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Math Song Subject: Solving Proportions Song: The Lazy Song Today I feel like solving proportions.

I also want to show you how. First Ill show you how to cross multiply Then youll learn is over of And that will cover it all First you multiply numerator and denominator Then you will make an equation and solve for x Divide both sides and youll get your answer The next step to do is check your answer Plug your answer into x in the problem If the fractions are the same you are correct Math is awesome Its awesome Its awesome cause it is Now heres an example to help you The fractions are 3/5 and x/10 The first step is to cross-mulitply And then you get 5x=30 Divide both sides and x equals 6 And that is the answer Proportions, proportions P-r-o-p-o-r-t-i-o-n-s It is awesome Proportions, proportions P-r-o-p-o-r-t-i-o-n-s Nows the time for is over of Its the part you all love The way to do it is the same

You need x to be over 100 Then you will need to cross multiply Finally, divide both sides for the answer And that is is over of Heres an example An example An example to help your mind x over 100 equals 2 over 4 Cross multiply and 2x is 400 Divide both sides for a final answer Now x equals 200 And now youre done with is over of And now I will like to thank you much For listening to this awesome song Thank you, thank you, tha-nk you so much And now this is the end of the song I hope you enjoyed our lesson G-o-o-d, G-o-o-d, G-o-o-d, Bye

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