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School of languages English language Teaching Program

Institucin Educativa: INSTITUTO TCNICO SUPERIOR DMASO ZAPATA Applied Methodology Lesson plan Format

Teacher: Nancy Liliana Santos Topic: Daily Routine 1. Objectives:

Date of implementation: Lesson No: 14 Length: 60 min

General objectives; Students will be able to describe their leisure activities of by using affirmative and negative statements. Objectives for lesson;

A. Students will identify daily routines in written and oral simple forms. B. Students will recognize the time. (oclock and thirty) I didnt it in the description of the lesson plan. C. Students will be able to describe their own daily routine. 2. Language content 3. Skills: Patterns Functions Lexical items Ss will watch a video where a teacher explains daily routines I wake up at 6 Telling the Wake up, go/goes, Ss will read a comic describing a daily routine of a sportman oclock. time. do/does, have/has and Ss will talk about their own and their classmates daily routine. watch/watches. She goes to school. Expressing daily He does his routine homework. activities. I have breakfast. He watches T.V





School of languages English language Teaching Program

Institucin Educativa: INSTITUTO TCNICO SUPERIOR DMASO ZAPATA Applied Methodology Lesson plan Format 5min Agenda

Greet SS, write the date and agenda on the board and the objectives of the class.

White board and markers.

Flashcards related to actions of daily routines will be shown Warm up Show a word-map poster about someones daily routine, mimic out the sentences and review pronunciation. Teacher gives pictures related to the sentences presented before. Then, Ss match the pics with the sentences from the word map.

Poster, board and Markers and pics. 10min

1. Pronunciation; First, they listen to words containing the sounds /s/ /Iz/ and /z/. Then teacher displays the /s/ /Iz/ and /z/ cards on the board CD player and SS classify some words according to the sounds. What are the words? The verbs for everyday activities? Cards, board, markers. Procedure 2. Have Ss watch a video about daily routine. (Jennifers channel video) Video beam 3. Ask Ss to read Jennifers daily routine. Then they retell it by using third person pattern. Finally teacher asks some students about it. Board and markers. 4. Tell on an activity in which one student tells his/her daily routine.(first person). Then, another student retells what his/her Markers and board. classmate has said. (third person). Teacher writes the pattern on the board. But before you have SS do that, two of you can model the activity and make special emphasis in the changes of the verbs from first person singular to third person. Then, you can ask SS to write the daily


30 min

School of languages English language Teaching Program

Institucin Educativa: INSTITUTO TCNICO SUPERIOR DMASO ZAPATA Applied Methodology Lesson plan Format routine first and then they can have that exchange of information.
Formatted: English (U.S.)


Have the chairs arranged. Assign homework; Ss have to write the daily routine of one family member. Teacher gives an example. Write the pattern the board??.
Anticipated problems

Markers and board

Formatted Table

Possible solutions

1. Ss might be confused with the first and the third person.

1.To explain that she, he and it are special cases, that is why we add _s and _es to the verb while the others do not need those endings.

2. At first, Ss might not understand why third person has an inflection in its verb. 3. Ss might have some troubles when pronouncing the endings /z/ and /Iz/. 4. Ss could laugh at their partners while they are pronouncing the endings and it could lead to disruptive

2. To explain that twice or more times.

3. To practice the pronunciation with them repeatedly.

4.To stress the rule that says Respect others

School of languages English language Teaching Program

Institucin Educativa: INSTITUTO TCNICO SUPERIOR DMASO ZAPATA Applied Methodology Lesson plan Format behavior .

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