hold, press, squeeze 6). Frenzied (Verb) -- ईत्साधहत या ऄधनयंधित होना
Antonyms: release, free. Definition: wildly excited or uncontrolled.
Usage: Maggie had to clamp a hand over her mouth to Synonyms: frantic, wild, frenetic, hectic, fraught, feverish,
stop herself from laughing fevered, mad, crazed, manic, hyperactive, energetic
Antonyms: peace, calm.
Editorial 28-09-2018 Usage: a frenzied attack
1). Expedite (Verb) -- शीघ्रता करना
Definition: make (an action or process) happen sooner or 7). Fanatical (Adjective) -- ईत्साही
be accomplished more quickly. Definition: filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.
Synonyms: speed up, accelerate, hurry, hasten, step up, Synonyms:
quicken, precipitate, rush Antonyms: delay, hinder zealous, extremist, extreme, militant, dogmatic, sectarian, b
Usage: he promised to expedite economic reforms igoted, rabid,
maniacal, radical, diehard, activist
2). Verdict (Noun) -- ऄधधमत Antonyms: moderate, open-minded
Definition: a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal Usage: fanatical revolutionaries
case or an inquest.
Synonyms: judgement, adjudication, adjudgement, 8). Abated (Verb) – कम करना
decision, finding, ruling, resolution, pronouncement Definition: (of something unpleasant or severe) become
Antonyms: accusation, assumption, prediction. less intense or widespread.
Usage: the jury returned a verdict of not guilty Synonyms: subside, die down/away/out, drop off/away,
lessen, ease (off), let up, decrease, diminish, moderate
3). Apprehension (Noun) – डर या नचता Antonyms: intensify, increase.
Definition: anxiety or fear that something bad or Usage: the storm suddenly abated
unpleasant will happen.
Synonyms: anxiety, angst, alarm, worry, uneasiness, 9). Bereft (Adjective) – से वंधचत
unease, nervousness, misgiving, disquiet, concern Definition: deprived of or lacking (something).
Antonyms: confidence, trust, belive Synonyms: deprived of, robbed of, stripped of, denuded of
Usage: he felt sick with apprehension Antonyms: excess, high.
Usage: her room was stark and bereft of colour
4). Adduced (Verb) – प्रमाण प्रथतुत करना
Definition: cite as evidence. 10). Blatantly (Adverb) – थपि रूप से
Synonyms: proof, evidence Definition: in an open and unashamed manner.
Usage: a number of factors are adduced to explain the Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised,
situation unconcealed, overt, open, transparent, patent, evident
Antonyms: inconspicuous, subtle
5). Dissenting (Verb) -- मतभेद करना Usage: yet another space show that blatantly disregarded
Definition: hold or express opinions that are at variance scientific fact
with those commonly or officially held.
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