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By Ehsan Abushadi

Development Timeline
Categorisation of countries into 1st, 2nd & 3rd World Modernisation Theory Focus on economic growth Failure of the Modernisation Theory

Structural adjustments, privatisation, deregulation of markets, funds and missions

IMF and World Bank opportunities

Exploitation of poorer countries by richer countries

Dependency Theory

Need for civil society, still underdeveloped, in debt


Development Theories
Modernisation Theory

Dependency Theory

Liner process Basic idea:

Selected development:

Countries not of the First World were not as developed, behind, and needed to catch up

Develop the more developed vs. less developed Prevented development causing underdevelopment

Changing them into us Economic growth Became popular during the Cold War when Western countries worried about the spread of communism Similar to colonialism

Created dependency Capitalism

Development Theories
IMF and World Bank


Loans in exchange for privatization and structural adjustments Created the need for civil society

Large debts

Ensuring the ability of people to meet their needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Covers:

Social Human Environmental Physical/economic

Issues with Sustainable Development

Social Development

Human Development

Progress (health, education & employment) Meets universal human needs/rights Ethnocentric

Priorities Ethnocentric


In my opinion, the best development approach is sustainable development, where sustainable has the meaning of self-sustaining

Glavanis, Pandeli. What is Development?

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