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Series 1 Episode 1 - Meeting Friends

Do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first two tasks to check your understanding. Finally, practise some grammar in Tasks 3 and 4.
In this first episode our friends meet up in a caf.

Match each of the words with its definition.



A) a flat surface in a shop or cafe where people are served. B) saying something which is not intended to be serious. C) give someone permission to do something. D) another word for a man. E) two people or things together. F) a container used for making and serving tea.

2. guy 3. go ahead

4. pot 5. joking 6. counter

Task 1. Put the events in the correct order.

Olivia suggests ordering some tea. Olivia tells Johnny that its a self-service caf. Olivia is surprised to learn that Harry and Magda are coming to the caf. Johnny greets Sarah. Sarah arrives. Harry and Magda arrive. Johnny mentions his friend Harry. Johnny asks if he can sit at Olivias table.

Task 2. Decide if the statements are true or false.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The caf is a popular place.


True True

False False False


Sarah is a friend of Olivia's. Sarah is waiting for Harry. Johnny is from Shanghai. Olivia knows Harry and Magda.

True True

False False False

True True

Olivia introduces herself.

Task 3. Fill the gaps by typing 'someone' or 'anyone'. Note! Somebody and anybody are synonyms of someone and anyone!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Im supposed to be meeting ___________.


'someone' 'someone'

'anyone' 'anyone' 'anyone'


Is ___________ sitting here? I cant see ___________. We use ___________ in affirmative sentences.

'someone' 'someone' 'someone'


'anyone' 'anyone'

We use ___________ for negatives and questions.

Task 4. Choose the correct option; a, b or c.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I need ________ to the bank. She is supposed ________ arriving tomorrow. Were waiting ________ Julia. Shall I ________ some drinks? Hes waiting for ________. Where are you ________? People ________ go to that caf. Lets make the situation ________.

a. to go a. be a. to meet a. to get a. both them a. both of living a. usually a. easier

b. go b. to be b. meet b. getting b. the both of them b. both living b. are used b. easyer

c. going c. being c. for meeting c. get c. both of them c. living both c. are usually c. more easy

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