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Robert Buchanan 6/7 12-20-12 IRP process paper In The pages 22-23 in the book Matter, by Christopher Cooper,

they reminded me of fifth grade in Ms. Jordans class. In her class all the students would create interactive projects about the three different matter states liquid, solid, and gas. While skimming along the picture caption called Wheat from Chaff on page 26 I brought to mind that the Early Settlements ground up wheat with huge stones to make bread. The last page in Matter shows a picture of Stephen Hawking a renowned theoretical physicist. He reminded me of a book called Famous Scientists and in it; the book had a section called scientists of today which had a picture and caption of Stephen Hawking. At first I believed I was going to make a diorama, but the shoebox I happened to be using was thrown away by one of my parents and lost forever in a pile of debris. So, that plan was down the drain. Well, I had always wanted to do a keynote therefore; I went with that route instead. Also, I kept going between books deciding which book to set the scene of the product on. I selected Matter because I could talk about the three states of matter. I accidently didnt save my first keynote, but luckily I was not too far along the path. Once the product was completed, I tried to upload it to Edmodo, and it took a couple of minutes. Those were the most breath taking minutes ever because I did not know where any flash drives were at my house, but in the end the keynote was turned in. I learned many various things while reading Matter; such as the Chinese were thought to be the first magnet makers by heating up iron until it is red-hot and

letting the iron cool, while pointed in the north and south directions. By the way, I learned coal is just the fossilized remains of tree and plants that were buried in swamps. Also, I learned by splitting uranium atoms they can cause a nuclear fusion. My favorite thing I learned was Joseph Priestly invented soda water by using carbon dioxide to make water fizzy.

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