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Name: _____________________

Date: ______________

Intro: While many of Freud's ideas concerning personality have been criticized and
largely dismissed, his concept of defense mechanisms, or "... technique[s] used to defend against anxiety and to maintain self-esteem..." (p. 433) is still helpful to many psychologists. The use of defense mechanisms can indicate problem areas for a person as a defense mechanism gives some relief from anxiety producing thoughts and actions at the expense of distorting the real world.

Your text identifies the following defense mechanisms:

repression, the removal of threatening thoughts from awareness; projection, the attribution of unacceptable impulses to others; denial, the refusal to recognize a threatening situation or thought; rationalization, giving a reasonable explanation for an event; regression, the return to a less mature, anxiety reducing behavior; reaction formation, the expression of the opposite of disturbing ideas; displacement, substituting a less threatening object for impulses; sublimation, the channeling of impulses to socially acceptable outlets.

Mark doesn't deal with his three pack/day cigarette habit, claiming that "I'll probably die from an accident before cancer gets me."

After some especially frustrating and unfair criticism from her professor, Jan starts an argument with her roommate during lunch.

Dave has no memory of his seventh grade class play which was marred by his forgetting his lines and leaving the stage in tears.

Jack explains his bad grade on the final by noting that he had a long phone call from his parents the night before the exam.

Sue, who was quite the "party animal" only a few months earlier, writes the university president arguing for the mandatory expulsion of alcohol-using students.

Carol uses her anger over a disagreement with a friend to set a school record in the 100 meters.

Bill, who ordinarily keeps his anger under wraps, sees every other driver's breach of automotive etiquette as a personal criticism.

After an especially traumatic day, in which she failed three different exams, Lisa curls up in a blanket and rocks herself to sleep.
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________ _

After answering the questions above, write a short paragraph that includes which defensive mechanism you feel you may use on a consistent basis. Please include a specific, real life, example.
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