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13/02/13 01:36


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Forums BMJ Going viral Introducing.... TELL ME

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#medartschat - medical film and book club, coming new to twitter in association with @doc2doc By mbillingsley The 20 most influential women in medicine By alicelomax Tesco cigarette displays obscure health warnings By John D Clinical question of the week: do we need specialists to manage heart failure? By R Shepherd Need a little careers advice... Please By alicelomax Are you giving up anything for Lent? By alicelomax Should doctors ever lie? By alicelomax Inter deanery transfers By hip radiologist Medicine in your country - how do diabetes services differ across the world? By drjo GMC crackdown on self-prescribing By doctorg See more discussions...

Introducing.... TELL ME
Viewed 1102 times, posted at 20/4/2012 9:14 AM BST

BMJ Group and doc2doc are involved in a European Commission project called TELL ME, which is looking into communication techniques used during public health crises. mbillingsley
Posts: 1258 First: 7/4/2011 Last: 12/2/2013

TELL ME stands for Transparent communication in Epidemics: Learning Lessons from experience, delivering effective Messages, providing Evidence) and is a 36 month Collaborative Project, which aims to provide evidence and to develop models for improved risk communication during infectious disease crises. TELL ME combines public health, social sciences, behavioural sciences, political sciences, law, ethics, communication and media, in order to develop original communication strategies regarding complicated messages and advice based on uncertainties, also addressing vaccine-resistant groups You can read more about the project on the website: doc2docs involvement in the project is to write a report on the use of social media during public health crises, as well as put together a guidance document for health professionals with the goal to increase vaccine uptake in at-risk groups/vaccine resistant groups, and to coordinate the publication schedule for the whole project. Being an online community network, we would really like to get doc2doc users involved in this project, as well as non members too. Seeing that one of the reports is on social media (or new media), it seems only right that we consult online communities and draw upon your vast array of experience and knowledge, to produce a well-informed and engaging report.

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doc2doc forums - Introducing.... TELL ME

13/02/13 01:36

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In light of the Francis report, are you more likely to whistleblow? By mbillingsley GMC crackdown on self-prescribing By mbillingsley Tesco cigarette displays obscure health warnings By mbillingsley
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