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Foto rontgen, CT-scan, atau MRI dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi kehadiran neoplasma/tumor, kelainan tulang seperti fraktur, infeksi (mastoiditis), erosi tulang karena tumor. MRI juga dapat digunakan untuk melihat pelebaran duktus endolimfatikus.

Arteriografi untuk vertebrobasilar



Vertigo diseases in children

Migraine variants and complicated migraine Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood Migraine-associated dizziness Otitis media-related vertigo Vestibular neuronitis Menieres disease Ocular disorders Neurological diseases associated with vertigo Genetic syndromes associated with vertigo Posttraumatic vertigo

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Their ages ranged from 6 months to 16 years (mean 8.1 years). Of these vertiginous children, 53 (61%) underwent MRI, 24 (28%) CT, and 10(11%) had both examinations done. Abnormal findings were present in 37 childrens images; 14 had previously confirmed pathological findings that were unchanged and did not explain their new onset of vertigo, and 23 had a new abnormal finding explaining the vertigo symptoms.

Of the 23 children with vertigo and a new finding in images, 19 (83%) had other neurological signs as well. Four children with a new finding in images had no neurological deficits, but 3 of them had intense headaches and 1 a temporal bone fracture after head trauma. Of the 23 vertiginous children with a new finding in images, 17 had MRI, 1 with a cerebro-spinal fluid shunt problem had CT, and 5 had both examinations done.

There were 33 vertiginous children (38%) with deviant neurological signs; 19 (58%) had an abnormal image, 2 (6%) had no changes from previous images, and 12 (36%) had a normal imaging study. All children with an obvious pathological finding in images (e.g. brain tumors, multiple sclerosis) had cranial nerve deficits or intense headaches.

For radiologic assessment, fast spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is generally considered to be the most appropriate test5,6 because it permits precise imaging and measurement of the endolymphatic duct and sac soft tissues. High resolution computerized tomography (CT) scans of the temporal bone are also often used to confirm the bony enlargement and other bony abnormalities that are often associated with EVAS. No standard radiographic criteria exist yet to define what size constitutes an enlargement.7 Some studies suggest that a vestibular aqueduct is enlarged if it is more than 1.5 millimeters (mm) in diameter, while others define an EVA as being more than 4.0 mm in size.5

For many people, additional testing is not needed. When it is, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head can detect some of the disorders that can cause vertigo. CT can show abnormalities in bone, such as an infection of the bone behind the ear (mastoiditis), fractures at the base of the skull, erosion of bone by tumors, and abnormal bone formation as occurs in Paget's disease. MRI produces better images of the brain stem and cranial nerves than CT.

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