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Developmental Milestone: Infant (1month- 1 year) Gross Motor The newborn can turn the head from side

e to side from a prone position unless the surface is very soft, which may lead to suffocation. The infant exhibits almost no head lag at about 3 months. The infant rolls from front to back at about 5 months. The infant sits leaning forward at 7 months. The infant sits unsupported at 8 months. The infant pulls up to stand at 9 months. The infant cruises at 10 months. The infant walks someones hand at about 12 months.

Loud noises Going to sleep Large Animals

Socialization: Toddlers may use tantrums to assert independence. Ritualism, negativism and independence dominate the toddlers interactions. Separation anxiety.

Preschool (3-6 years old) Gross Motor: A preschool can ride a tricycle, go upstairs using alternate feet, and stand on one foot for few seconds and broad jump at age 3. The child can skip, hop, catch a ball and go downstairs using alternate feet at age 4 The child can skip on alternate feet, throw and catch a ball, jump rope and balance on alternate feet with eyes closed at age 5.

Fine motor The infant has a strong grasp at about 1 month The infant can make a hand-to-hand transfer at about 5 months. The infant develops pincer grasp at about 9 to 10 months.

Fears: The dark. Being left alone. Animals, particularly large dogs Ghost Body mutilation, pain and objects and people associated with painful experiences.

Fears: Stranger anxiety begins around age 6 months. An infant commonly seeks comfort from a security object during times of uncertainty or stress.

Socialization: School Age (6-12 years old) Infant displays social smile at 2 months of age. The infant recognizes a familiar faces at 3 months of age. The infant enjoys social interaction at 4 months of age. The infant begins to fear strangers at 6 months of age. The infant consistently manifests stranger anxiety at 8 months Gross motor Fears: Failure at school Bullies Intimidating teachers Something bad happening to parents. Bicycling Progressively improved running and jumping Swimming

Toddler (1-3 years old) Gross motor: Fears: Separation Anxiety Stranger Anxiety Toddler walks without help at 15 months Toddler walks upstairs with one hand held at 18 months. Toddler walks up and down stairs one step at a time at 24 months. Toddler jumps with both feet at 30 months.

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