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Values In Society

Suppose you smoke.

Your parents tell you it is bad for your health.

Teachers say it is bad for your health. Doctors say it can cause cancer.

But you still smoke! Why?

It is about the culture of being cool and fitting in with the in crowd. There is a lot of pressure to feel cool and not be isolated and hence a lot of social smoking is involved so it doesnt look like you are a goody goody A rebel essentially and it seems an image which a lot of young people want and hence since smoking is addictive its difficult to stop. Also a lot of young people may use it as an escape to deal with troubles they have or stresses due to the environment they have been bought up with or the lack of support they think they have

CULTURE: is the distinctive way of life conducted by an entire community or society. Including codes of conduct, dress, language, religion. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES include art, song dance, story telling or poetry. They are done to unite the society and are done collectively. SOCIALISATION: Is the process by which we learn the behaviour, values, attitudes considered appropriate in the culture and society in which we live.
SOCIETY: A society is a grouping of individuals, which is characterised by common interest and may have distinctive culture and institutions. In a society members can be from a different ethnic group.

What cultural activities have you been involved in either past or present? Student voice, Staying up until midnight on Christmas Eve Raising money for charity through an organised event. Youth council Sports club Cake and finding the small man.

Where you think cultural values come from. Advertising Friends Parents Teachers School Experience talking an being in an environment with new people an habits

Consider the various ways in which life in different parts of the UK maintains its differences. A group of community living in the same area (e.g. all the Christians in one area, all from the USA in another area, Hindus in another area etc) People organising public events and advertising their presence to come along Family heritage Going abroad and bring back a habit or a custom Introducing a new sport or food into the area such as in a restaurant for example Speaking native languages and teaching this to others.

How do your values and beliefs differ from your parents/grandparents? Why might this be?

I have slightly different values from my parents in view of perhaps tolerance, or ideas or concepts. This have been fuelled by new understanding and meaning in society and events that have been going on and the education surrounding this. People are better aware of how things work and are told different sides of the story as well as just generally ideas and beliefs being accepted into society through movements or celebrities. For example sex before marriage or gay marriage or women in the workplace versus housewife. Its expectations and understandings.

Why do values change?

Economic circumstances influence the development of values. Pressure groups and the media can encourage change. They seek to persuade society and government to modify existing values, often by changing the law.

Examples of changing values are

acceptance of alternatives to marriage
attitudes to abortion and divorce employment opportunities for married woman equal opportunities (race and gender) using medical knowledge to aid human life

What do you think has caused this change in values?

I think that its just the movement of society and the generations being bought up in slightly different environment s which then encourage in adapting these and coming up with new ideas to be incorporated. Additionally some people have always had these thoughts and its only been the severe actions of a few that have allowed these ideas to flourish and given the confidence for other movements to rise up and try it. Its been rebellion, courage and experiments.

PAST EXAM QUESTION: How far and in what ways should

soaps encourage certain types of behaviour and legitimise negative social behaviour?
For years people have been influenced by all sorts of behaviour such as through music, art, actors, parents and so forth and seen them as role models and idols in which people look upon as a base for their own life. They all influence and encourage society in one way or the other. They influence the way we dress, act, talk, even likes and dislikes. They are watched by millions everyday and hence are a major source of influence of peoples everyday lives. Therefore we should think they their role is to promote common ethical and moral judgements such as not to kill and be kind to others as they are They tend to have a habit of demonstrating behaviour not commonly accepted by society and a lifestyle many would object to and hence become a source of quite negative outlook from many. They are a source of entertainment but with a lot of influence and power over the lives of many, particularly the younger generation. This means they should be responsible in what they show trying to input the correct values into their programme and be the ideal show. However people should realise the limits to which this is reality. At the end of the day it is there for entertainment purposes and for enjoyment of a few and should not be taken legitimately much like we dont advocate or encourage or follow the behaviour of films such as Die Hard or CSI with their guns and so forth. Hence it shouldnt really matter what they show and how they do it. Its not real life, its fiction and an obscure reality of what life is like for a majority of citizens, its a script based on imagination and perhaps real life circumstances that shouldn't be encouraged, they should be corrected to help people go on the right track On the other hand it is their responsibility to not encourage negative sorts of behaviour such as disrespect, drug use, violent, alcohol abuse. They are adored by many and not all are strong willed in order to ignore the negative behaviour. As a parent you tend to try to be the best you can in order to allow your children to follow in your footsteps Therefore I believe that regardless that is not real etc and a source of entertainment due tot its frequency and dthe development of the story, it can become quite obsessive and a very influential factor like living with your parents everyday for example and should be limited in what they encourage and demonstrate and should be present to advocate key values of our society rather then negative anti social behaviour.

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